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Our previous studies have shown that when slices of the rat superior colliculus (SC) are exposed to a solution containing 10 microM bicuculline and a low concentration of Mg2+ (0.1 mM), most neurons in the intermediate gray layer (stratum griseum intermediale; SGI), wide-field vertical (WFV) cells in the optic layer (stratum opticum; SO), and a minor population of neurons in the superficial gray layer (stratum griseum superficiale; SGS) exhibit spontaneous depolarization and burst firing, which are synchronous among adjacent neurons. These spontaneous and synchronous depolarizations were thought to share common mechanisms with presaccadic burst activity in SGI neurons. In the present study, we explored the site responsible for generation of synchronous depolarization of SGI neurons by performing dual whole cell recordings under different slice conditions. A pair of SGI neurons recorded in a small rectangular piece of the SGI punched out from the SC slice showed synchronous depolarization but far less frequently than those recorded in a small rectangular piece including SGS and SO. This suggests that the superficial layers are needed for triggering synchronous depolarization in the SGI. Furthermore, we recorded spontaneous depolarizations in pairs of neurons belonging to the different layers. Analysis of their synchronicity revealed that WFV cells in the SO exhibit synchronous depolarizations with both SGS and SGI neurons, and the onset of spontaneous depolarization in WFV cells precedes those of neurons in other layers. Further, when SGS and SGI neurons exhibit synchronous depolarizations, SGI neurons usually precede the SGS neurons. These observations give further evidence to the existence of interlaminar interaction between superficial and deeper layers of the SC. In addition, it is suggested that WFV cells can trigger burst activity in other layers of the SC and that there is an excitatory signal transmission from the deeper layers to the superficial layers.  相似文献   

Intrinsic signal optical imaging was used to record the changes in light transmittance evoked by electrical stimulation in slices prepared from sensorimotor cortex of young adult rats. The spatial characteristics of the optical signal evoked by stimulation of layer II/III, IV, V, or VI were clearly different. Layer IV and V stimulation elicited a radially-oriented region of increased light transmittance which was "hourglass" shaped: its tangential extent was greatest in layers II/III and layer V, and least in layer IV. Layer VI stimulation also elicited a radially-oriented signal but the tangential extent of this signal was the same across layers II-VI--that is, it was column-shaped. Upper layer stimulation produced a signal whose tangential extent was much greater in the upper layers than its radial extent to the deeper layers. The spatial form of the stimulus-evoked intrinsic signal was not dependent on the cytoarchitectonic area in which it was elicited. The tangential and radial distribution of the signal evoked by stimulation of different layers appears to reflect the connectivity of cortex, particularly the horizontal connectivity present in layers II/III, V, and VI, and the interlaminar connections that exist between layers II/III and V and from layers VI to IV. The spatial characteristics of the intrinsic signal were independent of the strength of stimulation used. The idea that inhibitory mechanisms restrict the tangential extent of the signal was evaluated in experiments in which the intrinsic signal was recorded before and after the addition of 10 microM bicuculline methiodide. In all slices studied in this way (n = 12), bicuculline methiodide drastically increased the tangential extent of the signal. In 4/12 slices, the tangential spread of the signal was asymmetric with respect to the stimulus site. Asymmetric spread of the signal occurred for both layer V and layer VI stimulation and, in 2/4 of those cases, could be attributed to a cytoarchitectonic border whose presence appeared to restrict the spread of the signal across the border. Although increasing stimulation strength did not change the spatial characteristics of the radially-oriented signal evoked by layer V or VI stimulation, at maximal stimulus intensity the signal evoked from these layers was often accompanied by a band of decreased light transmittance in the most superficial layers (layers I and II). It is concluded that in vitro intrinsic optical signal imaging allows one to image a response attributable to activation of local subsets of cortical connections. In addition, the opposite effects of high-intensity deep layer stimulation on the superficial layers vs layers III-VI of the same column raise the possibility that the most superficial layers may respond differently to repetitive input drive than the rest of the cortical column.  相似文献   

