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Clinical phenotypes of persons with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations vary considerably. Therefore, diagnosing mitochondrial myopathy (MM) patients can be challenging and warrants diagnostic guidelines. (31)phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((31)P-MRS) have been included as a minor diagnostic criterion for MM but the diagnostic strength of this test has not been compared with that of other commonly used diagnostic procedures for MM. To investigate this, we studied seven patients with single, large-scale deletions-, nine with point mutations of mtDNA and 14 healthy subjects, who were investigated for the following: 1) (31)P-MRS of lower arm and leg muscles before and after exercise, 2) resting and peak-exercise induced increases of plasma lactate, 3) muscle morphology and -mitochondrial enzyme activity, 4) maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)), 5) venous oxygen desaturation during handgrip exercise and 6) a neurological examination. All MM patients had clinical symptoms of MM, > 2% ragged red fibers in muscle, and impaired oxygen desaturation during handgrip. Fourteen of 16 patients had impaired VO(2max), 10/16 had elevated resting plasma lactate, and 10/11 that were investigated had impaired citrate synthase-corrected complex I activity. Resting PCr/P(i) ratio and leg P(i) recovery were lower in MM patients vs. healthy subjects. PCr and ATP production after exercise were similar in patients and healthy subjects. Although the specificity for MM of some (31)P-MRS variables was as high as 100%, the sensitivity was low (0-63%) and the diagnostic strength of (31)P-MRS was inferior to the other diagnostic tests for MM. Thus, (31)P-MRS should not be a routine test for MM, but may be an important research tool.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The authors hypothesized that impaired oxygen extraction in mitochondrial myopathy (MM) results in a high oxygen saturation in venous effluent blood from working muscle and that this phenomenon can be used as a diagnostic tool for MM. METHODS: Twelve patients with MM, 10 patients with muscular dystrophy, and 12 healthy subjects were studied. All subjects performed intermittent static handgrip exercise (1/2 Hz) at 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 3 minutes. Cubital venous oxygen saturation and brachial artery flow were measured in the exercised arm. RESULTS: Exercise-induced venous oxygen desaturation was smaller in patients with MM (Delta - 7 +/- 5%) than in subjects with muscular dystrophy (Delta - 38 +/- 2%; p = 0.00001) and healthy subjects (Delta - 43 +/- 2%; p = 0.0000002). MVC and exercise blood flow were similar in patients with MM (18 +/- 3 kg; 436 +/- 65 mL/min) and patients with muscular dystrophy (15 +/- 3 kg; 460 +/- 85 mL/min), but were higher in healthy subjects (32 +/- 4 kg; 630 +/- 58 mL/min; p < 0.03). In seven patients with MM and seven patients with McArdle disease, studied with a slightly different protocol, exercise-induced oxygen desaturation was also impaired in MM (Delta - +/- 5%) compared with McArdle disease (Delta - 26 +/- 3%; p = 0.007). CONCLUSION: Oxygen desaturation in venous blood from exercising muscle is markedly lower in patients with mitochondrial myopathy than in subjects with other muscle diseases and healthy subjects, suggesting that a forearm exercise test can be a diagnostic screening tool for mitochondrial myopathy.  相似文献   

In a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover study in seven mitochondrial myopathy patients (MM), we investigated whether lowering of lactate with dichloroacetate (DCA) can improve exercise tolerance and oxidative capacity in MM. DCA lowered plasma lactate at rest and during exercise (from 10.5 +/- 2.0 to 5.0 +/- 1.6 mM; p = 0.005) but did not improve maximal work load or VO2 in cycle exercise or phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS)-assessed indices of muscle oxidative metabolism. This indicates that lactate acidosis is not the primary cause of exercise intolerance in MM.  相似文献   

Radionuclide angiography, using high resolution equipment, is a sensitive noninvasive, safe, and rapid diagnostic test for ischemia of the anterior circulation of the brain. The test permits recognition of focally increased or decreased circulation immediately following the onset of a neurologic deficit. The sensitivity of the test is improved by using multiple projections of the head. The distribution of the anterior cerebral artery is best seen in the anterior projection; the lateral projection is used to resolve the superior and inferior divisions of the middle cerebral artery or to identify multiple regions of ischemia. Both projections should be used routinely.  相似文献   

1. Rat pups emit ultrasonic calls during brief episodes of social separation. These calls have been variously described as “distress” calls and may be related to the separation cries expressed by the young of many mammalian species.

2. Ultrasonic call of rat pups are modulated by environmental stimuli such as ambient temperature, olfactory and tactile stimuli associated with the nest.

3. Calls are also sensitive to a variety of purported anxiolytic and anxiogenic drugs, including the benzodiazepines, serotonin agonists, and ligands at the NMDA-glycine receptor complex.

