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This article presents the development, implementation, and evaluation of a national evidence-based medicine faculty-development program for podiatric medical educators. Ten faculty members representing six accredited colleges of podiatric medicine, one podiatric medical residency program, and a Veterans Affairs podiatry service participated in a 2-day workshop, which included facilitated discussions, minilectures, hands-on exercises, implementation planning, and support after the workshop. Participants' evidence-based medicine skills were measured by retrospective self-reported ratings before and after the workshop. Participants also reported their implementation of "commitments to change" on follow-up surveys at 3 and 12 months. Participants' evidence-based medicine practice and teaching skills improved after the intervention. They listed a total of 84 commitments to change, most of which related to the program objectives. By 12 months after the workshop, participants as a group had fully implemented 24 commitments (32%), partially implemented 36 (48%), and failed to implement 15 (20%) of a total of 75 commitments with follow-up data. The most common barriers to change at 12 months were insufficient resources, systems problems, and short patient visit times. A train-the-trainer faculty-development program can improve self-reported evidence-based medicine skills and behaviors and affect curriculum reform at podiatric medical educational institutions.  相似文献   

基本生命支持(Basic Life Support,BLS)是每一位医学生必须掌握的医学技能。但是现行的BLS教学体系中缺少针对医学生BLS技能的评估与再培训制度。本文以2010年7月四川大学华西临床医学院首次在2005级八年制医学生中实行"实习前临床技能的准入制度"进行BLS技能评估为契机,探讨了在BLS教学中建立BLS技能评估与再培训制度,以提高模拟教学资源利用效率,提高BLS教学质量,推动医学教学的改革。  相似文献   

新版GMP规范对药品生产车间洁净级别、微生物指标等多项控制方面均有要求上的提高,由此带来了空调系统能耗加大的客观情况。为了解决这个问题,提出药品生产车间应当广泛采用新风预处理一次回风系统来代替再热式一次回风系统的方法,主要通过减少空调再热负荷来取得空调系统总体节能的效果,并通过一系列模型、数据和论证说明该方法具有适用性和经济性。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京大学医学部八年制临床医学专业毕业生的临床和科研能力,为八年制临床医学专业教学改革提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查方法,选择北京大学医学部2009届~2016届八年制临床医学专业197名毕业生为研究对象,从临床能力、科研能力以及对院校教育的评价等方面进行自我评价和同行评价。结果:在临床能力方面,自我评价医患沟通...  相似文献   

目的 通过对社区全科师资进行短期小型临床演练评量(mini-CEX)应用培训,了解在社区带教中开展mini-CEX的需求与可行性,探索mini-CEX在临床教学中的应用与推广.方法 2012年9月对36名社区全科师资进行为期半天的集中培训,培训前后采用问卷调查了解对mini-CEX认知情况及培训需求;通过对观察示范录像后的评分进行分析,评价培训效果.结果 培训前47%(17/36)的社区师资曾听到过mini-CEX并了解评分表;42%(15/36)了解mini-CEX的实施步骤但没有师资曾用过mini-CEX;全部师资均希望了解“如何实施mini-CEX”.培训后绝大多数师资对mini-CEX的7项考核标准及实施反馈达到完全理解或基本理解.对示范录像的评分显示,7项标准中仅1项的9分制正确率接近50%,5项的等级评分正确率在50%以上;两者比较有4项标准的正确率差异存在统计学意义(均P<0.01).结论 社区师资认同mini-CEX在住院医师临床能力评估方面的优势,有较强的使用意愿.短期集中培训具有一定效果,在此基础上还应进行评分者培训,并在实际应用中加强经验交流与反馈.  相似文献   