Intrinsic signal optical imaging was used to record the changes in light transmittance evoked by electrical stimulation in slices prepared from sensorimotor cortex of young adult rats. The spatial characteristics of the optical signal evoked by stimulation of layer II/III, IV, V, or VI were clearly different. Layer IV and V stimulation elicited a radially-oriented region of increased light transmittance which was “hourglass” shaped: its tangential extent was greatest in layers II/III and layer V, and least in layer IV. Layer VI stimulation also elicited a radially-oriented signal but the tangential extent of this signal was the same across layers II–VI—that is, it was column-shaped. Upper layer stimulation produced a signal whose tangential extent was much greater in the upper layers than its radial extent to the deeper layers. The spatial form of the stimulus-evoked intrinsic signal was not dependent on the cytoarchitectonic area in which it was elicited. The tangential and radial distribution of the signal evoked by stimulation of different layers appears to reflect the connectivity of cortex, particularly the horizontal connectivity present in layers II/III, V, and VI, and the interlaminar connections that exist between layers II/III and V and from layers VI to IV. The spatial characteristics of the intrinsic signal were independent of the strength of stimulation used. The idea that inhibitory mechanisms restrict the tangential extent of the signal was evaluated in experiments in which the intrinsic signal was recorded before and after the addition of 10 μM bicuculline methiodide. In all slices studied in this way (n=12), bicuculline methiodide drastically increased the tangential extent of the signal. In 4/12 slices, the tangential spread of the signal was asymmetric with respect to the stimulus site. Asymmetric spread of the signal occurred for both layer V and layer VI stimulation and, in 2/4 of those cases, could be attributed to a cytoarchitectonic border whose presence appeared to restrict the spread of the signal across the border. Although increasing stimulation strength did not change the spatial characteristics of the radially-oriented signal evoked by layer V or VI stimulation, at maximal stimulus intensity the signal evoked from these layers was often accompanied by a band of decreased light transmittance in the most superficial layers (layers I and II).It is concluded that in vitro intrinsic optical signal imaging allows one to image a response attributable to activation of local subsets of cortical connections. In addition, the opposite effects of high-intensity deep layer stimulation on the superficial layers vs layers III–VI of the same column raise the possibility that the most superficial layers may respond differently to repetitive input drive than the rest of the cortical column.  相似文献   

Summary Fixed-vector saccades evoked by electrical stimulation may result from the elicitation of a retinal error signal directing the eyes toward a goal, or from the elicitation of a motor error signal determining the vector itself. Theoretically, the two mechanisms can be differentiated by delivering the stimulation while the eyes are already in motion (colliding saccade paradigm), thereby changing the eye position from which the evoked saccade starts. Only in the first case is the trajectory of the evoked saccade expected to be modified to compensate for part of the ongoing eye movement. An attempt was made to distinguish retinal vs. motor error mechanisms by applying the colliding saccade paradigm of stimulation to 29 sites throughout the superior colliculus (SC) of two trained monkeys. Compensatory evoked saccades, as predicted by the retinal error hypothesis, were obtained consistently in the superficial layers and at deeper sites where visual unit responses could be recorded. Conversely, in deep layers where only presaccadic activity was found, evoked saccades either were not affected by collision or summed their vectors with that of the ongoing movement. These last observations are both consistent with the hypothesis that the signal produced from deep sites was an initial motor error. A second observation was incidentally made: when stimulation was applied to the most superficial SC region, it definitively erased the goal of the ongoing saccade, and the latter did not resume its interrupted course. The colliding saccade paradigm may be useful in clarifying the role of structures involved in oculomotor function.  相似文献   

Neurons in the intermediate and deep layers of the rostral superior colliculus (SC) of monkeys are active during attentive fixation, small saccades, and smooth-pursuit eye movements. Alterations of SC activity have been shown to alter saccades and fixation, but similar manipulations have not been shown to influence smooth-pursuit eye movements. Therefore we both activated (electrical stimulation) and inactivated (reversible chemical injection) rostral SC neurons to establish a causal role for the activity of these neurons in smooth pursuit. First, we stimulated the rostral SC during pursuit initiation as well as pursuit maintenance. For pursuit initiation, stimulation of the rostral SC suppressed pursuit to ipsiversive moving targets primarily and had modest effects on contraversive pursuit. The effect of stimulation on pursuit varied with the location of the stimulation with the most rostral sites producing the most effective inhibition of ipsiversive pursuit. Stimulation was more effective on higher pursuit speeds than on lower and did not evoke smooth-pursuit eye movements during fixation. As with the effects on pursuit initiation, ipsiversive maintained pursuit was suppressed, whereas contraversive pursuit was less affected. The stimulation effect on smooth pursuit did not result from a generalized inhibition because the suppression of smooth pursuit was greater than the suppression of smooth eye movements evoked by head rotations (vestibular-ocular reflex). Nor was the stimulation effect due to the activation of superficial layer visual neurons rather than the intermediate layers of the SC because stimulation of the superficial layers produced effects opposite to those found with intermediate layer stimulation. Second, we inactivated the rostral SC with muscimol and found that contraversive pursuit initiation was reduced and ipsiversive pursuit was increased slightly, changes that were opposite to those resulting from stimulation. The results of both the stimulation and the muscimol injection experiments on pursuit are consistent with the effects of these activation and inactivation experiments on saccades, and the effects on pursuit are consistent with the hypothesis that the SC provides a position signal that is used by the smooth-pursuit eye-movement system.  相似文献   

