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The superior colliculus has long been recognized as an important structure in the generation of saccadic displacements of the visual axis. Neurons with presaccadic activity encoding saccade vectors are topographically organized and form a motor map. Recently, neurons with fixation-related activity have been recorded at the collicular rostral pole, at the area centralis representation or fixation area. Another collicular function which deals with the maintenance of fixation behavior by means of active inhibition of orientation commands was then suggested. We tested that hypothesis as it relates to the suppression of gaze saccades (gaze = eye in space = eye in head + head in space) in the head-free cat by increasing the activity of the fixation cells at the rostral pole with electrical microstimulation. Long stimulation trains applied before gaze saccades delayed their initiation. Short stimuli, delivered during the gaze saccades, transiently interrupted both eye and head components. These results provide further support for a role in fixation behavior for collicular fixation neurons. Brainstem omnipause neurons also exhibit fixation-related activity and have been shown to receive a direct excitatory input from the superior colliculus. To determine whether the collicular projection to omnipause neurons arises from the fixation area, the deep layers of the superior colliculus were electrically stimulated either at the rostral pole including the fixation area or in more caudal regions where stimulation evokes orienting responses. Forty-nine neurons were examined in three cats. 61% of the neurons were found to be orthodromically excited by single-pulse stimulation of the rostral pole, whereas only 29% responded to caudal stimulation. In addition, stimuli delivered to the rostral pole activated, on average, omnipause neurons at shorter latencies and with lower currents than those applied in caudal regions. These results suggest that excitatory inputs to omnipause neurons from the superior colliculus are principally provided by the fixation area, via which the superior colliculus could play a role in suppression of gaze shifts.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the superior colliculus (SC) during a large, visual target-initiated saccade produces a spatial deviation of the ongoing saccade and then stops it in midflight. After the termination of the stimulation, the saccade resumes and ends near the location of the flashed target. The density of collicular projections to the omnipause neuron (OPN) region is greatest from the rostral SC and decreases gradually for the more caudal regions. It has been hypothesized that the microstimulation excites the OPNs through these direct connections, and the reactivation of OPNs, which are normally silent during saccades, stops the initial component in midflight by gating off the saccadic burst generator. Two predictions emerge from this hypothesis: 1) for microstimulation triggered on the onset of large saccades, the time from stimulation onset to resumption of OPN discharge should decrease as the stimulation site is moved rostral and 2) the lead time from reactivation of OPNs to the end of the initial saccade on stimulation trials should be equal to the lead time of pause end with respect to the end of control saccades. We tested this hypothesis by recording OPN activity during saccades perturbed by stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the SC. The distance of the stimulation site from the most rostral extent of the SC and the time of reactivation with respect to stimulation onset were not significantly correlated. The mean lead of reactivation of OPNs relative to the end of the initial component of perturbed saccades (6.5 ms) was significantly less than the mean lead with respect to the end of control (9.6 ms) and resumed saccades (10.4 ms). These results do not support the notion that the excitatory input from SC neurons-in particular, the fixation neurons in the rostral SC-provide the major signal to reactivate OPNs and end saccades. An alternative, conceptual model to explain the temporal sequence of events induced by stimulation of the SC during large saccades is presented. Other OPN activity parameters also were measured and compared for control and stimulation conditions. The onset of pause with respect to resumed saccade onset was larger and more variable than the onset of pause with respect to control saccades, whereas pause end with respect to the end of resumed and control saccades was similar. The reactivated discharge of OPNs during the period between the end of the initial and the onset of the resumed saccades was at least as strong as that following control movements. This latter observation is interpreted in terms of the resettable neural integrator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, considerable research efforts have been focused on the role of the rostral superior colliculus (SC) in control of saccades. The most recent theory separates the deeper intermediate layers of the SC into two functional regions: the rostral pole of these layers constitutes a fixation zone and the caudal region comprises the saccade zone. Sustained activity of fixation neurons in the fixation zone is argued to maintain fixation and help prevent saccade generation by exciting the omnipause neurons (OPNs) in the brain stem. This hypothesis is in contrast to the traditional view that the SC contains a topographic representation of the saccade motor map on which the rostral pole of the SC encodes signals for generating small saccades (<2 degrees ) instead of preventing them. There is therefore an unresolved controversy about the specific role on the most rostral region of the SC, and we reexamined its functional contribution by quantifying and comparing spatial and temporal trajectories of 30 degrees saccades perturbed by electrical stimulation of the rostral pole and more caudal regions in the SC and of the OPN region. If the rostral pole serves to preserve fixation, then saccades perturbed by stimulation should closely resemble interrupted saccades produced by stimulation of the OPN region. If it also contributes to saccade generation, then the disrupted movements would better compare with redirected saccades observed after stimulation of the caudal SC. Our experiments revealed two significant findings: 1) the locus of stimulation was the primary factor determining the perturbation effect. If the directions of the target-directed saccade and stimulation-evoked saccade were aligned and if the stimulation was delivered within approximately the rostral 2 mm (<10 degrees amplitude) of SC, the ongoing saccade stopped in midflight but then resumed after stimulation end to reach the original visually specified goal with close to normal accuracy. When stimulation was applied at more caudal sites, the ongoing saccade directly reached the target location without stopping at an intermediate position. If the directions differed considerably, both initial and resumed components were typically observed for all stimulation sites. 2) A quantitative analysis of the saccades perturbed from the fixation zone showed significant deviations from their control spatial trajectories. Thus they resembled redirected saccades induced by caudal SC stimulation and differed significantly from interrupted saccades produced by OPN stimulation. The amplitude of the initial saccade, latency of perturbation, and spatial redirection were greatest for the most caudal sites and decreased gradually for rostral sites. For stimulation sites within the rostral pole of SC, the measures formed a smooth continuation of the trends observed in the saccade zone. As these results argue for the saccade zone concept, we offer reinterpretations of the data used to support the fixation zone model. However, we also discuss scenarios that do not allow an outright rejection of the fixation zone hypothesis.  相似文献   

