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目的:探讨幼儿装扮游戏对幼儿攻击性行为的矫正效果.方法:采用多基线设计(A、B、C、D四阶段共20天)对三名幼儿园大班具有明显攻击行为的研究对象进行装扮游戏矫正.设计8个融合移情训练和榜样学习的装扮游戏,分别于多基线设计的B、C、D阶段干预研究对象一、二、三.结果:研究对象一在B、C、D阶段的攻击性行为次数较基线A均显著减少(5.4±1.1、3.4±1.3、1.8 ±0.8/9.8 ±2.5,F=23.97,P<0.001),研究对象二在C、D阶段的攻击性行为次数较基线A、B均显著减少(6.0±2.2、3.0±1.6/13.2±1.8、10.2 ±1.9,F=28.17,P<0.001),研究对象三在D阶段的攻击性行为次数较基线A、B、C均显著减少(2.8±0.8/12.4±1.5、10.0±1.2、11.0±1.6,F=52.37,P<0.001).三个研究对象在矫正期D的攻击性行为次数没有显著差异(F=1.59,P=0.23).结论:采用集体装扮游戏可以矫正幼儿的攻击性行为.  相似文献   

集体游戏矫正幼儿社交退缩的个案研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨系列幼儿集体游戏对矫正幼儿社交退缩行为的有效性。方法;采用个案研究的方法,探讨在专业研究人员的指导下,由幼儿教师编制并实施幼儿集体游戏来矫正幼儿的社交退缩行为。结果:运用自然的幼儿集体游戏可以比较好地矫正幼儿的社交退缩行为;综合运用以倒返实验为主的多种研究方法,能较好地对幼儿的问题行为进行个案研究。结论:自然的幼儿集体游戏对幼儿的社交退缩行为纠正是一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探究依恋游戏对小班幼儿社会自立-社交行为的干预效果。方法:采用单被试A-B基线实验设计,综合访谈法、观察法及问卷法对三名小班幼儿在基线期(1~4周)、干预期(5~12周)、追踪期(13~14周)的社会自立-社交行为进行评估。结果:两名幼儿在干预期和追踪期的社会自立-社交行为水平高于基线期水平,一名幼儿的社会自立-社交行为水平因家长未按游戏设计要求充分投入和配合以及因家长专制型教养方式的影响无明显提高。结论:依恋游戏可以有效促进小班幼儿社会自立-社交行为的发展。  相似文献   

不同性别学童攻击行为与家庭环境的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探讨不同性别学童攻击性行为与家庭环境中的父母管教行为,家庭的冲解决策略和家庭氛围的关系。方法:以164名学童(男生96名,女生68名)的家长为研究对象,进行《儿童行为量表》(家长用)、《父母管教行为量表》、《冲突解决策略量表》和《家庭环境量表》的测量。结果:男孩和女孩的攻击性行为无显著差异,父母的管教行为与女孩的攻击性行为有显著相关,家庭冲突解决中的移置策略,直接策略和家庭的冲突性氛围与男女的攻击性行为都有关,且家庭内直接的冲突解决策略可以成为男女学童攻击行为的预测因素。结论:男女学童的攻击行为都与家庭环境有关,只是相关的因子和程度有所不同;家庭内直接的冲突解决策略可以成为男女学童攻击行为的预测因素。  相似文献   

了解大学生攻击性行为及人际交往困扰的现状,探讨大学生人际交往困扰对其攻击性行为的影响。根据随机抽样的原则,选取某省四所高校大一至大四年级的347名本科生为被试,实行问卷调查,采用中文大学生版Buss-Perry攻击性量表来测量大学生的攻击性行为倾向,采用郑日昌的人际关系诊断量表来测量大学生的人际交往困扰,使用SPSS 17.0进行数据分析。结果显示:①在人际交往方面存在一定程度困扰和严重困扰的大学生占半数以上,大学生攻击性行为倾向基本上处于中等程度,其中冲动维度平均分较高,达到了3.1。②大学生人际交往困扰程度在年级(F=6.324,P<0.01)、专业(F=5.71,P<0.01)、恋爱状况(F=5.849,P<0.01)、生源地(t=3.409,P<0.01)、父亲教养方式(F=7.832,P<0.01)、母亲教养方式(F=8.139,P<0.01)、父母间关系(F=5.294,P<0.01)的分布上差异有统计学意义。③大学生攻击性行为倾向在专业(F=3.347,P<0.05)、生源地(t=2.993,P<0.01)、是否独生子女(t=2.571,P<0.05)、父亲教养方式(F=3.192,P<0.05)、母亲教养方式(F=5.901,P<0.01)的分布差异有统计学意义。④与异性交往能力维度和身体攻击维度、冲动维度之间,交际与交友维度与身体攻击维度之间不存在相关,除此之外大学生人际交往困扰和攻击性行为各维度间均呈正相关。⑤待人接物、交谈对大学生的攻击性行为起到显著的正向预测作用,可以解释大学生攻击性行为的20.9%。可见,大学生人际交往困扰程度较高;人际交往困扰和攻击性行为呈正相关,其中,待人接物、交谈对大学生的攻击性行为有正向预测作用。  相似文献   

