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目的 采用实验室间比对质控样品的方法来评价我国省、市、县各级疾病预防控制中心(共计156家)对生活饮用水中总大肠菌群的检测能力。方法 制备2种不同浓度的总大肠菌群质控样品,采用单因子方差分析法和t 检验法分别对其进行稳定性检验和均匀性检验。将各参与实验室提交的结果进行稳健统计分析,根据Z比分数评定各参与实验室的测试结果,并对该实验室提出相应建议。结果 总计151家实验室上报了此次实验室间比对的结果,上报率达到96.79%。其中有141家实验室的结果为满意值,总体满意率为93.38%。经典的多管发酵法仍为绝大多数实验室(108家,71.52%)的首选,且其结果较为稳定。结论 参与本次实验室间比对的CDC大多数具有生活饮用水中总大肠菌群的检测能力,基本能够满足全国生活饮用水监测任务的需求。  相似文献   

LC/MS/MS法分析食品中微量苏丹红I、II、III、IV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立快速、准确、高灵敏度的测定食品中苏丹红I、II、III、IV的分析方法。方法:采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱联用法,以乙腈-0.1%甲酸进行梯度洗脱,流速0.3 ml/min,采用C18柱分离,以多反应监测(MRM)方式进行检测,分析时间仅为5 min。苏丹红I、II、III、IV用于定量分析的离子分别为m/z249→93、277→120、353→197、381→224。结果:苏丹红I、II、III、IV的线性范围分别为1.1616~290.4、1.2608~315.2、1.184~296.0、1.1664~291.6 ng/ml,25份食品中有3份检出苏丹红I、II、III、IV含量超过50μg/kg,其余检出均微量。结论:此方法选择性强,灵敏度高,可作为含各种辣椒的食品中苏丹红I、II、III、IV的有效分析检测方法。  相似文献   

目的 通过质量控制考核评价实验室检测能力,提高实验室检测水平,确保食源性致病菌监测工作中样品检验结果的可靠性.方法 依据G 4789食品微生物血检验标准进行检验.结果 浙江省CDC的质控考核反馈,全部正确.结论 实验室质控有助于提高实验室检验水平和工作人员的自信心.  相似文献   

目的通过质量控制考核可以客观地评价各实验室的检验结果,了解和提高检验机构的食源性致病菌检验能力、结果的差异,为开展有针对性的实验室检验技术培训提供依据。方法依据国家标准GB 4789.10—2010,采用平板计数定量方法,对考核样品吉林-金黄色葡萄球菌-1、金黄色葡萄球菌-2,按考核要求每份样品做2个平行样进行金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测。结果金黄色葡萄球菌-1号样品菌落数分别为7.5×106cfu和7.2×106cfu;金黄色葡萄球菌-2号样品菌落数分别为2.8×104cfu和2.5×104cfu。试验结果由国家食品安全风险评估中心给出评价,金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测结果金黄色葡萄球菌-1号样品Z分值为0.25;金黄色葡萄球菌-2号样品Z分值为0.13。结论 2份样品的金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测均取得满意结果,并且在全国名列前茅。  相似文献   

张琳 《实用预防医学》2015,22(5):602-603
目的了解徐州铁路管内所有单位固定作业场所有害作业情况并对其危害程度进行分级评价;方法 对2013年徐州铁路管内所有单位全部固定作业场所危害因素情况、监测等资料进行分析,并按相关有害作业分级标准对其有害作业危害程度进行分级评价;结果 徐州铁路10单位有职业病危害作业场所职业病危害因素主要种类分3类5种,虽种类不多。34个作业场所职业病危害危害程度分IV级,包括0级6个占17.65%,I级26个占76.47%. III级1个占2.94%.IV级1个占2.94%,其中①职业病危害作业场所体力劳动强度分III级,其中I级26个占76.47%,II级6个占18.18%,III级2个占6.06%;②生产性粉尘作业危害分II级,其中0级2个,占14.29%;I级13个,占86.67%;③物理因素作业危害分IV级,其中0级2个,占11.76%;I级13个,占76.47%;III级1个,占5.88%;IV级1个,占5.88%;④化学因素作业危害程度分I级,其中I级2个占100%。结论强化有害作业分级管理,加强0级保护,注重I-IV级治理,改善职业病危害作业场所从业人员的劳动环境,保护劳动者身体健康。  相似文献   