Previous electrophysiological studies have shown that the commissural connections between the two superior colliculi are mainly inhibitory with fewer excitatory connections. However, the functional roles of the commissural connections are not well understood, so we sought to clarify the physiology of tectal commissural excitation and inhibition of tectoreticular neurons (TRNs) in the "fixation " and "saccade " zones of the superior colliculus (SC). By recording intracellular potentials, we identified TRNs by their antidromic responses to stimulation of the omnipause neuron (OPN) and inhibitory burst neuron (IBN) regions and analyzed the effects of stimulation of the contralateral SC on these TRNs in anesthetized cats. TRNs in the caudal SC (saccade neurons) projected to the IBN region, and received mono- or disynaptic inhibition from the entire rostrocaudal extent of the contralateral SC. In contrast, TRNs in the rostral SC projected to the OPN or IBN region and received monosynaptic excitation from the most rostral level of the contralateral SC, and mono- or disynaptic inhibition from its entire rostrocaudal extent. Among the rostral TRNs with commissural excitation, IBN-projecting TRNs also projected to Forel's field H (vertical gaze center), suggesting that they were most likely saccade neurons related to vertical saccades. In contrast, TRNs projecting only to the OPN region were most likely fixation neurons. Most putative inhibitory neurons in the rostral SC had multiple axon branches throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the contralateral SC, whereas excitatory commissural neurons, most of which were rostral TRNs, distributed terminals to a discrete region in the rostral SC.  相似文献   

Omnipause neurons (OPNs) are midline pontine neurons that are thought to control a number of oculomotor behaviors, especially saccades. Intracellular recordings were made from OPNs in alert cats to elucidate saccade-associated postsynaptic events in OPNs and thereby determine what patterns of afferent discharge impinge on OPNs to cause their saccadic inhibition. The membrane potential of impaled OPNs exhibited steep hyperpolarization before each saccade that lasted for the whole period of the saccade. The hyperpolarization was reversed to depolarization by intracellular injection of Cl- ions, indicating it consisted of temporal summation of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). The duration of the saccade-related hyperpolarization was almost equal to the duration of the concurrent saccades. The time course of the hyperpolarization was similar to that of the radial eye velocity except for the initial phase. During the falling phase of eye velocity, the correlation between the instantaneous amplitude of hyperpolarization and the instantaneous eye velocity was highly significant. The amplitude of hyperpolarization at the eye velocity peak was correlated significantly with the peak eye velocity. The time integral of the hyperpolarization was correlated with the radial amplitude of saccades. The initial phase disparity between the hyperpolarization and eye velocity was due to the relative constancy of peak time (approximately 20 ms) of the initial steep hyperpolarization regardless of the later potential profile that covaried with the eye velocity. The initial steep hyperpolarization led the beginning of saccades by 15.9 +/- 3.8 (SD) ms, which is longer than the lead time for medium-lead burst neurons. These results demonstrate that the pause of activity in OPNs is caused by IPSPs initiated by an abrupt, intense input and maintained, for the whole duration of the saccade, by afferents conveying eye velocity signals. We suggest that the initial sudden inhibition originates from central structures such as the superior colliculus and frontal eye fields and that the eye velocity-related inhibition originates from the burst generator in the brain stem.  相似文献   