4. In addition to providing a simple test for the anxiolytic properties of drugs, this model may also provide new insights about the development and neurobiology of anxiety.  相似文献   

We report the case of a patient with mitochondrial lesions, an old woman belonging by her father and mother to a big family with oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. Four patients of this family have typical intranuclear tubulo-filamentous inclusions.  相似文献   

To spare more children from painful muscle biopsy, a new non-invasive diagnostic motor performance test is undergoing development. Fifteen functional items were used to measure muscle strength and muscle endurance in 68 patients (47 males, 21 females; mean age 7y 8mo, SD 2y 2mo; range 4 to 11y), who had been referred to our specialist centre in the past 3 years on suspicion of myopathy. All the patients had undergone muscle biopsy. To correct the patients' outcomes for age, sex, and body size, regression prediction equations were obtained from a stratified random sample of 64 normally developing primary-school children aged 4 to 11 years (32 males, 32 females; mean age 8y 1mo, SD 2y 4mo). Feasibility was evaluated on the basis of five criteria. Validity was assessed using logistic regression analysis, receiver operating characteristic analysis, and sensitivity and specificity at a specifically chosen cut-off point. Reproducibility was evaluated by test-retest reliability in a stratified random sample of 40 patients who returned for re-measurements using the intraclass correlation coefficient. Seven items satisfied all five feasibility criteria, had high diagnostic power, and high test-retest reliability. The motor performance test can improve diagnostic procedure in children suspected of having myopathy.  相似文献   

Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative aphasic syndrome with three distinct clinical variants: non-fluent (nfvPPA), logopenic (lvPPA), and semantic (svPPA). Speech (non-) fluency is a key diagnostic marker used to aid identification of the clinical variants, and researchers have been actively developing diagnostic tools to assess speech fluency. Current approaches reveal coarse differences in fluency between subgroups, but often fail to clearly differentiate nfvPPA from the variably fluent lvPPA. More robust subtype differentiation may be possible with finer-grained measures of fluency.

Aims: We sought to identify the quantitative measures of speech rate – including articulation rate and pausing measures – that best differentiated PPA subtypes, specifically the non-fluent group (nfvPPA) from the more fluent groups (lvPPA, svPPA). The diagnostic accuracy of the quantitative speech rate variables was compared to that of a speech fluency impairment rating made by clinicians.

Methods & Procedures: Automatic estimates of pause and speech segment durations and rate measures were derived from connected speech samples of participants with PPA (N = 38; 11 nfvPPA, 14 lvPPA, 13 svPPA) and healthy age-matched controls (N = 8). Clinician ratings of fluency impairment were made using a previously validated clinician rating scale developed specifically for use in PPA. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses enabled a quantification of diagnostic accuracy.

Outcomes & Results: Among the quantitative measures, articulation rate was the most effective for differentiating between nfvPPA and the more fluent lvPPA and svPPA groups. The diagnostic accuracy of both speech and articulation rate measures was markedly better than that of the clinician rating scale, and articulation rate was the best classifier overall. Area under the curve (AUC) values for articulation rate were good to excellent for identifying nfvPPA from both svPPA (AUC = .96) and lvPPA (AUC = .86). Cross-validation of accuracy results for articulation rate showed good generalisability outside the training dataset.

Conclusions: Results provide empirical support for (1) the efficacy of quantitative assessments of speech fluency and (2) a distinct non-fluent PPA subtype characterised, at least in part, by an underlying disturbance in speech motor control. The trend towards improved classifier performance for quantitative rate measures demonstrates the potential for a more accurate and reliable approach to subtyping in the fluency domain, and suggests that articulation rate may be a useful input variable as part of a multidimensional clinical subtyping approach.  相似文献   

To characterize muscle pathology in 3 cases affected by ocular myopathy with eyelid ptosis and upper facial weakness, but without ophthalmoplegia, light microscopy and ultrastructural study were performed on levator palpebrae, orbicularis oculi and deltoid muscle biopsies. While levator palpebrae proved uninformative because of the massive fibrous degeneration of muscle, orbicularis oculi biopsies showed histochemical and ultrastructural alterations indicating a mitochondrial involvement, resembling that reported in ocular mitochondrial myopathies (OMM). On the other hand very mild aspecific findings were observed in deltoid. We suggest that these cases with ocular myopathy and without ophthalmoplegia should be considered a partial or initial form of OMM.  相似文献   

