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Nucleus cuneatus projections to nucleus ventralis posterolateralis pars medialis (VPLm) and other thalamic as well as midbrain and medullary nuclei were studied in cats using the Fink-Heimer I silver technique. Single electrolytic lesions of very small size were made stereotaxically in different zones of nucleus cuneatus under electrophysiological control. All zones studied projected to contralateral VPLm in a pattern of discrete terminal arborizations or clusters, which were organized in onionskin-like dorso-ventral laminae. The clusters of degeneration varied in size and density according to their dorsoventral location within VPLm. Those in dorsal areas were smaller in diameter (50–125 μ) and contained less dense amounts of degeneration than clusters (150–300 μ) in more ventral regions. The clustered terminal arborizations mirrored the organization of the VPLm neuronal clusters, themselves. Terminations within VPLm were topographically organized, but were completely inverted, i.e. dorsal nucleus cuneatus projected to ventral VPLm and ventral to dorsal, lateral to medial, and medial to lateral VPLm. A ventral zone of nucleus cuneatus, which contained “deep” units, projected to a separate dorsal zone of VPLm. In addition to its classical connection with VPLm, nucleus cuneatus projected to the following contralateral brainstem or thalamic nuclei: medial and dorsal accessory olives, external nucleus of the inferior colliculus, ventrolateral part of the superior colliculus, nucleus ruber, medial geniculate nucleus pars magnocellularis, suprageniculatus, medial and lateral divisions of the posterior thalamic nuclear group, zona incerta, and Fields of Forel. Very sparse amounts of degeneration were also present within nuclei ventralis posteromedialis (caudal pole) and ventralis posterolateralis pars lateralis. The brainstem and thalamic projections of the dorsocaudal part (cell nest region) of the cuneate nucleus were more restricted than those of its rostral and ventral regions. The clusters of both the VPLm neurons and cuneate terminations within VPLm provides an anatomical basis for the functional characteristics of synaptic security, fine grain somatotopia and modality specificity so prominent in the dorsal column nuclei-medial lemniscal system.  相似文献   

Following lumbosacral dorsal rhizotomies (L1, L5, L6 and S1), fiber degeneration could be traced throughout three rostro-caudal regions of nucleus gracilis by utilizing the Nauta method. In rostral region, fiber degeneration was less dense and localized with greater intersegmental overlap than in middle region, where roots terminated in fairly specific cell clusters. Little could be stated about the caudal region because of sparsity of terminal degeneration. Fiber degeneration in rostral region appeared to be distributed primarily in the dendritic fields while that in the middle region terminated on both cell somata and dendrites. Overlap of dermatomes in periphery and centrally in nucleus parallel each other. Throughout the nucleus, greatest overlap of root distribution was encountered in more ventral regions. A root supplying a more distal dermatome (e.g. L6) compared to a more proximal one (e.g. L1), terminates more densely and dorsally in the nucleus. An occasional degenerated fiber passed into the contralateral gracile nucleus at obex level. Root degeneration proceeded, ipsilaterally, into rostro-dorsal regions of lateral cuneate, cuneate, and caudo-lateral regions of 2 nuclei. Bilateral degeneration from all roots, excepting S1, was noted in rostral pole of subnucleus caudalis and the subnucleus interpolaris of spinal trigeminal complex and nucleus reticularis parvicellularis. The pathway to the spinal trigeminal and parvicellular nuclei was undetermined. The concept of the non-homogenous organization of the gracile nucleus was supported.  相似文献   

