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Philipp Bozzini was born in Mainz on the 25th May 1773. In 1794 he moved to Jena to continue his studies under Gottfried Gruner. After his first comprehensive report on the Lichtleiter (light conductor) (1806), he returned to Mainz, obtained his doctorate, and became a practicing physician. His report on the Lichtleiter created great interest; he was the first person to construct an autonomous endoscope. Against all criticism, Bozzini started an international discussion, based on his awkward Lichtleiter, which brought his idea to an extensive medical public.  相似文献   

Reuter M 《Der Urologe. Ausg. A》2006,45(9):1084-8, 1090-1
Philipp Bozzini was born in Mainz on the 25th May 1773. In 1794 he moved to Jena to continue his studies under Gottfried Gruner. After his first comprehensive report on the Lichtleiter (light conductor) (1806), he returned to Mainz, obtained his doctorate, and became a practicing physician. His report on the Lichtleiter created great interest; he was the first person to construct an autonomous endoscope. Against all criticism, Bozzini started an international discussion, based on his awkward Lichtleiter, which brought his idea to an extensive medical public.  相似文献   

Philipp Bozzini was born the 25 of May of 1773 in Mainz, Germany. The 12 of June of 1797 obtain the title of medicine doctor. From 1804 it is practically dedicated of complete to the development of its instrument, this have the approximated form of one metallic vase of 35 cm height, had in leather. In its previous face it has a circular opening that is divided vertically by a partition. In left half is the luminance source (a wax candle) and behind is a mirror, that it projects the light produced towards the interior of the corporal cavity to explore. By other half, the observer receives the reflected light and the image of the explored organ. In the later face they adapt according to the cavity diverse specula's, this allow to inspect ear, urethra, feminine bladder, rectum, uterine neck, nasal or wounds. Philipp Bozzini, profit with modest means available at the beginning of XIX century, to demonstrate to the medical world the way of endoscopes. It was with its instrument and ideas, 3/4 of century advanced to the technical and scientific possibilities of the moment. The historians are in agreement, in which this instrument, with artificial light, diverse mirrors and specula's war the beginning of a numerous family of endoscopies.  相似文献   



Endoscopic surgery has become an accepted major type of minimally invasive surgery. However, complications arising from heat generated by sources of endoscopic illumination can include surgical fire or burns, and intense illumination during ob-gyn/fetoscopic surgery might damage fetal ocular development. Fiber-optic bundles for illumination within the endoscope essentially double the outer diameter of the endoscope, which is a major obstacle to miniaturization and decreasing costs. Light cables also decrease the maneuverability of the endoscope  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gynecomastia is an abnormal enlargement of one or both breasts in men. Breast-reduction surgery can help those patients who feel anxious about their abnormal appearance. Surgical treatment of gynecomastia is to excise the excess glandular tissue, which can be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction. With two successful cases, we proposed that the endoscopic removal of gynecomastia tissue is an innovative, effective surgical treatment. METHODS: Through three small incisions along the mid-axillary line, we surgically treated 2 young gynecomastia patients under an endoscope. The man first was 25 years old, with a developed right breast for 3 years, which was grade II, according to Simon's classification. The second patient was 24 and was diagnosed as bilateral gynecomastia of grade I for 10 years. RESULTS: The endoscopic removal of the glandular tissue was successfully completed. Only minor postoperative complications occurred. Both patients were satisfied with the cosmetic results of the surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical treatment of gynecomastia under an endoscope is a new modality, which presents a satisfactory cosmetic result while leaving minimal and hidden scarring and seldom causes postoperative complications.  相似文献   

A return visit to Vietnam 5 years after the end of the war shows a grave lack of medical facilities and supplies; however, those left from 1975 are being optimally utilized with greatly expanded personnel. The efforts expended in Vietnam by American physicians and the United States government have not been wasted.  相似文献   



The design of flexible endoscopes has not changed significantly in the past 50 years. A trend is observed towards a wider application of flexible endoscopes with an increasing role in complex intraluminal therapeutic procedures. The nonintuitive and nonergonomical steering mechanism now forms a barrier in the extension of flexible endoscope applications. Automating the navigation of endoscopes could be a solution for this problem. This paper summarizes the current state of the art in image-based navigation algorithms. The objectives are to find the most promising navigation system(s) to date and to indicate fields for further research.