Meredith MA  King AJ 《Neuroscience》2004,128(4):861-870
Numerous studies have identified connections between the superficial visual and deeper multisensory layers of the superior colliculus (SC), but the functional distribution of the superficial-deep projection has not been mapped. This question was assessed in the present study using extracellular electrophysiological stimulation and recording techniques. In vitro slices from adult ferrets were used to functionally map the rostro-caudal, medio-lateral, and dorso-ventral distribution of these superficial-deep connections. For each coronal (n=6) or parasagittal (n=10) slice, single and multi-unit responses to electrical stimulation of a point in the superficial layers were systematically recorded at different locations along a grid (approximately 300 microm intervals) across the slice. Recording sites with similar activation thresholds were grouped on the histological reconstruction of each slice to plot the functional access of superficial stimulation site to the deeper layers. Low intensity stimulation (defined as a current threshold < or =75 microA) activated areas of the subjacent intermediate layers in most cases (75%; 12/16). Higher intensity stimuli (> 75-600 microA) accessed larger areas which, in 50% of the slices, extended into the deepest layers of the SC. However, regardless of the rostro-caudal or medio-lateral position of the superficial layer stimulation site, the proportion of the deeper layers activated remained remarkably constant, although the volume of activated deep layer tissue was shifted in each case toward the central regions of the SC. This last observation argues against the precise alignment of the superficial and deep layer visual maps, suggesting instead that the arrangement of the superficial layer projection may more closely relate to the organization of deep layer auditory and/or somatosensory representations.  相似文献   

Kobayashi M 《Neuroscience》2007,146(4):1772-1784
Activation of alpha1- and beta-adrenoceptors modulates excitatory neural transmission in the cerebral cortex in opposite manners. Our in vitro optical imaging study using a voltage sensitive dye has revealed that an alpha1-adrenoceptor agonist, phenylephrine, suppresses the excitatory propagation evoked by stimulation of the white matter, whereas a beta-adrenoceptor agonist, isoproterenol, tends to potentiate the excitatory propagation especially in the deeper layers. The present study aimed to explore what kind of second messengers are involved in noradrenergic modulation of synaptic transmission by using intracellular recording in rat cerebrocortical slice preparation. Evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (eEPSPs) were recorded from regular spiking and bursting pyramidal neurons in layer V, which generate single and complex action potentials in response to a short (5 ms) depolarizing current pulse injection, respectively. Application of phenylephrine attenuated eEPSPs, and prazosin, an alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist, precluded the phenylephrine-induced suppression of eEPSPs. The EPSPs suppression by phenylephrine was blocked by pre-application of a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, chelerythrine, whereas a PKC activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (phorbol ester), mimicked the effect of phenylephrine. On the other hand, application of isoproterenol enhanced eEPSPs, and propranolol, a beta-adrenoceptor antagonist, precluded the excitatory effect of isoproterenol on eEPSPs. The membrane permeant analog of cyclic-3',5'-AMP (cAMP), N6,2'-O-dibutyryl-AMP (db-cAMP), mimicked the facilitatory effect of isoproterenol. Isoproterenol-induced enhancement of eEPSPs was promoted by pre-application of 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone (Ro 20-1724), a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor. A selective protein kinase A inhibitor, N-[2-(p-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl]-5-soquinolinesulfonamide (H-89), inhibited the excitatory effect by isoproterenol. There was no significant difference in the effects of adrenergic agonists/antagonists and protein kinase activators/inhibitors between regular spiking and bursting neurons in layer V. Thus, it is likely that the suppressive effect on eEPSPs by activation of alpha1-adrenoceptors was mediated by protein kinase C, and excitatory effect by activation of beta-adrenoceptors was mediated by cAMP/protein kinase A cascade in layer V pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