In the cat, somatosensory nuclei send substantial projections to the inferior olive, where they terminate in a somatotopic fashion. Although the organization of the cat inferior olive has been used to interpret data from other species, published data suggest this organization may not occur universally. The present study investigated whether the inferior olive in albino rats and cynomolgus monkeys receives the same brainstem somatosensory inputs, whether these inputs are organized somatotopically and, if so, how the organization compares with that in the cat. Projections from the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei were labeled with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase or with biotinylated dextran. The results were compared with data from cats (Berkley and Hand [1978] J. Comp. Neurol. 180:253-264). In the rat and monkey, the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei all project to the contralateral inferior olive, where each nucleus has a distinct preferred terminal field. As in the cat, projections to the medial accessory olive and caudal dorsal accessory olive did not terminate in a precisely organized fashion. Projections to the rostral dorsal accessory olive, however, formed a clear somatotopic map. These somatotopic maps differed from those in the cat in that input from the trigeminal nucleus was confined rostrally, so that the caudal end only received input from the gracile and cuneate nuclei. These data indicate that similar organizational principles characterize the somatosensory projections to the inferior olives of the three species. Nevertheless, distinct species differences occur with regard to the details of this organization. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The central projections of the rat sciatic, saphenous, median, and ulnar nerves were labeled by injecting each nerve with 0.05 mg B-HRP, or 0.5 mg WGA-HRP, or a mixture of both. The B-HRP labeled large dorsal root ganglion cells (30-50 microns) and, correspondingly, 98% of axons labeled in a rootlet were meyelinated; although all sizes of myelinated axons were labeled, a greater proportion fell in the large ranges (2-6.5 microns axon diameter) than in the small ranges (0.5-2 microns). Primary afferents labeled with B-HRP were distributed in laminae I, III, IV, and V of the dorsal horn and extended into the intermediate grey and the ventral horn; Clarke's column and the respective dorsal column nuclei were also densely labeled. Motoneurons of the nerve were densely labeled by B-HRP, including extensive regions of their dendritic trees. In contrast, WGA-HRP labeled small dorsal root ganglion cells (15-25 microns) and in the dorsal rootlets, 84% of the labeled axons were nonmyelinated; the small population of labeled myelinated afferents mainly fell within the smaller ranges (0.5-2.0 microns). Terminal fields of WGA-HRP labeled afferents were restricted to the superficial dorsal horn (laminae I-III), and to limited regions in the dorsal column nuclei. Sciatic nerve projections traced by labeling with B-HRP alone or in combination with WGA-HRP were more extensive than previously described when using either native HRP or WGA-HRP. Afferents to the dorsal horn extended from L1-S1, to Clarke's nucleus from T8-L1, to the ventral horn from L2-L5, and extended throughout the medial and dorsal region of the gracilie nucleus. Motoneurons were found from L4-L6. Using the same tracers, saphenous projections extended in the superficial dorsal horn from caudal L1 to rostral L4, in the deep dorsal horn to mid L4 and along the length of the central part of the gracilie nucleus. The median nerve projected to the internal basilar nucleus from C1-C6, the dorsal horn from C3-T2, Clarke's nucleus from T1-T6, the external cuneate nucleus, and a large central area throughout the length of the cuneate nucleus. Motoneurons were located in dorsolateral and ventrolateral nuclear groups from C4 through C8. The ulnar nerve projections were less extensive but also included the internal basilar nucleus from C1-C6, the medial region of the dorsal horn from C4-T1, Clarke's nucleus from T1-T6, the external cuneate nucleus, and the medial part of the cuneate nucleus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This autoradiographic study demonstrates a topical projection of the dorsal column nuclei to the contralateral nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis thalami and the accessory part of the inferior olive. In contrast to earlier anatomical studies the projections of the gracile nucleus and the internal cuneate nucleus proved to be independent and entirely contralateral. Fibers from the gracile nucleus terminate only in the lateral part of the nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis (VPL1) and from the internal cuneate nucleus only in the medial part of this nucleus (VPLm). Projections of the gracile nucleus to the contralateral inferior olive are restricted to the caudal one-third of the medial accessory olive and the ventrolateral part of the dorsal accessory olive. The internal cuneate nucleus is only connected with the dorsomedial part of the rostral two-thrids of the dorsal accessory olive. Our material does not allow conclusions about projections from the dorsal column nuclei to other thalamic nuclei and about rostrocaudal point to point relationships between the dorsal column nuclei and the thalamus or the inferior olive.  相似文献   

