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This paper describes the establishment of a mental health nurse practitioner (MHNP) position in New South Wales, Australia. The authors report on a MHNP role that functions collaboratively within a large inner city emergency department. Attention is centred on what constitutes advanced mental health nursing practice in the emergency department setting. Three areas associated with the work of MHNPs--therapeutic techniques, prescribing and care coordination and referral--are highlighted to explore the scope of the MHNP role. The authors propose that the success of this position is based on a process of consultation and evaluation, partnership between disciplines and clinical services and the role maintaining a truly nursing focus rather than attempting to replace or replicate psychiatric medicine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate whether nurse practitioners are able to provide a level of primary health service applicable to remote/isolated settings in wound management and treatment of blunt limb trauma. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference in the quality of care, or the level of client satisfaction, provided by the medical officers and the nurse practitioners in the study. Two groups participated in the study, nurse practitioners and medical officers. The study used a randomized trial design. Data were collected using quantitative and qualitative methods. Two hundred and thirty-two clients participated in the study. Of this number 63 were supervised cases in the pilot trial. In the randomized trial participants were distributed between nurse practitioners and medical officers (n = 169), of which 91 were randomized to medical officers and 78 to nurse practitioners. Telephone interviews were conducted to evaluate client satisfaction. The majority of study participants were surveyed for client satisfaction (n = 132). This represents approximately 78% of the randomized sample and multivariate analysis was carried out on the data. Study results indicate that there were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to client satisfaction. Very positive outcomes of treatment were consistent across groups in the study. The study also found that there was strong support for the role of the nurse practitioner in the rural emergency setting. Recommendations include further research to measure the efficacy of nurse practitioners utilizing the selected competencies in remote/isolated settings.  相似文献   

This study examined the emergency nurse practitioner candidate (ENPC) scope of practice in a Victorian emergency department (ED). The emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) role is relatively new in Victoria and the scope of the ENP(C) practice is yet to be defined. International research literature regarding the ENP role has focused on outcomes such as patient satisfaction, waiting times and/or ED length of stay, accuracy and adequacy of documentation, use of radiography, and patient education, health promotion and communication issues. A prospective exploratory design was used to conduct this cohort study. There were 476 ENPC-managed patients between 14 July 2004 and 31 March 2005 with an average age of 29 years. The majority (77.2%) of ENPC-managed patients were discharged from the ED. The majority of the ENPC time was devoted to clinical practice (55%) and development of clinical practice guidelines (25%). Of patients managed by the ENPC, 49.6% required medications, 51% required diagnostic imaging and 8.6% required pathology testing during their ED stay. The most common discharge referrals were made to local medical officers (73.5%) and the most common referrals made for patients requiring admission were made to the plastic surgery (37.3%) and orthopaedic (35.5%) units. Extensions to the current scope of emergency nursing practice are pivotal to effective management of specific patient groups by ENP. The ENP model of care is an important strategy for the management of increased service demands in Victoria; however, little is known about the scope of the ENPC practice and many outcomes of the ENP care are yet to be defined. Further research to better understand the relationships between ENP outcomes is required if the contribution that ENPs make to emergency care is to be accurately quantified.  相似文献   

Objective: The present study aimed to compare ED waiting times (for medical assessment and treatment), treatment times and length of stay (LOS) for patients managed by an emergency nurse practitioner candidate (ENPC) with patients managed via traditional ED care. Methods: A case–control design was used. Patients were selected using the three most common ED discharge diagnoses for ENPC managed patients: hand/wrist wounds, hand/wrist fractures and removal of plaster of Paris. The ENPC group (n = 102) consisted of patients managed by the ENPC who had ED discharge diagnoses as mentioned above. The control group (n = 623) consisted of patients with the same ED discharge diagnoses who were managed via traditional ED care. Results: There were no significant differences in median waiting times, treatment times and ED LOS between ENPC managed patients and patients managed via traditional ED processes. There appeared to be some variability between diagnostic subgroups in terms of treatment times and ED LOS. Conclusion: Patient flow outcomes for ENPC managed patients are comparable with those of patients managed via usual ED processes.  相似文献   

