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宋坤霞 《医学信息》2006,19(8):1289-1291
本文主要介绍了通过VBA编写一段小程序,作为宏插入Excel中,方便快捷地实现数字信号低通滤波,并生成波形曲线。  相似文献   

瞳孔自动跟踪系统是全自动视野计的关键组成部分。本文利用积分图计算特征值快速的优点,在训练Adaboost强分类器的基础上研究了训练级数与分类器总误检率的关系,引入逐层放大检测窗口的检测策略,提出了一种多层级联的层叠分类器用于眼睛定位与跟踪。该算法的应用在保留了传统强分类器高检测率的基础上,明显降低了对目标图像的误检率。同时文章阐述了算法的主要实现函数并设计了下颚托架系统的运动控制方案。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析传统临床医学研究方法的现状与问题,理解临床医学研究对数据挖掘的需求,进而提出基于数据挖掘的临床医学研究系统的设计思想,并提出系统的评估方法,最后总结了基于数据挖掘的临床医学研究系统的应用价值。  相似文献   

神经外科手术是目前广泛应用的一种临床手术,作为其中的关键辅助技术,神经监测技术可准确及时地了解神经状态,减轻医生的工作压力,预防神经损伤.设计一款基于SOPC的神经监测系统,系统模拟电路和数字电路紧密结合,采用硬件电路与NIOS II嵌入式软件协同设计的方法,利用乒乓操作、串并转化、流水线等技术手段对设计进行优化,并使用嵌入式逻辑分析仪对系统功能进行分析验证.结果表明,系统时序、数据转换和传输正常.系统的软硬件构建在Terasic公司的DE0平台上,共消耗7 613个逻辑单元,硬件最高工作频率达到125.74 MHz,软件最高工作频率达到119.76 MHz.  相似文献   

目的:设计与实现触觉替代视觉系统(TVSS),该系统尝试通过电极阵列刺激皮肤产生触觉感受,并利用触点的二维分布,为盲人开辟一条重获视觉信息的新途径.方法:系统由三个模块组成:多通道电触觉阵列,电极驱动电路以及嵌入式控制图像处理模块.其中256通道的电触觉阵列通过将球形镍电极焊接到印刷电路板上的方式制作而成.采用多路分时技术为多通道提供高压电脉冲刺激信号,通过光电隔离电路实现强弱电信号之间的隔离与控制.使用DM642开发板来实现图像的获取、处理以及传输功能.结果:手指尖电脉冲刺激的阈值在130V左右.结论:不同的刺激脉冲宽度,会引起刺激阈值以及刺激效果的变化,150 V以上的电脉冲会在指尖产生一个局部的舒适的电触觉感受.  相似文献   

梁松青  哈铁军  张蔚 《医学信息》2010,23(13):2024-2025
在我所工作的医院的心内科的医生为我提出了这样的一种需求:两个心内科病区的医生需要每天安排一些病人在两个导管室做手术,每个医生都有浏览、修改本病区所在导管室手术计划的权限,病人的常规信息由HIS数据库中直接提取。根据医生的需求,考虑有两种方式实现,第一种是利用PowerBuilder等开发工具开发应用程序客户端的C/S结构,第二种是基于网络HTTP服务器的B/S结构。本文选择了后者,且设计并实现了一个基于ApacheTomcat服务器的动态网络应用,对比利用应用程序客户端的实现方式,B/S结构有如下优点:客户端无需安装软件即可使用现成的功能;只要拥有用户名、口令可以在网络的任何位置使用系统;无需关心软件升级问题;使用数据库连接池,提供高效、稳定的数据库访问。  相似文献   

在我所工作的医院的心内科的医生为我提出了这样的一种需求:两个心内科病区的医生需要每天安排一些病人在两个导管室做手术,每个医生都有浏览、修改本病区所在导管室手术计划的权限,病人的常规信息由HIS数据库中直接提取.根据医生的需求,考虑有两种方式实现,第一种是利用PowerBuilder等开发工具开发应用程序客户端的C/S结构,第二种是基于网络HTTP服务器的B/S结构.本文选择了后者,且设计并实现了一个基于Apache Tomcat服务器的动态网络应用,对比利用应用程序客户端的实现方式,B/S结构有如下优点:客户端无需安装软件即可使用现成的功能;只要拥有用户名、口令可以在网络的任何位置使用系统;无需关心软件升级问题;使用数据库连接池,提供高效、稳定的数据库访问.  相似文献   

作为改革医院设备管理系统观念一个尝试,设计和实现了一个可以对医院设备进行监控、评估和预期的软件系统.该软件以通过"管理人来管理物"和设备效益评估为手段,为决策者掌握整个医院的设备运转情况和运作趋势提供依托.目前,通过谨慎的评价,该软件对于其设计功能有良好的实现.  相似文献   

