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The effect of a single injection of Pasteur BCG on the growth of a myelocytic leukemia transplantable in the Brown Norway rat (BNML) was studied. BCG (3.0 mg i.v.) caused a 6-fold increase in spleen weight with marked granuloma formation. After aspecific immunostimulation the TD50 for leukemic cells increased from 38.8 to 302.2 cells. Cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg) given 48 h prior to BCG did not influence the anti-tumor immune response. However, cyclophosphamide injected after BCG partly abolished its activity. After high-dose chemo-radiotherapy of leukemic rats BCG significantly hampered the outgrowth of residual leukemic cells. Relapse from leukemia could even be avoided completely when BCG was injected after cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg) and total body irradiation (7.0 Gy) followed by isologous bone marrow transplantation. These results are discussed in relation with the tumor load at the time of maximal immunostimulation. Finally, the data are extrapolated to those of the many controversial clinical studies.  相似文献   

Two groups of male and female Syrian golden hamsters, of which the trachea was severely injured by electrocoagulation, received 6 weekly intratracheal instillations of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) + ferric oxide in saline or saline alone. Two comparable groups of hamsters were similarly treated but had an undamaged trachea. The experiment was terminated in week 82. Treatment with BaP resulted in hyper- and metaplastic lesions and tumours of the laryngeal, tracheal, bronchial and pulmonary epithelium. There was no evidence of an increased incidence of BaP-induced tumours in the injured trachea.  相似文献   

The ability of nitrous oxide to inhibit the in vivo growth of hematological neoplasms was investigated in a rat model for acute myeloid leukemia (BNML). Nitrous oxide, administered in a concentration of 67% with 33% oxygen, resulted in a reduction of spleen and liver weights of approx. 30%, as compared with leukemic rats kept in ambient air. Peripheral white cell counts were also considerably lower in the treated rats. Plasma levels of vitamin B12 were found to be elevated in untreated leukemia, but fell to about normal levels after nitrous oxide exposure. On the contrary, folic acid levels were low in untreated leukemic rats, and significantly higher in animals exposed to nitrous oxide. The observed effects of nitrous oxide appeared to be dose-dependent. The deoxyuridine suppression test performed with leukemic cells became abnormal after nitrous oxide inhalation, in accordance with the effect on normal bone marrow. These results indicate that the interference of nitrous oxide with vitamin B12-related metabolism, which leads to impairment of de novo thymidine synthesis, has the potency to reduce leukemic proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Prostatic adenocarcinomas were induced in 5 out of 20 Wistar rats upon a single administration of 50 mg/kg N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU). The rats were pretreated with a daily dose of 50 mg/kg cyproterone acetate for 3 weeks followed by 3 daily injections of 100 mg/kg testosterone. All tumours developed in the dorsolateral prostate and were invasively growing. In 2 cases distant metastases were found. Three proliferative lesions classified as carcinomas in situ were also found in the dorsolateral prostate. A total of 7/20 animals (35%) carried an adenocarcinoma and/or a carcinoma in situ. In addition, 6 epithelial hyperplasias were observed in the dorsolateral and 1 in the ventral prostate of non-tumour-bearing rats. The method described may provide a good animal model for cancer of the prostate and lead to a better understanding of prostatic carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Three groups of 6 rats were treated with cisplatin (3 mg/kg, bolus and 3-h infusion) and spiroplatin (3 mg/kg, bolus) by infusion in the right external jugular vein. The mean amounts of platinum +/- c.v. excreted in the bile during the first 6 h after the start of administration were 0.32 +/- 0.19% and 0.39 +/- 0.29% of the dose after bolus injection and 3-h infusion of cisplatin, respectively, and 3.77 +/- 3.32% of the dose after spiroplatin. The values were not significantly different between the 2 cisplatin administration modes (P greater than 0.05), but were between the spiroplatin and cisplatin bolus groups (Wilcoxon two-sided rank test, P less than 0.01). These data are related to pharmacokinetic parameters in man.  相似文献   

