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M. I. J. Uusitupa L. K. Niskanen O. Siitonen E. Voutilainen K. Pyörälä 《Diabetologia》1993,36(11):1175-1184
Summary The purpose of the present study was to examine 10-year cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with newly-diagnosed Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus and non-diabetic control subjects and to evaluate the effects of general risk factors, plasma insulin, urinary albumin excretion, lipoprotein abnormalities characteristic of Type 2 diabetes and the degree of hyperglycaemia in diabetic patients on cardiovascular mortality. Furthermore, the extent to which the above-mentioned factors could contribute to the excessive cardiovascular mortality observed in diabetic patients was examined. In the years 1979–1981, altogether 133 (70 men, 63 women) newly-diagnosed patients with Type 2 diabetes and 144 (62 men, 82 women) non-diabetic control subjects aged 45–64 years were studied. Both groups were re-examined in the years 1985–1986 and 1991–1992. The impact of different factors on cardiovascular mortality was examined by univariate analyses after adjustment for age and sex and by multiple logistic regression analyses. The age-standardized total and cardiovascular mortality rates were substantially higher in diabetic men (17.8 and 15.0%, total and cardiovascular mortality, respectively p = 0.06 and NS) and women (18.5 and 16.6%, p<0.01 for both) than in non-diabetic control men (5.2 % both total and cardiovascular mortality) and women (4.2 and 2.2 %). Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the treatment modality (diet, oral drugs, insulin) at 5 years from diagnosis. Use of diuretics, beta-blocking agents or their combination at baseline did not make a significant contribution to cardiovascular mortality either. In multiple logistic regression analysis on diabetic patients, age, LDL triglycerides, smoking, blood glucose and ischaemic ECG at baseline had independent associations with cardiovascular mortality. Interestingly, urinary albumin excretion rate measured at 5-year examination also predicted 10-year cardiovascular mortality after adjustment for the effects of major risk factors including lipoprotein abnormalities, but its predictive power reduced to a nonsignificant level when the effect of plasma glucose was taken into account. The relative risk of cardiovascular mortality associated with diabetes was 8.2 after allowing for age alone, but it declined to 3.7 when all contributing factors from the baseline examination (except blood glucose) were taken into account. In conclusion, the present results indicate that LDL triglycerides and/or other changes in lipoprotein composition characteristic of Type 2 diabetes and manifesting as elevated serum triglycerides are atherogenic and they strongly predict increased cardiovascular mortality. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the consequences of long-term hyperglycaemia could explain a large proportion of the remaining excessive cardiovascular mortality risk among Type 2 diabetic patients. 相似文献
Coronary heart disease in insulin-dependent (IDDM) and in non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) is associated with lipid and lipoprotein changes favouring atherosclerosis. Whether lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities are associated also with peripheral vascular disease in both types of diabetes is largely unknown. Therefore, we studied lipid and lipoprotein levels and their association with claudication in a representative sample of diabetic and non-diabetic subjects in East Finland. Altogether 87 subjects had IDDM (43 men, 44 women), 264 subjects NIDDM (126 men, 138 women) and 120 subjects were non-diabetic controls (63 men, 57 women). Patients with IDDM had an increased level of HDL and HDL2-cholesterol and patients with NIDDM a decreased level of HDL and HDL2-cholesterol and an increased level of total, LDL and VLDL triglycerides than did non-diabetic subjects. Analyses in both types of diabetes by claudication status revealed that total and LDL-cholesterol and total and VLDL triglycerides tended to be higher and HDL and HDL2-cholesterol lower in those having claudication as compared to those without a claudication symptom. Similarly, total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio and LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio were also more atherogenic in patients with claudication than in those without claudication. In conclusion, our results indicate that in both types of diabetes peripheral vascular disease is associated with lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities favouring atherosclerosis. 相似文献