Central projections of suboccipital muscle nerves were examined following exposure of cut peripheral nerves to the tracer horseradish peroxidase. Labelled fibers entered the C1 and C2 dorsal roots and accumulated in the dorsolateral part of the dorsal funiculus. Many labelled fibers entered the grey matter of C1 to C3 in ventrally directed bundles which passed medially to the base of the dorsal horn. No terminal labelling was apparent in superficial layers of the dorsal horn. However, labelled fibers ramified extensively throughout medial parts of the intermediate laminae, in and around the central cervical nucleus. Labelled fibers also projected toward the ventral horn. In cats subjected to ventral root section at the time of peripheral nerve exposure, a modest distribution of reaction product was observed deep in the ventral horn. In cats which did not undergo ventral root section, anterograde projections in the ventral horn were obscured by the simultaneous retrograde filling of motoneurons both in the ventromedial nucleus and on the medial and lateral borders of the gray matter. Labelled axons also coursed rostrally into the medulla where they formed a circumscribed bundle between the main cuneate nucleus and the spinal nucleus of V. Three consistent regions of HRP deposition could be identified at medullary levels. Dense accumulations of reaction product were present in circumscribed regions of the external cuneate nucleus (ECN) throughout its rostrocaudal extent. A second zone of dense labelling occurred in the intermediate nucleus of Cajal, where it appeared to form a continuing column rostral to the central cervical nucleus in C1-C3. Sparse labelling was restricted to a third zone in the ventrolateral part of the main cuneate nucleus.  相似文献   

Axonal projections to the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (RTP) were studied in 11 macaque monkeys by mapping axonal degeneration from lesions centered in the dentate and interpositus anterior (IA) nuclei and by mapping anterograde transport of tritiated amino acid precursors injected into the dentate nucleus. Projections from the dentate and IA nuclei overlap in central parts of the body of RTP, but the terminal field of dentate axons extends dorsomedial and rostral to the terminal field of IA axons, and IA terminal fields extend more ventrolaterally. A caudal to rostral topography of projections from each nucleus onto dorsal to ventral parts of RTP was seen. Projections from rostral parts of both nuclei terminate in a sublemniscal part of the nucleus. The topography of dentate and IA projections onto central to ventrolateral RTP appears to match somatotopic maps of these cerebellar nuclei with the somatotopic map of projections to RTP from primary motor cortex. Projections from caudal and ventral parts of the dentate nucleus appear to overlap oculomotor inputs to rostral, dorsal, and medial RTP from the frontal and supplementary eye fields, the superior colliculus, and the oculomotor region of the caudal fastigial nucleus. Projections to the paramedian part of RTP from vestibular area "y" were also found in two cases that correlated with projections to vertical oculomotor motoneurons. The maps of dentate and IA projections onto RTP correlate predictably with maps of dentate and IA projections to the ventrolateral thalamus and subnuclei of the red nucleus that were made from these same cases (Stanton [1980b] J. Comp. Neurol. 192:377-385).  相似文献   

Injections of WGA-HRP were made in the rat C4-C8 dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) individually to study the central projections and their relations to each other. The main dorsal horn projections from these DRGs to the dorsal horn lamina II extended for about two segments rostrally and caudally to the injected DRG, whereas the projections to laminae I, III, and IV were less restricted rostrocaudally. Comparisons of the dorsal horn projections from the DRGs investigated indicated a tendency for a somatotopic organization, which was most prominent in lamina II. Labeled central branches from the C4-8 DRGs could be traced in the dorsal column as far caudally as 12-17 segments caudal to the level of entrance. Most of these fibers appeared to end in the medial dorsal horn base, including the column of Clarke. Labeling of primary afferents in the ventral horn generally extended for at least 3-4 segments rostral and caudal to the level of the injected DRG. Projections to the central cervical nucleus were most prominent from the C4 DRG and gradually became less prominent from the more caudal DRGs. Heavy projections to the cuneate nucleus (Cun) originated from the C7 and C8 DRG, whereas those from the C4-C6 DRGs were less extensive. The Cun projections from the different DRGs appeared to overlap, and the same was true for the projections to the external cuneate nucleus. Projections to the gracile nucleus, the vestibular nuclear complex, including nucleus X, and to trigeminal sensory nuclei were seen from all DRGs investigated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the topographical organization of cerebellothalamic projections in the rat. Following stereotaxic injections of 3H-leucine or electrolytic lesions in the cerebellar nuclei, efferent fibers were observed to emerge from the cerebellum through two discrete routes. Fibers from the fastigial nucleus decussated within the cerebellum, formed the crossed ascending limb of the uncinate fasciculus, ascended in the dorsal part of the midbrain tegmentum, and entered the thalamus. Cerebellothalamic fibers from the interpositus and dentate nuclei coursed in the ipsilateral brachium conjuctivum, decussated in the caudal midbrain, and ascended to the thalamus via the crossed ascending limb of the brachium conjunctivum. Cerebellar terminations were observed in the intralaminar, lateral, and ventral tier thalamic nuclei as well as in the medial dorsal nucleus. Projections to the intralaminar nuclei were more pronounced from the dentate and posterior interpositus than from the anterior interpositus and fastigial nuclei. The lateral thalamic nuclei received a projection from the dentate and posterior interpositus nuclei while the fastigial nucleus projected to the medial dorsal nucleus. Within the rostral ventral tier nuclei fastigiothalamic terminations were localized in the medial parts of the ventral medial and ventral lateral nuclei, whereas dentatothalamic projections were concentrated in the lateral parts of the ventral medial nucleus and the medial half of the ventral lateral nucleus. Terminations from the posterior interpositus nucleus were observed ventrally and laterally within the caudal two-thirds of the ventral medial nucleus and throughout the ventral lateral nucleus, where they were densest in the lateral part of its lateral wing and within the central part of its cap. The anterior interpositus nucleus also projected to the central and lateral parts of the ventral lateral nucleus, but these terminations were considerably less dense than those from the posterior interpositus. A few fibers from the interpositus nuclei terminated in the medial part of the rostral pole of the ventral posterior nucleus. A prominent recrossing of cerebellothalamic fibers from the fastigial, posterior interpositus, and dentate nuclei occurred through the central medial nucleus of the internal medullary lamina. These terminated within the ipsilateral ventral lateral and intralaminar nuclei. These results show that each of the cerebellar nuclei project to the thalamus and that their terminations are topographically organized in the rostral ventral tier nuclei. The clustering of autoradiographic silver grains or terminal degeneration observed in the thalamic nuclei suggests a medial-to-lateral organization of this cerebellothalamic system.  相似文献   

