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军队文职人员是履行现役军官(文职干部)同类岗位相应职责的非现役人员.做好文职人员岗位分析,有助于做好文职人员管理,加强文职人员队伍建设,提高文职人员履职尽责的能力.本文结合工作实践,探讨文职人员岗位分析的原则、特点、方法和主要内容.  相似文献   

军队医院文职人员队伍稳定性的维护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着全军文职人员招聘工作的层层推进,文职人员在军队建设发展中所发挥作用将越来越明显。由于文职人员与聘用单位之间是平等自愿、双向选择的契约关系,给维护文职人员队伍的稳定性提出了新的挑战。本文探讨了影响军队医院文职人员队伍稳定的主要因素及维护稳定的措施,有助于增强文职人员队伍的稳定性,使人力配置和人员结构维持在相对理想的状态。  相似文献   

目的深入了解非现役文职人员参加卫勤保障任务的真实心理体验。方法运用质性研究中现象学研究法,深入访谈3家医院12名至少参加过1次卫勤保障任务的文职人员。结果文职人员参加卫勤保障任务的心理反应有紧张、害怕与新鲜感、自豪与满足感、苦与累感、茫然感、约束感等主题。结论体能应作为选拔文职人员的重要条件之一,管理者应采取有效措施,将文职人员的训练长期化、制度化,做好政治思想教育以增进文职人员对军队认同感,针对不良情绪体验,管理者应采取合适方式减轻文职人员心理压力。  相似文献   

基于绩效导向的文职人员薪酬体系设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文职人员是军队体制编制调整和干部人事制度改革的产物,建立科学合理的文职人员薪酬体系,对贯彻和推进文职人员制度具有重要意义。本文结合单位实际,从绩效导向的角度对文职人员薪酬体系进行设计,以期能对建立健全文职人员薪酬制度有所参考。  相似文献   

医院文职人员队伍建设的实践与体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本院按照建立招聘组织,发布招聘信息,择优选拔人才,规范管理办法的程序和步骤,圆满完成了两批文职人员的招聘任务,初步建成一支素质优良的初级技术文职人员队伍,文职人员管理逐步走上正规化、法制化。在实践中认识到,建设高素质文职人员队伍要重点把握以下问题:招聘条件高标准,培训教育抓关键,培养使用高起点,应对危机靠机制。  相似文献   

为加强文职人员管理,不少编配文职人员的军队单位实施绩效考核,收到一定的效果,但也暴露出一些问题。本文就通过绩效考核发挥管理效益,引导文职人员履职尽责、提高绩效和实现目标进行探讨,并提出针对性的措施。  相似文献   

我院开展文职人员招聘工作的做法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广州军区将文职人员招聘试点任务赋予我院后,医院党委以科学发展观为指导,以《中国人民解放军文职人员条例》(以下简称《条例》)及其配套政策为依据,坚持公开平等、竞争择优、积极稳妥、分步实施的原则,着眼医院建设发展需要,科学统筹谋划,严密组织实施,确保了首次招聘的65名护理类文职人员符合标准要求,摸索出一条文职人员招聘路子,初步建立起一支与医院担负的任务和全面发展需求相符的文职人员队伍。  相似文献   

本文讨论了军队非现役文职人员考评体系的基本原则和方法,对文职人员考评指标及权重进行了研究,构建了文职人员考评体系,并对其应用情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

军队医院加强文职人员教育管理的体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探索性地将契约化管理新模式引入对非现役文职人员的管理工作中,结合军队医院管理特点,通过引导、疏导、劝导等方式,吸引非现役文职人员向"军人"看齐,增强了文职人员在未来高技术战争中的卫勤保障能力,为医院现代化管理提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

管理人员开发(management development)是指一切通过传授知识、转变观念或提高技能来改善当前或未来管理工作绩效的活动[1]。医院通过对现有文职人员个人职业发展的需求调查,结合医院护理人力资源发展规划,多方面、全方位进行论证,制定了“管理人员开发计划-文职人员部分”。对在个人职业发展需求中有成为未来管理者志向的文职人员个人实施相关开发计划。1基本做法1.1可行性评估1.1.1文职人员个人职业发展需求调查对现有文职人员调查情况:最渴望接受的相关知识培训中管理相关培训54%、专科相关培训50%、其它培训6%;希望接受培训的形式中选择…  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市公务员华支睾吸虫病预防知识及相关行为状况,为进一步开展针对性健康教育提供依据。方法采用自行设计调查表随机抽样210名参加体检的公务员作为调查对象进行现场调查。结果210名调查对象华支睾吸虫病知识知晓率为51.0%;调查对象经常在酒楼用餐的比例达41.0%,其中14.3%的人喜欢吃生鲜的淡水鱼虾。结论公务员人群华支睾吸虫病的知晓率偏低而相关危险行为率偏高,是预防华支睾吸虫病健康教育的重点人群。  相似文献   