In the cat motor cortex, recordings were obtained from thalamocortical fibers and then these fibers were intra-axonally injected with horseradish peroxidase. Each fiber was identified by both orthodromic activation from the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus and by monosynaptic activation from the brachium conjunctivum. In anesthetized cats, all ventrolateral thalamic fibers tested had bursts of spikes with an intraburst frequency of about 400 Hz. The bursts occurred spontaneously and in response to thalamic or brachium stimulation. Fast pyramidal tract cells had clusters of excitatory postsynaptic potentials with the same internal frequency as the bursting afferents, strongly suggesting that they arise from the ventrolateral afferents. The horseradish peroxidase-injected ventrolateral afferents were distributed to many zones within the motor area and had loose arborizations within cortical layers. Terminals were generally located in layer III and in the upper part of layer VI. None was observed in the more superficial layers.The ventrolateral thalamic afferents in the motor cortex establish a point to zones connectivity. This may provide a morphological basis for the central organization of certain movements that necessitate simultaneous contraction of many muscles.  相似文献   

Whereas the entorhinal cortex (EC) receives noradrenergic innervations from the locus coeruleus of the pons and expresses adrenergic receptors, the function of norepinephrine (NE) in the EC is still elusive. We examined the effects of NE on GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in the superficial layers of the EC. Application of NE dose-dependently increased the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) recorded from the principal neurons in layer II/III through activation of alpha(1) adrenergic receptors. NE increased the frequency and not the amplitude of miniature IPSCs (mIPSCs) recorded in the presence of TTX, suggesting that NE increases presynaptic GABA release with no effects on postsynaptic GABA(A) receptors. Application of Ca(2+) channel blockers (Cd(2+) and Ni(2+)), omission of Ca(2+) in the extracellular solution, or replacement of extracellular Na(+) with N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) failed to alter NE-induced increase in mIPSC frequency, suggesting that Ca(2+) influx through voltage-gated Ca(2+) or other cationic channels is not required. Application of BAPTA-AM, thapsigargin, and ryanodine did not change NE-induced increase in mIPSC frequency, suggesting that Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores is not necessary for NE-induced increase in GABA release. Whereas alpha(1) receptors are coupled to G(q/11) resulting in activation of the phospholipase C (PLC) pathway, NE-mediated facilitation of GABAergic transmission was independent of PLC, protein kinase C, and tyrosine kinase activities. Our results suggest that NE-mediated facilitation of GABAergic function contributes to its antiepileptic effects in the EC.  相似文献   

A previous field potential study has indicated a monosynaptic projection of fibres from the central lateral nucleus (CL) to the mid-suprasylvian gyrus (MSSG). The present study, which is based on an analysis of current source density (CSD), aims to investigate further the sites of major localized synaptic activities in different layers of the MSSG after electrical stimulation in the CL. An initial positive surface potential was evoked in the MSSG with a latency of 3-5 ms and followed by a large negative potential with a peak latency of 8-15 ms. The initial positivity was only found in the rostral part of the MSSG, which corresponds to area 5. The positivity reversed in deeper layers. The CSD analysis showed a sink at a depth from 650 to 1050 microns. A corresponding source was found more superficially at 400-600 microns. This indicates that CL fibres have an excitatory synaptic termination on the soma or proximal dendrites of neurons in layers III and IV. The surface negative potential reversed at the border between layers II and III, suggesting a superficial CL projection. The CSD analysis of potentials in superficial layers showed a sink appearing between the pial surface and a depth of 350 microns, and a source lying in layers below. This indicates a depolarization of apical dendrites of cells in layers II and III. The superficial sink appeared in a large part of the MSSG. Application of a solution of 0.5% gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the surface of the cortex blocked the superficial sink and source and revealed a prominent sink current in layers III and IV in agreement with a deep termination of CL fibres. Application of a solution of 25 mM DL-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid (APV) abolished CL-evoked cortical responses indicating that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in the cortical activation. The CSD analysis confirms that CL has a wide superficial projection to the MSSG. It also confirms a deeper monosynaptic projection from CL to area 5.  相似文献   

