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The trajectory of the index finger during grasping movements was compared to the trajectories predicted by three optimization-based models. The three models consisted of minimizing the integral of the weighted squared joint derivatives along the path (inertia-like cost), minimizing torque change, and minimizing angular jerk. Of the three models, it was observed that the path of the fingertip and the joint trajectories, were best described by the minimum angular jerk model. This model, which does not take into account the dynamics of the finger, performed equally well when the inertia of the finger was altered by adding a 20 g weight to the medial phalange. Thus, for the finger, it appears that trajectories are planned based primarily on kinematic considerations at a joint level.  相似文献   

The present study examined the initiation of digit contact and fingertip force development during whole-hand grasping. Sixteen healthy subjects grasped an object instrumented with force transducers at each digit and lifted it 10 cm. The grip (normal) and load (tangential) forces and the position of the object were recorded. Twenty-five lifts were performed with various object weights (300 g, 600 g, 900 g) and surface textures (sandpaper and rayon). Despite the large number of degrees of freedom, grip initiation with an object using the whole hand was characterized by stereotypical contact patterns, which are idiosyncratic to each subject across all object weights and textures. However, in spite of the initial asymmetric control, the forces were mainly synchronized by the occurrence of the peak grip and load force rates. The contribution of each digit to the total grip force decreased from radial to ulnar digits. The final force distribution was generally established already at the onset of load forces. Only subtle adjustments were seen thereafter, suggesting a fairly fixed force distribution pattern throughout the grasp. The findings suggest that, despite the large number of degrees of freedom in terms of contact initiation and force distribution in whole-hand grasping: (1) subjects employ preferred movement patterns to establish object contact with their digits, and (2) synchronize the subsequent force development and temporal coordination of the task. Thus while the complexity of the task requires control mechanisms beyond those seen in two-finger precision grasping, there are strategies to simplify the complex task of the initiation and development of fingertip forces in whole-hand grasping.  相似文献   

For sensorimotor transformations to be executed accurately, there must be mechanisms that can both establish and modify mappings between sensory and motor coordinates. Such mechanisms were investigated in normal subjects using a reach-to-grasp task. First, we replaced the normal input of visual information about object size with auditory information, i.e., we attempted to establish an ‘audiomotor map’. The size of the object was log linearly related to the frequency of the sound, and we measured the maximum grip aperture (MGA) during the reaching phase to determine if the subjects had learned the relationship. Second, we changed the frequency–object size relationship to study adaptation in the newly acquired map. Our results demonstrate that learning of an audiomotor map consisted of three distinct phases: during the first stage (∼10–15 trials) subjects simply used MGAs large enough to grasp any reasonably sized object and there were no overt signs of learning. During the second stage, there was a period of fast learning where the slope of the relationship between MGA and object size became steeper until the third stage where the slope was constant. In contrast, when sensorimotor adaptation was studied in the established audiomotor map, there was rapid learning from the start of a size perturbation. We conclude that different learning strategies are employed when sensorimotor transformations are established compared to when existing transformations are modified.  相似文献   

When walking with a hand-held object, grip force is coupled in an anticipatory manner to changes in inertial force resulting from the accelerations and decelerations of gait. However, it is not known how grip and inertial forces are organized at the onset of gait, and if the two forces are coupled in the early phases of gait initiation. Moreover, initiating walking with an object involves the coordination of anticipatory postural (e.g., ground reaction force changes) and grasping adjustments. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of ground reaction, grip, and inertial force onsets, and the subsequent development of the coupling of grip and inertial forces during gait initiation with a hand-held object. Ten subjects performed gait initiation with a hand-held object following predictable and unpredictable start signals. We found that ground reaction and grip force onsets were closely linked in time regardless of the predictability of the start signal. In the early period of gait initiation, the grip force started to increase prior to inertial force changes. While the strength of the coupling of grip and inertial forces was moderate in this early phase, it increased to values observed during steady-state gait after the swing foot left the ground. The early grip force increase and the coupling of grip and inertial forces represent an anticipatory control process. This process establishes an appropriate grip-inertial force ratio to ensure object stability during acceleration after foot-off and maintains this increased ratio thereafter. The results suggest that grasping and whole body movements are governed by a common internal representation.  相似文献   