The role of the emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) has increasingly become part of mainstream healthcare delivery in major accident and emergency departments in the United Kingdom. Although some research data are available in this field, there has been little attempt to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the ENP role from the perspective of those healthcare professionals most closely involved at local level. This paper describes one part of a case study evaluation of the role in an accident and emergency department in the South Thames English region. Nine face-to-face semi-structured interviews were carried out with the key multidisciplinary stakeholders in the organization. Five major themes emerged from the data analysis: blurring role boundaries; managing uncertainty; individual variation; quality vs. quantity; and the organizational context. Whilst some professional consensus was evident regarding the benefits of the role, such as improved waiting times and patient satisfaction, there appeared also to be a degree of ambivalence, particularly regarding current role configuration, value for money, and the extent to which the role should be expanded in the future. These issues are discussed in terms of professional identity, changing role boundaries, and professional personhood. It is argued that the benefits and pitfalls of the ENP role need to be considered within the context of local service provision. The growing emphasis on clinical governance reinforces the need for ongoing audit of role effectiveness in order to meet the challenges and uncertainties of increasingly blurred professional boundaries.  相似文献   

Refining the model for an emergency department-based mental health nurse practitioner outpatient service
The mental health nurse practitioner (MHNP) role based in the emergency department (ED) has emerged in response to an increase in mental health-related presentations and subsequent concerns over waiting times, co-ordination of care and therapeutic intervention. The MHNP role also provides scope for the delivery of specialised primary care. Nursing authors are reporting on nurse-led outpatient clinics as a method of healthcare delivery that allows for enhanced access to health-care, particularly following hospital discharge. However, due to a lack of in-depth substantiation, this mode of service delivery requires more thorough investigation. This study describes the refinement phase undertaken before the implementation and pilot evaluation of a formalised and structured MHNP outpatient service in the ED of a large inner-city hospital in Sydney, Australia. An expert advisory panel (EAP) consisting of key local informants was convened to provide feedback on and refinement to the proposed model. This related to issues such as target population, structure and process considerations, outcome measures and interface within the overall health service. Findings from the EAP meeting are presented and discussed. The importance of linking methods with the appropriate methodology in evaluating a healthcare program is highlighted.  相似文献   

The professional body for nurses working in emergency medicine is the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia. The professional body for doctors working in emergency medicine is the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM). There is no professional body for nurse practitioners working in emergency medicine. The clinical role of nurse practitioners in emergency medicine more closely resembles that of doctors rather than nurses. Associate membership in ACEM would recognise their role in treating patients and would enhance their access to relevant continued professional development as has been endorsed by ACEM. It would also facilitate their further integration into the body of those who autonomously treat patients in the ED.  相似文献   

The guiding principle of health care is to serve the needs of the public. Healthcare services are therefore required to be increasingly flexible and open to new approaches to meet changing demands. They must also adjust and expand as new challenges are presented. Public awareness of mental health issues and the current demands placed on health services for access to affordable and appropriate mental health care have never been so great. The introduction of nurse practitioners (NPs) in Australia is a proud and long-anticipated moment for the discipline of nursing. However, a major challenge for the introduction of NPs in Australia will be to reassure medical colleagues, allied health professionals and the public that NPs are able to deliver high-quality primary care. This paper elaborates on the progress of the mental health NP role in Australia. Attention is centred on the characteristics the mental health NP role, the maintenance of professional competency to practise at an advanced clinical level, and the prospects and potential significance of NPs for mental health nursing practice. The nurse-led clinic, implemented through the process of consultation and systematic evaluation, is identified as an avenue for the extension of mental health NP practice in the delivery of autonomous primary care.  相似文献   

Evaluation of new models of care requires consideration of the complexity inherent within health care programs and their sensitivity to local contextual factors as well as broader community, social and political influences. Evaluation frameworks that are flexible and responsive while maintaining research rigor are therefore required. Realistic evaluation was adopted as the methodology for the implementation and evaluation of an emergency department-based mental health nurse practitioner outpatient service in Sydney, Australia. The aim of realistic evaluation is to generate, test and refine theories of how programs work within a given context. This paper represents the final methodological step from the completed evaluation. A summary of quantitative and qualitative findings from the mixed-methods evaluation is presented, which is transformed into a set of overarching statements or "middle range theories". Middle range theory statements seek to explain the success of a program and provide transferable lessons for practitioners wishing to implement similar programs elsewhere. For example, the research team consider that early consultation with key local stakeholders and emergency department ownership of the project was pivotal to the implementation process.  相似文献   

