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Since the derivation of the first human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines by Thomson and coworkers in 1998, more than 1,200 different hESC lines have been established worldwide. Nevertheless, there is still a recognized interest in the establishment of new lines of hESC, particularly from HLA types and ethnic groups currently underrepresented among the available lines. The methodology of hESC derivation has evolved significantly since 1998, when human LIF (hLIF) was used for maintenance of pluripotency. However, there are a number of different strategies for the several steps involved in establishing a new line of hESC. Here we make a survey of the most relevant parameters used between 1998 and 2010 for the derivation of the 375 hESC lines deposited in two international stem cell registries, and able to form teratomas in immunocompromised mice. Although we identify some trends in the methodology for establishing hESC lines, our data reveal a much greater heterogeneity of strategies than what is used for derivation of murine ESC lines, indicating that optimum conditions have not been consolidated yet, and thus, hESC establishment is still an evolving field of research.  相似文献   

More nations are joining the human embryonic stem cell (hESC) ??race?? by aggressively publishing in the peer-reviewed journals. Here we present data on the international use and distribution of hESC using a dataset taken from the primary research literature. We extracted these papers from a comprehensive dataset of articles using hESC and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). We find that the rate of publication by US-based authors is slowing in comparison to international labs, and then declines over the final year of the period 2008?C2010. Non-US authors published more frequently and at a significantly higher rate, significantly increasing the number of their papers. In addition, international labs use a more diverse set of hESC lines and Obama-era additions are used more in non-US locations. Even considering the flood of new lines in the US and abroad, we see that researchers continue to rely on a few lines derived before the turn of the century. These data suggest ??embargo?? effects from restrictive policies on the US stem cell field. Over time, non-US labs have freely used lines on the US registries, while federally funded US scientists have been limited to using those lines approved by the NIH.  相似文献   

Since the establishment of the first human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines, several groups have described the derivation and culture of hESC lines in various culture conditions. In this review, we describe how hESC lines have been derived from the inner cell mass of blastocysts or morula-stage embryos and the culture conditions used. In order to be used for therapeutic purposes, the pluripotent hESC lines must be established and propagated according to good manufacturing practice quality requirements. In addition, any use of animal-derived components should be avoided to gain safer hESC lines for clinical purposes. Here, we will describe the development in derivation and chemically defined culturing conditions of hESC towards good manufacturing practice and discuss the future challenges for hESCs in clinical use. Similarly, we discuss the challenges and future directions in optimization of standard culture conditions of hESCs for research purposes.  相似文献   

In a recent study published in this journal it was claimed that the rate of publications from US-based authors in the human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research field was slowing or even declining from 2008 to 2010. It was assumed that this is the result of long-term effects of the Bush administration??s funding policy for hESC research and the uncertain policy environment of recent years. In the present study, we analyzed a pool of more than 1,700 original hESC research papers published world-wide from 2007 to 2011. In contrast to the previous study, our results do not support the hypothesis of a decline in the productivity of US-based research but rather confirm a nearly unchanged leading position of US research in the hESC field with respect to both publication numbers and impact of research. Moreover, we analyzed about 500 papers reporting original research involving human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) published through 2011 and found a dominant position of US research in this research field as well.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent cell types derived from the inner cell mass of human blastocysts. Recent data indicate that the majority of established female XX hESC lines have undergone X chromosome inactivation (XCI) prior to differentiation, and XCI of hESCs can be either XIST-dependent (class II) or XIST-independent (class III). XCI of female hESCs precludes the use of XX hESCs as a cell-based model for examining mechanisms of XCI, and will be a challenge for studying X-linked diseases unless strategies are developed to reactivate the inactive X. In order to recover nuclei with two active X chromosomes (class I), we developed a reprogramming strategy by supplementing hESC media with the small molecules sodium butyrate and 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNep). Our data demonstrate that successful reprogramming can occur from the XIST-dependent class II nuclear state but not class III nuclear state. To determine whether these small molecules prevent XCI, we derived six new hESC lines under normoxic conditions (UCLA1-UCLA6). We show that class I nuclei are present within the first 20 passages of hESC derivation prior to cryopreservation, and that supplementation with either sodium butyrate or DZNep preserve class I nuclei in the self-renewing state. Together, our data demonstrate that self-renewal and survival of class I nuclei are compatible with normoxic hESC derivation, and that chemical supplementation after derivation provides a strategy to prevent epigenetic progression and retain nuclei with two active X chromosomes in the self-renewing state.  相似文献   