The cerebello-olivary pathway in the cat has been examined using orthograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tracing techniques. The orthograde transport of 3H-leucine from injection sites in the deep cerebellar nuclei labeled dentate and interpositus projections to the rostral two-thirds of the contralateral inferior olivary complex. These projections are topographically organized, with the dentate nucleus projecting to the principal olivary nucleus and the posterior and anterior interpositus nuclei projecting to the medial and dorsal accessory olives respectively. Fibers from the ventral half of the dentate nucleus terminate in the lateral bend and ventral lamina of the principal olive, whereas the medial and lateral parts of the dorsal half of the nucleus project to the medial and lateral regions of the dorsal lamina respectively. It is apparent that the more caudal parts of the interpositus nuclei project to areas of the medial and dorsal accessory olives near the caudal end of the principal olivary nucleus, whereas neurons in the more rostral parts of the interpositus nuclei project to the more rostral areas of the accessory olivary nuclei. A connection between the fastigial ncleus and the inferior olive could not be demonstrated. The retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) from injections sites in the inferior olive labeled cells throughout the contralateral dentate and interpositus nuclei. The labeled cells were especially numerous in the ventral parts of the dentate and posterior interpositus nlclei. These HRP-positive neurons were consistently small (10--15 mu) ovoid or spindle-shaped cells, with relatively large nuclei and light-staining Nissl substance. This evidence strongly suggests that the cerebello-olivary pathway originates from a population of small neurons in the dentate and interpositus nuclei and projects to specific, topographically defined areas in the contralateral inferior olive.  相似文献   

Using the horseradish peroxidase technique on the North American opossum, we were able to locate the neurons within the dorsal column and lateral cuneate nuclei which innervate the cerebellum and thalamus as well as those within the dorsal column nuclei which project spinalward. The medial and lateral cuneate nuclei supply axons to the anterior lobe, the paramedian lobule and the pyramis of the cerebellum and the lateral nucleus provides an additional projection to the uvula. The cerebellar projections from these nuclei arise from neurons located rostral to the obex. The thalamic projections from the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei originate from neurons throughout their rostral to caudal extent, although most of them are located just rostral to the obex. Neurons within the lateral cuneate nucleus which innervate the thalamus are found at intermediate rostrocaudal levels where most of them approximate the medial cuneate nucleus. The medial cuneate also projects to at least lumbar levels of the spinal cord in the opossum and neurons giving rise to such connections are found at the level of the obex and caudal to it. Neurons within the dorsal part of the dorsal column nuclei were labelled only after thalamic injections. Our results in the opossum are compared with those obtained in several placental mammals.  相似文献   