The prevalence of radiologically detectable aortic calcifications, the cross-sectional area of the aortic arch, pulse wave velocity and cardiovascular risk factors were examined in 133 newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients aged 45-64 years and in 144 randomly selected control subjects of the same age. In addition, the relationship between aortic calcifications and coronary heart disease was examined. Diabetic men tended to have more frequently calcifications in the abdominal aorta than nondiabetic men, whereas such a difference was not found between diabetic and nondiabetic women. No difference was observed between diabetic and nondiabetic subjects in the prevalence of calcifications of the aortic arch. Among cardiovascular risk factors, smoking was associated with calcifications of the abdominal aorta in diabetic and nondiabetic men. Ischemic ECG abnormalities at rest showed a statistically significant association with the presence of abdominal aortic calcifications in diabetic men. The cross-sectional area of the aortic arch increased with age in both in diabetic and in nondiabetic subjects and was larger in diabetic than in nondiabetic men. Diabetes did not show any significant effect on pulse wave velocity. An increased frequency of calcifications of the abdominal aorta and a dilatation of the aortic arch in newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent men as compared with nondiabetic men is compatible with the view that an accelerated development of atherosclerotic lesions of large arteries starts already in an early, asymptomatic phase of this type of diabetes. 相似文献
Summary The incidence of abnormalities of fasting serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels and blood sugar and plasma insulin response to an oral glucose load have been investigated in a group of 51 male patients with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease. These have been compared with an age and sex matched group of 47 healthy controls. Both groups showed a similar degree of obesity. The most common single abnormality was a prolonged and increased plasma insulin response, which was much more frequently seen among patients than controls. Over 75% of the patients showed abnormality of blood sugar or insulin response. Elevation of fasting levels of serum lipids was considerably less common, although the mean serum cholesterol level of the patients was significantly higher than that of the controls. The relevance of these results is discussed.
Die Häufigkeit von Anomalien des Plasmainsulins, der Glykämie und der Serumlipide bei Atherosklerotikern
Zusammenfassung Die Autoren berichten über die Häufigkeit von Anomalien der Nüchternwerte von Serumcholesterin und Serumtriglyzeriden und über anormale Blutzucker- und Plasmainsulinreaktionen nach einem oralen Glucosebelastungstest bei 51 männlichen Patienten mit atherosklerotischen peripheren Gefäßkrankheiten. Sie verglichen diese Befunde mit 47 gesunden Personen in einer nach Alter und Geschlecht vergleichbaren Gruppe. Die beiden Gruppen wiesen einen ähnlichen Grad von Adipositas auf. Die häufigste Anomalie war eine verlängerte und erhöhte Plasmainsulinreaktion, die viel häufiger bei den Atherosklerotikern als bei den Kontrollen vorkam. Über 75% der Patienten zeigten anormale Blutzucker-oder Insulinreaktionen. Eine Erhöhung der Nnchtern-Serumlipidwerte trat viel seltener auf, obwohl die mittleren Serumcholesterinspiegel bei den Atherosklerotikern signifikant höher lagen als bei den Kontrollen.
Fréquence des anomalies de l'insuline plasmatique, de la glycémie et des lipides du sérum chez des patients atteints d' athérosclérose
Résumé Les auteurs présentent leurs observations sur la fréquence du taux anormal de cholestérol et de triglycérides sériques et sur les réponses anormales du glucose sanguin et de l'insuline provoquées par le test de tolérance au glucose chez 51 patients de sexe masculin présentant des troubles athérosclérotiques des vaisseaux périphériques. La comparaison des résultats relevés dans ce groupe avec ceux d'un groupe de 47 témoins strictement comparables par l'âge et le sexe a été faite. Les deux groupes présentaient un même degré d'obésité. L'anomalie la plus fréquente était une réponse de l'insuline du plasma plus prolongée et plus prononcée. Cette réponse était beaucoup plus fréquente chez les athérosclérotiques que chez les sujets normaux. Plus de 75% des malades ont montré une anomalie du taux de glucose sanguin ou de la réponse de l'insuline. Une augmentation du taux des lipides sanguins à jeûn était beaucoup plus rare bien que le taux moyen de cholestérol sérique ait été nettement supérieur à celui des sujets témoins.相似文献
von Willebrand factor, C-reactive protein, and 5-year mortality in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects: the Hoorn Study 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Jager A van Hinsbergh VW Kostense PJ Emeis JJ Yudkin JS Nijpels G Dekker JM Heine RJ Bouter LM Stehouwer CD 《Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology》1999,19(12):3071-3078