A human thymus-leukemia-like antigen has been identified that is antigenically distinct from T6/HTA-1. This was accomplished with a rabbit antiserum (513) which was prepared against lymphoblasts that were E rosette negative (E-), human thymus antigen positive (HuTA+), cALLA-, DR-, SmIg- from a patient who presented with a mediastinal mass and a WBC count of 130 X 10(9) cells/1. Following absorption with B cell and "null" cell lines, 513 exhibited prominent reactivity with a membrane antigen that was present on normal thymocytes and lymphoblasts from 11 of 13 patients with T cell ALL and 1 of 16 patients with common ALL, but was not detected on normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, normal bone marrow cells and leukemic lymphoblasts with an undifferentiated phenotype. SDS-PAGE analysis of this antigen indicated that it was composed of two subunits, 43-kDa and 12-kDa. Sequential absorption experiments revealed that: (1) the 12-kDa subunit was antigenically similar to beta 2 microglobulin; (2) the intact molecule did not exhibit HLA-A, B or C "framework" determinants; (3) the molecule was antigenically distinct from a human thymus-leukemia antigen HTA-1 (recognized by monoclonal antibodies NA1/34 and OKT6); and (4) the molecule was antigenically distinct from adenosine deaminase. It is concluded that 513 reacts with a membrane protein (designated 513TL) which exhibits properties characteristic of a histocompatibility-like antigen whose expression is restricted to thymocytes and some leukemias (TL antigen). Its antigenic distinction from another recently characterized human TL antigen, HTA-1, suggests polymorphism among this family of alloantigens.  相似文献   

Megakaryoblastic differentiation of proerythroblastic K562 cell-line cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The human proerythroblastic leukemia cell-line K562 was induced to differentiate into megakaryocytic cells by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Megakaryocytic differentiation was detected when lineage-specific monoclonal antibodies were used to monitor the effect of TPA on K562 cells. A monoclonal anti-platelet antibody (C17) directed against an epitope present on GP IIIa appeared to react with K562 cells after induction. This was observed together with the disappearance of glycophorin A, the erythrocyte-specific lineage antigen. The induced megakaryocytic cells were also detected by ultrastructural platelet peroxidase (PPO). Immunoprecipitation, after ectolabeling of the cells with the C17 antibody and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proved that TPA-induced K562 expressed both GP IIIa and GP IIb. However, the monoclonal antibody C15 directed against another epitope of platelet GP IIIa reacted only partially, or not at all, indicating that GP IIIa expressed on TPA-induced K562 differs structurally from that on normal platelets. K562 clones, expressing glycophorin A in all cells, were obtained by limiting dilution and culture. When these clones were treated with TPA, again megakaryocytic cells were obtained. These findings are discussed in relation to normal megakaryocytopoiesis.  相似文献   

Purine metabolism in relation to leukemia and lymphoid cell differentiation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A number of inborn errors of purine metabolism have been associated with immunodeficiency diseases. From studies to the possible mechanism(s) leading to the defects in the immune system, it appeared that the accumulation of deoxyATP and deoxyGTP and the subsequent inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase played an important role. The inhibition of methylation pathways through the accumulation of s-adenosylmethionine seems to be a second valid concept. The amount to which certain subtypes of lymphoid cells were affected by the enzyme deficiencies was strongly related to the enzymatic make-up of the cells. Lymphoid cells from different maturation stages could be affected in a specific way, depending on the different enzyme activities of these cells. Studies on human lymphoblastic leukemias showed that, related to the immunological subtype, the different leukemias could be characterized by a different enzymatic make-up. In this paper we discuss the possibilities for a specific enzyme directed chemotherapy, directed against specific subtypes of human lymphoblastic leukemias. Experimental evidence indicates that for example the adenosine deaminase inhibitor 2'deoxycoformycin can be used as a specific drug against acute lymphoblastic leukemia with the T cell phenotype.  相似文献   

Of 263 children with glucocorticoid receptor (GR) levels measured at diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 27 received single-agent glucocorticoid before combination induction chemotherapy and were evaluable for in vivo clinical response to steroid. Twenty-one were glucocorticoid-responsive and 6 were resistant. There was no difference between the two groups in the distribution of age, sex, white blood cell count, immunophenotype of blasts, initial central nervous system disease or mediastinal mass. The median GR level, however, was appreciably lower in the group of patients with resistant disease (6250 vs 17,800 sites/cell, p = 0.06). Five of 12 patients with GR levels of less than 10,000 sites/cell compared to 1 of 15 with higher levels had glucocorticoid-resistant ALL (p = 0.03). All 21 patients with glucocorticoid-sensitive disease achieved a complete remission after combination induction chemotherapy, but only 3 of 5 evaluable patients in the other group did (p less than 0.04). Two patients were studied both at diagnosis and at relapse; both had decreased GR levels at relapse (below detection in one) and failed to respond to glucocorticoid. We conclude that a lower GR level is associated with glucocorticoid resistance and furthermore that a decrease in the level of GR is a mechanism of acquiring steroid resistance.  相似文献   