目的了解当前临床医患关系职业化技术之一的巴林特小组工作的培训需求状况与进一步发展的方向。方法采用问卷调查方法,对北京国际巴林特小组培训班接受培训人员的评估结果进行分析。结果接受培训人员105人,答卷者中13人接受小组组长培训。培训结束时共回收评估问卷87份,答卷者中精神/心理专业学员35人,非精神/心理专业学员52人。组长培训班学员13人全部填写了评估问卷。学员对小组活动和演示演练( fishbowl 金鱼缸)最为欢迎;所有学员对“学习到了怎样带领巴林特小组”选项的认可程度(t=2.17)介于“2=同意”与“3=不确定”之间;其余各选项的认可程度均在“1=非常同意”与“2=同意”之间;精神/心理专业学员与非精神/心理专业学员在此项结果上的差别无统计学意义(P=0.943);组长培训班学员对此选项的认可程度(t=1.50)高于非组长班学员(t=2.27,P〈0.01)。结论职业化医患关系技术(巴林特小组工作)培训受到各级各类医院医务人员的广泛认可;专业的组长培训能够提高临床医生带领巴林特小组工作的能力;精神/心理专业背景和非精神/心理专业背景的医疗工作者都具有良好的巴林特小组组长潜能。  相似文献   

主要介绍了原料药合成车间的工艺设计若干注意事项,目的希望有助于设计出安全、环保、符合GMP规范、节能的原料药合成车间.  相似文献   

作为快乐生活俱乐部系列的开篇,本文目的是介绍和讨论这个社区慢性病管理项目的基本设计原理、现实意义,并作为其他系列文章的方法学基础。快乐生活俱乐部是受国际商标保护的慢性病管理项目,它源于澳大利亚的美好生活俱乐部。当今人类社会人口老龄化和慢性病海啸给国家和地区的卫生服务系统带来巨大挑战,首当其冲的问题是卫生服务提供系统怎样响应老龄化社区的健康服务需要。快速增长的糖尿病是21世纪人类健康的巨大疾病负担之一,这种前所未有的需要不仅仅是数量上的增长,还是内涵上的变化。它促使卫生政策和服务的研究者们向探索创新性的卫生服务系统方向发展。初级卫生保健和全科医学位于这场新战役的前沿阵地。快乐生活俱乐部就是一种创新探索,致力于把社区卫生服务更进一步地推向生物-心理-社会健康的服务模式。它以动机谈话为主要干预措施,从应用心理学入手加强基层卫生服务人员的能力建设,使社区医生和护士能够采用合作和指导式的医患沟通方式,唤起患者对慢性病管理的自主性和信心,有效地帮助糖尿病患者改变与慢性病有关的生活方式行为,从而达到更好的管理慢性病和提高生活质量的目的 。  相似文献   

Over the last 6 years Sherbrooke Medical School has undertaken a major reform of its undergraduate curriculum. A new student-centred, community-oriented curriculum was implemented in September 1987. Problem-based learning (PBL) is now the main educational method. To adequately prepare teachers for the curriculum a series of faculty development programs in pedagogy were offered: first, a 2-day introductory workshop to initiate teachers into educational principles and their application in the new program; second, a 1-year basic training program in medical pedagogy; third, a 1-day workshop on PBL; and fourth, a comprehensive 3-day training program in PBL tutoring. Over 60% of all full-time teachers attended the introductory program and 80% the tutor training program. The 1-year basic training program was completed by 33% of the faculty members. The implementation of these programs, coupled with a high participation rate, resulted in a more student-centred educational philosophy and a greater interest in medical education. This had a significant impact when the new curriculum was instituted. Lessons learned from the experience are discussed.  相似文献   

In March 1984, a program for an academic nursing home was established at the Sepulveda Veterans Administration Medical Center. The program was designed to improve care of nursing home patients, provide interdisciplinary training for medical house staff and allied health students, and stimulate research. Geriatric faculty physicians were appointed, medical house staff were assigned as primary physicians to groups of patients, and geriatric nurse practitioners were hired to provide day-to-day care. A two-phase evaluation of the impact of the academic nursing home on patient care was conducted. Beneficial developments associated with the program in concurrent comparison with the standard nursing home unit included a significant decrease in patient transfers to the acute-care hospital and significant improvements in functional status, patient satisfaction, and morale. A trend toward improved survival was nonsignificant. Longer-term follow-up revealed a significantly increased rate of discharge for patients completing long-term rehabilitation. Overall, the costs of nursing home care were only minimally increased by the program. Results suggest that programs like the academic nursing home can lead to improved process and outcomes of nursing home care.  相似文献   