The pattern of distribution of cholinergic fibers was examined immunohistochemically in the cat superior colliculus by using a monoclonal antibody against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). In the superficial layers, an obvious immunoreactive zone was found in the rostral two-thirds of the outer portion of the superficial gray layer (SGS), with increasing immunoreactive intensity at the rostral pole of the colliculus. A mesh-like distribution of the immunoreactive fibers was found throughout the deeper portion of this layer with a higher concentration in the caudal levels. In the deeper collicular layers, a number of ChAT-immunoreactive fibers were seen in the outer portion of the intermediate gray layer (SGI) in a patch-like fashion. A few fibers were also immunoreactive in the deeper portion of the SGI and in the medial aspect of the deep gray layer. The density of the immunoreactivity in the deeper layers increased in the caudal levels. After unilateral destruction of the parabigeminal nucleus, the ChAT immunoreactivity was markedly reduced in the rostral aspect of the contralateral SGS, and moderately in the caudal aspect of the ipsilateral SGS.  相似文献   

We have investigated the cellular localization of opioid peptides and binding sites in the cat's superior colliculus by testing the effects of retinal deafferentation and intracollicular excitotoxin lesions on patterns of enkephalin-like immunostaining and opiate receptor ligand binding. In normal cats, enkephalin-like immunoreactivity marks a thin tier in the most dorsal stratum griseum superficiale, small neurons of the stratum griseum superficiale, and patches of fibers in the intermediate and deeper gray layers. Eliminating crossed retinotectal afferents by contralateral eye enucleation had little immediate effect on this pattern, although chronic eye enucleation from birth did reduce immunoreactivity in the superficial layers. By contrast, fiber-sparing destruction of collicular neurons by the excitotoxins N-methyl-D-aspartate and ibotenic acid virtually eliminated enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the neuropil of the upper stratum griseum superficiale, presumably by killing enkephalinergic cells of the superficial layers. Such lesions did not eliminate the patches of enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in the deeper layers. In normal cats, opiate receptor ligand binding is dense in the stratum griseum superficiale, particularly in its upper tier, and moderately dense in the intermediate gray layer. Contralateral eye removal had no detectable effect on the binding pattern, but excitotoxin lesions of the colliculus dramatically reduced binding in both superficial and deep layers. Some ligand binding, including part of that in the upper stratum griseum superficiale, apparently survived such lesions. Similar effects were observed in the lateral geniculate nucleus: enucleation produced no change in binding, whereas excitotoxin lesions greatly reduced specific opiate binding. We conclude that in the superficial collicular layers, both enkephalin-like opioid peptides and their membrane receptors are largely expressed by neurons of intrinsic collicular origin. The close correspondence between the location of these intrinsic opioid elements and the tier of retinal afferents terminating in the upper stratum griseum superficiale further suggests that opiatergic interneurons may modulate retinotectal transmission postsynaptically.  相似文献   

The superior colliculus (SC) is one of the most ancient regions of the vertebrate central sensory system. In this hub afferents from several sensory pathways converge, and an extensive range of neural circuits enable primary sensory processing, multi-sensory integration and the generation of motor commands for orientation behaviours. The SC has a laminar structure and is usually considered in two parts; the superficial visual layers and the deep multi-modal/motor layers. Neurones in the superficial layers integrate visual information from the retina, cortex and other sources, while the deep layers draw together data from many cortical and sub-cortical sensory areas, including the superficial layers, to generate motor commands. Functional studies in anaesthetized subjects and in slice preparations have used pharmacological tools to probe some of the SC's interacting circuits. The studies reviewed here reveal important roles for ionotropic glutamate receptors in the mediation of sensory inputs to the SC and in transmission between the superficial and deep layers. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors appear to have special responsibility for the temporal matching of retinal and cortical activity in the superficial layers and for the integration of multiple sensory data-streams in the deep layers. Sensory responses are shaped by intrinsic inhibitory mechanisms mediated by GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors and influenced by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. These sensory and motor-command activities of SC neurones are modulated by levels of arousal through extrinsic connections containing GABA, serotonin and other transmitters. It is possible to naturally stimulate many of the SC's sensory and non-sensory inputs either independently or simultaneously and this brain area is an ideal location in which to study: (a) interactions between inputs from the same sensory system; (b) the integration of inputs from several sensory systems; and (c) the influence of non-sensory systems on sensory processing.  相似文献   