Significant controversy exists as to whether soldiers are at increased risk for suicide and suicidal behaviors compared with civilians. Furthermore, little is known about whether risk factors for suicidal behaviors in civilian populations are generalizable to soldiers. The aim of the current study is to determine whether the prevalence and correlates of past-year suicidal ideation and suicide attempts differ in Canadian soldiers when compared with Canadian civilians. The current study utilized data from the Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2-Canadian Forces Supplement in conjunction with the 2001-2002 Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2. Logistic regression interaction models were used to explore differences between correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts comparing Canadian soldiers with civilians. Although there was no significant difference between the 2 samples on prevalence of past-year suicidal ideation, the prevalence of past-year suicide attempts was significantly lower in the Canadian forces sample compared with the civilian population (odds ratio = 0.41, 95% confidence interval: 0.25, 0.67). Findings suggest that suicide attempts are less common in Canadian active military personnel than in the civilian population. Possible mechanisms for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The Israeli National Health Insurance Law allocates a national healthcare budget to the sickness funds, which provide medical care to civilian population. Medical care for members of the IDF is financed through the budget of the Ministry of Defense and is not included in the national healthcare budget. Benefits provided to soldiers serving in the permanent forces are far more extensive than those provided to civilians. Because of no co-payments, poor management, and the cost-based budget, military healthcare costs in Israel are expected to exceed civilian healthcare costs, adjusting for age and sex. The present paper derives age- and sex-based capitation rates for military personnel, and compares military and civilian age-based expenditure and capitation rates. The study population comprised career soldiers and civilians aged 21-54 years. Expenses of career soldiers were calculated to provide information on the financial costs of medical services for each age group in 2003. Overall expenses for women were higher than for men in all age groups. As anticipated, the older the group, the higher the total expenditure for both men and women. In-patient care represented a higher percentage of the total costs for men (28.3%) than for women (22.1%). Emergency room care was higher for women in the 22-24 age group but comparable to that of men in higher age groups. Specialist visits represented a significantly higher percentage of the total costs for women than for men in the 22-24 and 25-34 age groups (by 6% and 15%, respectively). The difference decreased to 13% in the 35-44 age groups and, in the 45-54 age group, the difference for men was 14% higher than for women. Military costs were similar to civilian costs in the 22-24 age groups, higher in the following two groups, and lower in the 45-54 age group. Like in other organizations, military healthcare services might benefit from outsourcing. The inequality in medical services to soldiers and civilians, the over-use of the military healthcare system, and the decrease of standards and budgetary resources will compel the establishment of more creative means of providing these services through contracts and agreements, perhaps through the civilian sickness funds.  相似文献   

On May 11–12, 2021, the Commercial Spaceflight Federation and the MITRE Corporation sponsored a Workshop on creating a human research program for civilians in commercial space. It was recommended that space travel and habitation should be accessible to all civilians, including individuals with disabilities. In the coming decades, it is predicted that thousands and perhaps millions of civilians will be traveling, living and working in space in orbit around the Earth, on the Moon and beyond. This development presents major challenges to human space researchers because very little is known about the impact of risks caused by microgravity, radiation and other space-related hazards on the civilian with an underlying health problem or with a disability. In preparation for expanding involvement of individuals with disabilities in space, we propose the first draft of a human research program that will prevent or mitigate the risks and protect the health and safety of the individual.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Understanding the effectiveness of policies and programs aimed at combating substance abuse in the military requires comparison with the civilian population from which military personnel are drawn. METHODS: Standardized comparisons of the use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes among military personnel and civilians were conducted with data from the 1985 Worldwide Survey of Alcohol and Nonmedical Drug Use among Military Personnel and the 1985 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. The two data sets were equated for age and geographic location of respondents, and civilian substance use rates were standardized to reflect the sociodemographic distribution of the military. RESULTS: Military personnel were significantly less likely than civilians to use drugs, but were significantly more likely to use alcohol and cigarettes and to engage in heavy use of alcohol and cigarettes. Heavy drinking was especially likely among young military men. Military women were similar to military men in their smoking and drug use patterns. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that military policies and programs have been notably effective in reducing drug use, but that efforts to limit alcohol and cigarette use should be intensified. Military efforts directed against alcohol abuse should be targeted toward younger men, while smoking and drug prevention programs should be directed toward both men and women.  相似文献   