A workshop on National Plans of Action for Nutrition: Constraints, Key Elements for Success, and Future Plans was convened and organized by the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific in collaboration with the Institute for Medical Research Malaysia and co-sponsored with FAO and UNICEF from 25-29 October 1999. It was attended by representatives of 25 countries in the region and resource persons, representatives from WHO and other international agencies. The objectives of the workshop were to review the progress of countries in developing, implementing and monitoring national plans of action for nutrition (NPANs) in the Western Pacific Region and to identify constraints and key elements of success in these efforts. Most of the countries have NPANs, either approved and implemented or awaiting official endorsement. The Plan formulation is usually multisectotal, involving several government ministries, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies. Often official adoption or endorsement of the Plan comes from the head of state and cabinet or the minister of health, one to six years from the start of its formulation. The NPAN has stimulated support for the development and implementation of nutrition projects and activities, with comparatively greater involvement of and more support from government ministries, UN agencies and non-governmental agencies compared to local communities, bilateral and private sectors and research and academic institutions. Monitoring and evaluation are important components of NPANs. They are, however, not given high priority and often not built into the plan. The role of an intersectoral coordinating body is considered crucial to a country's nutrition program. Most countries have an intersectoral structure or coordinating body to ensure the proper implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their NPANs. The workshop identified the constraints and key elements of success in each of the four stages of the NPAN process: development, operationalization, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Constraints to the NPAN process relate to the political and socioeconomic environment, resource scarcity, control and management processes, and factors related to sustainability. The group's review of NPAN identified successful NPANs as those based on recent, adequate and good quality information on the nutritional situation of the country, and on the selection of strategies, priorities and interventions that are relevant to the country and backed up by adequate resources. Continued high level political commitment, a multisectoral approach, and adequate participation of local communities are other key elements for success. The participants agreed on future actions and support needed from various sources for the further development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their NPANs. The recommendations for future actions were categorized into actions pertaining to countries with working NPAN, actions for countries without working NPAN and actions relevant to all countries. There was also a set of suggested actions at the regional level, such as holding of regular regional NPAN evaluation meetings, inclusion of NPAN on the agenda of regional fora by the regional organizations, and strengthening of regional nutrition networks.  相似文献   

The first Hawaii Asthma Research Consortium was held on 7 May 2001 at Tripler Army Medical Center. Researchers investigating asthma-related problems and program directors of asthma projects were solicited statewide to present their projects. Ten lecturers focused on research and asthma projects in Hawaii in 20-minute presentations. An informal ten-minute discussion followed each presentation to encourage audience questions about the project and to discuss possible collaboration efforts between institutions. The institutions that were represented include: American Lung Association-Hawaii, Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research Hawaii, Kapiolani Medical Center, Tripler Army Medical Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center.  相似文献   

British Columbia has funded a program for licensure for international medical graduates since 1992, providing 2 entry positions per year for postgraduate training. Each year 25-35 candidates are eligible for the program, 13-16 enter the evaluation process, 4 go on to a clinical evaluation and 2 are offered funding by the Ministry of Health. Other candidates may access community funding if they meet the requirements of the program. Twenty of 26 candidates have successfully completed the postgraduate training and achieved full licensure; 6 are still in training. In this article we describe the development of the program, the evaluation and selection process, characteristics of the candidates and the outcomes of the program.  相似文献   