The number of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines that are available and that are subsequently being used in numerous research projects is increasing steadily. However, there is little coordination of hESC line derivation, and comparative information on the characteristics and quality of these cells is sparse. Obtaining consistent information on hESCs is hampered further by legislative fragmentation, particularly in Europe. Recognizing these obstacles, the European Commission has set up a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry (hESCreg) to make hESCs and their characterizing information accessible and to ensure that the results of research become more quickly available to the public. The primary objectives of hESCreg are to provide freely accessible information on existing hESC lines, their derivation, molecular characteristics, use and quality. Successful research with listed hESC lines will be used to evaluate clinical potential and thus directly influence policy decisions. The developing integration with other initiatives, such as characterization projects, registries and cell banks, is expected to lead to a common and internationally accepted central reference. The hESCreg provides a first step in this direction and might grow into an internationally funded and administered project.  相似文献   

Among the major obstacles impeding successful derivation and continuous culture of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) for therapeutic purposes, are the presence of feeder cells and feeder-conditioned media of animal origin. The risk of contamination with xenopathogens makes hESC cultured in this way unsafe for future use in regenerative medicine. A holy grail for investigators in the field will be to establish and maintain new hESC lines in completely feeder-free and serum-free defined conditions. Recently, propagation of hESC has become possible, using mammalian- or human-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) and conditioned medium from feeder cells. In addition, providing a three-dimensional ECM environment can even support the derivation of new hESC. In this review, we examine recent advances in the use and development of substrates suitable for the derivation and maintenance of hESC, and our current understanding of the effects of a three-dimensional ECM milieu on cellular behavior.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: IVF occasionally produces aneuploid zygotes with one or three pronuclei (PN). Routinely, these zygotes are discarded. The aim of this work was to establish human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines from blastocysts resulting from abnormal fertilization. METHODS: Abnormally fertilized zygotes were cultured to the blastocyst stage and, following zona pellucida digestion, zona-free blastocysts were placed on a mouse feeder layer. Culture of hESCs was carried out as described earlier. RESULTS: Six out of the nine developing blastocysts attached to the feeder layer. One hESC line, originating from a mononuclear zygote following ICSI, was successfully derived. This line displayed typical phenotype and embryonic surface markers, and exhibited the potential to develop into all three embryonic germ layers both in vitro (by embryoid body formation) and in vivo (teratoma generation). Genetic examination revealed normal diploid karyotype and heterozygotic appearance for metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). CONCLUSION: This method, which requires neither immuno nor mechanical removal of the trophectoderm, may facilitate the derivation of hESC lines in general, and those from abnormal embryos in particular. Furthermore, it is shown that aneuploid zygotes can be used as a source for normal hESC derivation and hold the potential to generate aneuploid hESC lines for research purposes.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell bank   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have an unlimited capacity to proliferate by a self-renewal process and can be differentiated in the three germ layers, opening doors to new clinical therapies to replace missing or damaged cells. The number of research groups and projects using human stem cells has increased largely in the last 5 yr. The creation of stem cell banks is another important step to support the advance of research in this field. Banks must be operated within the strict regulatory famework of good manufacturing practices and good laboratory practices that assure the highest quality standards and must implement a quality system that complies with international quality systems standards. It may also be appropriate to aim at an accreditation in order to assure correct laboratory practices at all times. Stem cell banks should receive the lines previously derived by other groups and hESCs should be provided for groups that justify their use in a research project previously approved by an ethical committee. The assays generally accepted as typical of hESCs together with the microbiological analysis should be performed in order to assure a consistent, reliable, and safe line for the researchers. In this article, the Andalusian Stem Cell Bank proposes a model of a stem cell banking process in order to create a flow diagram of hESC lines and, following the international initiatives in stem cells research, to achieve the full characterization of cells and a standardization of protocols that would simplify the hESCs culture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: For clinical grade human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines, a robust derivation system without any substances having animal origin would be required. We have gradually improved our hESC derivations. Human skin fibroblasts were used as feeder cells in derivation of all our 25 permanent fully characterized hESC lines. In the first four derivations, fetal calf serum was used as a supplement in the medium, thereafter, serum replacement medium was used. Immunosurgery generally used for isolation of the inner cell mass (ICM) still involves animal serum and complement. METHODS: We developed a practical mechanical isolation method for the ICM. Two flexible metal needles with sharpened tips, 0.125 mm in diameter, were used to open the zona pellucida and extract the ICM under a stereomicroscope. Immunohistochemical and karyotype characterization of the new hESC lines was carried out, and pluripotency was tested in vitro (immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR) and in vivo (teratoma growth). RESULTS :Five hESC lines were obtained from 19 supernumerary blastocysts collected in 2005-2006 (26%), whereas in similar conditions, we obtained 16 lines from 100 blastocysts (16%) using immunosurgery in 2003-2005. The new lines had a normal karyotype and tissues originating from the three embryonic germ cell layers were present. CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical isolation of the ICM proved to be an effective way to derive new hESC lines. The technique is fast, does not require any extra investment and the xeno-components of immunosurgery could be avoided.  相似文献   

