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金属粉尘对男性作业工人呼吸系统影响的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨金属粉尘作业工人的呼吸系统症状阳性率和肺通气功能状况,我们选择129名接触金属粉尘的作业工人作为接触组,126名非接触粉尘的作业工人作为对照组,采用美国胸科协会制订的标准化呼吸系统症状询问表和用力肺活量测试方法进行了调查。结果显示,咳嗽、咯痰、气短、喘息等呼吸系统症状阳性率和慢性支气管炎患病率,接触组中吸烟者(27.13%,20.15%,17.83%,19.38%,16.93%)和非吸烟者(14.73%,10.85%,15.50,10.85%,8.13%)高于对照组中吸烟者(13.49%,9.52%,8.73%,11.11%,8.97%)和非吸烟者(7.93%,7.14%,8.73%,4.76%,4.05%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且以接触组中吸烟者发生率最高。肺通气功能指标FVC,FEV1.0,FEV1.0%的实测值占预计值百分比,接触组中吸烟者(83.23±18.03,84.42±21.36,89.50±13.31)和非吸烟者(86.83±15.61,85.59±17.16,90.67±18.13)低于对照组中吸烟者(93.44±12.49,88.75±12.56,93.97±17.13)和非吸烟者(94.86±11.19,90.63±12.27,94.73±16.02),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。接触组中吸烟者和非吸烟者FVC,FEV1.0,FEV1.0%的实测值占预计值百分比随着接尘工龄的延长而呈递减趋势,尤其吸烟者和非吸烟者接尘工龄≤5 a组分别与接尘工龄≥11 a组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。说明金属粉尘与作业工人呼吸系统功能的变化有直接关系;吸烟是金属粉尘作业工人发生呼吸系统功能损伤的危险因素;且随着接尘工龄的延长有加重的趋势。  相似文献   

烟草粉尘对接尘工人呼吸系统损害的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对某卷烟厂进行了劳动卫生学调查 ,同时对接尘工人进行了呼吸系统症状调查及肺通气功能测定。结果显示 ,接尘工人咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、鼻塞、流鼻涕等症状阳性率明显高于对照工人 ,肺通气功能显著低于对照工人。  相似文献   

沈阳水泵厂铸造车间接尘不吸烟工人呼吸系统损害的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对沈阳水泵厂铸造车间82名接尘不吸烟工人进行了呼吸系统询问调查与肺功能检测。结果表明,接尘组咳嗽、咳痰、气短、胸痛、胸闷的阳性率较对照组明显升高,且均具有显著性;FVC、FEV1、FEF25-75与对照组相比,其实测值、实测值占预计值%的下降及异常率的升高,多具有显著性差别。  相似文献   

刘玉山 《职业与健康》2005,21(2):209-209
目的 探讨接尘不吸烟工人呼吸系统的损害。方法 对水泥厂122名接尘不吸烟工人及对照组进行呼吸系统询问调查和肺功能测定。结果 接尘组工人呼吸症状阳性率明显高于对照组,肺功能明显下降,FVC、FEV1、FEF25-75、明显下降,差异均有显著性。结论 水泥粉尘作业工人呼吸系统和肺功能损害是严重的,应采取防护措施。  相似文献   

为探讨酚醛树脂粉尘对工人健康的影响,对79名酚醛树脂作业工人进行了健康检查及肺通气功能测定。结果表明,酚醛树脂粉尘对作业工人的主要危害表现为上呼吸道症状发生率增加,接触组肺通气功能显著低于对照组,表现为肺部的小气道及大气道功能改变。提示,长期接触酚醛树脂粉尘损害工人呼吸系统健康,对肺功能损害属于阻塞性通气功能障碍,肺通气功能测定不失为酚醛树脂作业工人健康监护的理想指标。  相似文献   