Although screening for cervical cancer has been shown to be effective in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease, and despite many attempts to encourage the development of provincial programs, as of 1995 no province had a comprehensive screening program for cervical cancer. Participants at the Interchange '95 workshop, held in Ottawa in November 1995, reviewed the recommendations of the 1989 National Workshop on Screening for Cancer of the Cervix and identified factors that have impeded their implementation. Participants discussed the need for comprehensive information systems, quality control and strategies to increase recruitment of unscreened and underscreened women. They concluded that the formation of a Cervical Cancer Prevention Network involving key stakeholders will facilitate the development and implementation of provincial programs to ensure optimal screening. They agreed that, in the interim, recommendations for practising physicians should remain as they were following the 1989 workshop.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腰椎间盘突出症中医护理方案临床实施后医护人员的体验,为腰椎间盘突出症中医护理方案优化提供参考依据。方法 采用目的抽样法,选取杭州市6家三级甲等中医医院及中西医结合医院熟悉腰椎间盘突出症中医护理方案的14名骨科及针灸推拿科护士长、中医护理骨干、高年资中医师进行深入访谈。运用Colaizzi分析法分析、提炼主题。结果 方案实施过程中,医护人员呈现正性和负性两种体验。正性体验主要是护士普遍认为该方案对腰椎间盘突出症临床护理指导意义重大,可提升中医护理能力以及提高疾病的关注度;负性体验包括辨证施护存在困惑、技术选择有不确定感、具体实施存在困难、技术应用有利益关系,以及统计评价带来护士的排斥。结论 需要进一步总结优化中医护理方案,提高其临床应用可操作性,简化统计流程,提高效果评价科学性,提升临床护士的中医护理能力并得到医生的配合,从而更好地落实腰椎间盘突出症中医护理方案。  相似文献   

介绍了原料药多功能车间设计的有关事项,包括多功能车间的基本概念、通用工艺流程、设备选型、设备布置、管道以及原料药洁净区的设计。  相似文献   

建立科学的教学质量监控体系,探索富有时效性的监控手段,是营造和培养良好的教风、学风,提升教学质量和办学水平的重要举措。行政上的二级性、专业上的医学性决定了教学质量监控方法的特殊性。以本科教学评估为契机,探索高等医学教学质量监控方法,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

关于冻干车间的设计心得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于新建冻干车间设计的心得体会。  相似文献   

The use of controlled substances to treat pain is associated with the need to monitor carefully patients for signs of addictive behaviors that may lead to the misuse or abuse of medications. At the West Virginia Pain Treatment Center in Morgantown, a narcotic protocol is employed which consists of a narcotic contract, consent, psychological evaluation, and random urinalysis to ensure the safe and proper use of controlled substances. This study reports the findings of a retrospective study of 186 patients at the center from Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2001, which revealed that there were 355 infractions of the narcotic contract. Products containing hydrocodone were found to be most frequently misused (20.3%), followed by oxycodone products (19.7%). Patients prescribed controlled substances should be repeatedly evaluated for medication misuse and the presence of addictive behaviors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Constraint-induced aphasia therapy (CIAT) offers potential benefits to individuals with history of aphasia-producing ischemic stroke. The goals of this pilot study were to implement the original German CIAT protocol, refine the treatment program, and confirm its efficacy in patients with chronic aphasia. MATERIAL/METHODS: We translated and modified the original CIAT protocol to include a hierarchy of individual skill levels for semantic, syntactic, and phonological language production, while constraining non-use behaviors. Three male participants with moderate to severe post-stroke aphasia received CIAT 3-4 hours/day for 5 consecutive days. Pre and post-testing included formal language evaluation, linguistic analysis of story retell, and mini-Communication Activity Log (mini-CAL). RESULTS: Substantial improvements in comprehension and verbal skills were noted in 2 patients with an increase in the total number of words (31% and 95%) and in number of utterances for story-retell task (57% and 75%). All participants demonstrated an improvement on at least one linguistic measure. No subjective improvements on mini-CAL were noted by any of the participants. CONCLUSIONS: Given that the duration of treatment was only 1 week, these linguistic improvements in post stroke aphasia participants were remarkable. The results indicate that the CIAT protocol used in this study may be a useful tool in language restoration after stroke. These initial findings should be confirmed in a larger, randomized study.  相似文献   

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