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BACKGROUND: Adult learning theory suggests that learning is most effective when related to need, when driven by the learner and when it is flexible. We describe the effect of an educational intervention that was driven by student need, and largely designed by students. METHODS: We undertook a needs assessment of fifth year medical students' study needs. Based on this, we helped them design a course to meet these needs. This was predominantly related to study skills and a practice objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). We evaluated the course by asking for student opinion and by measuring the effect on student performance in a high stakes medical school examination (written examination and OSCE). FINDINGS: Despite the course being run voluntarily and in after-hours sessions, 80-90% of the medical student class attended each session. Student performance on the end of year examinations was significantly enhanced in the year of the intervention, compared with previous years and with students from other schools sitting identical examinations in the same year. INTERPRETATION: Learning activities that are directly based on student needs, that focus on study and examination techniques, and that are largely student-driven, result in effective and valuable outcomes.  相似文献   

Innovations in medical education have led to the increasing use of problem-based learning techniques, a committee system organization, and more time for independent study in many undergraduate programmes. There has been an increase in availability of alternative methods for presentation of information. To encourage self-directed learning, resources such as computers, videos and models, among others, should be readily available to students. The University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine has provided various resources contained in one area, called the Bacs Learning Resource Centre (BLRC). Since the maintenance and further development of such a centre requires significant resources, it is important to determine student utilization of the various components used in their learning. For those who are about to set up such a learning resource centre this information gives guidance on which materials are most useful.
The utilization of the centre by 69 first year medical students was studied using questionnaires. The utilization during a specific course was determined by analysing the entries in the individual log books given to the students at the beginning of the Integrative Course. With the exception of one student, all those who responded to the questionnaire used the Centre, with 20% or less of their total study time being spent there. The BLRC was most used for the Musculo-skeletal, Cardiovascular and Reticulo-Endothelial courses. All categories of resources were found to be useful, with the tape/slides least utilized. Utilization was most influenced by the quality of resources available and recommendations by peers. The development of a centre such as the BLRC, with a variety of resources concentrated in one area, suitable for individual or group study and accessible 24 hours a day, should be considered by all medical schools to enhance self-directed learning in medical students.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Work-based learning occupies a central role in the training and ongoing development of the medical workforce. With this arises the need to understand the processes involved, particularly those relating to informal learning. Approaches to informal learning in postgraduate medical education have tended to consider the mind as an independent processor of information. METHOD: In this paper, such cognitive approaches are critiqued and an alternative socio-cultural view on informal learning described. Recent and imminent changes in postgraduate medical education are identified, namely the reduction in patient experience, the fragmentation of teaching, and the development of competency frameworks and structured curricula. It is argued that although the latter may be useful in the construction of formal learning programmes, they will do little to enhance the progression of the individual from newcomer to old-timer or the cultural assimilation of the learner into a profession. DISCUSSION: Strategies for enhancing informal learning in the workplace are recommended in which increased attention is paid to the development of the medical apprentice within a community of social practice. These include the establishment of strong goals, the use of improvised learning practices, attention to levels of individual engagement and workplace affordances, immersion in professional discourse and behaviours, support in relation to the development of a professional identity and the provision of opportunities to transform social practice.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Inventories to quantify approaches to studying try to determine how students approach academic tasks. Medical curricula usually aim to promote a deep approach to studying, which is associated with academic success and which may predict desirable traits postqualification. AIMS: This study aimed to validate a revised Approaches to Learning and Studying Inventory (ALSI) in medical students and to explore its relation to student characteristics and performance. METHODS: Confirmatory factor analysis was used to validate the reported constructs in a sample of 128 Year 1 medical students. Models were developed to investigate the effect of age, graduate status and gender, and the relationships between approaches to studying and assessment outcomes. RESULTS: The ALSI performed as anticipated in this population, thus validating its use in our sample, but a 4-factor solution had a better fit than the reported 5-factor one. Medical students scored highly on deep approach compared with other students in higher education. Graduate status and gender had significant effects on approach to studying and a deep approach was associated with higher academic scores. CONCLUSIONS: The ALSI is valid for use in medical students and can uncover interesting relationships between approaches to studying and student characteristics. In addition, the ALSI has potential as a tool to predict student success, both academically and beyond qualification.