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Female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes respond to odours emitted from humans in order to find a blood meal, while males are nectar feeders. This complex behaviour is controlled at several levels, but is probably initiated by the interaction of various molecules in the antennal sensilla. Important molecules in the early odour recognition events include odourant binding proteins (OBPs), which may be involved in odour molecule transport, odourant receptors (ORs) that are expressed in the chemosensory neurones and odour degrading enzymes (ODEs). To obtain a better understanding of the expression patterns of genes that may be involved in host odour reception in females, we generated a custom microarray to study their steady state mRNA levels in chemosensory tissues, antennae and palps. These results were supported by quantitative RT PCR. Our study detected several OBPs that are expressed at significantly higher levels in antennae and palps of females vs. males, while others showed the opposite expression pattern. Most OBPs are slightly down-regulated 24 h after blood feeding, but some, especially those with higher expression levels in males, are up-regulated in blood-fed females, suggesting a shift in blood-fed females from human host seeking to nectar feeding.  相似文献   

To obtain a better understanding of the olfactory processes that allow mosquitoes to identify human hosts, a molecular study has been performed to identify and characterize molecules in the olfactory signalling pathway of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Using cDNA libraries from antennae of females and males, a collection of cDNAs encoding odorant binding proteins and other novel antennal proteins were isolated and characterized, which represent various families of putative carrier proteins with homologues in other insects. Using filter array hybridizations and quantitative RT PCR, regulation and gender specificity of expression of these genes was investigated. Significant differences in steady-state levels of some of these putative carrier protein genes were detected between the sexes and after blood feeding in females.  相似文献   

Arthropod-borne alphaviruses transmitted by mosquitoes almost exclusively use culicines; however, the alphavirus o'nyong-nyong (ONNV) has the unusual characteristic of being transmitted primarily by anopheline mosquitoes. This unusual attribute makes ONNV a valuable tool in the characterization of mosquito determinants of infection as well as a useful expression system in Anopheles species. We developed a series of recombinant alphaviruses, based upon the genome of ONNV, designed for the expression of heterologous genes. The backbone genome is a full-length infectious cDNA clone of ONNV from which wild-type virus can be rescued. Additional constructs are variants of the primary clone and contain the complete genome plus a duplicated subgenomic promoter element with a multiple cloning site for insertion of heterologous genes. We inserted a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene downstream of this promoter and used it to characterize infection and dissemination patterns of ONNV within An. gambiae mosquitoes. These experiments allowed us to identify atypical sites of initial infection and dissemination patterns in this mosquito species not frequently observed in comparable culicine infections. The utility of these ONNVs for studies in anopheline mosquitoes includes the potential for identification of vector infection determinants and to serve as tools for antimalaria studies. Viruses that can express a heterologous gene in a vector and rapidly and efficiently infect numerous tissues in An. gambiae mosquitoes will be a valuable asset in parasite-mosquito interaction and interference research.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs are described from Anopheles gamblae that correspond to the ADP/ATP carrier or translocase. The clones are identical exceptfor minor differences in the 5 non-coding region and in the lengths of the poly-A tails. They code for mRNAs of 1261 and 1263 bp and contain one open reading frame of 906 bp. A probe made from the 1263 bp cDNA hybridized to bands of approximately 1260 and 1700 bp on developmental Northern blots. The putative 300 amino acid peptide sequence shows from 53.4–78.5% identity to AAC peptide sequences from a range of organisms from Zea maysto human. Both clones mapped to region 26a on the left arm of chromosome 2 in An. gamblae .  相似文献   

A multigene family encoding male specific serum polypeptides (MSSPs) that show significant structural similarity to the family of insect odourant binding proteins, has been characterized in the medfly Ceratitis capitata. This family comprises seven members classified in three subgroups, MSSP-alpha, MSSP-beta and MSSP-gamma. The genes of subgroups alpha and beta are clustered in tandem in a 35-kb genomic region, and present an exceptionally high degree of similarity not only in their coding but also in the surrounding regions, while the genes of the gamma subgroup are drastically divergent. Although MSSPs are predominantly expressed in the male fat body, detailed expression studies suggest that individual members of this family are expressed in a distinct sex- and tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

Parasites of the genus Plasmodium are transmitted to mammalian hosts by anopheline mosquitoes. Within the insect vector, parasite growth and development are potentially limited by antimicrobial defence molecules. Here, we describe the isolation of cDNA and genomic clones encoding a cecropin antibacterial peptide from the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae. The locus was mapped to polytene division 1C of the X chromosome. Cecropin RNA was induced by infection with bacteria and Plasmodium. RNA levels varied in different body parts of the adult mosquito. During development, cecropin expression was limited to the early pupal stage. The peptide was purified from both adult mosquitoes and cell culture supernatants. Anopheles gambiae synthetic cecropins displayed activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts.  相似文献   