By using an in vitro isolated brain stem preparation, we recorded extracellular responses to electrical stimulation of the optic tract (OT) from 71 neurons in the superficial superior colliculus (SC) of neonatal rats (P1-13). At postnatal day 1 (P1), all tested neurons (n = 10) already received excitatory input from the retina. Sixty-nine (97%) superficial SC neurons of neonatal rats showed three response patterns to OT stimulation, which depended on stimulus intensity. A weak stimulus evoked only one spike that was caused by activation of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors. A moderate stimulus elicited a short train (<250 ms) of spikes, which was induced by activation of both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. A strong stimulus gave rise to a long train (>300 ms) of spikes, which was associated with additional activation of L-type high-threshold calcium channels. The long train firing pattern could also be induced either by temporal summation of retinal inputs or by blocking gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors. Because retinal ganglion cells show synchronous bursting activity before eye opening at P14, the retinotectal inputs appear to be sufficient to activate L-type calcium channels in the absence of pattern vision. Therefore activation of L-type calcium channels is likely to be an important source for calcium influx into SC neurons in neonatal rats.  相似文献   

Dhillon A  Jones RS 《Neuroscience》2000,99(3):413-422
Paired intracellular recordings were used to investigate recurrent excitatory transmission in layers II, III and V of the rat entorhinal cortex in vitro. There was a relatively high probability of finding a recurrent connection between pairs of pyramidal neurons in both layer V (around 12%) and layer III (around 9%). In complete contrast, we have failed to find any recurrent synaptic connections between principal neurons in layer II, and this may be an important factor in the relative resistance of this layer in generating synchronized epileptiform activity. In general, recurrent excitatory postsynaptic potentials in layers III and V of the entorhinal cortex had similar properties to those recorded in other cortical areas, although the probabilities of connection are among the highest reported. Recurrent excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded in layer V were smaller with faster rise times than those recorded in layer III. In both layers, the recurrent potentials were mediated by glutamate primarily acting at alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole receptors, although there appeared to be a slow component mediated by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. In layer III, recurrent transmission failed on about 30% of presynaptic action potentials evoked at 0.2Hz. This failure rate increased markedly with increasing (2, 3Hz) frequency of activation. In layer V the failure rate at low frequency was less (19%), and although it increased at higher frequencies this effect was less pronounced than in layer III. Finally, in layer III, there was evidence for a relatively high probability of electrical coupling between pyramidal neurons.We have previously suggested that layers IV/V of the entorhinal cortex readily generate synchronized epileptiform discharges, whereas layer II is relatively resistant to seizure generation. The present demonstration that recurrent excitatory connections are widespread in layer V but not layer II could support this proposal. The relatively high degree of recurrent connections and electrical coupling between layer III cells may be a factor in it's susceptibility to neurodegeneration during chronic epileptic conditions.  相似文献   

Time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy allows for depth-selective determination of absorption changes in the adult human head that facilitates separation between cerebral and extra-cerebral responses to brain activation. The aim of the present work is to analyze which combinations of moments of measured distributions of times of flight (DTOF) of photons and source-detector separations are optimal for the reconstruction of absorption changes in a two-layered tissue model corresponding to extra- and intra-cerebral compartments. To this end we calculated the standard deviations of the derived absorption changes in both layers by considering photon noise and a linear relation between the absorption changes and the DTOF moments. The results show that the standard deviation of the absorption change in the deeper (superficial) layer increases (decreases) with the thickness of the superficial layer. It is confirmed that for the deeper layer the use of higher moments, in particular the variance of the DTOF, leads to an improvement. For example, when measurements at four different source-detector separations between 8 and 35 mm are available and a realistic thickness of the upper layer of 12 mm is assumed, the inclusion of the change in mean time of flight, in addition to the change in attenuation, leads to a reduction of the standard deviation of the absorption change in the deeper tissue layer by a factor of 2.5. A reduction by another 4% can be achieved by additionally including the change in variance.  相似文献   

The information transfer from the superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex (EC) to the hippocampus is regulated in a frequency dependent manner. Phencyclidine and related compounds such as MK-801 produce psychotic symptoms that closely resemble schizophrenia. We studied the effects of systemic administration of MK-801 on the signal transfer from the EC layer III to the hippocampal area CA1. High frequency (above 10 Hz) activation of the bi-synaptic entorhinal input in control animals results in a strong suppression of the field potentials in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of the area CA1. In contrast, in MK-801 pretreated rats the field response was less reduced. The field potential responses evoked in these two groups of animals by high-frequency activation of the monosynaptic input were similar suggesting selective alterations in layer III of the medial EC. We suggest, that MK-801 causes disinhibition of layer III projection cells and, therefore, may cause strong, pathological activation of direct layer III-CA1 pathway.  相似文献   

