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在训聋儿个体直接康复成本调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解在训聋儿个体直接康复成本,为政府制定社会保障救助体系提供决策依据。方法采用中国聋儿康复研究中心2005年制定的“聋儿康复现状调查问卷”,结合访谈法对安徽省残疾人康复研究中心在训的40名聋儿进行了调查,收回有效问卷31份。调查内容包括聋儿家庭基本经济情况、助听器配戴情况及康复训练·隋况等内容。结果聋儿家庭年经济收入普遍低于全省平均水平;在训聋儿个体直接康复成本偏高;大部分聋儿选配了合适的助听器,语言训练效果显著。讨论政府应保护聋儿家长的康复积极性,建立社会救助体系,降低在训聋儿个体直接康复成本支出,提高康复效率,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

在政府和社会各界的广泛关注和支持下,经过20余年的努力,我国的聋儿康复事业迅速发展.在全国形成了以中国聋儿康复研究中心为技术资源中心.省级聋儿康复中心为龙头,地市级聋儿康复机构为骨干,语训班点为依托的聋儿康复网络。随着社会需求的不断增加,私立康复机构也应运而生。截止2008年底,已有30余万名聋儿在各级聋儿康复机构接受了听力语言康复训练。  相似文献   

目的:通过适合聋儿身体发展的体育活动,使聋儿在体.智、德.美诸方面都得到全面.协调、和谐的发展,促进聋儿语言能力的提高。方法:聋儿康复机构应有目的、有组织.有计划地对聋儿进行体育教育,体育应包括早操、体育课和户外体育活动三个方面。结果:各种适合聋儿身心健康的体育活动不仅能全面锻炼聋儿的身体,促进身体正常发育。增强体质。而且还能帮助聋儿学会正确呼吸,避免因说话换气.停顿不当而出现的断句现象:还能训练聋儿的听力。提高聋儿主动交往、主动开口说话的能力。结论:体育活动在语言训练中能够带动聋儿学习情绪的高涨。帮助聋儿吸收所学的知识。巩固记忆,培养聋儿敢于创新.自主自立,不怕挫折和互相帮助的集体意识及交往能力,能较好地发挥聋儿的主动性和创造性。有利于聋儿综合能力的提高。  相似文献   

通过对湖北省聋儿康复中心戴助听器半年以上的在训聋儿30名的听力情况进行复查,发现这些聋儿中有2例出现戴助听器后单耳听力下降情况。为了探讨聋儿听力下降的原因,对聋儿所配戴助听器的频响范围,增益,声输出情况,音量大小及聋儿家长或语训老师对聋儿进行语训的习惯进行了分析,比较戴助听器前后听力情况,提出可能导致聋儿听力下降的几个常见原因,对聋儿验配助听器过程中需注意的方面进行归纳。  相似文献   

聋儿康复教育教学过程中要坚持“快乐教学,情感为先”的原则,建立良好的师生关系,创设具有情感性、参与性的物质环境,教师以情绪感染聋儿,选择贴近聋儿生活的教学内容,组织丰富多彩的教学活动,给予聋儿包容和鼓励并提供表现的机会,是实现“快乐教学,情感为先”原则的良好途径。充分激发聋儿积极愉快的情绪、情感体验,能促进聋儿全面发展。  相似文献   

1存在的问题 据统计,黑龙江省现有7岁以下听力障碍儿童3万人,每年新生聋儿500人。听力障碍儿童主要分布在乡镇、农村等偏远地区,而现有的基层聋儿康复机构数量有限,分布不均衡,不能满足广大聋儿的康复需求。机构康复是聋儿康复的重要教育方式之一,同时也存在着对收训聋儿年龄有限制、训练经费不足等问题,这些因素使一些聋儿不能进入康复机构进行早期康复训练。探索适合地方实际情况的聋儿社区一家庭康复教育方法和形式是弥补机构康复不足的有效途径,以满足广大聋儿及家长的康复需求。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了应用CAI课件对聋儿进行现代科技启蒙教育的重要作用。从激发聋儿学习兴趣;促进聋儿看、听、说、想能力的发展;培养聋儿学习的积极性、主动性和持久性;增强聋儿操作和实践能力:提高聋儿评价能力等五个方面,论述了如何巧妙地利用CAI课件变革传统的教学方法,优化教学过程,提高教学质量,促进聋儿的素质教育。  相似文献   