In this report we present results from a comprehensive study undertaken toward the identification of proteins interacting with odourant-binding proteins (OBPs) of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae with a focus on the interactions among different OBPs. From an initial screen for proteins that interact with a member of the Plus-C group of OBPs, OBP48, which is primarily expressed in female antennae and downregulated after a blood meal, a number of interacting proteins were identified, which included five classic OBPs and OBP48 itself. The interacting OBPs as well as a number of other classic and Plus-C group OBPs that were not identified in the initial screen, were expressed in lepidopteran cells and subsequently examined for in vitro interactions in the absence of exogenously added ligands. Co-immunoprecipitation and chemical cross-linking studies suggest that OBP48 is capable of homodimerizing, heterodimerizing and forming higher order complexes with those examined examples of classical OBPs identified in the initial screen but not with other classical or Plus-C group OBPs that failed to appear in the screen. The latter OBPs are, however, also capable of forming homodimers in vitro and, at least in the case of two examined classic OBPs, heterodimers as well. These results suggest a previously unsuspected potential of nonrandom combinatorial complexity that may be crucial for odour discrimination by the mosquito.  相似文献   

A novel LTR retrotransposable element called moose has been cloned and characterized from the malaria transmitting mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. This element has all the characteristic features of LTR retroelements and is related to retroelements from other insects and nematodes, belonging to a subgroup of retroelements distinct from the copia/Ty1 and gypsy/Ty3 groups. The moose element appears to be active in A. gambiae, and strong RNA expression is detected in the male and female gonads. The use of this retroelement as a potential vector for germ line transformation is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a single copy pUChsneo transgene insertion at the Anopheles gambiae 2L telomere, this chromosome end was monitored by genomic Southern blots for forty-four mosquito generations. During this time, the chromosome end lost terminal nucleotides at an apparently constant rate of 55 bp/generation, which can be accounted for by incomplete DNA replication and does not imply exonuclease activity. No telomere elongation events were detected, suggesting that a previously described gene conversion event at this transgene does not occur very frequently. Moreover, no evidence for elongation by transposable elements was found, as described in Drosophila melanogaster. These results are consistent with the proposal that gene conversion between complex terminal satellite repeats that are present at natural telomeres, represents the major telomere elongation mechanism in A. gambiae. Such recombination events between repetitive sequences would occur more frequently than between the single copy pUChsneo transgene on the 2L homologues.  相似文献   

Haemolymph polypeptides from Plasmodium‐refractory and ‐susceptible mosquitoes were compared by one‐ and two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis. The refractory strain of Anopheles gambiae kills malaria parasites by a humoral melanization mechanism whereas the parasites develop normally in susceptible mosquitoes. The two strains respond in a similar manner to carboxy‐methyl‐Sephadex beads that have been injected into the thoracic haemocoel, i.e. beads are strongly melanized in refractory but not susceptible mosquitoes. Protein profiles were compared between strains following cold shock (naïve control), saline injection and Sephadex bead injection. Using the susceptible naïve control as the standard, eight constitutively expressed polypeptides were specific to naïve susceptible mosquitoes while twelve other spots were reduced, enhanced or specific to refractory mosquitoes. Several of the strain‐specific spots probably comprise related pairs (one in each strain) which vary only in isoelectric focusing point. Nine spots were induced by sham injection or by an injection of beads or saline, but none was reproducibly different between the strains. Amino acid sequence analysis of one of the refractory strain‐specific spots identified it as AgSp14D1, an A. gambiae infection‐responsive serine protease that is most similar to the Drosophila gene easter and Manduca prophenoloxidase activating enzyme. This gene maps to polytene chromosome division 14, which has been implicated in the melanization phenotype by quantitative trait loci mapping.  相似文献   

Larvae of the mosquito vector of human malaria, Anopheles gambiae , were inoculated wlth bacteria and extracts were biochemically fractionated by reverse-phase HPLC. Multiple induced polypeptides and antibacterial activities were observed following bacterial infection, including a member of the Insect defensin family of antibacterial proteins. A cDNA encoding An. gambiae preprodefensin was isolated using PCR primers based on phyiogeneticaiiy conserved sequences. The mature peptide is highly conserved, but the signal and propeptide segments are not, relative to corresponding defensin sequences of other insects. Defensin expression is Induced in response to bacterial infection, in both adult and larval stages. in contrast, pupae express defensin mRNA constitutively. Defensin expression may prove a valuable molecular marker to monitor the An. gambiae host response to infection by parasitic protozoa of medical importance.  相似文献   

The entire 15,363 bp mitochondrial genome was cloned and sequenced from the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. With respect to the protein-coding genes, rRN A genes and the control region, the gene order was identical to that reported for other insects. There were significant differences, however, in the position and orientation of specific tRNA loci. The overall nucleotide composition was heavily biased towards adenine and thymine, which accounted for 77.6% of all nucleotides. Comparisons were made with the mitochondrial genomes of other insects on the basis genome size and organization, DNA and putative amino acid sequence data, nucleotide substitutions, codon usage and bias, and patterns of AT enrichment.  相似文献   

