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Paired associative stimulation (PAS) of the motor cortex leads to increased motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitudes in the stimulated hand muscles. We hypothesized that evoking GABA(A) receptor-mediated short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) simultaneously with excitatory PAS would depress long-term potentiation plasticity in motor cortex. Four different PAS paradigms were tested, standard PAS (PAS25) and three conditioned PAS protocols (CS2-PAS25, CS2-PAS25adj, and CS10-PAS25adj). A subthreshold conditioning stimulus 2 ms (CS2) or 10 ms (CS10) before the test stimuli was added to the conditioned PAS protocols. Since CS2 has inhibitory and CS10 has facilitatory effect on cortical excitability, in the CS2-PAS25adj and CS10-PAS25adj protocols, TS intensity was adjusted to produce a 1-mV MEP in the presence of CS2 or CS10 to control for the degree of corticospinal excitation. As expected, MEP amplitudes after PAS25 were higher compared with that at baseline, but importantly, MEP amplitudes did not change after PAS was induced in the presence of SICI in either the CS2-PAS25 or CS2-PAS25adj condition. Furthermore, the CS10-PAS25adj protocol showed significantly increased MEP amplitude at 60 min after PAS compared with baseline. These results show that SICI blocked the induction of long-term potentiation-like plasticity in the motor cortex, indicating that GABAergic circuits play an important role in the regulation of cortical plasticity. The study demonstrates a noninvasive and nonpharmacological way to achieve focal modulation of plasticity.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular administration of N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG), an agonist at group II metabotropic and NR1/NR2D-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic glutamate receptors, increased the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to serum albumin in the striatum, but produced no similar effects in the entorhinal cortex or in the hippocampal formation. Electron microscopy showed that NAAG, but not its hydrolytic products L-glutamate and N-acetyl-L-aspartate, increased the number of transport vesicles in the hippocampal endothelial cells. Furthermore, immunocytochemistry detected NR2D subunits on hippocampal capillaries. Consequently, NAAG may have influenced the vesicular transport via NMDA receptors. There was, however, no correlation with the regional pattern of BBB changes (increased permeability in the striatum) that, in turn, could not be directly related to the NAAG-induced neurodegeneration described previously in the hippocampus where no significant changes in BBB permeability were detected.  相似文献   

Changes in the strength of corticospinal projections to muscles in the upper and lower limbs are induced in conscious humans after paired associative stimulation (PAS) to the motor cortex. We tested whether an intervention of PAS consisting of 90 low-frequency (0.1-Hz) stimuli to the common peroneal nerve combined with suprathreshold transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) produces specific changes to the motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in lower leg muscles if the afferent volley from peripheral stimulation is timed to arrive at the motor cortex after TMS-induced firing of corticospinal neurons. Unlike PAS in the hand, MEP facilitation in the leg was produced when sensory inputs were estimated to arrive at the motor cortex over a range of 15 to 90 ms after cortical stimulation. We examined whether this broad range of facilitation occurred as a result of prolonged subthreshold excitability of the motor cortex after a single pulse of suprathreshold TMS so that coincident excitation from sensory inputs arriving many milliseconds after TMS can occur. We found that significant facilitation of MEP responses (>200%) occurred when the motor cortex was conditioned with suprathreshold TMS tens of milliseconds earlier. Likewise, it was possible to induce strong MEP facilitation (85% at 60 min) when afferent inputs were directly paired with subthreshold TMS. We argue that in the leg motor cortex, facilitation of MEP responses from PAS occurred over a large range of interstimulus intervals as a result of the paired activation of sensory inputs with sustained, subthreshold activity of cortical neurons that follow a pulse of suprathreshold TMS.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of sensory stimulation, with and without post-ingestive consequences, on satiation by varying the form of a preload and the timing of a mixed meal presented after the preload. Twenty-four, normal-weight, non-dieting, college-aged women were randomized to different preload groups: water preload (Water), sip-and-spit energy-dense preload (Taste), or energy-dense preload (Taste/kcal). Volume of fluid consumed prior to the meal was controlled. All participants had sessions in which a meal was provided immediately (0 min) or 30 min after the preload. Results showed equal suppression of intake for participants receiving sensory stimulation from an energy-dense preload (Taste and Taste/kcal groups) in comparison to a water preload (Water group). No effect of time from preload to food consumption was found; the suppression of intake was similar whether the meal immediately followed the preload or was 30 min after the preload. These findings suggest that sensory aspects of food can influence satiation, and in the conditions of this study, had a larger influence on satiation than post-ingestive consequences.  相似文献   