The study addresses three main questions: (1) Does the magnitude of the grasping force affect the prehension synergies, i.e., conjoint changes of finger forces and moments? (2) Do individual finger forces scale with the total grasping forces (‘scale-invariance hypothesis’)? (3) How specification of the grasping force magnitude affects the inverse optimization of digit forces. Subjects (n = 7) grasped with minimal force an instrumented handle and maintained it at rest in the air. Then, the subjects doubled the initial grasping force. The forces and moments exerted by individual digits were recorded with six-component sensors. External torques that the subjects should resist (9 in total) varied among the trials from 0 to 0.46 Nm both in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. After the force doubling, the moments of the normal forces (M n) increased in the pronation effort tasks (PR-tasks) and decreased in the supination effort tasks (SU-tasks). The changes in the moments of the tangential forces (M t) were opposite to the M n changes; the moments increased in the SU-tasks and decreased in the PR-tasks. The opposite effects of force doubling on the M ts in the SU-tasks and PR-tasks were a consequence of the unidirectional changes of the thumb tangential forces: in all the tasks the contribution of the thumb tangential force to the total tangential force increased after the grasping force doubling (and the total contribution of the four fingers decreased). The decrease of the virtual finger (VF) tangential force was mainly due to the decrease of the index finger force (VF is an imagined finger that exerts the same force and moment as all the fingers together). In the non-zero torque tasks the individual finger forces did not scale proportionally with the grasping force, the sharing percentage of the individual finger forces in the VF normal force changed with the grasping force increase. The root mean square differences between the actual finger sharing percentages in the VF force and the sharing percentages predicted from optimization procedures in which different cost functions were used were in all cases smaller after the doubling than before the doubling. Hence the answers to the three questions formulated above are: (1) the alteration of the grasping force magnitude induces complex coordinated changes of all digit forces and moments; (2) the scale invariance hypothesis is confirmed only for the zero-torque tasks and rejected for the non-zero tasks, and (3) the specification of the grasping force magnitude at the level of twice the initial grasping force—which essentially restricts the control task to the object tilt prevention—improves the accuracy of the employed optimization procedures.  相似文献   

To grasp with five digits of the hand requires an efficient parceling of contact forces in order to maintain static equilibrium as an object is lifted and held. In a previous study, subjects were asked to reach, grasp and lift a five-digit grip apparatus whose center of mass (CM) location was changed for each block of trials. Despite a modulation of force sharing patterns among the digits as a function of center of mass location, consistent in-phase and out-of-phase relationships between normal forces were found in the frequency domain. In the present study, we have used the same task to assess the effect of (a) predictability of an object's CM location (random vs blocked presentation) and (b) handedness (dominant vs non-dominant hand). Contrary to our original expectations, we found a similar modulation of normal forces to CM location during the hold phase across all conditions. Specifically, the force sharing pattern, i.e., the rank order of force contributed by each digit, emerged very early in the grasp sequence, remaining relatively stable throughout the duration of the lift and hold. Nevertheless, the extent to which force sharing patterns could be discriminated as a function of CM location was lower in the random than in the blocked conditions. Lastly, normal forces exerted by pairs of digits tended to be synchronized, both in-phase (thumb and fingers) and out-of-phase (pairs of digits) across a large proportion of the functional frequency range (up to 10 Hz) in all conditions. The composite of these findings suggests that the central nervous system uses stereotyped control strategies for coordinating multiple grip forces during grasping. Specific aspects of these schemes appear to be affected by predictability of object CM location, but not by hand dominance.  相似文献   

Previous evidence based on perceptual integration and arbitrary responses suggests extensive cross-modal links in attention across the various modalities. Attention typically shifts to a common location across the modalities, despite the vast differences in their initial coding of space. An issue that remains unclear is whether or not these effects of multisensory coding occur during more natural tasks, such as grasping and manipulating three-dimensional objects. Using kinematic measures, we found strong effects of the diameter of a grasped distractor object on the aperture used to grasp a target object at both coincident and non-coincident locations. These results suggest that interference effects can occur between proprioceptive and visuomotor signals in grasping. Unlike other interference effects in cross-modal attention, these effects do not depend on the spatial relation between target and distractor, but occur within an object-based frame of reference.  相似文献   

Subjects held an instrumented object in a tripod grasp and moved it in the horizontal plane in various directions. The contact forces at the digits were measured and the grip force was decomposed into 2 components: a manipulating force responsible for accelerating the object and a grasping force responsible for holding the object steady. The grasping forces increased during the movement, reaching a peak near the time of peak velocity. The grasping forces also exhibited directional tuning, but this tuning was idiosyncratic for each subject. Although the overall grip forces should be modulated with acceleration, the load force did not vary during the task. Therefore the increase in the grasping force is not required to prevent slip. Rather, it is suggested that grasping force increases during translational motion to stabilize the orientation of grasped objects.  相似文献   