责任感是一个人日后能否立足于社会,获得事业与家庭幸福至关重要的人格品质。教育成功的关键是培养一个有责任心的孩子,聋儿康复教育也同样如此。对聋儿进行责任感的培养可通过以下几种途径:教育聋儿自己的事自己做;引导聋儿为他人.为家庭,为集体服务;让聋儿独立处事;教聋儿对自己做出的事情负责;指导聋儿培育动植物:强化聋儿的任务意识。  相似文献   

创设情境激发聋儿说话兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在聋儿语言康复教育中,创设良好的情境,是聋儿学好语言的关键。创设良好的情境不仅能激发聋儿学语的积极性,而且还能够让聋儿在情境中锻炼运用语言及主动运用语言与人沟通交流的能力。  相似文献   

培养聋儿的语言交往能力是提高聋儿康复质量的关键步骤,也是聋儿回归主流社会的必经之路。  相似文献   

Independent raters scanned transcribed conversations from 57 language-impaired children and 67 control children aged from 4 to 12 years and identified instances where the normal flow of conversation appeared to be disrupted because the child's utterance was in some way inappropriate. It was found that adequate inter-rater reliability could be obtained using this procedure. Furthermore, test-retest correlations for inappropriacy were significant, indicating that this is a stable conversational characteristic. The measure of inappropriacy decreased with age in control children, and it distinguished language-impaired from control children. Those identified as having 'semantic-pragmatic disorder' obtained particularly high scores. In a subsidiary analysis, inappropriate responses were subcategorised. A wide range of semantic, syntactic and pragmatic peculiarities was identified as leading to a sense of inappropriacy. Some instances of inappropriacy appeared to indicate cognitive rather than linguistic difficulties. Children with semantic-pragmatic disorder resembled younger normal children in that they frequently misunderstood the literal or implicit meaning of adult utterances and they violated normal rules of exchange structure. In other respects, however, the semantic-pragmatic group did not resemble normally developing children of any age. In particular, they tended to provide the listener with too much or too little information.  相似文献   

Joint attention (JA) skills are deficient in children with autism; however, children with autism seem to vary in the degree to which they display joint attention. Joint attention skills refer to verbal and nonverbal skills used to share experiences with others. They include gestures such as pointing, coordinated looks between objects and people, and showing. Some nonverbal gestures are used to request rather than merely to share. These requesting gestures include reaching, pointing to request, and giving to gain assistance. Although these skills also relate to expressive language development, we know little about when they emerge and how they change as language develops in children with autism. Several studies report the emergence of nonverbal requests in children with autism to be similar to that of typically developing children, but other studies report impairments in such skills. This study investigates the emergence of nonverbal JA and requesting skills in typically developing children and in children with autism with expressive language ages between 12 and 60 months, using both a both cross-sectional and a longitudinal design. Results suggest that the sequence of JA skill emergence in autism differs from a normative model, while the sequence of requesting skills emerges in accord with typical development. Furthermore, several joint attention skills appeared to emerge later than in typical children. With regards to intervention it appears that a curriculum based on a normative developmental model for the emergence of requesting skills is mostly appropriate for use with children with autism. However, since children with autism acquired nonverbal joint attention skills in a sequence that differed from a normative model, it might be that a non-normative autism-specific joint attention curriculum would be more likely to benefit children with autism. Learning outcomes: The reader will (1) identify 3 specific initiating gestures used to communicate for the purpose of joint attention, (2) identify 2 specific nonverbal responsive joint attention skills, (3) be able to state that children with autism appear to develop specific nonverbal requesting gestures in a similar sequence to typically developing children, (4) be able to state that children with autism appear to develop specific nonverbal joint attention gestures in a different sequence than that of typically developing children, and (5) be able to identify 2 specific nonverbal joint attention skills that appear significantly impaired in children with autism relative to typically developing children.  相似文献   