37例不吸烟水泥接尘工人呼吸系统损害分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对甘孜州水泥厂37名单纯接触水泥成品、无吸烟史的工人进行体检和肺通气功能测试。结果表明,接尘工人咳嗽、咯痰、胸痛、呼吸困难、鼻喉干燥、慢性支气管炎阳性率高于对照组,差异有显著性。肺功能指标中,除FVC外,VC、FEV1.0、PEFR、MMEF、MVV均低于对照组并有显著性差异。各测试项目实测值均低于预计值,差异有显著性。测试项目异常率与对照组比较,VC、FEV1.0、PEFR、MMEF、MVV有显  相似文献   

烧结尘与吸烟对工人呼吸系统症状及肺通气功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
烧结尘是钢铁企业中危害作业工人健康的主要粉尘之一。为了解烧结尘与吸烟对职工健康影响的联合作用 ,我们进行了本次调查。一、对象与方法1 对象 :以某钢铁集团公司烧结厂接触粉尘 2年以上的384名男性职工为接尘组 ,年龄 2 1~ 5 5岁 ,其中 2 0 6人吸烟 ,吸烟率 5 3.6 %。以同等劳动强度、不接触粉尘的轧钢厂男性职工 2 6 7名为对照组 ,年龄 2 1~ 5 2岁 ,其中 147人吸烟 ,吸烟率 5 5 .1%。接尘组与对照组吸烟与不吸烟者的一般情况比较 ,差异均无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,见表 1。受检工人既往无器质性心肺疾病史 ,检查时无急性呼吸道感染。…  相似文献   

目的 调查分析烟草粉尘对接尘工人过敏性呼吸系统损害及其可能致病因素。方法 对某卷烟厂进行劳动卫生学调查和真菌污染状况调查,同时对130名接尘工人和112名对照工人进行呼吸系统症状询问调查、胸部X线检查、肺通气功能测定及黑根霉特异性IgE抗体水平的测定、黑根霉抗原皮肤点刺试验和鼻粘膜抗原激发试验。结果 卷烟厂各车间粉尘浓度超过国家标准,各个车间检测出8个种属的霉菌,其含量明显高于对照现场,其中主要为黑根霉和姻曲霉。接尘工人咳嗽、咯痰、胸闷、气短、鼻塞、流鼻涕等症状阳性率明显高于对照工人,肺通气功能指标异常率明显高于对照工人,并且11.4%的男性工人和11.7%的女性工人检出有过敏性鼻炎,4名男性工人(5.7%)X线检查发现肺部有点状阴影。黑根霉特异性IgE抗体试验阳性率高达31.2%,皮肤点刺试验阳性率达11.5%,鼻粘膜抗原激发试验阳性率为4.6%。结论 烟草作业现场中存在的霉菌和粉尘与接尘工人呼吸系统损害有关,真菌污染是导致接尘工人过敏性呼吸系统损害的原因之一。  相似文献   

本文对沈阳某重型机器厂铸钢车间259名接尘工人与74名调离铸钢粉尘作业工人进行了肺功能与呼吸系统症状的配对分析。结果表明:无论是接尘人工,还是调离粉尘作业工人,其FVC、FEV、FEF25-75%、V75、V50等肺功能指标的实测值均较对照组明显降低,肺功能异常人数以及呼吸系统症状阳性人数与慢性支气管炎的患病人数则较对照组显著升高。  相似文献   

对220名柞蚕丝生产加工工人及332名不接触尘毒的对照工人进行了呼吸系统症状的询问调查及肺功能检测。并对经常有呼吸系统症状者进行了胸部正位X线检查,对各加工工序进行了空气真菌学调查。结果表明:柞蚕丝生产加工工人的呼吸系统症状阳性率和肺功能各项指标的异常率与相应的对照组相比显著提高。X线胸片有炎症状影者5人,经常发热的工人15人,且均工作于前纺和后纺工序。各工序空气中的真菌个数较对照现场明显增高,波  相似文献   

