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Aim:  The objective of the study was to compare nutritional intake results obtained from the 4 × 4-day weighed records with those obtained from a food frequency questionnaire, repeated 24-hour recalls, a seven-day food record and a seven-day checklist in elderly men.
Methods:  Seventy-five healthy men aged 55–88 years and living at home in Cambridge, UK, took part in the study. Energy and nutrients had means and standard deviations calculated. Misreporting was based on an evaluation of food intake level, calculated as reported energy intake divided by predicted basal metabolic rate. This was in relation to a plausible physical activity level, calculated as the ratio of energy expenditure divided by predicted basal metabolic rate. Statistical significance was assessed via one-way anova .
Results:  The nutrient density was higher for protein and potassium for the group with low food intake level values in all dietary assessment methods. For some methods, this was also true for calcium, carotene, iron and vitamin C. All methods yielded similar results.
Conclusions:  The present study indicates that selective underreporting exists. Surprisingly, the simplest method, the simplified 24-hour recall, performed as well as more complicated methods.  相似文献   

The professional responsibility of dietetic and nutrition educators and counselors is to provide clients and the public with accurate, understandable information and counseling concerning the relationship of diet to health and disease. Dietary guidance expressed as energy and nutrient content is clear to the nutrition professional, but it frequently is difficult for many clients to comprehend. This study was undertaken to develop a computer software program to analyze dietary data in terms of foods, food groups, and nutrients and to discuss the applications of the computerized assessment. Dietary recalls from a group of noninstitutionalized older women were used for illustrative purposes. Dietary intakes were described in terms of servings consumed of 9 major food groups and 39 major subgroups. Intake of energy and selected nutrients from each major food group was calculated. Recalls were evaluated by comparison with recommended servings from two food guides and recommended energy and nutrient allowances. The information elicited by the software package is useful for monitoring changes in food consumption patterns, assessing dietary compliance, planning, and evaluating nutrition and feeding programs.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss which one is the best estimator of past diet: a retrospective report or a recent diet recall. The analysis included 13 articles published between 1984-1997 and selected from a MEDLINE search and from other reviews on this subject. The selection criterion was the use of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in a validation study of retrospective report of dietary intake in remote past. Literature review shows that even taking into account misclassification, retrospective report of diet usually yields to a more reliable estimate of past diet pattern than current report. Past diet recall was strongly influenced by current intake and by diet patterns change. Analyzed investigations indicate that agreement between original and retrospective report was higher either for foods eaten rarely or frequently and lower for foods moderately consumed. This review allows considering the FFQ as a valuable instrument when studying the role of diet on the etiology of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

称重法、回顾法和食物频率法评估人群食物摄入量的比较   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
目的比较称重法、回顾法和食物频率法在评估人群食物摄入量的差异和相关性。方法2002年中国居民营养与健康调查中同时使用称重法、24 h回顾法和食物频率法进行膳食调查的15-75岁的居民23 198名(男11 107名,女12 091名)。称重法入户称量调查对象全家过去3 d在家吃的所有食物重量;24 h回顾法回顾调查对象过去3 d每天在家及在外所消费的食物的种类和数量;食物频率法调查对象过去1年内所摄入的33类食物及油盐和调味品的摄入频率及摄入量。结果回顾法和称重法调查得出的平均每天食物摄入量比较接近;除水果和饮酒量外,其他食物摄入量与称重法的差异均在10%以内;低估和高估的个体的比例均比较少,60%以上的个体食物摄入量的估计值在称重法的±25%以内;回顾法得出的个体食物摄入量与称重法的结果均呈中高度正相关,相关系数在0.58-0.88之间。食物频率法得出的摄入频率较高的食物与称重法比较接近,米及其制品、面及其制品、其他谷类、豆类、蔬菜、坚果和油的摄入量与称重法的相对差异均在15%以内;食物频率法低估和高估的比例均比较高,一般在称重法的±25%以内的个体不足50%;食物频率法得出的食物摄入量与称重法呈低中度相关,相关系数在0.08-0.76之间。结论以称重法为标准的验证结果支持称重法修正24 h回顾法在群体以及个体中进行食物摄入量的调查。食物频率法可以反映群体及个体的食物摄入情况,尤其对消费频率较高的食物,比较适用研究膳食和健康的关系。  相似文献   