Scientific progress in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research and increased funding make it imperative to look ahead to the ethical issues generated by the expected use of hESCs for transplantation. Several issues should be addressed now, even though phase I clinical trials of hESC transplantation are still in the future. To minimize the risk of hESC transplantation, donors of materials used to derive hESC lines will need to be recontacted to update their medical history and screening. Because of privacy concerns, such recontact needs to be discussed and agreed to at the time of donation, before new hESC lines are derived. Informed consent for phase I clinical trials of hESC transplantation also raises ethical concerns. In previous phase I trials of highly innovative interventions, allegations that trial participants had not really understood the risk and benefits caused delays in subsequent trials. Thus, researchers should consider what information needs to be discussed during the consent process for hESC clinical trials and how to verify that participants have a realistic understanding of the study. Lack of attention to the special ethical concerns raised by clinical trials of hESC transplantation and their implications for the derivation of new hESC lines may undermine or delay progress toward stem cell therapies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) suitable for future transplantation therapy should preferably be developed in an animal-free system. Our objective was to develop a laser-based system for the isolation of the inner cell mass (ICM) that can develop into hESC lines, thereby circumventing immunosurgery that utilizes animal products. METHODS: Hatching was assisted by micromanipulation techniques through a laser-drilled orifice in the zona pellucida of 13 abnormal preimplantation genetic diagnosed blastocysts. ICMs were dissected from the trophectoderm by a laser beam and plated on feeders to derive hESC lines. RESULTS: eight ICMs were isolated from nine hatched blastocysts and gave rise to three hESC lines affected by myotonic dystrophy type 1, hemophilia A and a carrier of cystic fibrosis 405 + 1G > A mutation. Five blastocysts that collapsed during assisted hatching or ICM dissection were plated whole, giving rise to an additional line affected by fragile X. All cell lines expressed markers of pluripotent stem cells and differentiated in vitro and in vivo into the three germ layers. CONCLUSIONS: These hESC lines can serve as an important model of the genetic disorders that they carry. Laser-assisted isolation of the ICMs may be applied for the derivation of new hESC lines in a xeno-free system for future clinical applications.  相似文献   

As of August 2005, 22 human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines listed on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) hESC Registry were being distributed to investigators. At a June 2005 meeting of NIH-supported hESC researchers, we proposed that a set of shared standards should be available in order to characterize the cells unambiguously in multiple laboratories. Here, we elaborate such a plan to identify a set of standard methods and to initiate collaborative efforts to validate the standards. The standard assays we propose should be comprehensive enough to ensure that hESC banks can provide a consistent and reliable product for NIH researchers, and inexpensive enough that individual laboratories can afford to use at least some of the methods routinely in their laboratories. We expect that as data accumulate and standards evolve, a core set of tests will become the norm for routine assessment of hESC cultures and that these tests will lay the groundwork for clinical applications of these cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) hold huge promise in modern regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and as a model for studying early human development. However, usage of embryos and derivation of hESC for research and potential medical application has resulted in polarized ethical debates since the process involves destruction of viable developing human embryos. Here we describe that not only developing embryos (morulae and blastocysts) of both good and poor quality but also arrested embryos could be used for the derivation of hESC. Analysis of arrested embryos demonstrated that these embryos express pluripotency marker genes such OCT4, NANOG, and REX1. Derived hESC lines also expressed specific pluripotency markers (TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, SSEA4, alkaline phosphatase, OCT4, NANOG, TERT, and REX1) and differentiated under in vitro and in vivo conditions into derivates of all three germ layers. All of the new lines, including lines derived from late arrested embryos, have normal karyotypes. These results demonstrate that arrested embryos are additional valuable resources to surplus and donated developing embryos and should be used to study early human development or derive pluripotent hESC.  相似文献   