This study analyzed data from the 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to examine the association between unemployment status and physical health among a sample of 170,924 civilians and 12,129 veterans (aged 18–50 years). Multivariate regression analysis was used to test the interaction effect between employment status and veteran/civilian status on physical health. Veterans who were unemployed long term (longer than 27 weeks) reported a significantly greater number of days with poor physical health than civilians who experienced long-term unemployment. Timely prevention and intervention efforts to integrate veterans into the workforce could lead to substantially improved physical health outcomes. Public health policies and programs that are funded to assist veterans in securing and maintaining gainful employment can have lasting implications for their overall improved health and physical well-being.  相似文献   



In February, 2007, the Associated Press (AP) conducted a poll of 1,002 adults in the United States about their attitudes towards the war in Iraq. Respondents were remarkably accurate estimating the current death toll of US soldiers, yet were grossly inaccurate in estimating the current death toll of Iraqi civilians. We conducted a search of newspapers reports to determine the extent of the discrepancy between reporting Coalition and Iraqi civilian deaths, hypothesizing that there would be an over-representation of Coalition deaths compared to Iraqi civilian deaths.  相似文献   

During January 24-March 21, smallpox vaccine was administered to 25,645 civilian health-care and public health workers in 53 jurisdictions as part of an effort to prepare the United States in the event of a terrorist attack using smallpox. Seven cases of cardiac adverse events have been reported among civilian vaccinees since the beginning of the smallpox vaccination program. In addition, 10 cases of myopericarditis have been reported among military vaccinees. This report summarizes data on the seven cases reported among civilians and provides background information on recent military vaccinees. Although a causal association between vaccination and adverse cardiac events in the civilian population is unproven, as a precautionary measure, CDC recommends that persons with physician-diagnosed cardiac disease with or without symptoms (e.g., previous myocardial infarction, angina, congestive heart failure, or cardiomyopathy) be excluded from vaccination during this smallpox preparedness program.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the police service in Victoria, Australia, faced a crisis of community confidence due to a spate of civilian deaths from police shootings. In that decade, twice as many civilians died at the hands of the police in Victoria than in every other Australian state combined. Most of those killed were mentally ill and affected by drugs and alcohol, and were rarely a serious threat except to themselves. The problem was also almost entirely an urban phenomenon. Shootings in rural communities, where mentally ill people were more likely to be personally known to local police, were (and remain) almost unknown. The large number of fatalities was recognised as a serious threat to public confidence, and Victoria Police introduced a ground-breaking training programme, Operation Beacon. Operating procedures and weapons training were fundamentally changed, to focus on de-escalation of conflict and avoiding or minimising police use of force. In the short term, Operation Beacon was successful. Shooting incidents were dramatically reduced. However, during the first decade of the new century, the number of civilians being killed again increased. This article examines Operation Beacon, both as a successful model for reducing civilian deaths at the hand of police and as a cautionary tale for police reform. We argue that the lessons of Operation Beacon have been gradually forgotten and that old habits and attitudes resurfaced. Fatal shootings of mentally ill civilians can be prevented, but if success is to be other than temporary, the Beacon philosophy must be continually reemphasised by police management.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of alcohol abuse in military and civilian populations.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Results from a random sample survey of US Air Force personnel show that 4.6 per cent exhibit alcohol dependence, indicated by symptoms of withdrawal and impaired control over drinking. An additional 9.3 per cent can be identified as nondependent alcohol abusers, indicated by serious adverse effects of drinking (such as arrest, accident, hospitalization, or significant work impairment) or by heavy alcohol consumption (over 150 ml of ethanol daily). Compared with data from supervisors and official records, survey results did not understate alcohol-related problems. Survey reports of alcohol consumption did underestimate alcoholic beverage sales by about 20 per cent, but adjustments for this discrepancy increased the prevalence rate by less than one percentage point. Rates of serious alcohol abuse among representative samples of males in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and civilian populations were also compared. Although the rates were higher in the military than among civilians, most of the difference was associated with the higher-risk demographic characteristics of military personnel, who are more likely than civilians to be young unmarried males. Results indicate that the rate of alcohol abuse in the military is about the same as in civilian groups with comparable demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

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