Neurons in the pontomedullary tegmentum have been proposed as a final common pathway subserving descending inhibition in the dorsal column nuclei. To investigate the anatomical substrate for these descending effects, brainstem projections to the cuneate nucleus of rats were studied with injections of lectin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase. In rats with iontophoretic tracer injections in this nucleus, many labeled neurons were detected near the injection site, especially ventral and caudal to it. Intrinsic reciprocal projections were observed after injections in caudal, middle, or rostral levels of the cuneate nucleus. Neurons were labeled in the red nucleus, in agreement with previous anatomical studies, and also in the trigeminal, vestibular, and cochlear nuclei. An ipsilateral dorsomedial group of neurons was labeled in the upper cervical segments and scattered neurons were also labeled bilaterally near the central canal. Sparse retrograde labeling in the tegmentum was focused in the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus and caudal raphe. Consistent with the retrograde experiments, anterograde labeling after pressure injections of lectin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase in the pontomedullary tegmentum was very sparse within the dorsal column nuclei; labeling was dense, however, in the region immediately ventral to these nuclei. These results confirm previous work indicating that the activity of cuneate neurons is modulated by brainstem sensory nuclei. However, it appears that direct projections to the cuneate nucleus from pontine and rostral medullary regions are sparser than previously suggested. The last link of a polysynaptic descending inhibitory pathway may include GABAergic neurons immediately adjacent to the dorsal column nuclei and/or intrinsic to these nuclei.  相似文献   

Autoradiographic tracing methods were employed to study the course and distribution of the rubroolivary tract following unilateral injections of tritiated leucine into the rostral red nucleus of seven rhesus monkeys. A topographic organization of projections to the ipsilateral principal nucleus of the inferior olivary complex was demonstrated. Lateral and medial portions of the rostral red nucleus projected to medial parts of the dorsal and ventral laminae of the principal inferior olive respectively; neurons in intermediate lateralities emitted fibers which terminated in lateral parts of the principal olive. Injections involving the oral end of the rostral red nucleus elicited label overlying the medial accessory olive in addition to the principal nucleus. Projections to the medial accessory olive may have arisen from the rostral end of the red nucleus and/or the immediately adjacent tegmentum. There were no projections to the dorsal accessory olive. Fibers of rubral origin also were distributed ipsilaterally to several reticular nuclei including the pedunculopontine, pontis oralis, caudalis, and gigantocellularis.  相似文献   

Afferent fibers to the medulla oblongata of the cat were studied in 25 animals following section of one or more dorsal roots. Using the Nauta-Laidlaw stain a map was constructed of the distribution of the fibers to the dorsal column nuclei and a survey made of the afferents to other bulbar nuclei: nucleus cuneatus lateralis, lateral reticular nucleus, descending root of the fifth cranial nerve and the nucleus tractus solitarii. In the intermediate segment of the nucleus gracilis and the caudal two thirds of the nucleus cuneatus, there is a somatotopical arrangement with a dorso-ventral and medio-lateral shifting of the fibers from the dorsal roots as one goes from caudal segments to more cranial ones. A bilateral projection is demonstrated in the nucleus gracilis after section of nearly all the coccygeal-sacro-lumbar-thoracic roots; the contralateral degeneration is confined to the rostral pole of the nucleus gracilis. No bilateral degeneration is found in the nucleus cuneatus after section of the roots projecting to it. Degenerated axons in the nucleus cuneatus lateralis and in the lateral reticular nucleus are always present beginning from T6–T7 while in the descending root of the fifth cranial nerve they are recognizable in only one case with a section of the third sacral root.  相似文献   

