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目的 介绍应用指背筋膜脂肪翻转皮瓣 ,修复因外伤引起的屈指腱鞘和屈指肌腱的裸露创面的临床效果。方法 指背筋膜脂肪翻转皮瓣包括以指动脉背侧支血管为蒂的同指背所有的筋膜脂肪组织 ,翻转修复指掌侧的软组织缺损伴屈指肌腱暴露的创面。结果 本组 5例患者 ,行指背筋膜脂肪翻转皮瓣修复术后皮瓣均成活 ,临床效果满意。结论 指背筋膜脂肪翻转皮瓣修复指腹缺损的手术方法具有操作简单、血供恒定、外形恢复令人满意、有利于手屈指功能恢复等优点。此手术方法非常适合指掌侧的组织重建  相似文献   

目的 总结带脂肪筋膜蒂皮神经轴型皮瓣修复四肢组织缺损的临床效果,探讨皮神经营养血管皮瓣命名问题.方法 自1997年1月2006年3月应用四肢带脂肪筋膜蒂皮神经轴型皮瓣12种修复组织缺损153例.其中股后皮神经轴型皮瓣共6例,腓肠神经轴型皮瓣共66例,腓浅神经轴型皮瓣共20例,隐神经轴型皮瓣18例.足背皮神经轴皮瓣12例,前臂外侧皮神经轴型皮瓣修复手背、手掌软组织缺损4例,前臂内侧皮神经轴型皮瓣4例,拇背皮神经轴型皮瓣修复拇指软组织缺损共10例,食指指背皮神经轴型皮瓣8例,手背尺神经轴型皮瓣5例.结果 移位皮瓣153例,坏死完全2例,部分坏死7例,完全成活率为92.8%.结论 带脂肪筋膜蒂皮神经轴型皮瓣是一种新型、简便、实用的软组织缺损修复方法,利于临床推广应用.  相似文献   

Anterior cervical contractures after burn are a common problem in the treatment of sequelae in burnt patients. The contracture itself and the hypertrophic scarring can cause functional limitation and aesthetic disfigurement. As a consequence, the reconstruction of this area is a challenge to surgeons that must choose a procedure, which improves functionality and aesthetic appearance in addition to reversing the contracture, the surgical goal of avoiding a new scar band over time is added. We present three patients with moderate (grade II) cervical contractures caused by suicide attempt and reconstructed by means of a bilobed flap based on the supraclavicular axis with the purpose of avoiding grafts in the donor area and performing it in a single procedure. This flap is useful and reliable for reconstruction of defects caused by cervical scars in non-collaborative and psychologically unstable patients. The anatomy, surgical procedure and results in our series are presented in this article.  相似文献   

颞浅筋膜蒂耳后扩张皮瓣全耳再造术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索使再造耳轮廓清晰、耳轮缘无毛发生长 ,又可同期处理残耳的全耳再造方法。方法 应用经皮肤扩张的颞蒂耳后筋膜皮瓣 ,向前上方旋转包裹整个耳支架进行全耳再造。结果  1999年 2月至 2 0 0 0年 10月共完成全耳再造 18例 ,术后随访期平均 9个月 ,均取得满意效果。结论 颞蒂耳后筋膜皮瓣厚薄适中 ,无发区皮肤面积较大 ,应用该皮瓣再造的耳廓肤色均匀一致 ,耳轮缘无毛发 ,外耳轮及耳甲腔等细微结构清晰 ,颅耳角保持较稳定 ,其不失为一种较为理想的全耳再造方法 ,尤其适用于发际较低者及耳上部组织残缺较多者的全耳再造  相似文献   