Increased levels of von Willebrand factor (vWf) and C-reactive protein (CRP) predict cardiovascular mortality in selected populations. It is uncertain whether vWf and CRP predict mortality in a general population and whether vWf and CRP predict mortality through similar pathways. This study investigated the association of vWf and CRP with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. An age-, sex-, and glucose tolerance-stratified sample (n=631) of a population-based cohort aged 50 to 75 years was followed prospectively for 5 years. After 5 years of follow-up, 58 subjects had died (24 of cardiovascular causes). vWf (>1.56 IU/mL) and CRP (>2.84 mg/L) levels in the upper tertile were associated with, respectively, a 3- and 2-fold increase in cardiovascular mortality after adjustment for age, sex, and glucose tolerance status. Analyses in nondiabetic and diabetic subjects separately gave similar results. After further adjustment for hypertension, levels of HDL cholesterol and triglyceride, smoking habits, ischemic heart disease, and peripheral arterial disease, the relative risks (RRs) were 3.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 7.9) for vWf and 1.4 (95% CI 0.6 to 3.5) for CRP. When both vWf and CRP were included in the latter multivariate analysis, the RRs were 3.0 (95% CI 1.1 to 7.9) for vWf and 1.3 (95% CI 0.5 to 3.4) for CRP. The association between vWf and risk of cardiovascular mortality was independent of blood group (O versus non-O) and, moreover, similar among subjects with different blood groups. Repeating the analyses for all-cause mortality gave similar results for CRP. For vWf, the RR was 2.0 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.5) after adjustment for all other risk factors. Increased levels of vWf are independently associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in both diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. The association between increased levels of CRP and cardiovascular mortality was partly explained by other risk factors. Mutual adjustment of vWf and CRP did not markedly change the results, favoring the hypothesis that vWf and CRP predict mortality through different pathways. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between fasting plasma leptin concentrations and insulin resistance in Chinese men and women. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study design. SUBJECTS: Ninety-six nondiabetic Chinese (51 men and 45 women) with body mass index (BMI) between 18.4-35.8 kg/m2 were studied. MEASUREMENTS: Plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were measured every 30 min for 2 h after a 75 g oral glucose load. The degree of insulin resistance was assessed using a modified insulin suppression test. Plasma leptin values were determined by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: Fasting plasma glucose, glucose areas, fasting insulin, insulin areas, most of the lipoprotein concentrations and steady state plasma glucose (SSPG) concentrations were relatively similar between men and women. Despite the fact that men had higher BMI values (26.1 +/- 0.5 vs 24.7 +/- 0.5 kg/m2, P < 0.05), fasting plasma leptin concentrations were significantly lower in men than in women (4.9 +/- 0.5 vs 9.0 +/- 0.8 ng/ml, P < 0.001). Fasting leptin values were positively related to SSPG concentrations by simple correlation analysis in both sexes. However, this relationship persisted in men (r = 0.513, P < 0.01) but not in women (r = 0.119, P = NS) after adjustment for BMI. Multiple regression analysis showed that SSPG concentrations, BMI, glucose and insulin responses together accounted for 62.5% and 52.2% of the variation in plasma leptin concentrations in Chinese men and women respectively. CONCLUSION: Fasting plasma leptin concentrations were lower in Chinese men than in Chinese women despite the higher BMI observed in men. After adjustment for BMI, plasma leptin values correlated with the degree of insulin resistance in men but not in women. 相似文献
The metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular risk in diabetic and nondiabetic patients 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Saely CH Aczel S Marte T Langer P Hoefle G Drexel H 《The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism》2005,90(10):5698-5703