目的:采用融合性沙盘游戏疗法,探究其在随班就读孤独症儿童社交行为干预中的作用。方法:将38名就读于普通小学的孤独症儿童随机分成实验组与对照组,每组19人。研究期间,对照组被试接受同频同质的日常社交行为干预,实验组被试则在此之上接受为期18周共计36次彼此独立的基于融合性沙盘游戏疗法的社交行为干预。运用孤独症治疗评估量表(ATEC)与Achenbach教师报告量表(TRF)综合考察干预方案对被试社交行为发展的作用。结果:前测两组被试ATEC与TRF的总分及其各因子得分均无统计学差异,后测实验组被试ATEC与TRF的总分及其各因子得分明显低于前侧,且明显低于对照组后测得分(除体诉因子)。结论:融合性沙盘游戏疗法能有效推动随班就读孤独症儿童社交行为的发展。  相似文献   

目的通过代币制行为矫正法能有效降低注意缺陷多动障碍学童在课堂上的不注意行为的发生率。方法采用A-B-A倒反实验设计,应用代币制行为矫正法(Token Economy Therapy)对一名患有注意缺陷多动障碍的9岁学童的课堂不注意行为进行矫正干预。结果1被试在实验处理期的课堂不注意行为发生率均低于基线期和实验撤退期的课堂不注意行为发生率。2被试在整个实验过程中课堂不注意行为的发生率与对照者的不注意行为发生率进行比较,前者在3个阶段都有很大变化,而后者基本没有变化。结论代币制行为矫正法在改进注意缺陷多动学童的课堂不注意行为方面是一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:研究南京城区学龄儿童攻击性行为的分布情况及相关因素。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法江苏省南京市抽取4678名小学生,使用一般情况问卷及儿童行为量表(家长用表)对学龄儿童的一般情况及攻击性行为的现状进行调查。结果:攻击性行为的检出率为3.6%(167/4678)。多因素logistic回归分析显示民主型养育方式[(其他型OR=1.94,95%CI=1.10~3.42),混合型(OR=1.96,95%CI=1.35-2.85)]和进行过遗传学筛查(OR=0.71,95%CI=0.52~0.99)是学龄儿童攻击性行为的保护因素。Pearson相关分析提示攻击性行为因子分与其他问题行为的因子分存在正相关(r=0.52~0.80,均P0.01)。结论:南京地区学龄儿童中约有3.6%存在攻击性行为,非民主型的家庭教养方式、未进行新生儿遗传学筛查的学龄儿童更易出现攻击性行为。  相似文献   

目的:探讨行为契约法对小学生课堂学业自立行为的干预效果。方法:采用单被试A-B实验设计对两名小学生的课堂学业自立行为进行干预,在基线期、干预期和追踪期综合运用观察法、访谈法、问卷法等多种方法对其课堂学业自立行为进行评估。结果:两名被试在干预期和追踪期的课堂学业自立水平均高于基线期,课堂学业自立水平均有所提升。结论:行为契约法能有效提升小学生课堂学业自立水平,且干预效果可持续一定时间。  相似文献   

大学生攻击性与社会支持、安全感的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨大学生攻击性与社会支持、安全感之间的关系。方法采用攻击性量表、青少年社会支持量表和安全感量表对680名在校大学生进行测评。结果①大学生攻击性行为存在性别差异(t=2.28,P0.05),男性攻击性水平高于女性攻击水平;②大学生攻击性与社会支持呈显著负相关(r=-0.20,P0.001),与安全感呈显著负相关(r=-0.42,P0.001);③主观支持,客观支持和确定控制感对攻击性有一定的预测作用(F=19.19,P0.05,R2=0.246)。结论生活中男性比女性更容易出现攻击性行为倾向;社会支持和安全感对于攻击性有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