Yang L  Benardo LS 《Neuroscience》2002,111(2):303-313
We examined the effects of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on isolated horizontal (superficial, middle and deep) rat neocortical slices in order to study laminar synchronous network behavior directly. Application of 4-AP induced spontaneous synchronized activity in all of these types of slices. In middle and deep layer slices the activities were similar to those of coronal slices, consisting of periodic short- and long-duration discharges. In superficial slices distinct spontaneous rhythmic multiphasic burst discharges were induced.Ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists blocked the 4-AP-induced synchronous activities in middle and deep layer slices, but those in superficial slices persisted. The GABA(A) receptor antagonist picrotoxin suppressed this spontaneous synchronous activity resistant to 3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid (a NMDA receptor antagonist) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (a non-NMDA receptor antagonist), in superficial slices, leaving small, slow spontaneous events. In superficial slices with intact excitatory amino acid transmission, picrotoxin attenuated the 4-AP-induced spontaneous synchronous discharges, even in this highly convulsant environment. By contrast, conventional coronal slices showed robust spontaneous epileptiform discharges under these circumstances. In intact coronal slices focal 4-AP application in superficial layers induced spontaneous inhibitory GABAergic events, while delivery into deep layers led to epileptiform discharges.From these results we conclude that: (1) 4-AP-induced population discharges are driven by glutamatergic transmission in middle and deep layer horizontal slices, and by GABAergic transmission in superficial layers; (2) only superficial layers are capable of supporting synchronized GABAergic activity independent of excitatory amino acid transmission; (3) superficial layers do not sustain epileptiform activity in the absence of deep layer neurons; and (4) synchronized superficial networks can inhibit deep layer neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Neocortical cholinergic activity plays a fundamental role in sensory processing and cognitive functions, but the underlying cellular mechanisms are largely unknown. We analyzed the effects of acetylcholine (ACh) on synaptic transmission and cell excitability in rat "barrel cortex" layer V (L5) pyramidal neurons in vitro. ACh through nicotinic and M1 muscarinic receptors enhanced excitatory postsynaptic currents and through nicotinic and M2 muscarinic receptors reduced inhibitory postsynaptic currents. These effects increased excitability and contributed to the generation of Ca(2+) spikes and bursts of action potentials (APs) when inputs in basal dendrites were stimulated. Ca(2+) spikes were mediated by activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) and L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. Additionally, we demonstrate in vivo that basal forebrain stimulation induced an atropine-sensitive increase of L5 AP responses evoked by vibrissa deflection, an effect mainly due to the enhancement of an NMDAR component. Therefore, ACh modified the excitatory/inhibitory balance and switched L5 pyramidal neurons to a bursting mode that caused a potent and sustained response enhancement with possible fundamental consequences for the function of the barrel cortex.  相似文献   

In the encéphale isolé cat preparation the surface of precruciate cortex was electrically stimulated. Intracellular responses underneath the stimulated site were recorded to assess the vertical spread of activities across the cortical layers. To the epicortical stimulation (EPICS) with intensity adjusted to evoke a pure negative wave in the direct cortical response (DCR), only some neurons in relatively superficial layers responded with excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs). Stimuli intensified to evoke both the negative and subsequent positive waves in DCR produced in all tested cells either EPSPs, inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), or both. Direct or axonal antidromic excitation of the cell was observed only infrequently. Cells with EPSPs distributed through all the layers with two peak populations in laminae II and V-VI. Those with IPSPs were located mainly in the upper half of lamina III with a few in more superficial as well as in deeper layers. Both EPSPs and IPSPs showed mono- or oligosynaptic latencies (0.6-10 msec) that tended to become longer in deep than in superficial layers. Some deep layer cells including fast and slow pyramidal tract cells showed slowly rising monosynaptic EPSPs of dendritic origin. Further late responses consisted of EPSPs, IPSPs, disfacilitation (DF), and disinhibition (DI). DF or DI occurred in some deep layer cells. Two modes of vertical spread of activities were postulated: one the cascade transmissions which increased response repertoire toward the depths, and the other the electrotonic spread of EPSPs along dendrites.  相似文献   

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