CONTEXT: The contribution of insulin resistance per se to the vascular risk conferred by the metabolic syndrome (MetS) is not known; conversely, it is uncertain whether insulin resistance confers vascular risk beyond the entity of the MetS. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of the MetS (Adult Treatment Panel III criteria) and insulin resistance (as estimated by the homeostasis model assessment index) on the incidence of vascular events. DESIGN AND PATIENTS: This was a prospective cohort study enrolling 750 consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography for the evaluation of coronary artery disease. SETTING: The study was performed at a tertiary care clinical research center. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The main outcome measure was the incidence of vascular events over 2.3 yr. RESULTS: Both the MetS and insulin resistance predicted vascular events after controlling for non-MetS risk factors [hazard ratio (HR), 2.74 (95% confidence interval, 1.71-4.39; P < 0.001) and 1.51 (1.24-1.84; P < 0.001), respectively]. After additional adjustment for insulin resistance, the MetS remained significantly predictive of vascular events [HR, 2.69 (1.57-4.64); P < 0.001], and conversely, insulin resistance remained significantly predictive of vascular events despite adjustment for the MetS [standardized HR, 1.41 (1.14-1.75); P = 0.002]. Additional adjustment for the presence of type 2 diabetes revealed that both the MetS [adjusted HR, 2.57 (1.47-4.51); P = 0.001] and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance [standardized adjusted HR, 1.37 (1.09-1.73); P = 0.007] significantly predicted vascular events independent from diabetes status. CONCLUSIONS: Both the MetS and insulin resistance are strong and mutually independent predictors of vascular risk among angiographed coronary patients. 相似文献
Collins AR Meehan WP Kintscher U Jackson S Wakino S Noh G Palinski W Hsueh WA Law RE 《Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology》2001,21(3):365-371
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) is a ligand-activated nuclear receptor expressed in all of the major cell types found in atherosclerotic lesions: monocytes/macrophages, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. In vitro, PPARgamma ligands inhibit cell proliferation and migration, 2 processes critical for vascular lesion formation. In contrast to these putative antiatherogenic activities, PPARgamma has been shown in vitro to upregulate the CD36 scavenger receptor, which could promote foam cell formation. Thus, it is unclear what impact PPARgamma activation will have on the development and progression of atherosclerosis. This issue is important because thiazolidinediones, which are ligands for PPARgamma, have recently been approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, a state of accelerated atherosclerosis. We report herein that the PPARgamma ligand, troglitazone, inhibited lesion formation in male low density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice fed either a high-fat diet, which also induces type 2 diabetes, or a high-fructose diet. Troglitazone decreased the accumulation of macrophages in intimal xanthomas, consistent with our in vitro observation that troglitazone and another thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone, inhibited monocyte chemoattractant protein-1-directed transendothelial migration of monocytes. Although troglitazone had some beneficial effects on metabolic risk factors (in particular, a reduction of insulin levels in the diabetic model), none of the systemic cardiovascular risk factors was consistently improved in either model. These observations suggest that the inhibition of early atherosclerotic lesion formation by troglitazone may result, at least in part, from direct effects of PPARgamma activation in the artery wall. 相似文献
S Shea R R Sciacca P Esser J Han A B Nichols 《Journal of the American College of Cardiology》1986,8(6):1325-1331
Progression of coronary artery stenosis was measured using a quantitative, computer-assisted cinevideodensitometric method in 144 arterial segments in 44 subjects undergoing coronary arteriography on two separate occasions at least 6 months apart. Projected coronary arteriograms were digitized into 512 X 512 pixel mode and percent stenosis was calculated by comparing background-corrected videodensitometric values over stenotic and normal segments. Subjects underwent repeat coronary arteriography because of worsening symptoms of angina or heart failure; subjects with renal failure, coronary artery bypass grafts or cardiac transplant were excluded. Clinical variables determined at the time of the first arteriogram included age, sex, serum cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and presence or absence of cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus and left ventricular hypertrophy. The mean interval between arteriograms was 29.3 months. Overall progression of coronary stenosis was observed in 40 of the 44 subjects; the mean progression at 24 months was 39% (90% confidence interval, 33 to 45%) and at 36 months was 48% (40 to 56%). The degree of overall progression was related to the length of time between arteriograms (F = 5.81, p less than 0.05) and to serum cholesterol level (F = 4.37, p less than 0.05). These data indicate that using an accurate, quantitative method, it is possible to measure progression of coronary artery atherosclerosis within 2 to 3 years of the initial arteriogram. Serum cholesterol appears to be an important determinant of disease progression. 相似文献