Manipulation of afferent input is capable of inducing reorganisation of the motor cortex. For example, following 1 h of paired electrical stimulation to the motor point of two hand muscles (associative stimulation) the excitability of the corticospinal projection to the stimulated muscles is increased. Here we investigated the mechanisms responsible for such change using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Cortical excitability changes were investigated by measuring motor evoked potentials (MEPs), intracortical inhibition (ICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF), and short-interval intracortical facilitation (SICF). Following 1 h of associative stimulation MEP amplitudes in the stimulated muscles significantly increased. Additionally, there was a significant increase in ICF and of SICF at interstimulus intervals in the range of 2.3–3.3 ms. There was no significant change in ICI. These findings confirm previous observations that a 1-h period of associative stimulation can increase the excitability of the cortical projection to stimulated muscles. Additionally, these results suggest that the observed modifications of excitability are due to changes in intracortical excitatory circuits.  相似文献   

The rat hypothalamus was mapped for the purpose of identifying regions at which electrical stimulation caused the feeding behavior of a hungry animal to be inhibited. At each inhibitory site a determination was also made of the minimal stimulation current necessary for the inhibition of feeding. The results indicated that the inhibitory sites with the lowest current thresholds tended to form a discrete cluster in the lateral part of the ventromedial nucleus and the adjacent neuropil bordering it ventrolaterally. A few low thresholds were also found in the anterior hypothalamic area. The higher thresholds formed an orderly ascending gradient radiating away from the ventromedial nucleus and its ventrolaterally situated anatomical projections. In areas related to ascending monoamine pathways, including the lateral hypothalamus, preoptic region, and arcuate nucleus, as well as in the mammillary bodies, stimulation usually failed to suppress feeding behavior. Implications bearing on neuroregulatory models of feeding behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Aplysia consummatory feeding behavior, a rhythmic cycling of biting, swallowing, and rejection movements, is often said to be stereotyped. Yet closer examination shows that cycles of the behavior are very variable. Here we have quantified and analyzed the variability at several complementary levels in the neuromuscular system. In reduced preparations, we recorded the motor programs produced by the central pattern generator, firing of the motor neurons B15 and B16, and contractions of the accessory radula closer (ARC) muscle while repetitive programs were elicited by stimulation of the esophageal nerve. In other similar experiments, we recorded firing of motor neuron B48 and contractions of the radula opener muscle. In intact animals, we implanted electrodes to record nerve or ARC muscle activity while the animals swallowed controlled strips of seaweed or fed freely. In all cases, we found large variability in all parameters examined. Some of this variability reflected systematic, slow, history-dependent changes in the character of the central motor programs. Even when these trends were factored out, however, by focusing only on the differences between successive cycles, considerable variability remained. This variability was apparently random. Nevertheless, it too was the product of central history dependency because regularizing merely the high-level timing of the programs also regularized many of the downstream neuromuscular parameters. Central motor program variability thus appears directly in the behavior. With regard to the production of functional behavior in any one cycle, the large variability may indicate broad tolerances in the operation of the neuromuscular system. Alternatively, some cycles of the behavior may be dysfunctional. Overall, the variability may be part of an optimal strategy of trial, error, and stabilization that the CNS adopts in an uncertain environment.  相似文献   

The performance of pigeons with hippocampal lesions was compared with that of unoperated and neostriatal-lesioned control Ss in 3 experiments. In Experiment 1, hippocampal-lesioned birds were retarded in the acquisition and the maintenance levels of autoshaped responding. However, the deficit was attenuated following the addition of a response contingency to the autoshaping schedule. In Experiment 2, the hippocampal-lesioned birds showed impaired performance on a differential reinforcement of low rates of responding schedule. From the high levels of responding in Experiment 2, underresponding was observed in hippocampal-lesioned birds relative to control Ss on return to the autoshaping schedule in Experiment 3. Results are interpreted in terms of impaired classical conditioning in hippocampal-lesioned birds.  相似文献   