Individually reared mother-infant dyads of crab-eating monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were observed cross-sectionally in their mother-infant relationship. In infants aged from 0 to 5.0 months, rather drastic changes were found both at 0.5-1.0 and 2.0-3.0 months of age. For an explanation of these changes, developmental processes of discrimination between mother and infant were analyzed cross-sectionally by exchanging mother-infant combinations. The results indicated that the first 0.5 months postpartum was characterized as a behaviorally nondiscriminating stage where nipple discrimination by infants was the only exception. The latter half of the first month was the beginning of a nonaggressive discrimination stage by mothers, indicated by lipsmacking and sniffing and in infants by clinging. When infants reached the age of 2.0-3.0 months, the mothers' nonaggressive discrimination with lipsmacking decreased, and her aggressive discrimination of alien infants increased. In addition to maternal visual discrimination of infants' physical appearances, differences in infants' odor and/or their method of nipple contact were suggested to affect the mothers' differential behaviors.  相似文献   

Extending self-organizing particle systems to problem solving   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Self-organizing particle systems consist of numerous autonomous, purely reflexive agents ("particles") whose collective movements through space are determined primarily by local influences they exert upon one another. Inspired by biological phenomena (bird flocking, fish schooling, etc.), particle systems have been used not only for biological modeling, but also increasingly for applications requiring the simulation of collective movements such as computer-generated animation. In this research, we take some first steps in extending particle systems so that they not only move collectively, but also solve simple problems. This is done by giving the individual particles (agents) a rudimentary intelligence in the form of a very limited memory and a top-down, goal-directed control mechanism that, triggered by appropriate conditions, switches them between different behavioral states and thus different movement dynamics. Such enhanced particle systems are shown to be able to function effectively in performing simulated search-and-collect tasks. Further, computational experiments show that collectively moving agent teams are more effective than similar but independently moving ones in carrying out such tasks, and that agent teams of either type that split off members of the collective to protect previously acquired resources are most effective. This work shows that the reflexive agents of contemporary particle systems can readily be extended to support goal-directed problem solving while retaining their collective movement behaviors. These results may prove useful not only for future modeling of animal behavior, but also in computer animation, coordinated movement control in robotic teams, particle swarm optimization, and computer games.  相似文献   

This experiment tested the effects of reinforcing obese children to be more active or less sedentary in their choice of active versus sedentary behaviors. On days 1 and 5, there were no contingencies for sedenlary or active behaviors. During days 2 through 4, children in the Activity group were reinforced for being more active, and they significantly increased their activity and decreased time spent on preferred sedentary activities. Children in the Sedenlary group were reinforced for not engaging in preferred sedentary behaviors, and they significantly decreased time spent on these sedentary behaviors, with time reallocated both to being more active and to substitution of lower preference sedentary behaviors. Children randomized to the Control group were reinforced for attendance and made choices among the alternatives as usual, allocating most of their time during all 5 days for their preferred sedentary behaviors. These laboratory results support the idea that activity can be increased by either reinforeing children for being more active or for reducing time spent in sedentary activities. This research was supported in part by Grant HD 25997 awarded to Leonard H. Epstein.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that infants respond with more negative/protest as well as approach-type behaviors in response to the loss of maternal attention to a social-rival as compared to a non-social item. The purpose of the current research was to conceptually replicate the maternal inattention research with a different population and to extend on it by examining the relationships between infants' emotional responses and their temperament and physiology (brain activity). A baseline measure of infant EEG was collected after which mother-infant dyads (n = 30) participated in two mother-ignoring conditions. Infants demonstrated more approach-style responses (maternal-directed gaze, proximity, and touch), higher reactivity levels (increased arousal, aggression, and disorganization), and more negative affect in the social-rival relative to the nonsocial condition. Approach-style (jealousy) responses were predictive of the infants' greater left frontal baseline EEG activity. Maternal reports of an infant's temperamental sociability and approach were not related to frontal EEG but several temperamental characteristics were associated with approach style responses during the social-rival condition. These findings collectively point to the emotion of jealousy in infants, as only during the social rival condition were associations between approach style responses and negative affect as well as left frontal EEG activity uncovered.  相似文献   

Adjunctive behavior as indexed by increased activity has been shown previously in adult humans who were performing cognitive tasks or playing games of chance on a fixed interval schedule. In the present experiment with eating as the schedule controlled behavior, the amount of movement unrelated to eating was measured for eight subjects under three conditions. Movement scores were significantly higher when food was available either ad lib or on a FI 60 food delivery schedule than when food was not available. Data showed that with ad lib food, subjects operated on a self imposed schedule. These results establish the first direct comparison between animal and human adjunctive behaviors.  相似文献   