A Pulkkinen A Kareinen L Saarinen S Heikkinen S Lehto M Laakso 《Metabolism: clinical and experimental》1999,48(7):853-856
Hyperinsulinemia has been shown to predict coronary heart disease (CHD) events in both nondiabetic subjects and patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Therefore, defects in genes that regulate insulin action could be responsible for an increased risk of CHD. The Trp64Arg polymorphism of the beta3-adrenergic receptor gene has been linked with abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, and early-onset NIDDM. Therefore, we screened for this polymorphism among 185 unrelated nondiabetic subjects (101 men and 84 women; age, 56+/-1 years [mean +/- SEM]; body mass index [BMI], 27.8+/-0.3 kg/m2) with angiographically confirmed CHD (stenosis > 50% in > or = two coronary arteries), among 119 unrelated patients with NIDDM (90 men and 29 women; age, 62+/-1 years; BMI, 28.7+/-0.4 kg/m2; 95 had CHD by the same criteria and 24 had definite myocardial infarction [MI]), and among 82 healthy men (age, 54+/-1 years; BMI, 26.3+/-0.4 kg/m2) from our previous study. The frequency of the Trp64Arg allele of the beta3-adrenergic receptor gene was similar in nondiabetic patients with CHD (8%), NIDDM patients with CHD (7%), and nondiabetic subjects without CHD (7%). No association was found between cardiovascular risk factors and the codon 64 polymorphism of the beta3-adrenergic receptor gene in patients with CHD. Similarly, this polymorphism was not significantly related to insulin resistance in nondiabetic and NIDDM subjects with CHD evaluated by the euglycemic clamp technique. These results indicate that the Trp64Arg allele of the beta3-adrenergic receptor gene does not contribute to the risk of CHD in nondiabetic subjects and NIDDM patients. 相似文献
Storey SG Suryadevara V Aronow WS Ahn C 《The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences》2003,58(12):M1135-M1136
BACKGROUND: Increased plasma homocysteine has been associated with atherosclerotic vascular disease in elderly persons. The Framingham Study found that plasma homocysteine was a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease. METHODS: We investigated in an academic nursing home the association of plasma homocysteine with atherosclerotic vascular disease plus dementia (group 1), atherosclerotic vascular disease without dementia (group 2), dementia without atherosclerotic vascular disease (group 3), and no dementia or atherosclerotic vascular disease (group 4). RESULTS: The mean plasma homocysteine level was 15.3 +/- 3.0 micromol/L in 50 group 1 patients, 15.1 +/- 2.7 micromol/L in 50 group 2 patients, 14.4 +/- 2.7 micromol/L in 50 group 3 patients, and 10.6 +/- 3.2 micromol/L in 50 group 4 patients (p <.0001 for group 1 vs group 4, for group 2 vs group 4, and for group 3 vs group 4). CONCLUSIONS: The mean plasma homocysteine level was significantly higher in elderly patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease plus dementia, atherosclerotic vascular disease without dementia, and dementia without atherosclerotic vascular disease than in patients with no dementia or atherosclerotic vascular disease. 相似文献
Development and progression of atherosclerotic disease in relation to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Tadashi Fujiwara Shigeyuki Saitoh Satoru Takagi Hiroshi Takeuchi Takeshi Isobe Yu Chiba Tetsuji Miura Kazuaki Shimamoto 《Hypertension research》2005,28(8):665-670
It is unclear whether the role of insulin resistance in the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is similar in populations in which the incidence of atherosclerotic diseases significantly differs from that in Western countries. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between insulin resistance and the development of cardiovascular disease in the Japanese population. We conducted 75 g-oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) on 1,928 inhabitants of two towns in Hokkaido, Japan. Subjects using antihypertensive agents and known diabetic patients were excluded from the study. Data from the remaining 1,227 subjects (540 males and 687 females; mean age 56.0 +/- 10.8 years) were used for the analysis, and 1,051 subjects were seen in a follow-up care setting for a period of 8 years. The presence of insulin resistance was defined according to the guidelines reported our previous study: insulin levels of 64.0 mU/l or higher 2 h after the 75 g-OGTT. The insulin-resistant (IR) group had several risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, treated or untreated hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and obesity. During the follow-up period of 8 years, the incidence of coronary artery disease, which was adjusted for age, body mass index, sex, systolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol was significantly (3.2 times) higher in the IR group than in the insulin non-resistant group. The results suggested that insulin resistance is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease in Japanese subjects, as has also been demonstrated in the case of individuals in Europe and USA. 相似文献