The synthetic compound 1,2-dimethylhydrazine is employed in carcinogenesis studies because of its reliable and specific ability to produce colon tumors in rodents. Male Fischer rats were treated at 7 weeks of age with a single oral dose of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (35 mg/kg) and examined at autopsy 1.5 years later when the incidence of colon tumors is approximately 80%. Blood from control and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-treated animals was taken at autopsy for routine hematoplazia analysis and for biochemical analysis with the Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer multitest system.The results indicate that the induction of tumors with a single oral dose of this carcinogen is associated with statistically significant changes in the serum levels of some clinically useful metabolic parameters. Clinically significant changes in the serum chemistry were increases in the creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and albumin/globulin values without an increase in the total serum protein. The multitest system has not been previously employed to evaluate the blood chemistry profiles of tumor-bearing animals and, thus, this study provides an illustration of the potential for this technique to evaluate metabolic changes associated with exposure to carcinogens.  相似文献   

Sera of 98 participants in a methadone maintenance programme, all recent Surinam emigrants to the Netherlands, were examined for antibodies to disrupted HTLV using the ELISA technique. Twelve per cent of the donors possessed HTLV-specific antibodies with a range of titre from 41 to 20,000. Sera of 26 control Dutch drug users lacked such antibodies with the exception of one female who subsequently was found to reside with a Surinam male. Intravenous drug use was not a factor in these studies. These data indicate that HTLV circulates within the Surinam community in the Netherlands. More broadly, these results show that the region of the Caribbean endemic for HTLV extends as far south as Surinam. Furthermore, an antibody prevalence of 12% for clinically healthy donors with non-malignant disease suggests that the Caribbean has an incidence of HTLV infection approaching, if not equal to, that of southwestern Japan.  相似文献   

We report the development and characterization of SJ-9A4, a monoclonal antibody (MoAb) produced against common acute lymphoblastic leukemia (C-ALL) cell lines. SJ-9A4 reacted with C-ALL, B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL), platelets and C-ALL neuroblastoma (NB) and the K562 cell lines. It had no significant reactivity with erythrocytes, granulocytes, circulating T or B lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytic cell lines or a Ewing's sarcoma cell line. SJ-9A4 was shown to recognize the same region as two other MoAb to the p24 antigen, BA-2 and DU-ALL-1, as demonstrated by their ability to inhibit the binding of labeled SJ-9A4 to NALM-1 and NB cells. Other MoAb: J5, PI 153/3 and monoclonal anti-HLA-DR antibodies gave no inhibition. A solid phase indirect radioimmunometric assay (IRA) was developed which enabled the detection of P24 from C-ALL cells, utilizing its ability to bind the Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA1) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and SJ-9A4 simultaneously. When BA-2 and DU-ALL-1 were used in place of SJ-9A4, similar IRA results were obtained. Using the RCA1/SJ-9A4-IRA, P24 from as few as 1.6 X 10(4) cells of a C-ALL cell line could be detected; however, similar extracts of NB cell lines were negative despite high levels of SJ-9A4 binding to intact cells. The presence of P24 in NB extracts was demonstrated by (1) preincubation of NB extracts with SJ-9A4 which blocked MoAb binding to P24 and (2) immunoadsorption of P24 from solubilized membranes of 35S-methionine (met) labeled NB cells. Treatment of NB cells with neuraminidase did not result in IRA binding when either RCA1 or WGA were used as the solid phase lectin indicating that the differences in lectin affinity are not due to over sialation of NB membrane glycoproteins. These findings demonstrate a difference in the glycosylation of P24 from C-ALL and NB cells.  相似文献   

