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患者女,47岁,左下肢肿胀47年,左足疣状表皮痣30余年、患者于出生2个月后发现左下肢较右下肢明娃增粗、肿胀,未予任何诊治,左下肢肿胀逐渐加重,但对日常生活影响不大,无疼痛及其他不适症状。该患者17岁时发现左足拇趾处出现散在疣状物,就诊于当地医院,给予冷冻处理。 相似文献
患者女,22岁,因右侧胸背部疣状丘疹进行性增多、部分逐渐融合成斑块,伴阵发性剧烈瘙痒2年,来我院皮肤科就诊.患者既往体健,家族中无类似疾病患者.皮肤科检查:右侧胸背部可见不规则形条带状分布的淡粉红色至暗红色丘疹、斑块,触之较硬,部分皮损表面有白色角化性鳞屑或者表皮剥脱,Auspitz征阴性(图1).皮损组织病理:表皮角化过度伴角化不全,棘层肥厚,表皮突增宽延长,呈银屑病样增生,真皮浅层血管周围淋巴细胞浸润(图2).诊断:炎症性线状疣状表皮痣.治疗:给予0.05%地奈德乳膏和0.1%他扎罗汀乳膏外用,4周后皮损变平,痒感消失,目前仍在随访中. 相似文献
例1男,36岁,右足小趾、足背外缘沿小腿屈侧至腘窝出现暗红色角化性丘疹、斑块伴瘙痒32年.例2女,4岁,左下腹及腹股沟红色或红褐色丘疹、斑丘疹沿Blaschko线分布至外阴部,伴瘙痒3年半.例3男,26岁,右手背、手指、上肢至肩部暗红色丘疹、斑丘疹伴瘙痒3年.该3例皮损组织病理均示:表皮角化过度伴角化不全,棘层肥厚,呈... 相似文献
1 病例摘要
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炎症性线状疣状表皮痣九例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
炎症性线状疣状表皮痣以单侧分布的瘙痒性线状或带状炎症性皮损为特征、病理改变与银屑病相似。本病少见,国内已有报道[1,2]。近年来我们共诊断9例儿童炎症性线状疣状表皮痣,现报道如下。一、一般资料9例患者中,女7例,男2例,年龄2~10岁。发病年龄:出生时1例,生后4个月3例,生后10个月、1岁、1岁9个月、2岁及7岁各1例。二、临床资料1.临床表现:均表现为单侧分布的红色至暗红色丘疹、斑块,融合成线状或带状,表面有少量至中量灰白色鳞屑。分布于左侧大明唇4例,右侧大明唇3例,左下肢2例。皮损均伴有明显疾痒,其中4例疾痒严重一… 相似文献
患者女。26岁。主诉:躯干、四肢条索状斑丘疹26年。现病史:患者出生2月后双下肢出现呈线状排列的淡红色丘疹,伴轻度瘙痒,未予重视,随年龄增长皮疹渐增多,泛发躯干四肢,部分皮疹融合成片,颜色逐渐转为淡褐色,患者自行涂擦药膏(具体不详),皮疹无明显改善,近一年自觉瘙痒难忍,遂来我院门诊就诊。既往史及家族史:既往体健,无化工原料及重金属接触史;无急慢性传染疾病史,家族中无类似病史,无银屑病病史及家族史。 相似文献
炎症性线状疣状表皮痣 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
现病史:患者3年前发现左足伸侧出现一红色丘疹,自觉瘙痒,有时瘙痒剧烈.3年来丘疹逐渐增多,融合成斑块,并向近心端扩展,呈线状分布.患者曾在多家医院就诊,曾诊为线状皮炎、扁平苔藓等,给予多种外用糖皮质激素类软膏外用(具体不详),疗效不明显,于2009年10月来我院就诊. 相似文献
Melanocytic nevi, both congenital and acquired, are considered to be precursors of melanomas. Data about the malignant potential of these nevi are conflicting, particularly with reference to the nevus of the smallest size. Patients with preexisting melanocytic nevi (both congenital and acquired) have risks of developing melanoma that differ from those of subjects without them. The purpose of this study was to verify the presence of melanoma in preexisting nevi both congenital (congenital nevus associated melanoma) (CNAM) and acquired (ANAM). In particular, we investigated melanomas associated with small congenital nevi (SCN). A cohort of 190 patients with primary melanomas was studied. Congenital nevi were called "small" (SCN) when their diameters were less than 1.5 cm. Epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) was performed to further improve the clinical diagnosis and to observe the more subtle changes in the preexisting nevi. Forty of the 190 cases of melanoma were associated with preexisting nevi; of these, 15 had congenital features with a CNAM largest diameter of 1.5 cm. These 15 cases were melanomas of the superficial type with a mean tumor thickness lower than that of ANAM (0.33 vs 1.50). There were no differences between the locations of CNAM and other melanomas. Male patients were significantly more affected. ELM microscopy permitted us to detect the early malignant changes in nevi and thus to improve our diagnosis. A high percentage of small congenital nevi were found to be associated with melanomas. They may be considered as melanomas precursors. Because of their large number and frequency, prophylactic removal of all SCN is not feasible. However, they should be removed as soon as possible when clinical or ELM changes are observed. 相似文献
A case of unilateral,systematized linear hair follicle nevi associated with epidermal nevus-like lesions 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Multiple hair follicle nevi are an extremely rare condition. In 1998, a case of unilateral multiple hair follicle nevi, ipsilateral alopecia and ipsilateral leptomeningeal angiomatosis of the brain was first reported from Japan. Very recently, hair follicle nevus in a distribution following Blaschko's lines has also been reported. In this paper, we observed a congenital case of unilateral, systematized linear hair follicle nevi associated with congenital, ipsilateral, multiple plaque lesions resembling epidermal nevi but lacking leptomeningeal angiomatosis of the brain. These cases implicate the possibility of a novel neurocutaneous syndrome. Additional cases should be sought in order to determine whether this condition is pathophysiologically distinct. 相似文献
Marta Bertolin‐Colilla MD Rebeca Alcalá MD Gustavo Deza MD Luciano Polino MD Fernando Gallardo MD PhD Ramon M. Pujol MD PhD 《Pediatric dermatology》2018,35(5):e291-e293
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and linear psoriasis are different entities with clinical and histopathologic similarities. Isolated reports of inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus with concomitant psoriasis or a positive family history of psoriasis have been described, and the possibility that inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus may be a mosaic form of cutaneous psoriasis has been postulated. We report a 17‐year‐old boy with a congenital, linear, erythematous, keratotic plaque on the dorsum of the fifth finger of the left hand with ipsilateral nail dystrophy. Histopathologic examination showed epidermal hyperplasia with alternating orthokeratosis and parakeratosis. During follow‐up, he developed erosive monoarthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint. This case seems to confirm the association between inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and arthritis and supports a possible relationship between inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and psoriasis. 相似文献