13例聋儿助听器评估结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨聋儿配戴助听器不能达到理想效果的原因.方法:对13例配戴助听器的聋儿进行了全面的听力学及助听器评估.常规声导抗测试采用GSI-Tympstar中耳分析仪测试,行为测听采用国际听力AC40纯音测听仪,用条件游戏测听法(CPA)测试双耳250~8000Hz听阈.结果:13例聋儿中,2例分别有中耳、外耳疾病.13例的24个助听器的配戴、使用和调试情况均不令人满意.结论:聋儿配戴助听器后仍应进行听力学随访以监测其听力状况和助听器使用情况,并应定期调试助听器,聋儿康复的相关人员也应该参与到这一工作中,以帮助聋儿正确使用助听器.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Many typically developing children first use inflections such as -ed with verb predicates whose meanings are compatible with the functions of the inflection (e.g., using -ed when describing events of brief duration with clear end points, such as dropped). This tendency is assumed to be beneficial for development. In this study, the authors examine whether preschool-aged children with specific language impairment (SLI) show a similar tendency. METHOD: Sixteen children in each of three groups participated-children with SLI, typically developing children matched for age (TD-A), and younger typically developing children matched for mean length of utterance (TD-MLU). The children described actions in contexts that promoted either past tense -ed or progressive aspect -ing in past contexts. Half of the verb predicates referred to events of brief duration with distinct endpoints (e.g., drop), and half referred to events of considerable duration with less distinct points of termination (e.g., play). RESULTS: Both the TD-A children and the TD-MLU children used -ed with verb predicates of the first type more consistently than they did with verb predicates of the second type. They showed the reverse pattern for -ing. The children with SLI did not show any effects according to the verb predicate type. However, although the children with SLI made less overall use of -ed than did both groups of TD children, they differed only from the TD-A children in their overall use of -ing. CONCLUSION: Difficulties with tense-related morphology may be compounded in children with SLI if they fail to make use of associations between the lexical aspect of verb predicates and the grammatical function of the accompanying inflections. The authors argue that the advantages of using these associations as a starting point in acquisition may be especially important in the case of -ed. Additional studies of children with SLI are clearly needed, including those that employ longitudinal, naturalistic data.  相似文献   

Stability of tympanoplasty in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of tympanoplasty performed for noncholesteatomatous chronic otitis in children aged 2 to 14 years are described. The authors report that the stability of hearing was excellent; they found hearing to be equally good in young children and in older children. Tympanic membrane perforation can be closed at any age. There is no age limit below which perforation should not be closed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study reports the findings of an investigation designed to examine the effects of acoustic enhancement on the processing of low-phonetic-substance inflections (e.g., 3rd-person singular -s, possessive -s) versus a high-phonetic-substance inflection (e.g., present progressive -ing) by children with specific language impairment (SLI) in a word recognition, reaction time (RT) processing task. The effects of acoustic enhancement on the processing of the same morphemes as well as an additional morpheme (comparative -er) were examined in an offline grammaticality judgment task. The grammatical function of 1 of the higher-phonetic-substance inflections, -ing, was presumed to be hypothesized relatively early by children; the function of the other, -er, was presumed to be hypothesized relatively late. METHOD: Sixteen children with SLI (age(M) = 9 years;0 months) and 16 chronological age (CA; age(M) = 8;11) children participated. For both tasks, children listened to sentences containing the target morphemes as they were produced naturally (natural condition) or with acoustic enhancement (enhanced condition). RESULTS: On the RT task, the children with SLI demonstrated RT sensitivity only to the presence of the high-substance inflection, irrespective of whether it was produced naturally or with enhancement. Acoustic enhancement had no effect on these children's processing of low-substance inflections. The CA children, by contrast, showed sensitivity to low-substance inflections when they were produced naturally and with acoustic enhancement. These children also showed sensitivity to the high-substance inflection in the natural condition, but in the enhanced condition they demonstrated significantly slower RT. On the grammaticality judgment task, the children with SLI performed worse than the CA children overall and showed especially poor performance on low-substance inflections. Acoustic enhancement had a beneficial effect on the inflectional processing of the children with SLI, but it had no effect on CA children. CONCLUSION: The findings are interpreted to suggest that the reduced language processing capacity of children with SLI constrains their ability to process low-substance grammatical material in real time. This factor should be considered along with any difficulty that might be attributable to the grammatical function of the inflection.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In this study, the authors examined the ability of children with specific language impairment (SLI) and their typical peers to judge when an experienced emotion should be dissembled (hidden) in accord with social display rules. METHOD: Participants included 19 children with SLI and19 children with typical language skills, both groups ranging in age from 7;9 (years;months) to 10;10, with a mean age of 9;1. Children were presented with 10 hypothetical social situations in which a character, Chris, experienced an emotion that should be dissembled for social purposes. The participants' responses were categorized as to whether or not they dissembled or displayed the emotion. RESULTS: Although the task was difficult for many participants, children with SLI indicated that the experienced emotion should be dissembled significantly less often than did their typical peers. Children in the 2 groups did not significantly differ in their judgments of the social display rules governing these situations. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the children with SLI did not understand the impact of displaying emotion on relationships in the same way as did their typical peers. In this respect, they seemed to lag behind the typical children in their developing emotion knowledge.  相似文献   