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether some of the fundamental assumptions that frequently underlie interpretation of course evaluation results are justified by investigating what medical students are thinking as they complete a typical basic science course evaluation. METHODS: A total of 24 students participated in thinkaloud cognitive interviews, voicing their thoughts while completing a typical evaluation instrument that included items on overall course design, educational materials and methods, and faculty teaching. Students' responses were organised to consider how they interpreted questions, formed judgements and selected response options. Major themes relevant to the meaningful interpretation of course evaluation data were identified. RESULTS: Medical students understood educational terms such as 'independent learning' in different ways from both one another and common usage. When formulating responses, students' judgements were sometimes based on unique or unexpected criteria, and they described editing their judgements by considering factors such as effort or caring on the part of teaching faculty. Students tended to avoid using the lower end of the rating scale, used the highest rating option selectively, but chose the second highest category indiscriminately. CONCLUSIONS: These results call into question fundamental assumptions that frequently underlie interpretation of course evaluation results, such as whether students understand the intended meanings of terms used in items; whether faculty members who receive the same rating are perceived similarly; whether ratings actually reflect teaching effectiveness, and whether 'positive' ratings reflect positive opinions. This study also demonstrates how thinkaloud interviews can be used in validity studies, providing information to supplement statistical and psychometric analyses.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Students can take different approaches to learning and studying: deep (understanding material); surface (memorizing details), and strategic (motivated by assessments). It is important to know how assessments affect student choices of approach. METHODS: Students' learning approaches in Year 2 of the medical programme were measured using the Approaches to Study Skills Inventory for Students. The course was specifically designed to promote a deep approach and deter a surface approach, with explicit learning objectives and assessment constructively aligned according to Biggs' Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy. The marks of individual students in different components of the assessment were compared with their scores for the 3 learning approaches. RESULTS: Marks correlated positively with deep and strategic approaches and negatively with surface approach across a range of assessment methods (relatively well with modified essays and multiple-choice questions, but poorly with in-course assignments). Peer assessment correlated particularly strongly with strategic approach. DISCUSSION: The correlations met our expectations in terms of direction, but were weaker and less consistent than anticipated. Possible reasons include the drive to test basic (core) material, the use of questions that may limit students' scope of expression and markers' ability to detect a deep approach. It is, however, important to refine medical programmes, particularly assessments, so that they concur with and do not adversely affect students' learning approaches.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in the clinical years of a medical degree presents particular challenges. This study investigated the effectiveness of using an online Clinical Reasoning Guide to assist integration of PBL in the clinical setting and promote further development of students' clinical reasoning abilities. METHOD: A total of 52 students in 6 PBL groups, together with their 6 clinical tutors, participated in the study. Data were analysed from videotaped observations of tutorial activity and follow-up, semistructured interviews. RESULTS: From both the student facilitators' and the clinical tutors' perspectives, the Guide proved an effective tool for augmenting the PBL process in clinical settings and promoting the development of clinical reasoning. By combining computer-aided learning with collaborative PBL tutorials it promoted individual as well as collaborative reasoning. There is also evidence to suggest that the Guide prompted students to look more critically at their own, their colleagues' and other clinicians' reasoning processes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of undergraduate medical education in the domains of psychiatry and behavioural sciences, we examined the growth of knowledge in those disciplines in a 6-year, problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum. Psychiatry and behavioural sciences are taught in the 4 preclinical years and in the psychiatric clerkship. The integrative nature of this PBL curriculum led us to hypothesise that the knowledge growth curves for these disciplines are similar and show a steady upward trend throughout the curriculum. METHODS: All items pertaining to psychiatry and behavioural sciences in the progress tests administered in the period from September 1993 through May 2001 were identified. For those items, the percentage of correct scores in the 6 year groups were considered a multivariate observation reflecting knowledge growth across the 6-year programme. RESULTS: Knowledge growth for psychiatry and behavioural sciences increased significantly, from 12% to 59% and from 28% to 60%, respectively, between Year 1 and the end of Year 6. Apparently, students know more about behavioural sciences than about psychiatry when they enter medical school, but this difference vanishes in the last 2 years of training. Moreover, the growth curves for psychiatry and behavioural sciences started to level off after Years 3 and 4, respectively, with no additional significant growth in any of the later years. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatry and behavioural sciences showed different patterns of knowledge growth and the 2 growth curves levelled off in Years 5 through 6. Because a student-centred, horizontally and vertically integrated PBL curriculum is aimed at effecting steady growth in knowledge in all disciplines, the slowdown in growth in the later years was among the reasons for initiating a major curricular innovation in 2001.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of an assessment method for personal process learning in a student-centred health promotion module. Personal process learning refers to students' awareness and understanding of their learning about personal values and attitudes, their skills for planning change, and their communication skills. The assessment forms part of the professional examination in public health. The paper documents and critically reviews the assessment method in the light of student feedback. The problem of student acceptability is highlighted and we describe the adjustments that have been made in response to this and how they have been received. It is concluded that medical students are open to innovative forms of assessment as long as they perceive them to be valid, fair and equitable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A change from traditional to problem-based learning (PBL) methods in a psychiatry attachment was evaluated by comparing the learning styles, attitudes to psychiatry and examination performance of 2 cohorts of students. It was hypothesised that the PBL curriculum would result in increased deep learning, decreased surface learning, more favourable attitudes to psychiatry and improved examination performance. It was predicted that students' examination success would be related to the use of deep and strategic learning and favourable attitudes. METHODS: Consecutive cohorts of Year 2 clinical students taught using a traditional psychiatry curriculum (n = 188) and a PBL curriculum (n = 191) were compared. Students completed the Study Process Questionnaire to assess their learning styles and the Attitudes to Psychiatry Scale at the beginning and end of the attachment. Students completed 2 end-of-attachment examinations, a multiple-choice paper and a viva. RESULTS: The PBL curriculum resulted in significantly better examination performance than did the traditional teaching curriculum, both for multiple-choice questions and the viva. No differences in learning styles or attitudes to psychiatry were found between the curricula. Students were significantly more successful in the examinations if they had received the PBL curriculum, were female, and used strategic learning. CONCLUSIONS: Examination performance indicated that the PBL curriculum was more successful than the previous course, but that this improvement was not due to students using more effective learning styles or having more favourable attitudes towards psychiatry. It is possible that students learned more effectively during the teaching sessions in the PBL curriculum, but did not change their preferred learning styles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the academic performance of medical students learning in rural settings differs from those learning in urban settings. DESIGN: Comparison of results of assessment for 2 full cohorts and 1 part cohort of medical students learning in rural and urban settings in 2002 (209 students), 2003 (226 students) and 2004 (220 students), including results for each specialist rotation in the 3rd year and end-of-year examinations in the 2nd and 4th years. SETTING: University of Queensland School of Medicine, Brisbane. Students spent the whole 3rd year (of a 4-year graduate entry programme) conducting 5 specialist 8-week rotations in either the rural clinical division (rural students) or in Brisbane (urban students), all following the same curriculum and taking the same examinations. RESULTS: For the 2002 cohort there were no statistically significant differences in academic performance between rural and urban students. For the 2003 cohort the only significant difference was a higher score for rural students in the end of the 4th-year clinical skills examination (65.7 versus 62.3%, P = 0.025). For the 2004 cohort, rural students scored higher in the 3rd-year mental health rotation (79.3 versus 76.2%, P = 0.038) and lower in the medicine rotation (65.5 versus 68.6%, P = 0.037). CONCLUSION: Academic performance among students studying in rural and urban settings is comparable.  相似文献   

AIM: To help students in a self-directed, problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum learn from a breadth of hospital experience. METHODS: Clinical units were asked to identify what clinical activities they could make available to interested students on a 'first-come, first-served' basis. A centralised, electronic system was developed that allowed students to book a fair, but not excessive, share of those learning opportunities. This web-based programme evolved into a comprehensive timetabling system that managed activities for whole classes of students as well as 'sign-ups' booked by individuals. RESULTS: The sign-up system offered 1792 hours/week, or 6 hours/student/week, to the hospital's 291 students of learning opportunities additional to firm-based teaching and learning. There were sign-ups in all major specialties and they included rounds, clinics, theatre/investigation sessions and conferences. Students accessed the system as commonly from outside the hospital as within it, and used it to view their timetables as well as to book learning opportunities. The system was used particularly heavily when examinations were imminent, indicating that students found it supportive to their learning. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed an innovative way of providing experience that is relevant to problem-based, integrative clinical education. Students, as judged by their heavy use of it, value the system.