Rapid gaze shifts are often accomplished with coordinated movements of the eyes and head, the relative amplitude of which depends on the starting position of the eyes. The size of gaze shifts is determined by the superior colliculus (SC) but additional processing in the lower brain stem is needed to determine the relative contributions of eye and head components. Models of eye–head coordination often assume that the strength of the command sent to the head controllers is modified by a signal indicative of the eye position. Evidence in favor of this hypothesis has been recently obtained in a study of phasic electromyographic (EMG) responses to stimulation of the SC in head-restrained monkeys (Corneil et al. in J Neurophysiol 88:2000–2018, 2002b). Bearing in mind that the patterns of eye–head coordination are not the same in all species and because the eye position sensitivity of phasic EMG responses has not been systematically investigated in cats, in the present study we used cats to address this issue. We stimulated electrically the intermediate and deep layers of the caudal SC in alert cats and recorded the EMG responses of neck muscles with horizontal and vertical pulling directions. Our data demonstrate that phasic, short latency EMG responses can be modulated by the eye position such that they increase as the eye occupies more and more eccentric positions in the pulling direction of the muscle tested. However, the influence of the eye position is rather modest, typically accounting for only 10–50% of the variance of EMG response amplitude. Responses evoked from several SC sites were not modulated by the eye position.  相似文献   

Summary Syrian golden hamsters were implanted with fixed or moveable stimulating electrodes aimed at the superior colliculus (SC). Behavior was observed in response to trains of 0.1 ms pulses at 200 Hz while the animals were moving freely in an open arena or in their home cages. At threshold stimulating currents, the responses consisted almost entirely of freezing or contraversive turning, which occurred in two forms: fast turns, resembling orienting movements to sunflower seeds, and slow turns that were smooth and continuous. Other responses, including head raising and lowering, ipsiversive turning and backing movements were seen occasionally. Increasing the stimulating current usually gave a variety of responses, including circling movements, prolonged freezing, ipsilateral movements and running escape behavior. The sites in SC giving freezes at threshold tended to be located superficially (SO and above), or deep (SGP and below), while sites giving turns were in the intermediate layers. Most freeze sites occurred in the rostro-medial SC that represents the upper visual field, while turn sites occurred predominantly in caudo-lateral SC. Apart from the turns, most of the stimulated responses resembled natural defensive behavior, supporting the view that SC in rodents plays a role in organizing responses to predators, as well as in orienting behavior.  相似文献   