王彦丽  方胜吉 《医学信息》2008,21(10):1746-1748
医药类院校,课程种类多,特别是实验、实习课程多,课程前后接续性强,采用的是学期制日课表.正是由于其特殊性,我们以.NET为平台,结合SQL Server 2000后台数据库,利用C#和ASP.Net开发一套数据驱动的、面向对象的、支持B/S应用模式的实时在线式教学组织计划管理信息系统.  相似文献   

本系统通过以Internet网为平台,将传统的医院/患者(咨询者)的遗传随访模式转为医院/Internet网/患者(咨询者)的新医疗模式,该系统会大大提高遗传随访的及时性和便利性;同时,会有利于遗传登记的开展,也有利于随访资料的保存。  相似文献   

A hospital medical care system can usefully use many more reports than are usually output by laboratory information systems. Scheduled reports include: (1) current reports by ward, service, attending, and ad hoc groups; (2) cumulative reports; (3) laboratory records. Many other classes of reports are feasible in a computer-based system.  相似文献   

Participation in external quality assessment (EQA) is a key element of quality assurance in medical laboratories. In genetics EQA, both genotyping and interpretation are assessed. We aimed to analyse changes in the completeness of interpretation in clinical laboratory reports of the European cystic fibrosis EQA scheme and to investigate the effect of the number of previous participations, laboratory accreditation/certification status, setting and test volume. We distributed similar versions of mock clinical cases to eliminate the influence of the difficulty of the clinical question on interpretation performance: a cystic fibrosis patient (case 1) and a cystic fibrosis carrier (case 2). We then performed a retrospective longitudinal study of reports over a 6-year period from 298 participants for case 1 (2004, 2008, 2009) and from 263 participants for case 2 (2006, 2008, 2009). The number of previous participations had a positive effect on the interpretation score (P<0.0001), whereas the laboratory accreditation/certification status, setting and test volume had no effect. Completeness of interpretation improved over time. The presence of the interpretation element ‘requirement for studying the parents to qualify the genotype'' increased most (from 49% in 2004 to 93% in 2009). We still observed room for improvement for elements that concerned offering testing for familial mutations in relatives and prenatal/preimplantation diagnosis (16% and 24% omission, respectively, for case 1 in 2009). Overall, regular participation in external quality assessment contributes to improved interpretation in reports, with potential value for quality of care for patients and families by healthcare professionals involved in genetic testing.  相似文献   

Substantial data collected from large numbers of accessions, the need for comprehensive reporting of negative as well as positive laboratory findings, and the necessity for obtaining rapid diagnostic correlations prompted the development of a computer based system of accession data management for collection, storage, rapid retrieval, reporting, concording, and administrative compiling in a state-university Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory.  相似文献   

目的:研究设计一种适用于战场/院前失血性休克伤员救治的液体复苏控制系统。方法采用伤员的生理参数作为系统输入,利用模糊控制技术实现休克程度的辨识决策,并通过高效输血/输液泵完成液体复苏过程。结果当伤员休克程度较重时,系统采取高速复苏,以快速补充伤员的血容量;当伤员休克程度较轻时,系统采取低速复苏,以维持伤员的血容量。结论相比传统液体复苏方法,该系统能有效地提高液体复苏效率和休克伤员的救治成功率。  相似文献   

Patient education is a significant factor in the provision of health care services, contributing to improved disease management and health care outcomes. Personalization has been suggested as a means for increasing patient education effectiveness and computer-based approaches have been explored as a possible means of achieving this goal. The success and capabilities of the resulting applications have been restricted by the absence of a direct link to patient data and the reliance on locally produced written material, which is expensive to produce, update and tailor. In our research project STructured Evaluated Personalized Patient Support (STEPPS), we are investigating the potential of a novel strategy for personalized or tailored patient education, based on the integration of electronic patient record data and material derived from online health information resources. In this paper we present an overview of the pertinent technical issues and the way we have addressed them in the context of our development work in the domain of burn care. Further, we discuss how the choices made in the design of the system interrelate with the considerations for its implementation in health care practice settings.  相似文献   

目的 以生物阻抗技术为基础设计胃动力检测系统.方法 检测系统由采集平台和分析平台2部分构成.前者实现胃电和胃动力阻抗信号的同步采集和数据传输,后者对提取的胃动力阻抗信号和胃电运用小波多分辨分析进行处理,并提取信号的时域、频域和支配频率等参数完成统计分析.结果 实验结果表明功能性消化不良患者(病理组)的胃运动正常节律百分比(PNF)和正常功率百分比(PNP)明显小于健康大学生志愿者(对照组),病理组的节律变异系数(FIC)和功率变异系数(PIC)大于对照组.结论 胃动力检测系统的实现不仅使胃电和胃阻抗信息得到同步获取,同时为胃动力研究和临床检测提供一种电-机复合过程的检测方法.  相似文献   