Reconstruction of small defects in the distal portion of the foot has always been a difficult problem. A case involving a young man with a deep electric burn of the distal lateral side of the big toe, successfully treated with a distally based dorsalis pedis fasciocutaneous flap, is presented. The donor site area of the dorsum of the foot was grafted, and deambulation was reassumed three weeks later. Advantages, limits and anatomical consideration regarding the viability of the flap are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This procedure was used to resurface finger defects in seven cases. The flaps survived completely, except one which had a 20% loss. The clinical results and pertinent literature are described and discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨耳后双蒂扩张皮瓣在耳廓再造术中的应用效果。方法回顾性分析2016年9月至2017年8月中国医学科学院整形外科医院整形七科收治的符合纳入、排除标准的全部先天性小耳畸形患者的临床资料。手术方法:一期行扩张器置入,二期采用耳后双蒂扩张皮瓣覆盖耳支架,耳后筋膜包裹耳支架外耳轮,联合耳后上极游离植皮重建耳廓。患者于术后1、6个月及三期手术前进行复查,由两名未参与手术的初级医生在患者三期手术前复查时对其再造耳廓形态进行评价,如有分歧,则由上级医生进行最终评价,评估结果分为好、中等、差。结果共纳入46例先天性小耳畸形患者(49只耳),男36例(39只耳),女10例(10只耳),年龄6~23岁。其中3例患者(3只耳)术后5 d拔除引流管时双蒂扩张皮瓣下有积血,经负压抽吸和换药后恢复良好。术后随访6~18个月,43例(46只耳)再造耳形态评价为好,患者双侧耳廓大小和位置对称,再造耳廓三维结构完整、清晰,形态良好,色泽均一,瘢痕位于耳后发际线处,位置隐蔽,可被头发遮盖,乳突区色泽佳;3例(3只耳)再造耳形态评价为良,术后5 d拔除引流管时有积血,经负压抽吸及换药后完全成活,未见耳支架感染及外露。结论耳后双蒂扩张皮瓣血运可靠,再造耳廓形态自然,瘢痕隐蔽,皮肤色差小,是耳廓再造时包裹耳支架的良好选择。  相似文献   

The authors describe a case in which a large defect of the scalp was present after tumor excision. It was covered with a free adipofascial flap and a split-thickness skin graft, with satisfactory results. Numerous similar cases of scalp defects reconstructed with other free flaps have been described. But since donor-site morbidity is minimized with free adipofascial flaps, they should be used more often for reconstruction of scalp defects.  相似文献   


The distally-based superficial sural flap has proved to be an easy and reliable method of reconstruction in soft tissue cover of the distal third part of the leg. There are two ways to prepare this flap: as a fasciocutaneous flap, which includes the fascia with the subcutaneous tissue including the skin; or as an adipofascial flap, which is made up of both the fascia and the subcutaneous adipose tissue. In the latter case, the flap is covered with a partial thickness skin graft either immediately after or at a later stage. The aim of this study was to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the two flaps. The adipofascial flap seems to be better, as it is associated with less donor site morbidity, improved quality of reconstruction, and fewer complications.  相似文献   

皮瓣修复足跟部软组织缺损疗效的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨采用局部带蒂转移皮瓣或游离皮瓣对足跟软组织缺损修复的疗效.方法 手术分期进行,一期行清创术,二期根据足跟软组织缺损的大小、部位及受伤的复杂性,综合分析选择治疗方法,分别选择局部带蒂转移皮瓣和游离皮瓣修复足跟缺损.结果 31例术后经8~35个月随访(平均22个月),皮瓣全部成活;根据自行制定的评价体系综合评价得分,优8例,良12例,可8例,差3例,优良率为64.5%.结论 综合评价供区和受区的解剖学基础,灵活运用选择皮瓣是足跟软组织缺损修复的关键;感觉功能重建是足跟软组织缺损修复重建的至关重要因素.  相似文献   

目的评价尺神经外膜松解前置筋膜皮下组织瓣悬吊治疗重度肘管综合征的临床疗效。方法自2005年2月-2008年8月,对重度尺神经肘管综合征行外膜松解、前置、筋膜皮下组织瓣悬吊68例。结果59例随访3~48月,平均随访18月,按2000年手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评价,优良率80.9%。结论采用尺神经外膜松解前置筋膜皮下组织瓣悬吊治疗重度肘管综合征疗效满意。  相似文献   

Reconstruction of late esophageal perforation usually requires flap surgery to achieve wound healing. However, restoring the continuity between the digestive tract and retropharyngeal space to allow for normal swallowing remains a technical challenge. In this report, we describe the use of a thin and pliable free adipofascial anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap in a 47‐year‐old tetraplegic man with a history of C5–C6 fracture presented with a large posterior esophagus wall perforation allowing an easier flap insetting for a successful wound closure. The postoperative course was uneventful and mucosalization of the flap was confirmed by esophagoscopy 4 weeks postsurgery. The patient tolerated normal diet and maintained normal swallowing during a follow‐up of 3 years postoperatively. The adipofascial ALT flap may provide easier insetting due to the thin and pliable layer of adipofascial tissue for reconstructing large defects of the posterior wall of the esophagus by filling the retroesophageal space.  相似文献   