The role of vision on hand preshaping during reach to grasp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During reaching to grasp objects with different shapes hand posture is molded gradually to the object's contours. The present study examined the extent to which the temporal evolution of hand posture depends on continuous visual feedback. We asked subjects to reach and grasp objects with different shapes under five vision conditions (VCs). Subjects wore liquid crystal spectacles that occluded vision at four different latencies from onset of the reach. As a control, full-vision trials (VC5) were interspersed among the blocked vision trials. Object shapes and all VCs were presented to the subjects in random order. Hand posture was measured by 15 sensors embedded in a glove. Linear regression analysis, discriminant analysis, and information theory were used to assess the effect of removing vision on the temporal evolution of hand shape. We found that reach duration increased when vision was occluded early in the reach. This was caused primarily by a slower approach of the hand toward the object near the end of the reach. However, vision condition did not have a significant effect on the covariation patterns of joint rotations, indicating that the gradual evolution of hand posture occurs in a similar fashion regardless of vision. Discriminant analysis further supported this interpretation, as the extent to which hand posture resembled object shape and the rate at which hand posture discrimination occurred throughout the movement were similar across vision conditions. These results extend previous observations on memory-guided reaches by showing that continuous visual feedback of the hand and/or object is not necessary to allow the hand to gradually conform to object contours.  相似文献   

Internal force is a set of contact forces that does not disturb object equilibrium. The elements of the internal force vector cancel each other and, hence, do not contribute to the resultant (manipulation) force acting on the object. The mathematical independence of the internal and manipulation forces allows for their independent (decoupled) control realized in robotic manipulators. To examine whether in humans internal force is coupled with the manipulation force and what grasping strategy the performers utilize, the subjects (n=6) were instructed to make cyclic arm movements with a customized handle. Six combinations of handle orientation and movement direction were tested. These involved: parallel manipulations (1) VV task (vertical orientation and vertical movement) and (2) HH task (horizontal orientation and horizontal movement); orthogonal manipulations (3) VH task (vertical orientation and horizontal movement) and (4) HV task (horizontal orientation and vertical movement); and diagonal manipulations (5) DV task (diagonal orientation and vertical movement) and (6) DH task (diagonal orientation and horizontal movement). Handle weight (from 3.8 to 13.8 N), and movement frequency (from 1 to 3 Hz) were systematically changed. The analysis was performed at the thumb-virtual finger level (VF, an imaginary finger that produces a wrench equal to the sum of wrenches produced by all the fingers). At this level, the forces of interest could be reduced to the internal force and internal moment. During the parallel manipulations, the internal (grip) force was coupled with the manipulation force (producing object acceleration) and the thumb-VF forces increased or decreased in phase: the thumb and VF worked in synchrony to grasp the object more strongly or more weakly. During the orthogonal manipulations, the thumb-VF forces changed out of phase: the plots of the internal force vs. object acceleration resembled an inverted letter V. The HV task was the only task where the relative phase (coupling) between the normal forces of the thumb and VF depended on oscillation frequency. During the diagonal manipulations, the coupling was different in the DV and DH tasks. A novel observation of substantial internal moments is described: the moments produced by the normal finger forces were counterbalanced by the moments produced by the tangential forces such that the resultant moments were close to zero. Implications of the findings for the notion of grasping synergies are discussed.  相似文献   

The movement time of a reach-to-grasp movement increases when obstacles are placed close to the target object. We investigated whether this increase can best be explained by limits on the grip aperture or by limits on the paths of the individual digits. In our experiment subjects were instructed to pick up an object with their index finger and thumb. There was an obstacle at either side of the object. The increase in movement time when either obstacle was placed closer to the object was best described by a model in which the movement amplitude and the distance between each obstacle and the target object are independent factors. We conclude that the way that obstacles influence the movement time in reach-to-grasp movements is determined by the extent to which they limit the digits' paths. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the roles of haptic and auditory contact information for the control and execution of reaching to grasp augmented (physical plus graphic) and virtual (graphic only) objects of different sizes using a tool. Haptic contact information was present when grasping augmented objects only. In half of the trials, auditory cues were provided when contact was made between the tip of the tool and the target object. Transport and grasp kinematics, as well as on spatial errors at the end of the movement were examined. Providing auditory cues at contact led to faster movements; moreover, when haptic information was not available (when grasping virtual objects), auditory cues improved spatial accuracy. Movement times increased as the object size decreased for the augmented objects, when haptic information was available, and also for the virtual objects when auditory contact cues were provided, thus following Fitts’ law. However, movement times were similar for all object sizes when neither haptic nor auditory contact information was provided. These results emphasize the importance of contact information when grasping with a tool, and the benefits of auditory contact cues for improving performance.  相似文献   