A systematic literature search was performed using three general search terms in two medical–technological literature databases. Papers were included according to the inclusion criteria. A total of 135 papers were analyzed. Ultimately, 26 were included.


Navigation often is based on visual information, which means steering the endoscope using the images that the endoscope produces. Two main techniques are described: lumen centralization and visual odometry. Although the research results are promising, no successful, commercially available automated flexible endoscopy system exists to date.


Automated systems that employ conventional flexible endoscopes show the most promising prospects in terms of cost and applicability. To produce such a system, the research focus should lie on finding low-cost mechatronics and technologically robust steering algorithms. Additional functionality and increased efficiency can be obtained through software development. The first priority is to find real-time, robust steering algorithms. These algorithms need to handle bubbles, motion blur, and other image artifacts without disrupting the steering process.  相似文献   

Incidental choledocholithiasis has been reported in 4–5% of cases during routine cholangiography. Many surgeons have resisted laparoscopic common bile duct exploration as a time-consuming and technically frustrating procedure, preferring to send the patient for postoperative ERCP. The purpose of this study was to objectively assess the safety, efficacy, and facility of transcystic duct choledochoscopy using a small-caliber choledochoscope with facilitated insertion technique.Twenty-five consecutive patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) were studied prospectively. Choledochoscopy was carried out with a simplified introducer system using a 6.9-French choledochoscope. An arbitrary limit of 10 min was established for gaining access to the common bile duct (CBD). Incidental CBD stones were found in two of the 25 procedures (8%) and were cleared laparoscopically. The CBD was successfully entered in 21 of 25 attempts (84%). The average time for the entire procedure was 8.7 min. There were no procedure-related complications.Clinical application of this procedure was reviewed in a personal series of 742 LCs. Transcystic laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCDE) was successful in clearing stones from the CBD 75% of the time and the addition of laparoscopic choledochotomy brought the success of LCDE to 81%. Excluding patients where transcystic LCDE was not attempted, the overall success rate was 91%.Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES), Nashville, TN 18–19 April 1994  相似文献   

内窥镜治疗肘管综合征   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
目的 探讨应用小切口内窥镜下作尺神经松解术治疗肘管综合征的经验和方法。方法切口:单纯尺神经松解术,沿尺神经沟作1cm直切口;尺神经松解 内上髁切除术,沿尺神经沟作3cm直切口。直视下切开肘管,显露尺神经,在圆筒状透明闭锁外套管内窥镜引导下,用推刀沿外套管沟槽切断屈肌—旋前肌深腱膜(deep flexor—pronator aponeurosis)和Struthers弓,肱骨内上髁远近端各松解减压达10cm。术后第2天开始肘关节即可作伸屈活动。结果 12例患者于术后随访3—27个月,以最后1次随访结果为准。肘部瘢痕小,术后半年环、小指感觉恢复正常,无1例复发。结论 本术式安全、简单,操作方便,皮肤切口小,组织创伤轻,术后平均10d即恢复日常工作。  相似文献   