游离静脉皮瓣在伴有血管及皮肤缺损的断指再植中的应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
目的 为手指离断同时伴有血管及皮肤缺损的断指再植提供一种有效的治疗方法。方法 从腕前区切取适宜大小的、带有皮下静脉的游离皮瓣植于手指组织缺损处(掌侧部位皮瓣倒置,背侧则同方向放置),皮瓣静脉血管的两断端分别与指体断裂处的动脉或静脉端吻接,皮瓣覆盖皮肤缺损处。结果 临床应用7指,其中伴掌侧皮肤缺损5指,背侧皮肤缺损2指,术后手指成活良好,外观及功能良好。结论 应用腕前区游离小静脉微型皮瓣修复断指血管与皮肤缺损,方法简便,疗效好,为解决伴有血管及皮肤缺损的断指再植提供一种可供选择的方法。  相似文献   

Summary The revolving door flap has been used very successfully for reconstruction of the central conchal area [5, 6]. In addition to this it has been modified in order to resurface the following areas of the ear, e.g. inferior concha, scapha, external ear canal. This has provided rapid reconstruction with results which are reliable and aesthetically and functionally satisfactory.  相似文献   

目的 探讨耳后延迟皮瓣自体肋软骨支架法外耳再造术的临床效果.方法 手术分3期进行:Ⅰ期为耳后皮瓣延迟术,术后3周左右进行Ⅱ期手术;Ⅱ期为自体肋软骨支架再造、延迟皮瓣覆盖及自体中厚皮片移植外耳再造术,术后半年据情进行Ⅲ期手术;Ⅲ期行耳屏再造、耳甲腔加深和再造耳局部修整术等.结果 对先天性小耳畸形28例,31只耳,分次完成Ⅰ~Ⅲ期手术23只耳,余8只耳只完成Ⅰ、Ⅱ期手术.术后外耳位置、大小及形态良好,并发症少,患者及家属基本满意.结论 应用皮瓣延迟术不但可获取足够面积富有血运保障的菲薄皮瓣,而且方法简单、安全,所需时间短.耳后延迟皮瓣自体肋软骨支架法外耳再造术,是一种良好的外耳再造术方法.  相似文献   

Flexion contracture of the elbow is a common sequela of burn injury. Numerous methods have been suggested for release, including grafting, Z-plasty, Y-V flaps, local or distant fasciocutaneous flaps, muscle or myocutaneous flaps, free flaps, tissue expanders and non-surgical orthotics. In this article the authors present their experience with the propeller flap method in seven cases of elbow flexion contracture. Sufficient extension and an acceptable aesthetic outcome were obtained. Other benefits include easy design and rapid flap elevation that permits a single stage correction of the deformity without further sacrificing an artery or muscle. We think that the main disadvantage of the propeller flap is using the same skin that has suffered from the burn insult which has a poorer cosmetic result. Other than this and excluding deep burn injuries, we believe that the propeller flap is a useful alternative for elbow contracture release.  相似文献   

窄蒂侧颌颈部皮瓣修复面部组织缺损   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
目的 介绍一种因多种原因导致的面部皮肤及深层组织缺损与畸形的修复方法。方法 设计以耳前狭窄皮肤筋膜为蒂的侧颌颈部皮瓣移转修复缺损。皮瓣最大 10cm× 11cm ,最小5cm× 6cm。蒂部宽 1 0~ 1 5cm ,长 2~ 5cm。结果 应用窄蒂侧颌颈部皮瓣治疗 2 1例 ,除 1例皮瓣远端皮肤坏死外 ,其余全部成活。结论 本皮瓣不带知名血管 ,打破带蒂随意皮瓣的长宽比例规定 ,是一种新的皮瓣设计 ,窄蒂移转方便 ,修复后外形满意 ,是修复面部较大面积组织缺损的较理想方法  相似文献   

The reliability and versatility of the pedicled latissimus dorsi muscle or osteomusculocutaneous flap make it our first choice in the management of upper arm injuries and we have treated three such patients in this way. They had severe skeletonising, crushing injuries of an upper extremity with humeral defects that were treated with latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flaps and segments taken from the ribs. All the flaps survived completely with no injury of the pleura at the donor site. The reconstructed humerus was strong enough for the patients to participate in all activities of daily living. We think that this technique is suitable for the upper arm defects with humeral loss because of its simplicity and minimal morbidity.  相似文献   

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