实验室细菌质控检验结果分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在承担中国CDC营养与食品安全所”全国食品污染物监测网食源性致病菌检测”项目的同时 ,定期参加实验室质量控制考核 ,接受盲样的分离鉴定工作 ,能不断提高实验室处理各种样品的能力和水平 ,我们每年都要定期接受中国CDC的质控考核。现将 2 0 0 1年 11-12月的实验室间的质控考核情况及检验结果报告如下 :1 材料与方法1.1 质控样品 中国CDC下发的冻干盲样混合菌种 1份。1.2 依据GB4789-1994食品卫生国家标准《食品卫生检验方法》(微生物部分 ) ,《全国食品污染物监测相关实验室操作技术手册》(食源性致病菌部分 ) ,《卫生防疫细菌检…  相似文献   

目的通过能力验证计划,对全国实验室的生活饮用水中三氯甲烷含量检测能力进行分析和评价。方法能力验证计划中使用的被测样品参考二级标准物质制备方法制备,采用单因子方差分析法和t检验法分别对其进行均匀性检验和稳定性检验。将全国多个行业系统所属的329家实验室提交的结果进行迭代稳健统计分析,采用z比分数评定各参加实验室的测试结果。结果获得满意结果的实验室299家,结果满意率为90.9%;可疑结果的有14家,结果可疑率为4.3%;离群结果的有16家,结果离群率为4.9%。结论能力验证统计结果表明,国内实验室的生活饮用水中三氯甲烷检测能力总体较好,少部分实验室的检测能力有待改进提高。  相似文献   

目的对参加国家食品安全风险监测的32个省级疾病预防控制中心,开展金黄色葡萄球菌定量、致泻性大肠埃希菌和未知肠道致病菌定性的质量控制考核,以评价其微生物检验技术能力。方法制备2种浓度的金黄色葡萄球菌样品。制备4种不同血清型的致泻性大肠埃希菌和未知肠道致病菌样品。金黄色葡萄球菌报告结果计算均值和标准差,利用Z比分做出满意与否评价。致泻性大肠埃希菌和未知肠道致病菌的结果评价为正确或者错误,没有报告结果的评价为缺失。结果金黄色葡萄球菌的满意率为82.81%;致泻性大肠埃希菌的正确率为45.16%;未知肠道致病菌考核中,沙门菌血清型的正确率为90.63%。3项考核均正确的率为28.13%。结论 32个省级疾病预防控制中心具备沙门菌鉴定和血清分型以及金黄色葡萄球菌定量检验能力,致泻性大肠埃希菌的血清分型能力有待加强。  相似文献   

目的组织全国疾控系统实验室乳制品中脂肪酸能力验证活动,了解疾控系统实验室对乳制品中脂肪酸的检测能力和水平。方法脂肪酸能力验证样品由中国食品药品检定研究院制备,采用单因素方差分析和t检验对样品均匀性和稳定性进行分析。对能力验证结果进行稳健统计分析,通过Z值评定实验室的检测能力。结果样品通过均匀性和稳定性检验,满足能力验证计划要求。全国疾控系统有23个实验室参加了本项能力验证,可疑结果 4个,不满意结果 1个,剔除结果 2个,满意结果 16个,满意率69. 6%。结论全国疾控系统乳制品中脂肪酸检测能力总体好于预期,少数实验室检测能力有待改进和提高。  相似文献   

目的通过能力验证计划,对全国实验室的生活饮用水中硝酸盐氮含量检测能力进行分析和评价。方法能力验证计划中使用的被测样品参考二级标准物质制备方法制备,采用单因子方差分析法和t检验法分别对其进行均匀性检验和稳定性检验。将全国多个行业系统所属的608家实验室提交的结果进行迭代稳健统计分析,采用Z比分数评定各参加实验室的测试结果。结果获得满意结果的实验室541家,结果满意率为89.0%;可疑结果的有20家,结果可疑率为3.3%;离群结果的有47家,结果离群率为7.7%。结论能力验证统计结果表明,国内实验室的生活饮用水中硝酸盐氮检测能力总体较好,少部分实验室的检测能力有待改进提高。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the evidence to support the use of biochemical measurement of significant reduction (SR) rates among pregnant smokers as a new behavioral indicator of "harm reduction" (HR). The results of four studies--three randomized patient education clinical trials of pregnant smokers (Trials I, II, and III) and an epidemiological study (Study IV)--are presented. Among Trial I, II, and III cohorts of pregnant smokers, control group SR rates of 7% (I), 9% (II), and 20% (III) were increased among experimental groups to 17% (I), 18% (II), and 32% (III) by the same patient education methods. Analyses of infant birthweight data in Study IV found that a patient SR rate representing a 50% or more decrease between a baseline and follow-up test was associated with an increase in adjusted birthweight of 92 grams.  相似文献   