内窥镜双平面假体隆乳术的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨应用内窥镜技术进行双平面假体隆乳术的优缺点及可行性。方法:自2010年6月至2011年5月,应用内窥镜开展双平面隆乳21例,6例为未婚女性,15例为哺乳后乳腺萎缩,其中6例伴轻度或中度的乳腺松垂。结果:21例就医者术后随访1~11个月,除1例乳房轻度欠对称外,其余就医者术后乳房形态良好,手感及动感好,无包膜挛缩,无血肿及感染。结论:采用内窥镜微创技术,可通过腋窝切口完成双平面隆乳手术,切口隐蔽,手术在直视下进行,安全性高,手术创伤小,恢复较快,就医者术后疼痛减轻,包膜挛缩发生率降低。由于结合了乳腺后及胸大肌下两个平面的优势,乳房形态更加自然,手感及动感逼真。适用于大多数需要隆乳者,尤其适用于哺乳后乳腺一定程度松垂的就医者。  相似文献   

To evaluate the safety and efficiency of the Aihua (AH)-1 stone removal system (SRS) to treat bladder stones. Thirty five patients with of bladder stones >2?cm and with benign prostatic hyperplasia were treated by transurethral cystolithotripsy with the SRS and TURP. The results in these patients were compared with 14 patients treated with current devices. In the SRS group, 26 patients had a single stone. Average stone size was 3.34?±?1.03?cm, total operating time was 55.12?±?19.95?min, and stone removal time was 23.30?±?17.08?min. In the control group, 12 patients had a single stone. The average stone size was 2.46?±?0.45?cm (larger stone size in SRS group, P?<?0.05), total operating time was 79.85?±?24.63?min (shorter operating time in SRS group, P?<?0.05) and stone removal time was 43.28?±?24.18?min the control group (shorter removal time in SRS group, P?<?0.05). Mean stone size was 2.37?±?1.18?cm and mean time to remove one stone was 12.57?±?12.99?min in the SRS group. Mean stone size was 2.40?±?0.48?cm (no significant difference between groups, P?>?0.05) and mean time to remove one stone was 33.23?±?25.26?min in the control group (shorter time in the SRA group, P?<?0.001). No significant complication was found in the SRS group. This study suggests that multiple functions of SRS can be expected in transurethral cystolithotripsy. It can be used to fix stones during lithotripsy, and automatically collect stones and extract more stones through the sheath at one time during lithoextraction, which can reduce surgical time and damage to the bladder and urethra. This surgical procedure appears to be safe and efficient, and operating indications for transurethral cystolithotripsy could be expanded with this surgical procedure.  相似文献   

A new endoscope for ophthalmic microsurgery.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present an endoscope designed for ophthalmic microsurgery. The handpiece contains a charge-coupled device, a solid-state imager (250,000 pixels), and a probe (either 0.89 or 1.5 mm in diameter), including the light guide. The light source is a halogen lamp. The clear views the instrument provides of the ciliary sulcus and ciliary body behind the iris make it useful in secondary posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation using the ciliary sulcus suturing technique, and in endolaser photocoagulation of the ciliary body in end-stage glaucoma. It also is useful in performing vitrectomy in cases in which visualization is difficult because of corneal opacification or fluid-gas exchange.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用内镜辅助技术,经腋窝人路双平面法硅凝胶假体隆乳术的可行性,并对手术操作经验进行总结.方法 手术在全麻下进行.切口位于双侧腋窝皮肤自然皱褶处,长约4cm.以常规方法剥离胸大肌后间隙,在10 mm-30°内镜辅助下,剪离断部分胸大肌.通过腋窝切口植 入毛面解剖型硅凝胶乳房假体,常规留置负压引流3-5 d.结果 临床应用79例,术后随访时间6~12个月,与单纯胸大肌后假体隆乳患者相比,本组患者术后疼痛程度明显较轻,外形更为自然,手 术效果满意,无包膜挛缩、血肿、瘢痕增生及感染等并发症出现.结论 在内镜辅助下,可以经腋窝入路完成双平面法硅凝胶假体植入隆乳术.该方法将乳腺后间隙假体隆乳术及胸大肌后间隙假体隆乳术的优点相结合,切口隐蔽.在双平面法隆乳术中,当患者要求采用隐蔽切口时,应用该技术是非常合适的选择.  相似文献   

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