The nurse practitioner role incorporates enhancing access to health-care services, particularly for populations that are underserved. This entails working collaboratively with colleagues across multidisciplinary teams and emphasizing a nursing model of practice within the nurse practitioner role. In Australia, the added value associated with establishing mental health nurse practitioner (MHNP) positions based in the emergency department (ED) is emerging. This paper presents qualitative findings from a study using a mixed-method design to evaluate an ED-based MHNP outpatient service in Sydney, Australia. One component of the evaluation involved semistructured interviews conducted with a random selection of study participants and a stratified sample of ED staff. This is the second of a two-part paper that presents an analysis of the qualitative data derived from the staff interviews (n = 20). Emergency staff were very supportive of the outpatient service, and perceived that it enhanced overall service provision and improved outcomes for patients. Moreover, staff expressed interest in receiving more formal feedback on the outcomes of the service. Staff also felt that service provision would be enhanced through additional mental health liaison nurses working in the department, especially after hours. An ED-based MHNP outpatient service expedites access to follow up to individuals with a broad range of problems, and supports ED staff in the provision of safe, effective, and more holistic care.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the introduction of Emergency Nurse Practitioner Candidates (ENPC) on waiting times and length of stay of patients presenting to a major urban Emergency Department (ED) in Melbourne, Australia. Background. As part of a Victorian state funded initiative to improve patient outcomes, the role of the Emergency Nurse Practitioner has been developed. The integration and implementation of this role, is not only new to the Alfred Emergency and Trauma Centre but to EDs in Melbourne, Australia, with aims of providing holistic and comprehensive care for patients. Design. A retrospective case series of all patients with common ED diagnostic subgroups were included. The ENPC group (n = 572) included all patients managed by the ENPC and the Traditional Model (TM) group (n = 2584) included all patients managed by the traditional medical ED model of care. Outcome measures included waiting times and length of stay. Results. Statistically significant differences were evident between the two groups in waiting times and length of stay in the ED. The overall median waiting time for emergency patients to be seen by the ENPC was less than for the TM group [median (IQR): ENPC 12 (5·5–28) minutes; TM 31 (11·5–76) minutes (Wilcoxon p < 0·001)]. Length of stay in the ED was also significantly reduced in the ENPC group [median (IQR): ENPC 94 (53·5–163·5) minutes; TM 170 (100–274) minutes (Wilcoxon p < 0·001)]. The comparison of overall waiting times for ENPC shifts vs. non‐ENPC shifts revealed significant differences [median (IQR): ENPC rostered 24 (9–52) minutes; ENPC not rostered 33 (13–80·5) minutes (Wilcoxon p < 0·001)]. Conclusions. This study has demonstrated that ENPCs implementation in Melbourne, Australia were associated with significantly reduced waiting times and length of stay for emergency patients. Emergency Nurse Practitioners should be considered as a potential long term strategy to manage increased service demands on EDs. Relevance to clinical practice. This study is the first in Australia with a significant sample size to vigorously compare ENPC waiting times and length of stay outcomes with the TM model of care in the ED. The study suggests that ENPCs can have a favourable impact on patient outcomes with regard to waiting times and length of stay.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this paper is to report a trial to investigate the feasibility of the nurse practitioner role in local health service delivery and to provide information about the educational and legislative requirements for nurse practitioner practice. BACKGROUND: Nurse practitioners have been shown to offer a beneficial service and fill a gap in health care provision. However, the lack of publications describing, critiquing, or defending the way that existing nurse practitioner roles have been developed may lead to a lack of clarity in comparing the nurse practitioner scope of practice internationally. In Australia, credible exploratory research is needed to realize the potential of nurse practitioners to bridge the divide of inequitable distribution of health services. A trial of nurse practitioner services in the Australian Capital Territory provided an excellent opportunity to investigate these scope and continuity issues. METHODS: This was an observational analytic study using multiple data sources. Four models of nurse practitioner service were chosen from a competitive field of applications that were evaluated according to efficacy, feasibility, and sustainability across specified selection criteria. Each model in the trial included a clinical support team, with the nurse practitioner candidate 'working-into-the-role' and collecting demographic, clinical practice, patient outcome, and health service and consumer survey data over a 10 month period. FINDINGS: The trial identified the broad potential of the nurse practitioner role, its breadth and limitations, and its impact on selected health services in the Australian Capital Territory. Data from individual models were compared highlighting generic elements, and formed the basis for the development of the scope of practice for the Australian Capital Territory nurse practitioner models. CONCLUSIONS: This study has validated a research-based, iterative process for initial development of nurse practitioner scope of practice for any Australian specialization. Importantly, the study concluded with the scope of practice as a finding, rather than commencing with it a priori. Although general areas of health care need and under-servicing were identified at the outset, the process tested both the expansion and parameters of the roles.  相似文献   