Suryadevara V Storey SG Aronow WS Ahn C 《The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences》2003,58(9):M859-M861
BACKGROUND: Observational data have shown that the use of statins was associated with a lower prevalence of vascular dementia and of Alzheimer's disease. METHODS: We investigated in an academic nursing home the association of dyslipidemia with atherosclerotic vascular disease (group 1), atherosclerotic vascular disease without dementia (group 2), dementia without atherosclerotic vascular disease (group 3), and no dementia or atherosclerotic vascular disease (group 4). RESULTS: Increased serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol was present in 36 of 50 group 1 patients (72%), in 34 of 50 group 2 patients (68%), in 34 of 50 group 3 patients (68%), and in 18 of 50 group 4 patients (36%) (p =.0003 for 1 versus 4; p = 0.001 for 2 versus 4 and 3 versus 4). Decreased serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was present in 34 of 50 group 1 patients (68%), in 35 of 50 group 2 patients (70%), in 32 of 50 group 3 patients (64%), and in 16 of 50 group 4 patients (32%) (p =.0003 for 1 versus 4; p =.0001 for 2 versus 4; p =.001 for 3 versus 4). Hypertriglyceridemia was not significantly different in the 4 groups. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of increased serum LDL cholesterol and decreased serum HDL cholesterol were significantly higher in elderly patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease plus dementia, atherosclerotic vascular disease without dementia, and dementia without atherosclerotic vascular disease than in patients with no dementia or atherosclerotic vascular disease. 相似文献
Festa A D'Agostino R Rautaharju P Mykkänen L Haffner SM 《The American journal of cardiology》2000,86(10):1117-1122
A prolonged QT interval has been identified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease; however, knowledge about etiologic factors is limited. We studied determinants of QT interval duration in the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study, a large, triethnic population (n = 1,577) with varying degrees of glucose tolerance. In particular, we sought to investigate the relation of QT interval with blood pressure (BP), left ventricular (LV) mass, estimated using electrocardiographic criteria, and insulin sensitivity, directly measured by a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. QT interval was measured electronically on electrocardiograms at rest and corrected for heart rate using standard equations. The QT interval was related to various components of the insulin resistance syndrome, including BP and insulin sensitivity. Multivariate analyses showed that BP and LV mass were the main determinants of the QT interval in diabetic and nondiabetic subjects. Additionally, prevalent coronary artery disease was related to the QT interval in subjects with newly diagnosed diabetes. In conclusion, we found that BP and LV mass were the strongest and most consistent determinants of the QT interval in nondiabetic and diabetic subjects. Additional factors potentially contributing to QT interval prolongation in diabetic patients include insulin sensitivity and prevalent coronary artery disease. 相似文献
Alcohol and atherosclerotic vascular disease risk factors in French men: relationships are linear, J-shaped, and U-shaped 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rouillier P Boutron-Ruault MC Bertrais S Arnault N Daudin JJ Bacro JN Hercberg S 《Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research》2005,29(1):84-88