Anterograde tracers (tritiated leucine, proline, fucose; WGA-HRP) were injected into sites within the frontal eye fields (FEF) of nine macaque monkeys. Low thresholds (less than or equal to 50 microA) for electrically evoking saccadic eye movements were used to locate injection sites in four monkeys. Cases were grouped according to the amplitude of saccades evoked or predicted at the injection site. Dorsomedial prearcuate injection sites where large saccades were elicited were classified as lFEF cases, whereas ventrolateral prearcuate sites where small saccades were evoked were designated sFEF cases. One control case was injected in the medial postarcuate area 6. We found five descending fiber bundles from FEF; fibers to the striatum, which enter the caudate nucleus at or just rostral to the genu of the internal capsule; fibers to the claustrum, which travel in the external capsule; and transthalamic, subthalamic, and pedunculopontine fibers. Our results indicate that transthalamic and subthalamic pathways supply all terminal sites in the thalamus, subthalamus, and tegmentum of the midbrain and pons, whereas pedunculopontine fibers appear to terminate in the pontine and reticularis tegmenti pontis nucleus exclusively. Frontal eye field terminal fields in the striatum were topographically organized: lFEF projections terminated dorsal and rostral to sFEF projections. Thus, lFEF terminal fields were located centrally in the head and body of the caudate nucleus and a small dorsomedial portion of the putamen, whereas sFEF terminal fields were located in ventrolateral parts of the caudate body and ventromedial parts of the putamen. In the claustrum, lFEF projections terminated dorsal and rostral to sFEF projections. Projections from FEF terminated in ventral and caudal parts of the subthalamic nucleus without a clear topography. By comparison, terminal fields from medial postarcuate area 6 were located more caudally and laterally in the striatum and claustrum than projections from FEF, and more centrally in the subthalamic nucleus. In the thalamus, FEF terminal patches in some thalamic nuclei were also topographically organized. Projections from lFEF terminated in dorsal area X, dorsolateral medial dorsal nucleus, pars parvicellularis (MDpc), and the caudal pole of MDpc, whereas projections from sFEF terminated in ventral area X, medial dorsal nucleus, pars multiformis, and caudal medial dorsal nucleus pars densocellularis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The projection of forelimb nerves to the cuneate nucleus was studied in the cat by the transganglionic transport method. The cut ends of the median, ulnar, musculocutaneous, medial cutaneous, lateral brachial and antebrachial cutaneous nerves and of the superficial and deep branches of the radial nerve were exposed to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or to HRP conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin.Nerves innervating the skin terminated in a somatotopical pattern on the cell clusters in the middle region of the cuneate nucleus. Afferents from the paw occupied the largest area and were situated dorsally, with the ulnar part represented medially and the radial part laterally. The palmar side of the digits seemed to be represented superficial to the dorsal side. The projection from the arm was split into a ventromedial and a ventrolateral area. Superimposed on this somatotopy, a reversed termination pattern was also present. Thus medially projecting nerves also had a small separate projection to the lateral part of the nucleus and vice versa. The rostral region of the nucleus was organized in a similar way except for the rostral pole where the somatotopy was lost. The caudal region differed from the middle one in that it appeared to lack representation of the upper and lower arm.The deep branch of the radial nerve terminated in the middle-ventral ‘reticular’ region of the cuneate nucleus, with a sparse projection also to the ventral parts of the rostral and caudal regions, including the base of the dorsal horn. Also the musculocutaneous, median and ulnar nerves, but not the pure cutaneous nerves, had projections to these areas, indicating a modality segregation in the cuneate nucleus. The rostral pole of the nucleus, however, appeared to constitute an area of overlap between projections from deep and superficial receptors.  相似文献   

Projections from the spinal cord and dorsal column nuclei to more rostral levels of the neuraxis were investigated in seventeen adult opossums by the Nauta-Gygax and Fink-Heimer techniques. In all cases with spinal cord lesions a greater number of degenerating fibers distributed to the medulla and pons than to the midbrain and diencephalon. Numerous degenerating fibers ended within the medial reticular formation of the medulla and caudal pons, and within the lateral reticular formation of the rostral pons and midbrain. Degenerating fibers were numerous in the reticular formation following cervical and thoracic lesions, but sparse in specimens with damage restricted to either the lumbar or sacral spinal cord. The dorsal column nuclei received afferent connections from the well known dorsal funicular pathway and, although to a much lesser extent, from the main ventrolateral spinal bundle. Although most of the latter fibers ended in the subnucleus dorsalis and spinal vestibular nucleus, some penetrated into the gracile and cuneate nuclei. Conspicuous terminal degeneration was present within the inferior olivary nucleus following cervical and thoracic lesions, but was lacking in cases of either caudal lumbar or sacral cord lesions. The location of terminal degeneration within the lateral reticular nucleus is dependent upon the level of the lesion in the spinal cord. Degenerating fibers ended within the lateral vestibular nucleus in all cases of spinal cord hemisection, and within the medial portion of the facial nucleus in cases with a lesion rostral to C-4. After cervical and thoracic hemisections terminal fiber degeneration was present within the midbrain tegmentum, the periaqueductal gray, the intercollicular nucleus (Mehler,'69), the posterior thalamic nucleus, the ventrobasal nucleus, the parafascicular nuclei and the caudal nucleus ventralis lateralis. All thalamic nomenclature was taken from Oswaldo-Cruz and Rocha-Miranda, '68. In animals with more caudal lesions, no fiber degeneration was evident within the nucleus ventralis lateralis and so little within the ventrobasal nucleus that it was impossible to ascertain a somatotopic pattern of spinothalamic projections. Lesions of the dorsal column nuclei caused terminal degeneration within the inferior olivary nucleus, the pars lateralis of the nucleus of the inferior colliculus, the zona incerta, the posterior thalamic nucleus, the caudal part of the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus and the ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus. Diffuse connections with the reticular formation, periaqueductal gray, midbrain tegmentum and the parafascicular complex were also observed. The results from small lesions indicate that the input to the ventrobasal nucleus in the opossum is organized in the typical mammalian fashion.  相似文献   