目的 探讨婴幼儿有意义听觉整合量表(infant-toddler meaningful auditory integration scale, ITMAIS)评估双耳极重度感音神经性听力损失(sensorineural hearing loss, SNHL)幼儿助听(hearing aid, HA)后6个月内的早期语前听能发育(early prelingual auditory development, EPLAD)规律及价值.方法 以配戴助听器时年龄为1~2岁的51例双耳极重度SNHL幼儿为研究对象,分为1岁组(28例)和2岁组(23例),比较助听器配戴时及配戴后3个月、6个月的ITMAIS得分,并与同龄未助听的不同程度SNHL幼儿比较,以此评估其EPLAD情况.结果 1岁组、2岁组幼儿在配戴助听器后3、6个月时的ITMAIS得分(3个月时分别为30.6%±17.0%、41.4%±23.5%,6个月时分别为41.42%±24.2%、50.1%±27.6%)较配戴前(分别为9.7%±5.2%、17.9%±10.1%)均显著提高(P<0.05);两组幼儿的ITMAIS平均得分在配戴助听器后6个月时接近或达到同龄未助听的重度SNHL幼儿平均水平.结论 助听器有助于极重度SNHL幼儿在配戴助听器早期(6个月)提升其EPLAD水平;ITMAIS测试是一项简单、有效、可用于评估助听器配戴幼儿初期康复效果的方法.  相似文献   

目的了解青少年视力发展变化规律,为预防青少年近视提供依据。方法对100例4岁儿童进行视力检查,全部散瞳验光,个别儿童配戴眼镜,连续10年追踪检查视力和屈光改变。结果4岁正常视力的儿童至9岁时大部分成为近视;6岁以前的正视眼在14岁后全部变为近视;11岁以前的远视眼95%以上变为正视和近视。结论检查学龄前儿童视力,可以预测以后的屈光改变,学龄前儿童视力越好,越应提前预防近视。  相似文献   

Hearing and hearing-imparied children attending an integrated preschool were observed in a free-play situation. The principal objective was to discern how hearing and deaf children interacted and modified their communication skills as a function of hearing status. The data indicate that hearing children interact more frequently with other hearing children on several behavioral categories (approaches, vocalizations, social play, and physical contact). Although there was a tendency for deaf children to approach other deaf children more frequently than they approached hearing children, they showed no preferences for other interactions as a function of peers' hearing status. These findings are consistent with those of research on other exceptional children, such as the mentally retarded, in showing that, while hearing-impaired children showed no peer preference, they were least preferred by normal peers.  相似文献   

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