Codon usage was compiled for fourteen chromosomal genes and four retrotransposons from the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Variation exists among chromosomal genes in the degree of bias. The genes showing the highest bias are probably most highly expressed. In these genes, the base composition at the third codon position is much richer in G + C than is the overall coding sequence. Thus, codon usage is biased toward G- or C-ending codons. Codon usage in each retrotransposon is quite different, not only from chromosomal genes but also from the other retrotransposons. Codon usage comparisons among homologous genes from An. gambiae and two other Dipterans, the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti and the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, show that while there are similarities, particularly between An. gambiae and D. melanogaster in the preference for G-and C-ending codons, each species has evolved a distinct pattern of codon usage.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase sequences were identified and characterized in Anopheles gambiae, the major vector of malaria in subsaharan Africa. One of these sequences has the characteristics expected for a homologue of the Drosophila sevenless gene, which is necessary for R7 photoreceptor cell fate determination in the developing compound eye. The putative Anopheles seven-less gene homologue is located in a telomeric region of the X chromosome and is expressed in the head of late larval and pupal stage mosquitoes. Identification of the Anopheles homologue of the sevenless gene is a first step towards the development of a dominant phenotypic marker that could be used for detecting transformed Anopheles mosquitoes in a wide variety of genetic backgrounds and, as such, could be used in the development of transgenic mosquitoes for the control of parasite transmission. Preliminary evidence for sevenless sequences were also found in DNA from blackfly, Mediterranean fruit fly and the honeybee.  相似文献   

We performed a genome-wide analysis for candidate odorant-binding protein (OBP) genes in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae (Ag). We identified fifty-seven putative genes including sixteen genes predicted to encode distinct, higher molecular weight proteins that lack orthologues in Drosophila. Expression analysis indicates that several of these atypical AgOBPs are transcribed in chemosensory organs in adult and immature stages. Phylogenetic analysis of the Anopheles and Drosophila OBP families reveals these proteins fall into several clusters based on sequence similarity and suggests the atypical AgOBP genes arose in the mosquito lineage after the divergence of mosquitoes and flies. The identification of these AgOBP genes is the first step towards determining their biological roles in this economically and medically important insect.  相似文献   

An important justification for genome sequencing efforts is the anticipation that data from model organisms will provide a framework for the more rapid analysis of other, less studied genomes. In this investigation, we sequenced an internal region of 25 amino acids from a 52 kDa protein that was differentially expressed in 20-hydroxyecdysone-treated Aedes albopictus cells in culture. Within the GenBank non-mouse and non-human expressed sequence tag (EST) database, this "Aedes peptide" uncovered a putative homology to hypothetical translation products from Anopheles gambiae, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The hypothetical translation product from D. melanogaster, which included 462 amino acids, uncovered five expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. When the Anopheles ESTs were aligned against the hypothetical Drosophila protein, we found that in aggregate they covered 324 amino acids, with gaps measuring 19, 30, and 87 amino acids. To approximate the complete amino acid sequence, gaps between translation products from Anopheles ESTs were replaced with corresponding amino acids from Drosophila to arrive at a calculated mass of 51 104 and a pI of 5.84 for the mosquito protein, consistent with the position of the Ae. albopictus protein on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Finally, tandem mass spectrometry of a tryptic digest of the 52 kDa Ae. albopictus protein revealed 33 peptides with masses within 1 Dalton of those predicted from an in silico digestion of the reconstructed Anophleles protein. In addition to providing the first direct evidence that a hypothetical protein in Drosophila is in fact translated, this analysis provides a general approach for maximizing recovery, from existing databases, of information that can facilitate prioritization of efforts among several candidate proteins.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of the white gene from Anopheles gambiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A 14 kb region of genomic DN A containing the X-linked Anopheles gambiae eye colour gene, white , was cloned and sequenced. Genomic clones containing distinct white + alleles were polymorphic for the insertion of a small transposable element in intron 3, and differed at 1% of nucleotide positions compared. Sequence was also determined from a rare 2914 bp cDNA. Comparison of cDNA and genomic sequences established an intron-exon structure distinct from Drosophila white. Despite a common trend in Anopheles and Drosophila of weak codon bias given low levels of gene expression, codon usage by Anopheles gambiae white was strongly biased. Overall amino acid identity between the predicted mosquito and fruitfly proteins was 64%, but dropped to 14% at the amino terminus. To correlate phenotypically white-eyed strains of A. gambiae with structural lesions in white , five available strains were analysed by PCR and Southern blotting. Although these strains carried allelic mutations, independently generated by gamma radiation (three strains) or spontaneous events (two strains), no white lesions were detected. Significantly, another non-allelic X-linked mutation, causing an identical white-eyed phenotype, has been correlated with a structural defect in the cloned white gene (Benedict et al. , 1995). Taken together, these observations suggest that the white-eyed mutants analysed in the present study carry mutations in a second eye colour gene and are most likely white +.  相似文献   

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