The detailed organization of projections from the inferior olive to the cerebellar nuclei of the rat was studied by using anterograde tracing. The presence of a collateral projection to the cerebellar nuclei could be confirmed, and a detailed organization was recognized at the nuclear and subnuclear level. Olivary projections to the different parts of the medial cerebellar nucleus arise from various parts of the caudal half of the medial accessory olivary nucleus. The interstitial cell groups receive olivary afferents from the intermediate part of the medial accessory olive and from the dorsomedial cell column. A mediolateral topography was noted in the projections from the rostral half of the medial accessory olive to the posterior interposed nucleus. Olivary projections to the lateral cerebellar nucleus are derived from the principal olive according to basically inversed rostrocaudal topography. Projections from the dorsomedial group of the principal olive to the dorsolateral hump were found to follow a basically rostrocaudal topography. The anterior interposed nucleus receives olivary afferents from the dorsal accessory olive. Its rostromedial parts are directed to the lateral part of the anterior interposed nucleus and its caudolateral part reach the medial anterior interposed nucleus. No terminal arborizations in the cerebellar nuclei were found to originate from (1) the dorsal fold of the dorsal accessory olive, which resulted in projections to the lateral vestibular nucleus and (2) the dorsal cap of Kooy. It was noted that the olivary projection to the cerebellar nuclei is strictly reciprocal to the nucleo-olivary projection as described by Ruigrok and Voogd (1990). Moreover, it is suggested that the olivonuclear projection adheres to the organization of the climbing fiber projection to the cerebellar cortex and to the corticonuclear projection, thus, establishing and extending the detailed micromodular organization of the connections between inferior olive and cerebellum.  相似文献   

By means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and autoradiographic methods, olivary projections from mesodiencephalic structures were studied in the cat. Following HRP injections in various parts of the inferior olive, many cells were labeled ipsilaterally in the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, the nucleus accessorius medialis of Bechterew, the nucleus of the fields of Forel, and the subnucleus dorsomedialis and ventrolateralis of the parvocellular red nucleus. Some labeled cells also occurred ipsilaterally in the suprarubral reticular formation and a few labeled cells in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. After injection of tritiated amino acids in different parts of the mesodiencephalic region mentioned above, labeled fibers were found in different parts of the inferior olive, presenting a high degree of the topographic correlation within the mesodiencephalo-olivary projection, which was exclusively ipsilateral. That is, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch was found to project to the rostral half of the medial accessory olive and the dorsomedial cell column. There was mediolateral topographic relation in this projection. The nucleus accessorius medialis of Bechterew was found to project to the ventral lamella and the lateral part of the dorsal lamella as well as to a small rostromedial part of the caudal half of the medial accessory olive. The subnucleus dorsomedialis and ventrolateralis of the parvocellular red nucleus projected to the rostral and caudal halves, respectively, of the medial part of the dorsal lamella. The subnucleus ventrolateralis of the parvocellular red nucleus also sent fibers to the lateral part of the ventrolateral outgrowth. The nucleus of the fields of Forel, suprarubral reticular formation, and interstitial nucleus of Cajal appeared to project to the caudal half of the medial accessory olive, the medial part of the ventrolateral outgrowth, the rostral part of the dorsal cap, and the caudal part of the dorsal accessory olive.  相似文献   

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