BACKGROUND: Although it is well admitted that alcohol displays a U-shaped relationship with atherosclerotic vascular disease, individual relationships between alcohol and atherosclerosis risk factors may be different and have not been determined precisely for several of them. METHODS: A cross-sectional study within the SU.VI.MAX French cohort study was performed to assess the curve of potential relationships between alcohol and atherosclerosis risk factors in 2126 healthy men. Mean daily alcohol intake was derived from 37 alcoholic beverages in twelve 24-hr dietary recalls. Logistic models were adjusted for age. RESULTS: Apolipoprotein B (ApoB), fasting glucose, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist circumference displayed a linear relationship with alcohol. The odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals associated with abnormal values of the markers for the highest quintile of alcohol intake were 1.45 (1.06-1.97) for ApoB, 1.98 (1.40-2.80) for fasting glucose, and 1.74 (1.30-2.34) for body mass index. An inverse J-shaped relationship was assumed for ApoA1 and ApoB/ApoA1 ratio, whereas a U-shaped relationship was observed for serum triglycerides and mixed hyperlipidemia. Only the highest quintile of alcohol was associated with hypertension, although the test for linearity was also significant. No association was observed for Lp(a) or homocysteine. Associations were unmodified by further adjustment for carbohydrates, fiber, lipids, tobacco, or exercise. CONCLUSIONS: The aggregate of the disparate alcohol risk factor relationships suggests probable net benefit at 15 to 25 g of alcohol/day. 相似文献
Mostaza JM Suarez C Manzano L Cairols M López-Fernández F Aguilar I Diz Lois F Sampedro JL Sánchez-Huelva H Sanchez-Zamorano MA;Merito Study Group 《European Journal of Internal Medicine》2008,19(4):255-260
BACKGROUND: We evaluated the association between a low ankle-brachial index (ABI), chronic complications of diabetes, and the presence of traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors in subjects with type 2 diabetes but without known cardiovascular disease. METHODS: We included diabetic subjects (n=923; 52% male; age range 50-85 years) without clinical evidence of coronary, cerebrovascular, or peripheral artery disease (PAD). A history of nephropathy, retinopathy, or neuropathy was collected from the medical records. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and ABI measurements were conducted on all study participants. RESULTS: The mean duration of diabetes was 9.6 years. Prevalence of a low ABI (<0.9) was 26.2%. Multivariate analysis indicated that factors significantly associated with a low ABI were age (OR: 1.06; 95%CI: 1.033-1.084; p<0.001), plasma triglyceride concentration (OR: 1.002; 95%CI: 1.001-1.004; p=0.006), duration of diabetes (OR: 1.029; 95%CI: 1.008-1.051; p=0.007), and smoking habit (OR: 1.755; 95%CI: 1.053-2.925; p=0.03). The presence of nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch block, and atrial fibrillation were all associated with a low ABI, but only renal disease remained significant after adjusting for age, duration of diabetes, and cardiovascular risk factors. CONCLUSION: A low ABI is highly prevalent in subjects with diabetes and is related to age, duration of diabetes, smoking habit, and hypertriglyceridemia. Although chronic complications are frequently associated with a low ABI, only renal damage is independently associated with peripheral artery disease. 相似文献
Forssas EH Keskimäki IT Reunanen AR Koskinen SV 《Journal of diabetes and its complications》2008,22(1):10-17
OBJECTIVE: To investigate coronary heart disease (CHD) morbidity and mortality and their patterning by socioeconomic status among diabetic and nondiabetic individuals in Finland. METHODS: All diabetic persons aged 35-74 years entitled to free anti-diabetic medication were drawn from the 1991-1996 national health insurance files along with nondiabetic referents. Outcome events for up to 6 years of follow-up, corresponding to 418,987 and 867,813 person-years in diabetic and nondiabetic people, respectively, were identified from national health insurance, hospital discharge and causes of death registers using personal identification codes. RESULTS: The annual CHD incidence for diabetic women and men was 2.7% and 3.7%, respectively, corresponding to relative risks of 3.55 (95% CI: 3.43-3.67) and 2.64 (95% CI: 2.56-2.72) compared to nondiabetic persons. The impact of diabetes on CHD mortality was greater, with relative death rates of 6.04 and 3.42 for women and men, respectively. CHD mortality and incidence displayed systematic socioeconomic trends with higher rates among worse-off diabetic and nondiabetic people, although gradients were generally steeper for nondiabetics. In the diabetic population, socioeconomic differences were rather similar for sudden CHD deaths and nonfatal CHD incident cases. For both genders, socioeconomic differences in mortality after CHD diagnosis were small in both diabetic and nondiabetic persons, except for the lowest compared to the highest income quintile. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic CHD mortality differences among diabetic people in Finland were mainly explained by higher CHD incidence and particularly sudden deaths without prior CHD diagnosis. No systematic socioeconomic differences were found in long-term prognosis after CHD diagnosis. 相似文献