Novel methods and associated tools permitting individual identification in publicly accessible SNP databases have become a debatable issue. There is growing concern that current technical and ethical safeguards to protect the identities of donors could be insufficient. In the context of human embryonic stem cell research, there are no studies focusing on the probability that an hESC line donor could be identified by analyzing published SNP profiles and associated genotypic and phenotypic information. We present the International Stem Cell Forum (ISCF) Ethics Working Party's Policy Statement on "Publishing SNP Genotypes of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines (hESC)". The Statement prospectively addresses issues surrounding the publication of genotypic data and associated annotations of hESC lines in open access databases. It proposes a balanced approach between the goals of open science and data sharing with the respect for fundamental bioethical principles (autonomy, privacy, beneficence, justice and research merit and integrity).  相似文献   

Widespread provision of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for therapeutic use, drug screening and disease modelling will require cell lines sustainable over long periods in culture. Since the short-term, in vitro culture of mammalian embryos can result in DNA methylation changes, the epigenetic stability of hESCs warrants investigation. Existing hESC lines have been derived and cultured under diverse conditions, providing the potential for programming differential changes into the epigenome that may result in inter-line variability over and above that inherited from the embryo. By examining the DNA methylation profiles of > 2000 genomic loci by Restriction Landmark Genome Scanning, we identified substantial inter-line epigenetic distance between six independently derived hESC lines. Lines were found to inherit further epigenetic changes over time in culture, with most changes arising in the earliest stages post-derivation. The loci affected varied between lines. The majority of culture-induced changes (82.3-87.5%) were stably inherited both within the undifferentiated cells and post-differentiation. Adapting a line to a serum-free culture system resulted in additional epigenetic instability. Overall 80.5% of the unstable loci uncovered in hESCs have been associated previously with an adult tumour phenotype. Our study shows that current methods of hESC propagation can rapidly programme stable and unpredictable epigenetic changes in the stem cell genome. This highlights the need for (i) novel screening strategies to determine the experimental utility and biosafety of hESCs and (ii) optimization and standardization of procedures for the derivation and culture of hESC lines that minimize culture-induced instability.  相似文献   

Derivation of a xeno-free human embryonic stem cell line   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Elimination of all animal material during both the derivation and long-term culture of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is necessary prior to future application of hESCs in clinical cell therapy. The potential consequences of transplanting xeno-contaminated hESCs into patients, such as an increased risk of graft rejection [Stem Cells 2006; 24:221-229] and the potential transfer of nonhuman pathogens, make existing hESC lines unsuitable for clinical applications. To avoid xeno-contamination during derivation and culture of hESCs, we first developed a xeno-free medium supplemented with human serum, which supports long-term (>50 passages) culture of hESCs in an undifferentiated state. To enable derivation of new xeno-free hESCs, we also established xeno-free human foreskin fibroblast feeders and replaced immunosurgery, which involves the use of guinea pig complement, with a modified animal-product-free derivation procedure. Here, we report the establishment and characterization (>20 passages) of a xeno-free pluripotent diploid normal hESC line, SA611.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are capable of proliferating indefinitely in an undifferentiated state and are pluripotent, being able to differentiate into most cell types under the correct conditions. Since the establishment of the first hESC line in 1998, the hope has existed that these cells could constitute an unlimited cell source for replacement therapy in the treatment of various diseases and disabilities. However, there is opposition and concern within society towards hESC derivation. The purpose of this article is to introduce the medical and scientific issues surrounding hESC derivation for clinical use concerning the source for this research (human embryos donated from in vitro fertilization procedures), and the methodologies implicated in feeder-free, xeno-free derivation that will allow potential clinical applications.  相似文献   

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