Response properties of neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) were examined in control and profoundly deafened animals to electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. Seven adult cats were used: two controls; four neonatally deafened (2 bilaterally, 2 unilaterally); and one long-term bilaterally deaf cat. All control cochleae were deafened immediately before recording to avoid electrophonic activation of hair cells. Histological analysis of neonatally deafened cochleae showed no evidence of hair cells and a moderate to severe spiral ganglion cell loss, whereas the long-term deaf animal had only 1-2% ganglion cell survival. Under barbiturate anesthesia, scala tympani electrodes were implanted bilaterally and the auditory nerve electrically stimulated using 100 micros/phase biphasic current pulses. Single-unit (n = 419) recordings were made through the lateral (LN) and central (ICC) nuclei of the IC; responses could be elicited readily in all animals. Approximately 80% of cells responded to contralateral stimulation, whereas nearly 75% showed an excitatory response to ipsilateral stimulation. Most units showed a monotonic increase in spike probability and reduction in latency and jitter with increasing current. Nonmonotonic activity was seen in 15% of units regardless of hearing status. Neurons in the LN exhibited longer latencies (10-25 ms) compared with those in the ICC (5-8 ms). There was a deafness-induced increase in latency, jitter, and dynamic range; the extent of these changes was related to duration of deafness. The ICC maintained a rudimentary cochleotopic organization in all neonatally deafened animals, suggesting that this organization is laid down during development in the absence of normal afferent input. Temporal resolution of IC neurons was reduced significantly in neonatal bilaterally deafened animals compared with acutely deafened controls, whereas neonatal unilaterally deafened animals showed no reduction. It would appear that monaural afferent input is sufficient to maintain normal levels of temporal resolution in auditory midbrain neurons. These experiments have shown that many of the basic response properties are similar across animals with a wide range of auditory experience. However, important differences were identified, including increased response latencies and temporal jitter, and reduced levels of temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical stimulation of the cat superior colliculus (SC), in conjunction with the accurate measurement of elicited eye movements and histologically verified electrode positions, has revealed a striking antero-posterior variation in collicular organization. Three zones could be defined in the SC on the basis of eye movement patterns and associated neck muscle EMG activity evoked from the deeper layers. The Anterior zone was coextensive with the central 25 ° of the visual retinotopically coded map contained in the superficial layers. Saccades evoked from this zone were also retinotopically coded, and the latency of EMG activity depended on the position of the eye in the orbit. A similar observation applies to the entire monkey SC. The Intermediate zone was coextensive with the 25 °–70 ° of visual projections. Saccades evoked from this region were goal-directed and were associated with invariant, short latency EMG responses. The Posterior zone was found in the extreme caudo-lateral portion of the SC. Eye movements evoked from this zone were centering saccades associated with constant latency EMG activity. The present results in conjunction with previously demonstrated antero-posterior variations in projections to the SC, suggest that the motor strategies controlling gaze shifts toward visual targets vary depending on the location of the target in the visual field.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation was carried out in the intermediate and deep gray layers of the superior colliculus in alert cats. The heads of the animals were fixed, and their eye movements were recorded with the scleral search coil method. Stimulation in the anterior two-thirds of the colliculus with long-duration pulse trains produced multiple saccades, as in the primate (45, 51), but their directions and amplitudes were influenced significantly by the initial position of the eye. Stimulation in the posterior part of the colliculus evoked saccades that appeared to be "goal-directed," whereas stimulation at the extreme caudal edge of the colliculus yielded centering saccades. These observations confirm previous reports of Roucoux and Crommelinck (48) and Guitton et al. (24). Saccades evoked during bilateral simultaneous stimulation of the superior colliculi were also dependent on the initial position of the eye. At certain relative intensities of stimulation on the two sides, saccades failed to occur when the eye was within a particular part of the oculomotor range. When the eye was outside this region, the same stimuli triggered an eye movement that drove the eye toward the zone of saccade failure. These findings indicate that saccadic commands resulting from focal collicular stimulation in the cat can be modified by information about current eye position. It is not certain where in the brain this occurs or by what neural mechanisms, but a local feedback model of the saccadic control system (46) can account for the main observations. The functional significance of these findings depends in large measure on the degree to which focal collicular stimulation reproduces naturally occurring patterns of neural activity.  相似文献   

Summary 452 single neurons from the superior colliculus were recorded in awake and non-paralysed cats. 75 neurons were obtained from cats with unrestrained horizontal head movements.228 neurons remained unaffected by saccadic eye movements. Eye movement related discharge followed the onset of saccades in 156 neurons either only in the presence of a visual pattern (92 neurons) or in darkness, too (64 neurons). The latter reaction type probably depends on eye muscle afferents.In 48 neurons eye movement related activity preceded the onset of eye movements. 12 neurons fired in synchrony with eye movements of any direction (type I). 30 neurons were excited during contralaterally directed eye versions within or into the contralateral head related hemifield. They were inhibited when the eyes moved within or into the ipsilateral head related hemifield (type II). 6 neurons with constant maintained activity during fixation were inhibited by ipsilaterally directed saccades, but remained unaffected by contralateral eye movements.Head movement related discharge followed the onset of head movements in 20 neurons only in presence of a visual pattern and also in darkness in 6 neurons. Ipsilateral head movements or postures strongly suppressed maintained activity and visual responsiveness of some neurons.15 neurons discharged in synchrony with and prior to contralateral head movements. Ipsilateral head movements inhibited these neurons. Activation or inhibition were usually related to movement and to posture, exceptionally to movement or to posture.Electrical stimulation of recording sites of these neurons through the recording microelectrode elicits contralateral head movements.  相似文献   