目的 调查分析淮安市非医疗单位核技术利用及放射工作人员职业健康管理现状,加强职业性放射性疾病的预防与控制.方法 编制调查问卷方式对淮安市37家核技术利用非医疗机构进行普查,包括射线装置和放射源、放射工作人员个人剂量监测、职业健康检查开展情况、防护设备配备等内容.结果 行业覆盖制造业、交通运输、仓储和邮政业,科学研究和技...  相似文献   

Water samples were analysed to differentiate human and animal faecal contamination of the New River, Mexico/USA, by genotyping bacterial viruses detected in the samples. From 46 water samples collected from the New River, 372 plaques of male-specific coliphages were isolated and genotyped; 44% of the plaques were identified as F-RNA coliphages and further characterized into four groups. Group I was the most prevalent (56%), followed by group IV (25%), group III (10%) and group II (9%). Group III coliphages were only detected at the sampling site in the vicinity of the international boundary, indicating human faecal contamination. As the New River traverses through the US region, groups I and IV coliphages were predominantly identified, but no human-specific genotypes were detected. The study also found that water temperature influenced the prevalence of the relative proportions of F-RNA coliphages in the environmental water samples. The strategy used in this study appears to be a practical and reliable tool for monitoring and distinguishing between human and animal faecal contamination.  相似文献   

目的对治疗锁骨近端骨折的5种不同手术方案及其疗效进行探讨。方法将60例锁骨近端骨折具有手术指征者随机分为张力带钢丝内固定治疗组(Ⅰ组),锁骨钩钢板内固定治疗组(Ⅱ组),单纯T形钢板内固定治疗组(Ⅲ组),T形钢板内固定加一期植骨治疗组(Ⅳ组),各15例。比较4组治疗术式手术安全性及其临床疗效。结果 4组患者术后分别采用Rockwood胸锁关节评分法以及关节疾患治疗成绩制定标准(JOA)对其疗效进行评价,4组评分取均值对比:术后3个月Rockwood评分Ⅳ组(13.6±1.8)分,高于Ⅰ组(10.4±1.6)分,Ⅱ组(9.3±2.5)分和Ⅲ组(10.8±2.9)(P﹤0.05);术后6个月JOA评分Ⅳ组(95.7±2.8)分,高于Ⅰ组(91.0±1.3)分,Ⅱ组(89.3±2.2)分和Ⅲ组(91.8±1.8)(P﹤0.05);Ⅳ组术后优良率(100%)显著高于前3组,术后并发症发生率(0%)明显低于前3组。结论 T形钢板内固定加一期植骨治疗锁骨近段骨折,术后临床疗效确切,无并发症,固定可靠,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies have been performed in order to assess a treatment with 131I able to induce a consistent improvement in Graves' hyperthyroidism. METHODS: Experimental design: For this purpose, four different protocols based on four different doses of radioiodine have been tested in Graves' disease patients. Patients never submitted previously to antithyroid drug treatment were given 1 mCi/10 gm of the estimated thyroid weight (group I; n = 50). Group II (n = 48) included patients not previously treated with antithyroid drugs and who were given doses of iodine based on a formula taking into account the rate of thyroid iodine uptake, i.e. 131I dose = microCi/gm of the estimated thyroid weight x 100/24 hrs 131I uptake (%). Patients previously submitted to antithyroid drug therapy were treated with radioiodine whose dose was calculated according to the formula reported above, but the dose was increased in order to overcome the possible resistance of this kind of patients to the effect of 131I. One group (group III; n = 24) received the calculated dose plus 1 microCi/gm of the estimated thyroid weight. Finally, group IV (n = 27) received the calculated dose plus 0.25 microCi/gm of the estimated thyroid weight. RESULTS: The analysis of the patients one year later demonstrated that groups I and II presented the higher percent of euthyroid patients (60% and 58%, respectively) followed by group IV (37%) and group III (29.2%). The percent of patients still exhibiting hyperthyroidism was 28% in group I, 26% in group IV, 12.5% in group III and 8.3% in group II. The highest number of hypothyroid patients was present in group III (58.3%) followed by group IV (37%), group II (33.3%) and group I (12%). CONCLUSIONS: The data here presented suggest that protocols I and II based on relatively low doses of radioiodine are rather effective in reducing Graves' hyperthyroidism in patients not submitted previously to antithyroid drug therapy. The most satisfactory therapy seems that utilized in protocol II, that in front of a fair amount of euthyroid patients (58.3%) presents a very low number of subjects still hyperthyroid (8.3%). However, the number of patients who became hypothyroid (33.3%) as a consequence of the therapy was too high. Hopefully, a better design of the protocol will reduce this figure. The high incidence of hyperthyroidism observed in groups III and IV submitted to a therapy with 131I doses consistently higher than those utilized in groups I and II seems to confirm the hypothesis that hyperthyroid subjects submitted to a therapy with antithyroid drugs become rather resistant to a radioiodine treatment.  相似文献   

