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弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症的概念与临床特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
临床上,弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症并不少见,常因为缺乏对本病的认识忽视了进一步全面检查,而将这种疾病的某些局部的影像表现就简单地列为颈椎和胸腰椎退变性疾病,并加以诊断和治疗。其实质,本病是全身病变,而又以脊柱为集中表现的一种连续多个节段椎体前侧方异位骨化的特殊类型的疾病。早在50多年前,Forestier首先报告了以脊柱前侧缘骨化为特征、  相似文献   

<正>弥漫性特发性骨质增生症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,DISH)是一种以软组织钙化、骨化为特征的系统性疾病,最常累及脊柱,并引起脊柱强直。因此,DISH患者很容易并发脊柱骨折,而且与一般脊柱骨折相比,DISH合并脊柱骨折又有其特殊的临床特点及治疗原则~([1、2])。我们对近年收治的12例DISH合并脊柱骨折的患者进行了回顾性分析,报告如下。  相似文献   

弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(DISH)是一种以韧带和肌腱附着点的骨化、钙化为特征的全身性疾病,多见于老年男性。Forestier等[1]于1950年首次描述了该病,并将其描述为"老年强直性脊椎骨肥大",亦称为Forestier病。20世纪70年代,Resnick等[2]归纳总结了Forestier病的影像学和病理学特点,正式将其命名为DISH。DISH常累及椎旁韧带,多见于胸椎,其次是颈椎和腰椎[3]。周围关节(如肩、肘、腕、骨盆、髋、膝和脚踝)也可发生软组织增厚和钙化[4]。DISH缺乏特征性的临床症状,多局限于影像学表现,其诊断容易被忽略。本文通过查阅DISH相关文献,从流行病学、发生机制、临床表现、影像学表现、诊断和治疗等方面展开分析,以期为DISH的临床诊治提供参考,综述如下。  相似文献   

弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,DISH)是一种常见的随年龄增长而逐渐增多的疾病。目前国内流行病学资料匮乏,国外资料显示在超过40岁的人群中,男性发病率为3.8%,而女性为2.6%;在65岁以上人群中的发生率约为10.0%。大多数颈椎DISH并不引起症状;少数颈椎DISH可产生了一系列特殊临床症状.已引起学者的重视。  相似文献   

目的分析合并弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(DISH)胸腰椎过伸骨折的损伤机制、损伤特点,以指导治疗方案的选择。方法回顾性分析自2007-01—2015-12诊治的95例合并DISH胸腰椎过伸骨折,根据X线片、CT及MRI评估脊柱损伤类型:前柱经椎间盘损伤44例(46.3%),经骨损伤41例(43.2%),混合型损伤10例(10.5%)。所有患者均行脊柱后路切开复位椎弓根钉内固定手术治疗。结果术后3例出现切口愈合不良,给予换药、抗生素治疗后痊愈。术后X线片显示8枚椎弓根钉位置不佳。在治疗期间,4例出现贫血,5例出现全身炎症性反应综合征(SIRS),4例抗甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染(MRSA),5例肺或肾脏衰竭,2例肺部感染,1例泌尿系感染,1例出现褥疮。4例在创伤后3个月内死亡,死亡患者年龄75~88(81.7±4.1)岁。结论随着高龄人口及脊柱代谢疾病的增多,DISH患者中出现的胸腰椎过伸损伤也会随之增加。临床骨科医师要充分认识合并DISH胸腰椎过伸骨折的特点,以便制定较为合理的治疗方案。  相似文献   

弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,DISH)是一种以脊柱前外侧韧带钙化为特征、可累及全身的骨骼疾病,最早在1950年由Forestier和Rotes-Querol描述.多发生于中老年人群,男性多见,我国尚无相关流行病学研究,国外研究资料提示在年龄超过50岁的人群中,男性发病率为25%,女性为15%[1].颈椎DISH最常见于C4~C6[2],高位颈椎DISH较少见,我们遇到1例,报道如下.  相似文献   

报告28例弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(DISH),其中27例伴有脊髓病或神经根病,1例伴有食道压迫症。全部病例均进行了手术治疗。DISH伴有颈脊髓压迫的手术优良率为83.3%;伴有胸脊髓压迫的手术优良率为66%。对手术治疗有关的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

正弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,DISH)多发于老年男性~([1]),国外文献报道发病率为2.9%~28%~([1~3])。累及颈椎的DISH的病理特点为颈椎相关韧带钙化、骨质增生~([4]),严重者可出现脊柱强直、骨折、声音嘶哑、呼吸或吞咽困难等。该疾病国内报道不多,笔者手术治愈因弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症累及颈椎所致严重吞咽困难1例,取得较满意的临床疗效,报道如下。  相似文献   

<正>弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, DISH)是中老年人常见骨骼疾病,主要累及脊柱,特征是大量表浅的不规则椎体前和侧缘骨质增生相互融合形成椎体前广泛肥厚骨块,又称强直性骨肥厚[1-2]或Forestier病。  相似文献   

脊柱骨母细胞瘤临床少见,确诊难度较大.X线平片、CT和MRI等影像学检查对脊柱骨母细胞瘤诊断具有不同程度的价值,但均无特异性;病理学检查能确诊骨母细胞瘤,但需与骨样骨瘤等疾病鉴别.全脊椎切除术是脊柱骨母细胞瘤的首选治疗方法,技术难度较大,有一定的复发率;刮除术对部分无法完全切除的病例是一种良好的手术方式,但术后复发率较...  相似文献   