Understanding and improving the health status of communities depend on effective public health surveillance. Adoption of new technologies, standardised case definitions and clinical guidelines for accurate diagnosis, and access to timely and reliable data, remains a challenge for public health surveillance systems however and existing public health surveillance systems are often fragmented, disease specific, inconsistent and of poor quality. We describe the application of an enterprise architecture approach to the design, planning and implementation of a national public health surveillance system in Jordan. This enabled a well planned and collaboratively supported system to be built and implemented using consistent standards for data collection, management, reporting and use. The system is case-based and integrated and employs mobile information technology to aid collection of real-time, standardised data to inform and improve decision-making at different levels of the health system.  相似文献   

为实现对循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)自动化的分选和检测,使用面向对象程序设计语言C++开发应用于CTCs检测仪的软件系统。基于Windows环境在VS2015上使用Duilib库进行软件界面的设计与开发,通过算法和串口通信等实现上位机软件对检测仪的自动化控制及工作状态信息采集和监测等。通过实验等对软件系统进行测试,该软件系统可稳定、可靠地实现对双通道CTCs分选和检测的进样流量控制、病人信息管理和检测报告生成。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe difficulty of managing patient recruitment and documentation for clinical trials prompts a demand for instruments for closely monitoring these critical but unpredictable processes. Increasingly adopted Electronic Data Capture (EDC) applications provide novel opportunities to reutilize stored information for an efficient management of traceable trial workflows. In related clinical and administrative settings, so-called digital dashboards that continuously visualize time-dependent parameters have recently met a growing acceptance. To investigate the technical feasibility of a study dashboard for monitoring the progress of patient recruitment and trial documentation, we set out to develop a propositional prototype in the form of a separate software module.MethodsAfter narrowing down functional requirements in semi-structured interviews with study coordinators, we analyzed available interfaces of a locally deployed EDC application, and designed the prototypical study dashboard based on previous findings. The module thereby leveraged a standardized export format in order to extract and import relevant trial data into a clinical data warehouse. Web-based reporting tools then facilitated the definition of diverse views, including diagrams of the progress of patient accrual and form completion at different granularity levels. To estimate the utility of the dashboard and its compatibility with current workflows, we interviewed study coordinators after a demonstration of sample outputs from ongoing trials.ResultsThe employed tools promoted a rapid development. Displays of the implemented dashboard are organized around an entry page that integrates key metrics for available studies, and which links to more detailed information such as study-specific enrollment per center. The interviewed experts commented that the included graphical summaries appeared suitable for detecting that something was generally amiss, although practical remedies would mostly depend on additional information such as access to the original patient-specific data. The dependency on a separate application was seen as a downside. Interestingly, the prospective users warned that in some situations knowledge of specific accrual statistics might undermine blinding in a subtle yet intricate fashion, so ignorance of certain patient features was seen as sometimes preferable for reproducibility.DiscussionOur proposed study dashboard graphically recaps key progress indicators of patient accrual and trial documentation. The modular implementation illustrates the technical feasibility of the approach. The use of a study dashboard might introduce certain technical requirements as well as subtle interpretative complexities, which may have to be weighed against potential efficiency gains.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe electronic health record (EHR) has become a fundamental tool in health care. The ordering and inclusion of lab tests and results is one of the most frequently requested services by EHR users. We have designed, developed and implemented in Andalusia, an autonomous community in the south of Spain (8.3 million inhabitants), a unified lab test request module for the Andalusian public health system EHR.PurposeAfter implementing the module in 27 laboratories, our objective is to assess its impact on healthcare activities and to ascertain whether its functional design addresses the needs and expectations of users.MethodsWe surveyed laboratory and healthcare professionals to assess their opinion of the module's operation in daily practices and the effect it has had on pre- and post-analytical quality indicators (before and after lab test module implementation).ResultsAll the laboratories surveyed noted that the implementation of the laboratory module in the EHR improved the analytical process, highlighting better safety in patient identification, less programming or container errors and shorter response times. Clinical professionals gave the module a rating of 7.8 out of 10, positively highlighting the speed at which results are delivered and their integration in the EHR. In terms of the model's drawbacks, laboratories have highlighted its rigidity in solving errors and clinical professionals have noted the requirement of adapting to a new nomenclature. It is also necessary to expand coding to all the tests available in clinical laboratories.ConclusionsThe results of our survey indicate that the functional design of our analytical testing module is suitable for user needs, allowing to integrate information from multiple laboratories in a single region. Based on our experience, the key aspects for the success of this project have been: a design conceived for both laboratories and clinical professionals, the involvement of laboratories as a key element of the project, as well as sufficient time of local piloting before widespread implementation which is basic for the success of a computer application that affects so many potential users of the health care system.  相似文献   

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