The mental health liaison nurse role in the emergency department (ED) has demonstrated a range of positive outcomes for both consumers and staff. In Australia, the added value associated with establishing mental health nurse practitioner (MHNP) positions based on this model is emerging. This paper presents qualitative findings from a study using a mixed-method design to evaluate an ED-based MHNP outpatient service in Sydney, Australia. In evaluating this new service, semistructured interviews were conducted with a random selection of study participants and a stratified sample of ED staff. This is the first of a two-part paper that presents an analysis of qualitative data from interviews conducted with study participants (n = 23). Participants reported numerous therapeutic benefits from the service, such as support, understanding, and a focus on solutions rather than problems, and high levels of satisfaction with the accessibility of the service and follow up. Suggestions for improving the service were also offered. Participants emphasized that overall ED service provision would be enhanced through additional resources, especially an extension of operating hours. Findings from these participant interviews provide strong support for an ED-based MHNP outpatient service.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study to determine the attitudes of nurses, doctors and general medical practitioners towards the development of an advanced nurse practitioner service within an emergency department. BACKGROUND: The role of advanced nurse practitioner in emergency care has emerged in a number of countries, and has brought with it confusion about titles, role boundaries, clinical accountability and educational requirements. Initially, the role resulted from a need for healthcare professionals to provide a service to the increased numbers of patients presenting to hospital with less urgent problems. Since then, the service has evolved to one where nurse practitioners provide high-quality and cost-effective care to persons who seek help for non-urgent, urgent or emergent conditions in a variety of emergency care settings. However, little research could be identified on the attitudes of relevant nursing and medical staff towards the development of this role. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was carried out, and a 29-item Likert rating scale was developed to measure attitudes. Along with some demographic variables, two open-ended questions were added to allow respondents to elaborate on what they perceived as benefits and difficulties associated with an advanced nurse practitioner service. All general practitioners, emergency nurses and emergency doctors in one health board in the Republic of Ireland were targeted, and 25 emergency nurses, 13 emergency doctors and 69 general practitioners were approached to take part. Data were collected in February 2004. FINDINGS: An overall response rate of 74.8% was achieved. All respondents were positive towards the development of an advanced nurse practitioner service, with general practitioners being less positive. The principal differences appeared between general practitioners and hospital emergency care staff. CONCLUSION: There is a need for a multidisciplinary approach to the planning of advanced nurse practitioner services. To achieve multiprofessional acceptance, an accredited and standardized education programme is required, and this must address existing role boundaries.  相似文献   

The emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) is a rapidly developing role within emergency health care provision in the United Kingdom (UK). This paper explores some of the available literature concerning the development of the role in the context of major accident and emergency departments. The professional and legal implications of this shift in role boundaries are discussed. The current inconsistencies in educational provision and the potential consequences for practice in this area, are highlighted. The relative plethora of rigorous evaluation studies of ENP role effectiveness in North America, is contrasted with the current paucity of empirical data available in the UK. A number of methodological issues concerning the evaluation of ENP services are identified. The need for research in this area, alongside a programme of continuing local audit to guide and inform evidence-based practice, is emphasized.  相似文献   

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