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Ericsson and colleagues introduced the term 'deliberate practice' to describe training activities that are especially designed to maximise improvement. They stressed that how much one practises is as important as how one practises. Essential aspects of deliberate practice are the presence of well defined tasks, informative feedback, repetition, self-reflection, motivation and endurance. Deliberate practice is often difficult, laborious, and even unpleasant. Previous studies in the fields of sports and music have shown a positive relation between deliberate practice and level of expertise. PURPOSE: The present study investigated the relationship between several aspects of deliberate practice and study achievements among undergraduate medical students. METHODS: A questionnaire was developed to measure important aspects of deliberate practice. It was filled out by 777 medical students at Maastricht University Medical School (response rate 90%). Scores on 3 regular tests were used to define student levels of expertise. RESULTS: Positive correlations between aspects of deliberate practice (self-study, study resources, planning, study style and motivation) and study achievements were found. Furthermore, high achieving students showed more characteristics of deliberate practice than low achieving students. CONCLUSION: Some important aspects of deliberate practice appear to contribute to the performance of medical students.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge is an essential component of medical competence and a major objective of medical education. Thus, the degree of acquisition of knowledge by students is one of the measures of the effectiveness of a medical curriculum. We studied the growth in student knowledge over the course of Maastricht Medical School's 6-year problem-based curriculum. METHODS: We analysed 60 491 progress test (PT) scores of 3226 undergraduate students at Maastricht Medical School. During the 6-year curriculum a student sits 24 PTs (i.e. four PTs in each year), intended to assess knowledge at graduation level. On each test occasion all students are given the same PT, which means that in year 1 a student is expected to score considerably lower than in year 6. The PT is therefore a longitudinal, objective assessment instrument. Mean scores for overall knowledge and for clinical, basic, and behavioural/social sciences knowledge were calculated and used to estimate growth curves. FINDINGS: Overall medical knowledge and clinical sciences knowledge demonstrated a steady upward growth curve. However, the curves for behavioural/social sciences and basic sciences started to level off in years 4 and 5, respectively. The increase in knowledge was greatest for clinical sciences (43%), whereas it was 32% and 25% for basic and behavioural/social sciences, respectively. INTERPRETATION: Maastricht Medical School claims to offer a problem-based, student-centred, horizontally and vertically integrated curriculum in the first 4 years, followed by clerkships in years 5 and 6. Students learn by analysing patient problems and exploring pathophysiological explanations. Originally, it was intended that students' knowledge of behavioural/social sciences would continue to increase during their clerkships. However, the results for years 5 and 6 show diminishing growth in basic and behavioural/social sciences knowledge compared to overall and clinical sciences knowledge, which appears to suggest there are discrepancies between the actual and the planned curricula. Further research is needed to explain this.  相似文献   

Lempp HK 《Medical education》2005,39(3):318-325
INTRODUCTION: The practice of dissection, as part of undergraduate medical education, has recently resurfaced in the public eye. This paper focuses on a number of important learning outcomes that were reported by Year 1-5 medical students in a British medical school, during the dissection sessions in the first 2 years of their training, as part of a wider qualitative research project into undergraduate medical education. METHODS: A group of 29 students was selected by quota sampling, using the whole student population of the medical school as the sampling frame. Qualitative data were collected by 1 : 1 interviews with students and from formal non-participatory observations of dissection sessions. RESULTS: Apart from learning to cope with the overt 'emotional confrontation' with the cadavers which assists anatomical learning, 7 additional covert learning outcomes were identified by the students: teamwork, respect for the body, familiarisation of the body, application of practical skills, integration of theory and practice, preparation for clinical work, and appreciation of the status of dissection within the history of medicine. DISCUSSION: A number of medical schools have either removed the practical, hands-on aspect of dissection in the medical undergraduate curriculum or are seriously considering such a measure, on financial and/or human resource grounds. This study highlights the fact that dissection can impart anatomical knowledge as well as offer other relevant, positive learning opportunities to enhance the skills and attitudes of future doctors.  相似文献   

Context Two learning approaches are consistently distinguished in the literature: deep and surface learning. The deep learning approach is considered preferable. Open‐book tests are expected to stimulate deep learning and to offer a possible way of handling the substantial growth in medical knowledge. In this study we test the hypothesis that open‐book tests stimulate deep learning more than closed‐book tests. Methods Medical students in Years 2 (n = 423) and 3 (n = 306) participated in this study. They evaluated their preparation for open‐ and closed‐book tests using the test for Deep Information Processing (DIP). This questionnaire consists of 24 items divided into three subscales: Critical Reading; Broaden One's Context, and Structuring. A paired t‐test was used to analyse the data. Results Both cohorts scored significantly higher when preparing for closed‐book tests for the overall DIP score and on the Broaden One’s Context and Structuring scales. Year 3 students also scored significantly higher on the Critical Reading scale when preparing for closed‐book tests. Gender differences were found: women used deeper learning approaches than men. Conclusions Our hypothesis was not supported. In fact, the opposite was found: closed‐book tests stimulated a deep learning approach more than open‐book tests. Three possible explanations are: deep learning is particularly necessary for remembering and recalling knowledge; students feel more confident when preparing for closed‐book tests, and students are more motivated to study for closed‐book tests. The debate on the concept of deep learning in higher education should probably be renewed.  相似文献   