Exposure to flour dust may induce chronic respiratory manifestations as well as acute ventilatory effects. We compared the prevalence of respiratory symptoms, ventilatory impairment, and variations in pulmonary function over the workshift in a group of mill workers exposed to wheat flour and in referent workers. One hundred and forty-two men exposed to flour in a mill and 37 referent workers were included in this study. Each subject completed a standardized questionnaire. Pulmonary function tests were performed before and after the workshift. The assessment of environmental exposure to flour showed high concentrations during some jobs with a high percentage of inhalable particles and a low concentration of respirable particles. The exposed workers had a significantly higher prevalence of usual cough and usual phlegm than the referents. The prevalence of asthma, based on the questionnaire, was similar. Before the workshift, the exposed workers had significantly lower mean lung function values for peak flow rate and forced expiratory flow rate at 75% of the vital capacity than the referents. After the workshift, all the lung function values showed a slight decrease, significant for forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume during 1 s in both groups. Among the exposed workers, the asthmatic subjects had a significantly higher decrease across the shift than the nonasthmatic workers. This result is probably linked to bronchial hyperreactivity. Among nonasthmatic subjects, the decrease was larger in nonexposed workers than in exposed workers. A higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms and lower pulmonary function values were observed among mill workers by comparison with referents. Moreover, the data suggest that asthmatic status and the time of spirometric measurements need to be taken into account in epidemiological studies on exposure to airborne allergens. In addition, the study does not exclude a healthy worker effect with selection of dust-resistant subjects or better identification of asthmatic subjects among the workers exposed to an allergenic substance than among the nonexposed workers.  相似文献   

Deaths and tumors among workers grinding stainless steel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined a cohort of 1,164 males who, during the period 1927-1981, had been employed for 3 months or more in an industry that produced objects from stainless steel. These workers were exposed to the dust of grinding materials, grinding agents, and stainless steel. From 1975 to 1980, measurements of the total dust in the workroom air have shown levels of about one mg/m3 (consisting of chromium at about 0.1 mg/m3 and nickel at about 0.05 mg/m3) during grinding and several mg/m3 (chromium at about 0.01 mg/m3 and nickel at about 0.005 mg/m3) during polishing. Before 1950, the concentrations were probably considerably higher. Compared to a local reference population, a decrease in mortality (63 observed deaths, standardized mortality (SMR) = 0.79, 95% confidence limits CL = 0.61, 1.01) took place during the 1951-1983 observation period among 318 subjects who had been employed for at least five years, allowing a latency period of at least 20 years. Mortality from cancer of the colon/rectum increased (observed deaths = 6, SMR = 2.47, CL = 0.97, 5.58). The mortality from nonmalignant pulmonary disease did not increase (SMR = 0.29, CL = 0.01, 1.81). During the observation period (1958-1983), there was no significant overall excess of tumors (observed cases = 33, standardized morbidity [SMR] = 1.09, CL = 0.76, 1.54). However, tumor morbidity of the colon/rectum (observed 11, SMR = 2.83, CL = 1.47, 5.19) significantly increased. There were no cases of respiratory cancer (expected 4.7, CL = 0, 0.21). Thus, the results indicate an increased risk of intestinal cancer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We report results of two pilot studies of the relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and work tasks in sheet metal workers. These two studies were undertaken as pilot investigations to determine if symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or other work-related musculoskeletal symptoms are present in sheet metal workers, and to determine if we could begin to identify the factors in sheet metal work that cause them. In the first study, telephone interviews were conducted with 18 disabled sheet metal workers; the second survey entailed self-administered questionnaires completed by 47 active and retired sheet metal workers. Among the disabled workers, rotator cuff cases reported the greatest percent of time spent hanging duct, an overhead task commonly carried out during field work. Carpal tunnel cases reported more hand tool use than the rotator cuff cases. The questionnaire survey of active and retired workers found the proportion of time spent in a sheet metal shop (contrasted with field work) to be positively associated with hand symptoms; sheet metal workers who spent at least 65% of their time in the shop had an odds ratio of 3.4 for symptomatic hand cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) (p = 0.12). The proportion of time spent hanging duct was positively associated with both neck and shoulder symptoms, with odds ratios of 7.9 (p = 0.08) and 2.7 (p = 0.16), respectively. The results show that symptoms of neck, arm, and hand pain are common in sheet metal workers who are actively working, that carpal tunnel syndrome or hand pain is positively associated with more time spent working in the shop, and that shoulder pain or shoulder injuries is associated with work overhead (hanging duct). Ergonomic risks and cumulative trauma disorders have not been well characterized in the construction industry; these data strongly suggest that a subset of work tasks in construction increase the risk of cumulative trauma disorders.  相似文献   