目的了解山西省医疗机构近9年来临床微生物学室间质量评价(external quality assessment,EQA)细菌鉴定项目的检测能力。 方法收集2009年至2017年山西省细菌鉴定EQA反馈结果,对所涉及菌株鉴定正确率进行统计学分析。 结果参加山西省临床微生物室间质量评价的实验室以二级公立医疗机构为主,占74.5%。9年来共发放质评样本90份,共涉及33个菌属,54个菌种。累积通过网络上报结果1530份。质评合格率以2012年最低为83.8%,2015年最高为95.7%,9年累积合格率为91.0%。质评样本鉴定正确率从33.1%~100.0%不等。 结论通过参加室间质量评价,可以加强临床微生物实验室质量管理,找出存在的问题和不足,促进检测能力的提高。  相似文献   

Summary Effects on hepatic microsomal enzyme activity in rats was investigated following administration of one oral dose of parathion plus one oral dose of an organochlorine pesticide or drug. (Doses approx. 25% of LD 50). Enzyme systems studied: O-demethylase (I) (Netter and Seidel); O-dearylase (II) (Neal and DuBois); N-demethylase (III) (LaDu et al.); azo-reductase (IV) (Fouts et al.), and nitroreductase (V) (Fouts and Brodie).With single compounds, and expressing control activity as 100%, parathion induced mild inhibition of I, II, III, IV, and V. Aldrin and chlordane induced marked stimulation (200–600%) of I, II, III, and V; and DDT and phenobarbital of I and II.In the following combinations with parathion, maximum activities induced by a stimulant were reduced approximately 50%: aldrin I, II, IV, V, chlordane II, III, V, DDT II, methoxychlor II, IV, dimenhydrinate III, diphenylhydantoin III, IV, and paraldehyde I and II. In some combinations with parathion, activities were augmented (50–100%) above the maximum induced by the stimulant alone: aldrin III, chlordane IV, methoxychlor I, dimenhydrinate IV, V, phenobarbital V, and trimethadione IV and V.The net result of hepatic microsomal enzyme activity of two compounds cannot be predicted when one is a depressant (parathion) and the other a stimulant (organochlorine pesticides or a certain drug).This investigation was supported by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service Grant No. 2 PO 1 ES00052-5.  相似文献   

目的为了了解并提高陕西省各水质检测机构对水中锰检测的整体水平和技术能力。方法选用自制锰能力验证样品,样品的均匀性采用“单因子方差分析”法进行评定;样品的稳定性通过“t检验”法进行评定;采用稳健统计技术“Z比分数”的统计方法对饮用水中锰的检测结果进行分析。结果样品共发放至全省各相关机构136家实验室,锰检测结果(含补测)满意(|Z|≤2)的有129家,满意率为94.85%。结论全省水质检测机构对于生活饮用水中金属元素的测定,表现出较强的检测能力,为居民用水安全提供了有力的保障。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 为了提高水质检测实验室检测结果的准确性与可比性以及检验机构的整体能力,识别水质检测实验室间存在的差异。方法 选用自制铅镉标准样品,分别采用F检验和∣x-y∣≤ 0.3σ准则法检验样本的均匀性和稳定性,采用稳健统计技术“Z比分数”的统计方法对饮用水中铅、镉的检测结果进行分析。结果 此次样品共发放至全省各相关的检测机构86家实验室,其中铅检测结果满意的有 77家,满意率为 89.5%(77/86);镉检测结果满意的有62家,满意率为87.3%(62/71)。结论 全省水质检测实验室铅镉总体检测能力较高,部分实验室检测技术水平有待提高。  相似文献   

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