Plasma from nine out of 18 patients with untreated acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) depressed the transformation of normal blood lymphocytes induced by sodium periodate (NaIO4) as judged by reduction of blast cell formation and [3H]thymidine and [3H]uridine incorporation into DNA and RNA respectively. The depressed mitogen responsiveness of lymphocytes cultured in the presence of leukemic plasma was due to the presence of inhibitory factor(s) present in the plasma rather than the absence of components present in normal plasma. The inhibitory effect of leukemic plasma on periodate-induced cell stimulation indicated that the leukemic plasma inhibitory factor(s) exert their action very rapidly and directly on the cell. Transfer of the inhibitory factor(s) from the leukemic plasma to the cultured cells was supported by the finding that the depressive action of leukemic plasma on lectin and non-lectin mitogen-induced transformation of lymphocytes was reduced if the leukemic plasma was preincubated with either resting or mitogen-treated lymphocytes prior to testing with lymphocytes not previously exposed to leukemic plasma or mitogen.  相似文献   

The release of soluble P24 antigen into culture medium by common acute lymphoblastic leukemia (C-ALL) and neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines was studied. P24 release by C-ALL cells was detected using a solid phase indirect radioimmunometric assay (IRA) which combines the specificity of lectins and monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) and using immunoadsorption of labeled P24 in spent medium from cells incubated with 35S-methionine (met). No P24 was present in the medium of cells pulse labeled at 37 degrees C when they were placed at 4 degrees C, thus this is an active process. P24 release by NB cells could not be detected by IRA, but could be detected by immunoadsorption of spent medium of metabolically-labeled cells. The absence of IRA activity of P24 from NB spent medium was due to decreased glycosylation and thus no binding to the lectins employed in the IRA was observed. This was confirmed by lectin affinity chromatography which showed that P24 in the spent medium from C-ALL cells bound Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA1), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), concanavalin A (Con A), and lentil lectin (LcH), but not peanut agglutinin (PNA). P24 from NB cell spent medium did not bind to any of these lectins. The lectin affinity of P24 derived from lymphoblasts is consistent with the presence of N-linked oligosaccharide chains having N-acetyl glucosamine residues, a mannose core, and a terminal D-galactose. P24 from C-ALL cell spent medium was present in the 35-45% fraction of a saturated ammonium sulfate (SAS) partition of spent medium. The P24 antigen was detected in the fractionated plasma of five patients with C-ALL at the time of diagnosis and was undetectable when the patients had achieved a complete remission. Plasma from 2 patients with P24 negative ALL, normal human plasma, and normal human serum had no detectable activity.  相似文献   

The extent of cell proliferation in the hemopoietic system after bone marrow transfusion of fatally irradiated mice depends on the regeneration of proliferative capacity. This may be modified by the demand for differentiated cells in the peripheral blood. This demand was suppressed by induction of transfusion plethora prior to 800 rad whole body irradiation and bone marrow transfusion. Controls were non-plethoric recipients. For 6 days the following parameters were measured: hemopoietic proliferation by the 125-iodo-deoxyuridine (125-IUdR) incorporation technique, CFU-S content and spleen colony histology. There are three general observations from spleen and marrow with respect to 125-IUdR uptake in plethoric mice: (1) initial higher 125-IUdR uptake, (2) reduced rate of increase of 125-IUdR incorporation, (3) this rate of increasing 125-IUdR uptake in spleen was more depressed than in marrow. On day 6 cellularity and CFU-S in spleen was below, and in marrow above that of the control. These data suggest that initially after fatal irradiation of control mice differentiation of transfused CFU-S predominates over proliferation. Later as the mice become anemic and erythropoietin is produced the stimulation to proliferate is greater in the control than in the plethoric mice in which erythrocytic proliferation is suppressed. These data suggest that there are multiple feedback loops that regulate regeneration in the spleen and the bone marrow. These differences may be connected with the microenvironment that preferentially initiates erythropoiesis in the spleen before the marrow and granulopoiesis in the marrow before the spleen.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hepatocellular neoplasms of B6C3F1 mice (basophilic neoplasms) as well as those induced with the herbicide Nitrofen (eosinophilic neoplasms) were observed with an image analyzing computer to determine if quantifiable morphologic differences existed between them. Several morphologic parameters were measured on 5 liver sections from each of the following groups: (a) unexposed control liver; (b) non-trabecular basophilic neoplasms; (c) trabecular basophilic neoplasms; (d) small well circumscribed eosinophilic neoplasms; and large irregular eosinophilic neoplasms without (e) and with (f) pulmonary metastases. The total number of hepatocytes per unit area was significantly smaller in the eosinophilic neoplasms than in the basophilic neoplasms or the controls. This was the result of a greatly increased cell cross-sectional area in the eosinophilic neoplasms, caused predominantly by a larger cytoplasmic cross-sectional area. Nuclear cytoplasmic ratios of cells in eosinophilic neoplasms were lower than in the other groups for this reason. This demonstrates that quantitative morphologic differences exist between the spontaneous and induced neoplasms, which supports the conclusion that Nitrofen is a true carcinogen, and not a promoting agent.  相似文献   