While the process of hand preshaping during grasping has been studied for over a decade, there is relatively little information regarding the organization of digit contact timing (DCT). This dearth of information may be due to the assumption that DCT while grasping exhibits few regularities or to the difficulty in obtaining information through traditional movement recording techniques. In this study, we employed a novel technique to determine the time of digit contacts with the target object at a high precision rate in normal healthy participants. Our results indicate that, under our task conditions, subjects tend to employ a radial to ulnar pattern of DCT which may be modulated by the shape of the target object. Moreover, a number of parameters, such as the total contact time, the frequency of first contacts by the thumb and index fingers and the number of simultaneous contacts, are affected by the relative complexity of the target object. Our data support the notion that a great deal of information about the object’s physical features is obtained during the early moments of the grasp.  相似文献   

Our primary objective was to examine the possible interplay of the end-state comfort effect and bimanual temporal and spatial coupling constraints in a grasp-to-place task. Unimanual and bimanual grasping and placing tasks were employed with manipulations on initial comfort (by use of potentially interfering obstacles) and target goals (using various demands on end goal object orientations). Confirming previous temporal findings, incongruent bimanual tasks were considerably slower in initiation time and movement time than congruent ones, reflecting costs in conceptualizing, planning, and completion of the task. With respect to spatial constraints, when the same goal was present for both hands there was strong evidence of the influence of both end-state comfort and bimanual constraints. This was often not the case when the task demands differed for the two hands, although the primary task goals were still attained. We suggest that the implementation of constraints is not based on a strict hierarchy; rather, certain constraints become dominant depending on the task and situation.
Elizabeth A. FranzEmail:

Semantics affect the planning but not control of grasping   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The semantic meaning of a word label printed on an object can have significant effects on the kinematics of reaching and grasping movements directed towards that object. Here, we examined how the semantics of word labels might differentially affect the planning and control stages of grasping. Subjects were presented with objects on which were printed either the word "LARGE" or "SMALL." When the grip aperture in the two conditions was compared, an effect of the words was found early in the reach, but this effect declined continuously as the hand approached the target. This continuously decreasing effect is consistent with a planning/control model of action, in which cognitive and perceptual variables affect how actions are planned but not how they are monitored and controlled on-line. The functional and neurological bases of semantic effects on planning and control are discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of force distribution in the hand during maximum isometric grasping actions is reported in a detailed and accurate manner. A microcomputer-controlled instrument which measures all 12 phalangeal forces of fingers simultaneously, in a single attempt at squeezing a cylindrical object, is described. The study involved 20 normal subjects of different weights and age groups grasping tubes of 50 mm, 75 mm, 90 mm and 110 mm diameters. Normal grasp forces decreased significantly with the increase in tube diameter, with the force being concentrated more on the distal segments of the fingers than on the proximal and middle segments. The mean percentage contributions of finger forces to total grip strength, from index to little fingers, were 31, 33, 22 and 24 per cent, respectively. The study was extended to cover leprotic and paralytic hands to assess their functional capabilities. In the case of leprosy subjects, the grip strength decreased with the severity of the disease and was only about 50 per cent of that of normal subjects. In hemiplegics, the grip strength was only about one-eighth of the normal values. The above assessment procedure provides baseline data which could sere as guidelines to a clinician in assessing the severity of the disease and observing the patient's recovery following the treatment. It would also be useful in the design of hand-operated controls and prosthetic arms.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of priming on response latency when participants named and/or grasped common objects. A repetition-priming paradigm was used. An object was presented during a study phase and then was presented again during testing along with other objects that had not been seen before. In experiment 1, the studied objects were either named twice or grasped twice, named first and then grasped, or grasped first and then named. We found a strong priming effect (i.e., decreased latency) when naming was preceded by naming, as well as by grasping, but no priming effect when grasping was preceded by either naming or grasping. In experiment 2, we investigated the effects of priming in naming-naming and grasping-grasping paradigms, with and without a change in object orientation from study to test. As expected, we found significant priming of naming by naming, and the effect was not reduced by orientation change. Again, we found no evidence of priming in grasping. Experiment 3 was designed to examine how different kinds of perceptual and visuomotor processing (naming, orientation matching, orientation discrimination, simple observation, and grasping) during the study phase affect naming at a later test phase. We found significant priming of naming following all study conditions. Notably, the effect differed depending on how much perceptual processing was involved in the study phase. The results clearly indicate that perceptual/semantic processing is more dependent on memory than visuomotor processing, which instead relies more on moment-to-moment computations.  相似文献   