Evaluation of two food frequency methods of measuring dietary calcium intake   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
To assess the ability of food frequency methods to measure current dietary calcium intake in elderly women, the authors administered two types of food frequency instruments to 37 randomly selected women who attended two senior citizens centers in San Francisco, and they compared those responses to seven-day food records. A 34-item food frequency instrument (with portion sizes rated as small, medium, or large) correlated well (r = 0.76) with the estimated calcium intake from seven-day records. Limiting the instrument to the top 15, 10, or five foods that contribute to dietary calcium intake had little effect on this correlation (r = 076, 0.75, and 0.67, respectively). Rating all portions as "medium" reduced these correlations somewhat. An 18-item instrument, which asks respondents to rate portion sizes in ounces or cups, did not correlate as well with the seven-day records (r = 0.49). The authors conclude that brief food frequency instruments which rate portion sizes on a simple qualitative scale may be suitable for many clinical uses and adequate for some types of epidemiologic studies of calcium intake in elderly women.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are conjugated isomers of linoleic acid, which may promote health with regard to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, bone formation, growth modulation and immunity. The c9,t11 isomer of CLA, rumenic acid (RA), is the major isomer present in the diet. However, dietary intakes of CLA and RA by humans have not been examined rigorously, nor has the relationship between dietary CLA or RA and health (e.g., body composition). Three-day dietary records (DR) were collected from adult men (n = 46) and women (n = 47) and analyzed using a nutrient database modified to contain total CLA and RA. Simultaneously, 3-d food duplicates (FD) were collected to determine analytically individual fatty acid intakes, including those of total CLA and RA. Chronic total CLA and RA intakes were estimated using a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Body composition was estimated using body mass index and percentage of body fat. Total CLA intake was estimated from FD to be 212 +/- 14 and 151 +/- 14 mg/d (mean +/- SEM) for men and women, respectively; RA intake was estimated to be 193 +/- 13 and 140 +/- 14 mg/d for men and women, respectively. In general, CLA and RA intakes estimated by DR and FFQ were significantly lower than those estimated by FD. Body composition was not significantly related to dietary total CLA or RA intake. In conclusion, results suggest that DR and FFQ methodologies are not reliable estimators of individual total CLA and RA intakes and may underestimate total CLA and RA intakes of groups. Intake of total CLA and RA was found to be significantly lower than that suggested previously by others.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the validity of dietary recalls and physical activity recalls and investigate some factors influencing this validity. To provide an example showing how procedures based on recalls of physical activity can assess the validity of dietary recalls and identify subjects constantly underreporting their energy intake (EI). DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Thirty-seven women were studied using three 24-h dietary recalls, two kinds of physical activity recalls, indirect calorimetry and the doubly labelled water method. RESULTS: The EI obtained using dietary recalls were biased with respect to body mass index (BMI) and attitudes towards body weight and dieting, whereas results obtained using a physical activity recall were not. Eighteen women produced underreports (UR), i.e. their average EI was below 76% of total energy expenditure (TEE), whereas 24 women reported an EI that was lower than TEE on all three recall days, i.e. constantly underreporting subjects. A physical activity recall identified 13 URs and 20 of the constantly underreporting subjects. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to estimates of EI, TEE assessed using physical activity recalls was not biased with respect to BMI or attitudes towards body weight and dieting. Recalls of physical activity represent potentially useful procedures for identifying URs and constantly underreporting subjects but are not accurate enough for individuals.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies assessing the association between health status and nutritional factors raise the issue of adjusting for energy intake. Indeed, as most nutrients are highly correlated with energy intake which can itself be associated with disease risk, energy intake needs to be adjusted for upon assessing the effect of a specific nutrient. To avoid problems of estimation and interpretation incurred by the use of the standard method which rests on directly adjusting for energy intake, several other methods have been suggested. Namely, the density method uses the ratio of nutrient intake over total energy intake, the residual method relies on the residuals from the regression of nutrient intake on total energy intake, and the partition method fits energy from the nutrient and energy from other sources. These methods yield estimates of different effects but do not allow direct estimation of specific nutrient effects. Estimated effects combine specific and generic energy effects of nutrients and reflect effects of adding or substituting one nutrient for another. We review and apply these methods to the assessment of the association between protein intake and colorectal adenoma occurrence in the E3N-EPIC cohort. This example illustrates how considering findings from all of these methods rather than one single method can lead to a more in-depth understanding of such associations and provide useful guidance for nutritional recommendations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the variability and validity of plasma-based biomarkers of antioxidant vitamin, and fruit and vegetable intake. SETTING: Leeds, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Bradford, England. SUBJECTS: A total of 54 free-living, nonsmoking women recruited from participants of the UK Women's Cohort Study (UKWCS). METHODS: Two fasting blood samples were taken at two time points, 18 months apart. A 4-day food diary was completed prior to the first blood sample and a 24-h recall was conducted at the time of the second blood collection. All blood samples were analysed for ascorbic acid and four carotenoids. Associations between antioxidant vitamin intake from all food sources and supplements, as well as fruit and vegetable intake, and plasma levels of the antioxidant vitamins were assessed. RESULTS: Using the 4-day diary, positive associations were found between micronutrient intake from all food sources and plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid (P<0.01) and beta-carotene (P<0.01). No associations were seen between plasma micronutrient levels and specifically fruit and vegetable intakes. In general, associations between plasma levels and intakes assessed by the 24-h recall were less marked than those based on the 4-day diary. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma ascorbic acid and beta-carotene are good indicators of previous vitamin C and beta-carotene intake, from all food sources. However, caution is required in extrapolating these results to include individual food groups, rich in these vitamins. The results imply that the practice of using plasma biomarkers simply as a proxy measure of dietary intake is not valid and emphasise that plasma biomarkers are not simply a reflection of dietary intake, but also of a number of physiological processes. Biomarkers in nutrition epidemiological studies are however useful to measure nutrient status at the tissue level.  相似文献   



To examine the effects of food groups and dietary nutrients on bone loss in elderly Chinese population.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that dietary factors in plant-based diets are important in the prevention of chronic disease. This study examined protective (eg, antioxidant vitamins, carotenoids, and fiber) and pathogenic (eg, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol) dietary factors in a very-low-fat vegan diet. Ninety-three early-stage prostate cancer patients participated in a randomized controlled trial and were assigned to a very-low-fat (10% fat) vegan diet supplemented with soy protein and lifestyle changes or to usual care. Three-day food records were collected at baseline (n=42 intervention, n=43 control) and after 1 year (n=37 in each group). Analyses of changes in dietary intake of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and isoflavones from baseline to 1 year showed significantly increased intake of most protective dietary factors (eg, fiber increased from a mean of 31 to 59 g/day, lycopene increased from 8,693 to 34,464 mug/day) and significantly decreased intake of most pathogenic dietary factors (eg, saturated fatty acids decreased from 20 to 5 g/day, cholesterol decreased from 200 to 10 mg/day) in the intervention group compared to controls. These results suggest that a very-low-fat vegan diet can be useful in increasing intake of protective nutrients and phytochemicals and minimizing intake of dietary factors implicated in several chronic diseases.  相似文献   

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