Sixty patients with initial stage III germinal tumors treated with conventional vinblastine, bleomycin and cisplatin chemotherapy (VB + P) were surgically explored. Twenty-two patients not treated with an initial retroperitoneal node dissection were surgically explored to pathologically confirm a complete remission following chemotherapy. Thirty-eight patients had a persistent mass in the absence of elevated serum markers. Seventeen (28%) patients had viable carcinoma at surgery. Eight (47%) of the 17 patients with viable carcinoma at surgery died of recurrent tumor. All but three patients with persistent viable carcinoma at surgery were treated with surgery followed by chemotherapy. Fourteen patients were found to have mature teratoma and one (7%) developed recurrent carcinomatosis. Two (8%) of the 25 patients found to have scar died. One patient died of recurrent carcinomatosis and one of postoperative complications. Ten additional patients with a suboptimal response to chemotherapy were surgically explored for attempted salvage. All ten died of recurrent tumor, with a median postoperative survival of 7 months. We believe optimal individualized chemotherapy is required for the management of stage III testis cancer. Therapeutic benefit for surgery can be demonstrated only in unusual circumstances. Attempted surgical excision of a clinically active germinal tumor is futile; hence patients with elevated serum biomarkers should not be explored. Patients with non-seminomatous germinal tumors and a residual postchemotherapy mass must be explored. The excision of mature teratoma is mandatory, as is documentation of the absence of viable carcinoma prior to cessation of therapy.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene (DPYD)*9A (c.85T>C) genotype is relatively common. The correlation between DPYD*9A genotype and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency phenotype is controversial. In a cohort of 28 patients, DPYD*9A was the most commonly diagnosed variant (13 patients [46%]) and there was a noticeable genotype-phenotype correlation. In this study we genotyped a larger cohort of a mixed racial background to explore the prevalence of DPYD*9A variant and to confirm the genotype-phenotype correlation.Patients and MethodsBetween 2011 and 2018, in addition to genotyping for high-risk DPYD variants (DPYD*2A, DPYD*13 and DPYD*9B), genotyping for DPYD*9A variant was performed on 113 patients with gastrointestinal malignancies treated with fluoropyrimidines. Fluoropyrimidines-associated toxicity was graded according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 5.0). Fisher exact test was used for statistical analysis.ResultsHeterozygous and homozygous DPYD*9A genotypes were identified in 46 (41%) and 11 (10%) patients, respectively. Among patients with DPYD*9A genotypes (n = 57), men and women represented 30 (53%) and 27 (47%) patients, respectively. Caucasian, African American, and other ethnicities represented 29 (50.9%), 26 (45.6%), and 2 (3.5%) patients, respectively. Grade 3/4 toxicities were experienced in 26 patients with DPYD*9A genotype (3 patients had homozygous status) and in 20 patients with wild type DPYD*9A (P = .4405). In patients who received full-dose fluoropyrimidines (n = 85), Grade 3/4 toxicities were experienced in 22 patients with DPYD*9A genotype (2 patients had homozygous status), and in 17 patients with wild type DPYD (P = .8275).ConclusionIn our updated analysis, the prevalence of heterozygous and homozygous DPYD*9A genotypes were 41% and 10%, respectively. The correlation between DPYD*9A genotype and DPD clinical phenotype was not reproduced. The noticeable correlation that we previously reported is likely because of small sample size and selection bias.  相似文献   

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