Left handedness does not extend to visually guided precision grasping   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
In the present study, we measured spontaneous hand preference in a "natural" grasping task. We asked right- and left-handed subjects to put a puzzle together or to create different LEGO models, as quickly and as accurately as possible, without any instruction about which hand to use. Their hand movements were videotaped and hand preference for grasping in ipsilateral and contralateral space was measured. Right handers showed a marked preference for their dominant hand when picking up objects; left handers, however, did not show this preference and instead used their right hand 50% of the time. Furthermore, compared to right handers, left handers used their non-dominant hand significantly more often to pick up objects in ipsilateral as well as contralateral space. Our results show that handedness in left handers does not extend to precision grasp and suggest that right handedness for visuomotor control may reflect a universal left-hemisphere specialization for this class of behaviour.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that patients with arm and hand paresis following stroke recruit an additional degree of freedom (the trunk) to transport the hand during reaching and use alternative strategies for grasping. The few studies of grasping parameters of the impaired hand have been case studies mainly focusing on describing grasping in the presence of particular impairments such as hemi-neglect or optic ataxia and have not focussed on the role of the trunk in prehension. We hypothesized that the trunk movement not only ensures the transport of the hand to the object, but it also assists in orienting the hand for grasping when distal deficits are present. Nineteen patients with chronic hemiparesis and seven healthy subjects participated in the study. Patients had sustained a stroke of non-traumatic origin 6–82 months previously (31±22 months) and had mild or moderate to severe arm paresis. Using a whole hand grasp, subjects reached and grasped a cylinder (35 mm) that was placed sagittally (T1) or at a 45° angle to the sagittal midline in the ipsilateral workspace (T2), both at about 90% arms length (10 trials per target). Eight infrared emitting diodes were placed on bony landmarks of the hand, arm and trunk and kinematic data were recorded by an optical motion analysis system (Optotrak) for 2–5 s at 120 Hz. Hand position and orientation were recorded by a Fastrack Polhemus system. Our results show that during goal-directed prehension tasks, individuals with hemiparesis oriented the hand more frontally for grasping and used more trunk anterior displacement or rotation to transport the hand to the target compared to healthy subjects. Despite these changes, the major characteristics of reaching and grasping such as grip aperture size, temporal coordination between hand transport and aperture formation and the relative timing of grip aperture were largely preserved. For patients with more severe distal impairments, the amount of trunk displacement was also correlated with a more frontal hand orientation for grasping. Furthermore, in healthy subjects and patients without distal impairments, the trunk movement was mostly related to proximal arm movements while in those with distal impairments, trunk movement was related to both proximal and distal arm movements. Data support the hypothesis that the trunk movement is used to assist both arm transport and hand orientation for grasping when distal deficits are present.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that pictorial illusions have a greater effect on perceptual judgements than they do on the visual control of actions, such as object-directed grasping. This dissociation between vision for perception and vision for action is thought to reflect the operation of two separate streams of visual processing in the brain. Glover and Dixon claim, however, that perceptual illusions can influence the control of grasping but that these effects are evident only at early stages of the movement. By the time the action nears its completion any effect of illusions disappears. Glover and Dixon suggest that these results are consistent with what they call a 'planning and control' model of action, in which actions are planned using a context-dependent visual representation but are monitored and corrected online using a context-independent representation. We reanalysed data from an earlier experiment on grasping in the Ebbinghaus illusion in which we showed that maximum grip aperture was unaffected by this size-contrast illusion. When we looked at these data more closely, we found no evidence for an effect of the illusion even at the earliest stages of the movement. These findings support the suggestion that the initial planning of a simple object-directed grasping movement in this illusory context is indeed refractory to the effects of the illusion. This is not to suggest that more deliberate and/or complex movements could not be influenced by contextual information. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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