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Zusammenfassung Operationsziel Resektion eines Tumors am distalen Femur weit im Gesunden unter Erhalt des Kniegelenks. Wiederherstellung einer funktionstüchtigen Gliedmaße. Indikationen Tumoren am distalen Femur, bei denen die distale Epiphyse zur stabilen Verankerung einer Kondylenplatte erhalten werden kann, ein extremitätenerhaltender Eingriff möglich ist und der Tumor mit einem kurativem Therapieansatz (Überlebenszeit mindestens 5 Jahre) behandelt werden kann. Kontraindikationen Große Defekte, die nicht mit einem Verschiebespan überbrückt werden können. Keine Möglichkeiten zur sicheren Verankerung der Kondylenplatte. Disseminierte Tumorerkrankung. Infektion in den Operationsgebieten. Operationstechnik Weite Resektion des Tumors über einen posterolateralen Zugang. Rekonstruktion des Defekts mit hälftigem proximalen femoralen Verschiebespan, freiem Transplantat aus der Fibula der Gegenseite und autogener Beckenkammspongiosa. Stabilisierung der Fragmente mit Schrauben und einer überlangen Kondylenplatte. Ergebnisse Eine 20-jährige Patientin mit osteoblastischem Osteosarkom und ein 15-jähriger Junge mit niedrigmalignem Chondrosarkom wurden operiert. Bei beiden Patienten mit einer Nachbeobachtungszeit von 9 und 7 Jahren traten kein Lokalrezidiv und keine Metastastasierung auf. Volle Belastbarkeit bestand bei der ersten Patientin nach 6 Wochen und beim zweiten Patienten nach 12 Wochen. Bei der letzten Kontrolle wiesen beide ein gutes bis sehr gutes funktionelles Ergebnis auf. Abstract Objective Wide resection of a tumor of the distal femur in healthy tissue while sparing the knee joint and preserving function of the limb. Indications Tumors of the distal femur on the conditions that the distal epiphysis can be preserved for stable anchorage of a condylar blade plate, that limb-sparing surgery is possible and that tumor therapy is curative (expected survival time at least 5 years). Contraindications Large defects which cannot be bridged by a sliding graft. No possibility for stable anchorage with the condylar blade plate. Generalized tumor disease. Local infections. Surgical Technique Wide tumor resection through a posterolateral approach. Reconstruction of the defect with a proximal femoral sliding graft, free contralateral fibular transplant and autogenous iliac bone graft. Stabilization of the fragements with screws and a long conylar blade plate. Results A 20-year-old woman with an osteoblastic osteosarcoma and a 15-year-old boy with a low-grade chondrosarcoma were treated with this technique. In none of the patients a local recurrence or metastasis was observed 9 and 7 years, respectively, after tumor resection. Full weight bearing could be resumed at 6 weeks in the first and at 12 weeks in the second patient. At the latest follow-up, both patients had good to excellent functional results.  相似文献   

Die distale Femurmarknagelung ist in den letzten Jahren ein zunehmend g?ngiges Verfahren geworden. Die Hauptindikationsgebiete der retrograden Femurmarknagelung sind die distalen Femurfrakturen einschlie?lich der dia- und perkondyl?ren Gelenkfrakturen des distalen Femur, Korrekturosteotomien und periprothetische distale Femurfrakturen nach Kniegelenkimplantation. In der Diskussion ist die Implantatentfernung, welche zu einem erneuten Schaden im Bereich des Kniegelenkes führt. Um den operativen Schaden der Implantatentfernung zu minimieren, wurde eine arthroskopisch gestützte Vorgehensweise gew?hlt. Die arthroskopisch unterstützte Metallentfernung war bei allen Patienten m?glich. Intraoperativ konnten arthroskopisch bei 2/3 der F?lle unauff?llige Gelenkverh?ltnisse gefunden werden.  相似文献   

Recently, the retrograde femoral nailing has become a procedure with increasing acceptance. Indications for the retrograde femur nail are distal femoral fractures including dia- and transcondylar fractures, supracondylar osteotomies and distal periprosthetic femur fractures after total knee joint replacement. Controversial discussion is carried on about the implant removal, which is potentially afflicted with further damage to the knee joint. To minimize the operative damage due to the implant removal, an arthroscopic assisted procedure has been selected. The arthroscopic assisted implant removal was possible in all of our patients. Intraoperatively, 2/3 of the patients showed normal age-related findings of the chondral and meniscal structures. The arthroscopic assisted implant removal is a gentle procedure, which allows minimal invasive extraction of retrograde femur nails and prevents secondary damage to the knee joint due to the otherwise difficult localisation of the implant. The advantages of this procedure concerning gentleness and diagnostic capabilities are as convincing, that we indicate implant removal of retrograde femur nails in all younger patients (< 60 years), except in periprosthetic fractures.  相似文献   