In 1940, the first report appeared describing a pulmonary disorder associated with occupational exposures in the cemented tungsten carbide industry. The disease, known as "hard metal disease," has subsequently been characterised in detail and comprises a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms. In this report, clinical findings in a group of 41 hard metal workers employed until recently are described. A high prevalence of respiratory symptoms was found. Thirteen workers (31%) had abnormal chest radiographs indicative of interstitial lung disease. Fifty per cent of these had been employed in hard metal manufacturing for less than 10 years. Abnormalities of pulmonary function were also frequent and included a restrictive pattern of impairment and decrease in diffusing capacity (27%). Associations were found between diffusing capacity, chest radiographic abnormalities and right ventricular ejection fraction at exercise indicating cardiopulmonary effects. The findings show the continuous need to control excessive occupational exposures to prevent hard metal disease, the history of which now enters its sixth decade.  相似文献   

In 1940, the first report appeared describing a pulmonary disorder associated with occupational exposures in the cemented tungsten carbide industry. The disease, known as "hard metal disease," has subsequently been characterised in detail and comprises a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms. In this report, clinical findings in a group of 41 hard metal workers employed until recently are described. A high prevalence of respiratory symptoms was found. Thirteen workers (31%) had abnormal chest radiographs indicative of interstitial lung disease. Fifty per cent of these had been employed in hard metal manufacturing for less than 10 years. Abnormalities of pulmonary function were also frequent and included a restrictive pattern of impairment and decrease in diffusing capacity (27%). Associations were found between diffusing capacity, chest radiographic abnormalities and right ventricular ejection fraction at exercise indicating cardiopulmonary effects. The findings show the continuous need to control excessive occupational exposures to prevent hard metal disease, the history of which now enters its sixth decade.  相似文献   

The ventilatory function of 634 workers in small scale metal working industries was evaluated. Almost five percent (4.7%) of the workers were found to have FEV1.0/FVC ratio of less than 75%. Compared with the lung function of industrial workers reported by Zee, 10.9% were found to have low ventilatory function. Comparison of the ventilatory function obtained from the metal workers with those of occupational groups previously reported shows that the metal workers have lower FVC and FEV1.0 values. Mid and end expiratory flow rates were also measured. These measures have been shown to be very sensitive in detecting obstructions in small airways. It is recommended that future studies should be carried out to obtain ventilatory functions for the normal population. The values reported here of FEV25%-75% and FEF75%-85% would be useful for future investigations in forced expiratory flow rates.  相似文献   

金属加工作业的工效学负荷与肌肉骨骼疾患的关系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 了解金属加工行业的肌肉骨骼疾患情况 ,分析其危险因素 ,初步探讨提举系数(LI)在中国应用的有效性和实用性。方法 选择 6 9名从事手工操作的金属加工工人作为提举作业组 (JobA) ,另选同一企业机械化程度较高的 5 1名工人作为对照组 (JobB)。采用问卷调查、Ovako劳动姿势分析系统 (OvakoWorkingPostureAnalysingSystem ,OWAS)、提举参数测量及日提举负荷量计算等方法分析负荷与下背痛的关系。结果 JobA组的下背痛患病率明显高于JobB组 ,在过去 12个月内 ,下背痛持续 2 4h以上的分别为 6 3.77%、37.2 5 % ,持续 1周以上的分别为 2 6 .0 9%、5 .88% ;JobA组的背部姿势异常率 (6 6 % )高于JobB组 (6 3% ) ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。JobA的提举指数为 2 .4 ,高于 1.0的限值 (JobB为 0
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