Head-fixed gaze shifts were evoked by electrical stimulation of the deeper layers of the cat superior colliculus (SC). After a short latency, saccades were triggered with kinematics similar to those of visually guided saccades. When electrical stimulation was maintained for more than 150–200 ms, postsaccadic smooth eye movements (SEMs) were observed. These movements were characterized by a period of approximately constant velocity following the evoked saccade. Depending on electrode position, a single saccade followed by a slow displacement or a staircase of saccades interspersed by SEMs were evoked. Mean velocity decreased with increasing deviation of the eye in the orbit in the direction of the movement. In the situation where a single evoked saccade was followed by a smooth movement, the duration of the latter depended on the duration of the stimulation train. In the situation where evoked saccades converged towards a restricted region of the visual field (goal-directed or craniocentric saccades), the SEMs were directed towards the centre of this region and their mean velocity decreased as the eye approached the goal. The direction of induced SEMs depended on the site of stimulation, as is the case for saccadic eye movements, and was not modified by stimulation parameters (place code). On the other hand, mean velocity of the movements depended on the site of stimulation and on the frequency and intensity of the current (rate code), as reported for saccades in the cat. The kinematics of these postsaccadic SEMs are similar to the kinematics of slow, postsaccadic correction observed during visually triggered gaze shifts of the alert cat. These results support the hypothesis that the SC is not exclusively implicated in the control of fast refixation of gaze but also in controlling postsaccadic conjugate slow eye movements in the cat.  相似文献   

Current cochlear prostheses use amplitude-modulated pulse trains to encode acoustic signals. In this study we examined the responses of inferior colliculus (IC) neurons to sinusoidal amplitude-modulated pulses and compared the maximum unmodulated pulse rate (Fmax) to which they responded with the maximum modulation frequency (maxFm) that they followed. Consistent with previous results, responses to unmodulated pulses were all low-pass functions of pulse rate. Mean Fmax to unmodulated pulses was 104 pulses per second (pps) and modal Fmax was 60 pps. Above Fmax IC neurons ceased responding except for an onset burst at the beginning of the stimulus. However, IC neurons responded to much higher pulse rates when these pulses were amplitude modulated; 74% were relatively insensitive to carrier rate and responded to all modulated carriers including those exceeding 600 pps. In contrast, the responses of these neurons (70%) were low-pass functions of modulation frequency, and the remaining (30%) had band-pass functions with a maxFm of 42 and 34 Hz, respectively. Thus temporal resolution of IC neurons for modulated frequencies is significantly lower than that for unmodulated pulses. These two measures of temporal resolution (Fmax and maxFm) were uncorrelated (r(2) = 0.101). Several parameters influenced the amplitude and temporal structure of modulation responses including modulation depth, overall intensity and modulation-to-carrier rate ratio. We observed distortions in unit responses to amplitude-modulated signals when this ratio was 1/4 to 1/6. Since most current cochlear implant speech processors permit ratios that are significantly greater than this, severe distortion and signal degradation may occur frequently in these devices.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of monocular and binocular stimulations upon cells of the superficial layer (superficial grey and optic strata) of the superior colliculus (SC) were studied in chronic cats with painless head fixation. They responded vigorously to moving stimuli (a 2° wide black stripe or a light slit of the same width, both moving at 40–100°/sec). Most cells were directionally selective and binocularly driven usually with a contralateral ocular dominance.In a sample of 71 cells the five types of binocular interaction were found. In 36 units (50.7%) the response to binocular stimulation was larger than the sum of the responses to monocular stimulation of both eyes (facilitation) and in 12 units (16.7%) the reverse was true (occlusion). In 7 units (9.9%) the binocular response was equal to the sum of the two monocular responses (summation). In 11 units (15.5%) the binocular response was smaller than the response to dominant eye stimulation (inhibition). In 5 units (7.0%) whose background discharges were suppressed by monocular stimulation of one eye or both suppression became less marked for binocular stimulation (disinhibition). The most common type of binocular interaction was facilitation in the units with a clear ocular dominance and it was summation or occlusion in the units lacking ocular dominance. Facilitatory and inhibitory binocular interactions were more frequently seen in the directionally selective units than in the directionally non-selective ones  相似文献   

Summary In unrestrained animals of many species, electrical stimulation at sites in the superior colliculus evokes motions of the head and eyes. Collicular stimulation in monkeys whose heads are rigidly fixed is known to elicit a saccade whose characteristics depend on the site stimulated and are largely independent of electrical stimulation parameters and initial eye position.This study examined what role the colliculus plays in the coding of head movements. A secondary aim was to demonstrate the effects of such electrical stimulation parameters as pulse frequency and intensity. Rhesus monkeys were free to move their heads in the horizontal plane; head and eye movements were monitored. As in previous studies, eye movements evoked by collicular stimulation were of short latency, repeatable, had a definite electrical threshold, and did not depend on the initial position of the eye in the orbit. By contrast, evoked head movements were extremely variable in size and latency, had no definite electrical threshold, and did depend on initial eye position. Thus when the eyes approached positions of extreme deviation, a head movement in the same direction became more likely. These results suggest that the superior colliculus does not directly code head movements in the monkey.  相似文献   

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