目的研究乳酸和丙酮酸最小运动量试验(METLP)对线粒体肌病的诊断价值。方法对肌肉病理明确诊断为线粒体肌病的21例患者、6例其他肌病患者及14例非肌病患者进行METLP检测,并对其检测结果进行分析。结果线粒体肌病组METLP 18例(85.7%)异常,12例≥2项指标异常,主要为运动后血浆乳酸/运动前丙酮酸(L2/P1)>17;其他肌病组METLP 6例(100%)异常,主要为有氧运动后血浆乳酸浓度(L2)升高,或者经休息其血浆乳酸浓度(L3)不降、甚至升高;非肌病组为3例(21.4%)异常。结论在METLP的各项评价指标中,L2/P1作为线粒体肌病与非肌病的诊断参考指标最为可靠;L3/L2可以作为鉴别线粒体肌病与其他肌病的可靠指标;但线粒体肌病的诊断应结合METLP、临床及病理综合分析。  相似文献   

The use of zidovudine (AZT) for the treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) induces a DNA-depleting mitochondrial myopathy, which is histologically characterized by the presence of muscle fibers with “ragged-red”–llike features, red-rimmed or empty cracks, granular degeneration, and rods (AZT fibers). Because dysfunctioning muscle mitochondria may lead to defects of β-oxidation of fatty acids, we examined the degree of neutral fat accumulation and muscle carnitine levels in the muscle biopsy specimens from 21 patients with AZT-induced myopathic symptoms of varying severity. Six patients with no AZT fibers had normal endomyofibrillar lipid deposits and muscle carnitine levels; 7 patients with fewer than 5 AZT fibers per field had a mild (+) to moderate (++) increase in lipid droplets, and reduced muscle carnitine levels (3 patients); and 8 patients with more than 5 AZT fibers had severe muscle changes, a ++ to marked (+++) increase in lipid droplets, and reduced muscle carnitine levels (6 patients). Serial sections showed lipid globules often within “cracks” or vacuoles of the abnormal muscle fibers. We conclude that the muscle mitochondrial impairment caused by AZT results in (1) accumulation of lipid within the muscle fibers owing to poor utilization of long-chain fatty acids, (2) reduction of muscle carnitine levels probably due to decreased carnitine uptake by the muscle, and (3) depletion of energy stores within the muscle fibers. The findings may have potential therapeutic implications in the treatment of AZT-induced myopathic symptoms using oral carnitine supplementation.  相似文献   

The short exercise test is normal in proximal myotonic myopathy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: Proximal myotonic myopathy (PROMM) is a multisystem disorder that may mimic myotonic dystrophy (MD). Previously we demonstrated that the 60 s exercise test was normal in two siblings with PROMM. The test enabled distinction of PROMM from MD, as there is a well documented immediate post-exercise compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude decline in MD. METHODS: We now performed exercise testing using several exercise durations in 8 PROMM patients from 6 kinships, and one MD patient, extending our previous observations. Repetitive stimulation and needle electromyography findings were also recorded. RESULTS: The 10 (n = 8), 30 (n = 5), and 60 (n = 5) s, and the 5 min (n = 1) exercise tests were normal in all PROMM patients. Specifically, the maximum post-exercise CMAP amplitude decline was 8%. In contrast, the MD patient had CMAP amplitude declines of 48% (10 s exercise test) and 26% (30 s exercise test). The distribution of repetitive stimulation and motor unit duration abnormalities were variable and less diagnostically useful. CONCLUSIONS: The 10, 30, and 60 s exercise tests help distinguish PROMM from MD. As the 10 s exercise test is rapid and easily tolerated, we recommend this test for clinical testing.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) deficiency has been associated with an increasing number of clinical phenotypes. Whereas primary CoQ10 defects are related to mutations in ubiquinone biosynthetic genes, which are now being unraveled, and respond well to CoQ10 supplementation, the etiologies, and clinical phenotypes related to secondary deficiencies are largely unknown.The purpose of this multicenter study was to evaluate the frequency of muscle CoQ10 deficiency in a cohort of 76 patients presenting with clinically heterogeneous mitochondrial phenotypes which included myopathy among their clinical features. A reliable diagnostic tool based on HPLC quantification was employed to measure muscle CoQ10 levels. A significant proportion of these patients (28 over 76) displayed CoQ10 deficiency that was clearly secondary in nine patients, who harbored a pathogenic mutation of mitochondrial DNA. This study provides a rationale for future therapeutic trials on the effect of CoQ10 supplementation in patients with mitochondrial diseases presenting with myopathy among clinical features.  相似文献   

Multicore myopathy: not always a benign entity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four patients with Multicore Myopathy, a rare morphologically distinct myopathy, are described. Although previously considered to be a non-progressive or only slowly progressive myopathy, progression to significant disability was seen in three of our cases. The association of cardiac disease with Multicore Myopathy has not been previously emphasised. All four patients in this study had a cardiomyopathy, and heart disease was the cause of death in two of the patients. Multicore Myopathy is not always a benign entity. Cardiac involvement, when present, adversely affects prognosis.  相似文献   

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