It is suggested that schizophrenic thinking can be explained as a lowering of levels of significance for acceptance of conclusions based on inductive logic. The formal similarity between inductive logic and operant, or classical conditioning is pointed out. It is thus possible to explain the therapeutic effects of neuroleptic drugs by referring to the effect of these, and related drugs, and of lesions of ascending dopamine pathways, on acquisition of conditioned responses. It is tentatively suggested that recognition of association of related features of the environment, whether in humans or animals occurs in the basal ganglia by a dopamine dependent process. A role is suggested for neocortical noradrenaline in consolidation of newly acquired associations. Implications and tests of this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Tonic stimuli can elicit rhythmic responses. The neural circuit underlying Aplysia californica consummatory feeding was used to examine how a maintained stimulus elicits repetitive, rhythmic movements. The command-like cerebral-buccal interneuron 2 (CBI-2) is excited by tonic food stimuli but initiates rhythmic consummatory responses by exciting only protraction-phase neurons, which then excite retraction-phase neurons after a delay. CBI-2 is inhibited during retraction, generally preventing it from exciting protraction-phase neurons during retraction. We have found that depolarizing CBI-2 during retraction overcomes the inhibition and causes CBI-2 to fire, potentially leading CBI-2 to excite protraction-phase neurons during retraction. However, CBI-2 synaptic outputs to protraction-phase neurons were blocked during retraction, thereby preventing excitation during retraction. The block was caused by presynaptic inhibition of CBI-2 by a key buccal ganglion retraction-phase interneuron, B64, which also causes postsynaptic inhibition of protraction-phase neurons. Pre- and postsynaptic inhibition could be separated. First, only presynaptic inhibition affected facilitation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) from CBI-2 to its followers. Second, a newly identified neuron, B54, produced postsynaptic inhibition similar to that of B64 but did not cause presynaptic inhibition. Third, in some target neurons B64 produced only presynaptic but not postsynaptic inhibition. Blocking CBI-2 transmitter release in the buccal ganglia during retraction functions to prevent CBI-2 from driving protraction-phase neurons during retraction and regulates the facilitation of the CBI-2 induced EPSPs in protraction-phase neurons.  相似文献   

The present experiment is similar to Bower's (1970) study on imagery as a relational organizer in paired-associate (PA) learning with normals. Three groups of 20 schizophrenic patients learned three different lists of 30 word-word paired-associates, which used either interactive imagery, separation imagery, or rote repetition encoding. Ss were tested on stimulus recognition and paired-associate recall, given recognition. Differences in stimulus recognition and paired-associate recall were not significant across the three encoding methods. Results suggest that schizophrenics are unable to benefit from imaginal cues to facilitate learning in a manner similar to normals. These results are interpreted as providing additional support for the notion that the schizophrenics' cognitive deficit is associated with the relational organizing process of learning.  相似文献   

Paired associative stimulation (PAS), in which peripheral nerve stimuli are followed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex, may produce a long lasting change in cortical excitability. At an interstimulus interval slightly shorter than the time needed for the afferent inputs to reach cerebral cortex (10 ms), motor cortex excitability decreases. Indirect data support the hypothesis that PAS at this interval (PAS10) involves LTD like-changes in cortical synapses. The aim of present paper was to investigate more directly PAS10 effects. We recorded corticospinal descending volleys evoked by single pulse TMS before and after PAS10 in two conscious subjects who had a high cervical epidural electrode implanted for pain control. These synchronous volleys provide a measure of cortical synaptic activity. PAS10 significantly reduced the amplitude of later descending waves while the earliest descending wave was not modified. Present results confirm the cortical origin of the effect of PAS10.  相似文献   

Primates have the remarkable ability to rapidly adjust or modify associations between visual cues and specific motor responses. Whereas little is known as to how such adjustments in behavioral policy are implemented, recent learning models suggest that the anterior striatum is optimally positioned to have a role in this process. We recorded from single units and delivered microstimulation in the striatum of rhesus monkeys performing an associative learning task. Caudate activity during reinforcement was closely correlated with the rate of learning and peaked during the steepest portion of the learning curve when new associations were being acquired. Moreover, delivering microstimulation in the caudate during the reinforcement period significantly increased the rate of learning without altering the monkeys' ultimate performance. These findings suggest that the caudate is responsible for implementing selective adjustments to the 'associative weights' between sensory cues and motor responses during learning, thus enhancing the likelihood of selecting profitable actions.  相似文献   

During rhythmic behaviors, sensori-motor transmission is often regulated so that there are phasic changes in afferent input to follower neurons. We study this type of regulation in the feeding circuit of Aplysia. We characterize effects of the B4/5 interneurons on transmission from the mechanoafferent B21 to the radula closer motor neuron B8. In quiescent preparations, B4/5-induced postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) can block spike propagation in the lateral process of B21 and inhibit afferent transmission. B4/5 are, however, active during the retraction phase of motor programs, i.e., when mechanoafferent transmission to B8 presumably occurs. To determine whether mechanoafferent transmission is necessarily inhibited when B4/5 are active, we characterize the B4/5 firing frequency during retraction and show that, for the most part, it is low (below 15 Hz). There is, therefore, a low probability that spike propagation will be inhibited. The relative ineffectiveness of low frequency activity is not simply a consequence of insufficient PSP magnitude, because a single PSP can block spike propagation. Instead, it is related to the fact that PSPs have a short duration. When B4/5 fire at a low frequency, there is therefore a low probability that afferent transmission in the lateral process of B21 can be inhibited. In conclusion, we demonstrate that afferent transmission will not always be affected when a neuron that exerts inhibitory effects is active. Although a cell may be ineffective when it fires at a low frequency, ineffectiveness is not necessarily a consequence of spike frequency per se. Instead it may be due to spike timing.  相似文献   

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