Sheard S 《Medical education》2006,40(10):1045-1052
CONTEXT: The University of Liverpool has always been innovative in its approach to medical education. The medical faculty's decision to switch to a full problem-based learning (PBL) medical curriculum from September 1996 represented an opportune moment for history of medicine to put a foot in the curricular door. DISCUSSION: The history of medicine component was launched with an initial team of 3 staff members, although some 16 people have been involved in its development and delivery over the 10 years since it began. This paper is an attempt to construct and discuss the history of the course over the past decade, examining both the proactive and reactive aspects of its evolution, and how it has been perceived by students, the university and staff who have taught on it.  相似文献   

A trial of problem-based learning (PBL) was conducted with first-year undergraduate medical students who had no background knowledge of behavioural science and who included a substantial proportion with a first language other than English. Responses to standardized and open-ended evaluation questions showed greater variability and there was no clear preference for PBL over traditional methods. Students found the PBL exercise time-consuming and felt they needed more guidance. Feedback from clinicians and working in groups were seen as positive aspects of the exercise. Students with a first language other than English reported that language, but not cultural background, was an impediment to effective participation. It is recommended that this group of students be offered extra support for PBL in a subject-based setting, and that all students would benefit from a formal induction session.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study changes in student approaches to learning following the introduction of computer-supported, problem-based learning. SETTING: Medical students at the University of Oslo undertake a 12-week period of clinical placement during their 10th term. In this period they continue to undertake problem-based learning (PBL) in the form of distributed problem-based learning (DPBL) in a computer-supported learning environment. DESIGN: A questionnaire focusing on learning styles, PBL, and information and communication technology (ICT) was distributed before and after the DPBL period. SUBJECTS: All students in their 10th term at the University of Oslo (n = 61). RESULTS: The introduction of DPBL did not seem to affect the participants' use of regulating strategies or their mental models of learning. After the DPBL period, group discussion and tutor input were reported to have less influence on students' self-study, while the students perceived themselves as being less active in groups and as expecting less from tutors. There was a relationship between perceived tutor influence and students' familiarity with ICT. The DPBL period seemed to increase students' task-related web accesses and use of experts, and to decrease their task-related use of textbooks and discussions with students outside the group. CONCLUSIONS: Students' general approaches to learning were not affected by the introduction of DPBL. However, there was a decrease in students' expectations concerning activity in the group and the importance of the tutor. These changes were related to students' familiarity with the use of computers. Web-based resources and experts became more important resources to the students during the DPBL period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is inconclusive debate within the literature as to whether the best problem-based learning (PBL) tutors are subject experts or not. The debate hinges on whether knowledgeable tutors are tempted to intervene too often in PBL discussions compared to non-expert tutors, and whether the latter may not be able to sufficiently challenge the students' level of understanding. PURPOSE: To describe approaches used by tutors in PBL tutorials and to identify differences between tutors from medical and non-medical backgrounds. METHODS: The research reported in this paper was undertaken during the academic session 1999-2000 at the University of Liverpool Faculty of Medicine. A qualitative exploratory case study method was used and two PBL groups were observed. One of these groups had a medically qualified tutor and the other had a tutor from a humanities background. The focus of the observation was the discourse between tutor and students, which was analysed using a framework drawn from linguistics. Results were fed back to both the tutors and the students to check their perceptions of the interactions. RESULTS: Analysis of the tutorial group interaction revealed that tutors from both backgrounds used similar techniques to raise students' awareness, facilitate the group process and direct students' learning. Differences were noted between the two tutors: the medical tutor set out to raise students' awareness by using questioning techniques herself, whereas the non-medical tutor expected students to question each other. The non-medical tutor was observed to facilitate the group process more often than the medical tutor. CONCLUSIONS: Qualitative analysis of spoken discourse in PBL tutorials provides valuable insights into the processes involved in PBL, thereby generating material which is useful for both training of and giving feedback to PBL tutors.  相似文献   

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