Fractures of the spine in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fractures of the spine in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) have rarely been reported. Only four cases could be found in the world literature. Eight new cases with nine fractures are reported in this study. The critical features are the frequent delays in diagnosis (three of eight patients) and the high rate of immediate and delayed neurologic deficit (seven of eight patients). Two fracture patterns occurred in this group. The first type occurred through the midportion of an ankylosed segment of the spine and involved the vertebral body (five fractures). The second type occurred at the top or bottom of a fused segment (four fractures). The latter were disk disruptions or odontoid fractures. This is a marked difference from spinal fractures in ankylosing spondylitis, in which the majority are transdiskal fractures. The difference can be explained on the basis of the different pathology of these two disease processes. Careful evaluation of patients with DISH who sustain trauma is critical. Treatment of this rare injury should be early stabilization of the spine to avoid complications of nonunion, deformity, neurologic injury, and death.  相似文献   

BackgroundPatients with DISH are susceptible to spinal fractures and subsequent neurological impairment, including after minor trauma. However, DISH is often asymptomatic and fractures may have minimal symptoms, which may lead to delayed diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for delayed diagnosis of spinal fractures in patients with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).MethodsThe subjects were 285 patients with DISH surgically treated at 18 medical centers from 2005 to 2015. Cause of injury, imaging findings, neurological status at the times of injury and first hospital examination, and the time from injury to diagnosis were recorded. A delayed diagnosis was defined as that made >24 h after injury.ResultsMain causes of injury were minor trauma due to a fall from a standing or sitting position (51%) and high-energy trauma due to a fall from a high place (29%) or a traffic accident (12%). Delayed diagnosis occurred in 115 patients (40%; 35 females, 80 males; mean age 76.0 ± 10.4 years), while 170 (60%; 29 females, 141 males; mean age 74.6 ± 12.8 years) had early diagnosis. Delayed group had a significantly higher rate of minor trauma (n = 73, 63% vs. n = 73, 43%), significantly more Frankel grade E (intact neurological status) cases at the time of injury (n = 79, 69% vs. n = 73, 43%), and greater deterioration of Frankel grade from injury to diagnosis (34% vs. 8%, p < 0.01). In multivariate analysis, a minor trauma fall (OR 2.08; P < 0.05) and Frankel grade E at the time of injury (OR 2.29; P < 0.01) were significantly associated with delayed diagnosis.ConclusionIn patients with DISH, it is important to keep in mind the possibility of spinal fracture, even in a situation in which patient sustained only minor trauma and shows no neurological deficit. This is because delayed diagnosis of spinal fracture can cause subsequent neurological deterioration.  相似文献   

弥漫性特发性骨质增生症骨化相关特异性miRNAs分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 目的 三维黏附培养下获得并分析弥漫性特发性骨质增生症(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis,DISH)骨化相关特异性miRNAs。方法 2012年1月至2014年1月通过手术分别获取4份DISH患者骨化黄韧带组织块与4份创伤患者正常黄韧带组织块,采用胶原酶消化法分离组织块中成纤维细胞,在人完全脱细胞羊膜(human acellular amniotic membrane,HAAM)上培养,收获前进行细胞免疫荧光鉴定;提取细胞总RNA并检测其质量,通过YM-100 (Millipore) 微离心过滤柱得到片段< 300 nt的小RNA,采用μParaflo? miRNA微阵列基因表达实验和分析技术分析miRNAs表达谱,对结果中部分差异miRNAs进行qRT-PCR验证;采用PicTar 2005、miRanda v5、TargetScan 5.1软件预测靶基因;使用Gene Ontology进行靶基因功能注释,基于KEGG Pathway数据库分析靶基因所参与的骨化相关信号传导通路;使用TRANSFAC 7.0 public转录因子数据库及Patser预测程序预测转录因子结合位点。结果 成纤维细胞在HAAM上生长时形态保持良好,呈簇状分布,复层生长并建立起细胞间联系; 免疫荧光鉴定发现DISH组细胞骨钙素和Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型胶原呈阳性,正常组细胞Ⅰ和Ⅲ型胶原呈阳性;共获得15种信号比值>1.5倍差异表达的miRNAs,12种上调、3种下调,qRT-PCR验证结果与微阵列芯片检测结果一致;共预测出 67个靶基因,影响细胞分化、黏附及矿物质沉积等活动,参与MAPK、Wnt、TGF-β、Focal adhesion等多个骨化相关信号途径,预测出10种差异性miRNAs的转录因子。结论 HAAM可实现成纤维细胞在体外三维黏附下生长,部分miRNAs的异常表达可能参与DISH发病。  相似文献   

Myelopathy and radiculopathy in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P Wang 《中华外科杂志》1989,27(11):668-70, 701
Thirty-four patients of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) were presented. Twenty-four of them were associated with myelopathy or radiculopathy, mainly due to spinal stenosis. Plain X-ray films showed there was spinal flowing or laminated ossification on the anterior or right lateral side, forming continuous bony bridge at least of four vertebral bodies. Ossification occurred both on the spinal and extra-spinal region. Operative findings of 11 cases revealed significant encroachment of the ossified mass on the dural sac, especially at the level of the apophyseal joint. OPLL was found in ten cases. DISH and OPLL may be different manifestations of same entity. In this series, there was not enough evidence of diabetes mellitus related to DISH, and no specific antigen in HLA typing.  相似文献   

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