Soft tissue defects in the distal lower leg region are challenging to treat, especially in trauma cases. To achieve early closure of the defect, pediculated adipofascial or muscle flaps can be used as well as free flaps. The pediculated adipofascial suralis flap has a reliable blood supply and a broad radius so this flap can be used for almost every defect location on the distal lower leg except for defects larger than 10?×?10 cm. The donor site defect does not lead to major problems and is well tolerated. The soleus flap can cover defects in the middle third and proximal distal third of the lower leg with its muscle. The donor site defect is occasionally associated with reduced calf functioning but is tolerated well most of the time. Because of these advantages, the pediculated adipofacial suralis flap and the soleus muscle flap can be used instead a microvascular free flap for the closure of defects in the distal lower leg region.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Verkleinerung des Winkels, den die Längsachsen von Talus und Kalkaneus im seitlichen Röntgenbild des Klumpfußkindes bilden, ist Ausdruck einer fortbestehenden Supinationsstellung im unteren Sprunggelenk (und nicht etwa einer anatomischen Störung). Die Beseitigung dieser Fehlstellung ist durch gedeckte Manipulation möglich mit dem Ergebnis der Wiederherstellung normaler Achsenbeziehungen im Röntgenbild.Man kann den Talo-Kalkanealwinkel für die Bewertung einer Klumpfußbehandlung verwenden.
The importance of the radiological angle between talus and calcaneus in patients with congenital clubfoot
Summary A reduction of the angle between the longitudinal axes of talus and calcaneus in the lateral X-ray view of a clubfoot is a sign of persistent supination of the subtalar joint and not due to anatomical changes of the bone. Correction of this deformity by closed manipulation produces a normal angle between talus and calcaneus.The angle between talus and calcaneus can thus be used as a guide for adequate correction of the subtalar deformity.

Revision surgery following failure of an endoprosthesis or of internal fixation of a hip owing to infection is a challenging task. The patient needs to be both highly motivated and totally compliant. As all procedures that might be used involve a high rate of failures and recurrences, a high frustration threshold is required in both patient and surgeon. In view of the necessity for intensive physiotherapy after surgery it is clear that such revision surgery should be performed in large regional centres.  相似文献   

The most common cause of an arthritically damaged distal radioulnar joint is a malunion of a distal radius fracture. Therapeutically, ulnar head resection, hemiresection-interposition-technique, Kapandji-Sauvé procedure and implantation of an ulnar head prosthesis have been described. None of these procedures is able to restore the complete function of the joint. Therefore, anatomical reconstruction of the joint in acute or secondary correction osteotomy for malunited fractures of the distal radius should be performed to avoid the development of the arthrosis. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated a similar reduction of the clinical symptoms for all procedures. Therefore, classification of the different procedures has to consider the number of complications. Biomechanically, partial resection of the distal ulna will destabilize the distal radioulnar context and clinically may lead to painful radioulnar and/or dorsopalmar instability of the distal ulnar stump. Biomechanically and clinically, this complication, next to secondary extensor tendon ruptures, has to be expected far more often following complete resection of the ulnar head than in the alternative procedures. We do not see any remaining indication for complete resection of the ulnar head. Clinical results and the occurrence of painful instability of the distal ulnar stump have been reported almost identically for the hemiresection-interposition technique and the Kapandji Sauvé procedure. Therefore, both procedures appear to be equally suitable for the treatment of painful arthrosis of the distal radioulnar joint. In patients with a preexisting instability of the distal radioulnar joint, or a major deformity of the radius or the ulna, we prefer to perform the hemiresection-interposition-technique. In these conditions we consider the remaining contact of the triangular fibrocartilage complex with the distal end of the ulna a biomechanical advantage to reduce the risk of secondary instability. Biomechanically as well as clinically, replacement of the ulnar head using a prosthesis has been shown to either avoid or solve the problem of instability. We therefore consider ulnar head replacement the treatment of choice in secondary painful instability following resection procedures at the distal end of the ulna. Primary ulnar head replacement should be considered in special indications until long-term follow-up results are available.  相似文献   

The retrospective study included 42 patients who have been treated with a palmar opening wedge osteotomy after malunion of distal radius fracture. 31 patients could be reexamined clinically and radiologically. The corrective osteotomy on the distal radius was done only radiopalmar with an insertion of a corticocancellous iliac graft. Radiological and functional findings as well as the subjective judgement of the patient have been commented pre- and after surgically according to the assessment scheme of Pechlaner and were then compared with the contra lateral wrist. The evaluation of the x-ray pictures showed an improvement from 3.7 to 1.9 points, the functional improvement from 3.7 to 2.6 points. The improvement of the subjective complaints results in a diminution of 3.3 to 2.2 points.  相似文献   

The perineal approach was used in ten patients for the repair of fistulas involving the bladder or prostatic urethra. In the case of radiotherapy-induced (n=2) or recurrent fistulas (n=4) fecal diversion and interposition of the gracilis muscle was performed. In addition in three patients prostatectomy was performed. All fistulas were repaired successfully with minimal morbidity.  相似文献   

This article deals with malunions after treatment of trochanteric and femoral neck fractures. It focuses on the biomechanical aspects of failed osteosynthesis while also discussing in equal measure the human factors related to surgeons and patients. This article only considers the fundamental clinical aspects of malunions as a comprehensive review of all complications and treatment options is not feasible.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der Arthroplastik am Sprunggelenk sind mäßig und schlecht. Ein künstlicher Gelenkersatz ist nur dann angezeigt, wenn keine Infektion vorausgegangen ist, keine Instabilität und keine Fehlstellung von mehr als 20° vorliegt. Die Versteifung kann universell angewendet werden und bringt bei entsprechender Technik in 80 % eine Schmerzbefreiung oder Schmerzbesserung. In nur 10 % der Fälle resultieren deutliche Gangbehinderungen, in über der Hälfte der Fälle ist die Gehstrecke unbegrenzt. Damit ist diese Behandlungstechnik bei posttraumatischen Tarsalarthrosen nach wie vor konkurrenzlos.  相似文献   

Trauma und Berufskrankheit - Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit Fehlheilungen nach der Behandlung von Frakturen des Schenkelhalses und der trochantären Region. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf...  相似文献   

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