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广州海员医院始建于1981年,原为交通部在华南地区设立的交通系统职工医院,现隶属于广州海运(集团)有限公司,是一所集医疗、预防保健、康复、科研、教学于一体的综合性国家二级甲等医院,是国家爱婴医院、卫生部国际紧急救援中心网络医院和广州市120急救中心网络医院,是广州医学院、广东药学院、广州市护士学校、肇庆市卫生学校等大、中专院校的临床教  相似文献   

近年来全区卫生工作,按照军区、联勤部统一部署,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,着眼"平时保健康,战时保打赢",解放思想,改革创新,优质服务,规范管理,应急作战卫勤准备如期完成,服务保障质量稳步提升,战区卫生建设逐步走上科学发展轨道.  相似文献   

近年来全区卫生工作,按照军区、联勤部统一部署,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,着眼"平时保健康,战时保打赢",解放思想,改革创新,优质服务,规范管理,应急作战卫勤准备如期完成,服务保障质量稳步提升,战区卫生建设逐步走上科学发展轨道.  相似文献   

张瑞兴 《安徽医药》2001,5(2):81-82
中医药是中华民族的文化瑰宝,数千年来对中华民族的繁衍昌盛作出了巨大贡献.中药产业是我国在国际上占有一定优势的传统产业,它涉及中药农业、中药工业、中药商业及中药知识经济产业,其中中药工业是主体,是中药现代化的主导力量和发展方向,包括中成药工业、中药饮片工业、中药保健品工业,还包括中药制药机械、辅料、包装材料等相关产业.随着改革开放的深入,尤其是加入WTO步伐的加快,国际的"洋中药"开始返销国内,使中药产业受到一定的冲击.要使我省的中药产业在当前激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,必须依靠现代科学技术进行改造,提高质量与水平,提高竞争力.下面谈一些个人的粗浅看法.  相似文献   

过去的一年,在黑龙江省委、省政府,国家卫生部的重视和领导下,按照江泽民同志"三个代表"重要思想和卫生改革与发展的总体要求,全省广大卫生工作者团结一致,恪尽职守,爱岗敬业,勤政廉政,积极努力,求真务实,克服困难,开拓进取,不断创新.  相似文献   

去年10月,党中央、国务院作出 了《关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》,国务院召开了全国农村卫生工作会议,强调加强农村卫生工作的重大意义,确定了农村卫生工作的目标要求。今年初,省政府召开全省农村卫生工作会议,以十六大精神为指导,研究贯彻党中央、国务院的《决定》和全国农村卫生工作会议精神,部署我省农村卫生工作。现在,我讲几点意见:  一、从全面建设小康社会的高度,进一步加强我省农村卫生工作  农村卫生工作是农业、农村、农民工作的重要组成部分,直接关系到我省农村的发展、农业的繁荣和农民的健康,关系…  相似文献   

过去的一年,全区卫生工作在各级党委的正确领导下,在总部的指导下,坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以军事斗争卫勤准备为“龙头”,以为部队服务为主线,以内涵质量建设为重点,突出加强卫生战备和基层卫生建设,深化改革,强化管理,发展科技,狠抓落实,较好地完成了各项卫勤保障任务,卫生建设水平和服务保障能力上了一个新的台阶。一是军事斗争卫勤准备有了新的进展。全区各级卫生部门坚持以军事斗争卫勤准备为“龙头”,广泛开展战备教育,强化战备训练,狠抓“思想、组织、技术、装备”四落实,部队卫生战备建设水平和应急保障…  相似文献   

展望新的一年,全区卫生工作面临着新的形势和发展机遇,军事斗争卫勤准备更加紧迫,卫生改革更加深入,各项业务工作任务重、标准高、要求严。因此,我们必须认清形势,理清思路,振奋精神,抓住机遇,按照全军卫生工作的总体要求和军区后勤工作的统一部署,深化改革,强化管理,与时俱进,开拓创新,努力把全区卫生建设提高到一个新水平。1进一步抓紧军事斗争卫勤准备(略)2大力加强基层卫生工作贯彻全军部队卫生机构建设工作会议精神,按照《部队卫生机构建设和工作标准》,大力抓好各类部队卫生机构达标建设,力争本年度师旅医院、旅…  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that the Japanese healthcare system has been ranked as one of the best in the world because of its excellent efficiency and equity. The longevity and low infant mortality of the Japanese population have been achieved with a relatively low ratio of health expenditure to gross domestic product. All Japanese are covered by universal medical care insurance and all are provided with completely free access to the same medical care. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that the medical care service is not as good as it looks. Owing to lack of competition between both hospitals and powerless insurers - the outcome of too many regulations - there is only a small incentive to improve the efficiency and quality of medical service. Furthermore, because of Japan's rapidly aging society and low birth rate, together with the long depression the economy has experienced, it is very difficult to maintain the 'pay-as-you-go' health system. For health system reform, our proposals are as follows: deregulating health markets, including pharmaceutical markets; strengthening the role of insurers; introducing information technology; and restructuring the healthcare of the elderly. We are expecting the new cabinet, which enjoys much popularity, to have the courage to initiate health reform along these lines, in spite of opposition from powerful interest groups, bureaucrats, and even members of ruling parties.  相似文献   

Language can be a useful tool for probing cultural attitudes. In continental Europe, for instance, it is not possible to talk about healthcare systems for long without encountering the word 'solidarity'. Not only is it used in conversation, it is also found in government documents where it is referred to as a fundamental principle on which health systems are based. Furthermore, a literature search will identify multiple references that relate the term solidarity to healthcare in Europe. By contrast, the word is seldom heard in American dialogue and is rarely referred to in the American literature. This article briefly explores the possible significance of this difference in language, and how it relates to healthcare reform and the welfare state.  相似文献   

With healthcare costs escalating out of control, additional strategies are needed to propel reform. Three major strategies are explored revolving around pathways, patients, and processes. First, while not a stand-alone solution for improving healthcare, clinical pathways provide a quality and process benchmark of previously unavailable breadth, depth, and specificity that can be leveraged by additional strategies. Pathways enable data collection, decision support, and clinical summaries that can improve communication, facilitate coordination, and enable outcome feedback, Secondly, sharing decision-making with patients improves patient satisfaction, limits care regrets, and seems to reduce futile utilization and better manage the intensity of care. Finally, a variety of other recommendations to achieve cost-effectiveness emphasize interventions that provide the greatest value (efficiency per unit cost), align incentives, and minimize administrative costs. A final recommendation for managing health care risk involves a new paradigm for partnership to leverage mutual core competencies between payers and providers. If provider organizations developed comprehensive clinical pathways annotated with outcomes and costs, payer actuaries could use this information to more accurately forecast health risk and design health plan tiers in a way that maximizes outcomes and value for a variety of health plan funding levels.  相似文献   

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