目的:基于一般学习模型,验证暴力游戏对助人行为的消极作用,并探索暴力游戏在赋予亲社会背景后对助人行为的影响。方法:采用七巧板任务和情境模拟任务测量86名三年级儿童的稳定助人行为和紧急助人行为,并分析游戏类型、性别因素对行为得分的影响。结果:游戏类型对儿童的稳定助人行为(F=6.17,P0.01)、紧急助人行为(F=4.25,P0.05)产生明显影响,而性别因素作用均不明显。结论:支持一般学习模型,说明暴力游戏对助人行为有消极作用,但亲社会背景可以有效降低暴力游戏对助人行为的消极影响。  相似文献   

In order to know when and how infants obtain their circadian sleep-wake rhythm, infants' developing circadian rest-activity rhythm and mothers' circadian rhythm in the postpartum period were examined using actigraph monitoring. The subjects were 11 primipara and their infants. Actigraphic recordings for the infants and their mothers were made over 3-5 continuous days during the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th weeks after birth. A 24-h peak on a mean autocorrelogram of the infants' movements was detected at the 3rd week. The infants' circadian rest-activity rhythm already existed in the 3rd week. The amplitude of this 24-h peak gradually increased from the 6th to 12th week. This may be useful as an index of the development of infants' circadian rest-activity rhythm. An 11-h peak was also observed at the 3rd week. This 11-h peak was thought to be a semi-circadian rhythm. Regarding the mothers, the amplitude of the 24-h peak on the mean autocorrelogram at the 3rd week was the smallest of all other weeks, and it became larger from the 3rd to 12th week. This meant that the mothers' circadian rhythm at the 3rd week was influenced by their interrupted sleep at night to take care of their infants. The mother-infant synchronization is probably the 1st factor in the entrainment of infants' circadian sleep-wake rhythm. In this study, we also propose a novel method for compensating for missing data in autocorrelogram analysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the maternal care patterns of rhesus macaque mothers who physically abuse their infants, and compared their infants' behavior to that of nonabused infants. Parametric and multidimensional scaling analyses indicated that abusive mothers have a distinct parenting style characterized by high rates of rejection and contact-breaking from their infants. Compared to control infants, abused infants exhibited signs of delayed independence from their mothers including higher rates of distress calls and anxiety, lower rates of contact-breaking, and differences in play. Several aspects of the abused infants' behavior were correlated with rates of abuse received during the first month, or with other maternal behaviors. These findings provide a more comprehensive characterization of the parenting styles of abusive mothers and the early behavioral development of their infants than previously available. Detailed knowledge of the early experience of abused infants is crucial for understanding possible pathological alterations in behavior and neuroendocrine function later in life.  相似文献   

This paper presents single-subject analyses of newly developing attachment relationships in 10 foster infant-caregiver dyads. Using a diary methodology, at least 2 months of daily data were provided by foster parents on infants' attachment behaviors. Foster infant attachment was also assessed using the Strange Situation. Foster mother state of mind regarding attachment was measured using the Adult Attachment Interview. For eight infants, diary data revealed predominant patterns of attachment behavior emerging within 2 months of placement. In most cases, diary data predicted Strange Situation classifications. Both Strange Situation and diary data indicated that the three children placed in foster care before 12 months of age with foster parents having primary or secondary autonomous states of mind were classified as having secure attachments. The five children placed after 12 months of age showed predominantly insecure attachment behavior in the diary and were classified as insecure in the Strange Situation. Contingency analyses of behavioral sequences reported in the diary revealed that foster parents tended to complement their foster childrens' attachment behaviors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Postpartum depression (PPD) has a prevalence ranging from 3% to 30% and is associated with serious infant growth and developmental problems. Interventions directed at improving maternal mood have been unsuccessful in producing changes in observed face-to-face interactions between mother and infant. The Keys to Caregiving (KTC) is an intervention program that helps parents to understand and respond to infant behaviours, with a goal of increasing positive affective expressions in infants. In this pilot study, KTC was used with mothers suffering from mild to moderate PPD and their infants. METHODS: PPD was confirmed by scores on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory. Eleven dyads completed the study. KTC was carried out in 5 weekly group sessions, beginning at infant age of 3 months. Dyads were videotaped prior to and after KTC, using the Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm, which assesses infants' responses during normal play and the effects of the Still-Face perturbation. The tapes were scored for infant facial emotion expressions. RESULTS: After intervention, infants displayed a marked increase in Interest and Joy when interacting face-to-face with their mothers, even though mothers' depression ratings did not change. LIMITATIONS: This pilot study is limited by lack of control dyads, however, it provides the foundation necessary for a full trial. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that intervention that focuses on what mothers do with their infants instead of how they feel can be effective in increasing infants' positive responsiveness and improving infant outcomes. Such interventions can be an essential component of treatment when mothers present with postpartum depression.  相似文献   

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