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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of social desirability trait, the tendency to respond in a manner consistent with societal expectations, on self-reported fruit, vegetable, and macronutrient intake. METHODS: A 61-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), 7-item fruit and vegetable screener, and a single question on combined fruit and vegetable intake were completed by 132 female employees at five health centers in eastern Massachusetts. Intake of fruit and vegetables derived from all three methods and macronutrients from the FFQ were fit as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models (overall and by race/ethnicity and education); independent variables included 3-day mean intakes derived from 24-hour recalls (24HR) and score on the 33-point Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale (the regression coefficient for which reflects its effect on estimates of dietary intake based on the comparison method relative to 24HR). RESULTS: Results are based on the 93 women with complete data and FFQ-derived caloric intake between 450 and 4500 kcal/day. In women with college education, FFQ-derived estimates of total caloric were associated with under-reporting by social desirability trait (e.g., the regression coefficient for total caloric intake was -23.6 kcal/day/point in that group versus 36.1 kcal/day/point in women with education less than college) (difference = 59.7 kcal/day/point, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 13.2, 106.2). Except for the single question on which women with college education tended to under-report (difference =.103 servings/day/point, 95% CI = 0.003, 0.203), there was no association of social desirability trait with self-reported fruit and vegetable intake. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of social desirability trait on FFQ reports of macronutrient intake appeared to differ by education, but not by ethnicity or race. The results of this study may have important implications for epidemiologic studies of diet and health in women.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Fragestellung: Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird zum einen untersucht, inwieweit der Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Ungleichheit und Gesundheit im h?heren Lebensalter durch soziale Beziehungen im Sinne einer statusspezifischen Exposition vermittelt wird. Zum anderen wird analysiert, inwieweit sich unterschiedlich starke Zusammenh?nge zwischen sozialen Beziehungen und Gesundheit in unterschiedlichen Statusgruppen im Sinne einer statusspezifischen Vulnerabilit?t ergeben. Methoden: Datengrundlage ist eine bundesweite telefonische Befragung von 682 in Privathaushalten lebenden alten Menschen (60 Jahre und ?lter). Als Indikatoren für den sozialen Status werden Bildungsabschluss, Pro-Kopf-Einkommen und Berufsprestige herangezogen. Als Merkmale sozialer Beziehungen gehen zwei Indikatoren für soziale Kontakte (Freunde und Verwandte) sowie die wahrgenommene Verfügbarkeit, die Inanspruchnahme und die Ad?quatheit von emotionaler Unterstützung in die Analysen ein. Die Selbsteinsch?tzung der Gesundheit, eine Depressionsskala (CES-D) und eine Skala zur Abbildung funktionaler Einschr?nkungen dienen als Gesundheitsindikatoren. Ergebnisse: Aus den multiplen logistischen Regressionsanalysen geht hervor, dass die vermittelnden Effekte von sozialen Beziehungen im Hinblick auf den sozialen Gradienten der Gesundheit (subjektive Gesundheit, Depressivit?t und funktionale Einschr?nkungen) im h?heren Lebensalter insgesamt eher gering sind. Im Hinblick auf die differierende St?rke des Zusammenhanges zwischen sozialen Beziehungen und Gesundheit in unterschiedlichen Statusgruppen ergibt sich ein inkonsistentes Bild. Schlussfolgerungen: Durch die Analysen l?sst sich weder die Annahme stützen, dass der soziale Gradient der Gesundheit im Alter durch soziale Beziehungen erkl?rt werden kann; noch finden sich eindeutige Hinweise darauf, dass die gesundheitssch?digenden Wirkungen unzureichender sozialer Beziehungen in unteren sozialen Schichten st?rker sind.
Summary. The importance of social relationships for the association between social inequality and health among the aged Objectives: To analyse whether the association between social inequality and health among the aged is mediated through social relationships (differential exposure hypothesis). Moreover, it is examined whether the association between social relationships and health is stronger in lower socio-economic groups (differential vulnerability hypothesis). Methods: The analyses are based on a telephone survey of 682 older people (≥ 60 years) living in a private household in Germany. Education, income and occupational status are utilised as indicators of the socio-economic status. Quantitative (social contacts) as well as qualitative indicators (emotional support) of social relationships are used. Respondents were asked how often they meet their friends and relatives. Emotional support was measured by an instrument assessing the availability of a confidant and the perceived adequacy of the emotional support received. Self-rated health, depression (CES-D) and functional limitations are introduced as health indicators. Results: Multiple logistic regression analyses show that the mediating effect of social relationships on the association between socio-economic status and health (self-rated health, depression and functional limitations) among the aged is weak. Results concerning the differential health impact of social relationships in different socio-economic groups are inconsistent. Discussion: Results do not support the differential exposure hypothesis saying that social inequalities in health can be explained by social relationships. Results do not support the differential vulnerability hypothesis either as there is no evidence for a stronger association between social relationships and health in lower socio-economic groups.

Résumé. Le r?le des relations sociales dans le lien entre inégalités sociales et inégalités de santé chez les personnes agées Objectif: Examiner de quelle manière les relations sociales influencent le lien entre inégalités sociales et inégalités de santé chez les personnes agées (differential exposure hypothesis). Vérifier si l’association entre les relations sociales et la santé est plus forte dans des groupes ayant un statut socioéconomique bas (differential vulnerability hypothesis). Méthodes: Une enquête téléphonique a été menée auprès de 682 personnes de 60 ans et plus vivant à domicile en Allemagne. Les indicateurs du statut socioéconomique sont la formation, le salaire et le statut professionnel. En ce qui concerne les relations sociales, des indicateurs quantitatifs (contacts sociaux) et qualitatifs (support émotionnel) sont utilisés, par exemple la fréquence des contacts avec des amis et la famille, la disponibilité de l’entourage et la qualité du soutien émotionnel. Les indicateurs de santé sont le niveau de dépression (CES-D), les limitations fonctionnelles et la santé auto-évaluée. Résultats: Les relations sociales chez les personnes agées n’interviennent que dans l’association entre statut socioéconomique et santé (santé auto-estimée, dépression et limitations fonctionnelles). Les résultats concernant les différences d’association entre relations sociales et santé dans des groupes de statuts socio-économiques différents sont incohérents. Conclusions: Les résultats obtenus ne confirment ni l’hypothèse expliquant les inégalités de santé par le niveau de relations sociales, ni celle postulant que les effets négatifs pour la santé de relations sociales insuffisantes sont plus importants dans les couches sociales les plus défavorisées.


The role of health-related behaviors in the association between age and health literacy has not been well-elucidated. The present cross-sectional study evaluated the interactions between age and health-related behaviors in 942 women in Taiwan between February and October 2013. Women aged 18–78 years were randomly sampled and recruited from the national administrative system. Self-reported health literacy was measured by the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47) in Mandarin, asking about sociodemographics and essential health-related behaviors (watching health-related television, community involvement). The interviews were conducted confidentially by well-trained interviewers after having participants’ consent. In multiple linear regression models adjusted for education attainment, self-perceived social status, ability to pay for medication, and health-related behaviors, health literacy was significantly negatively related to age (unstandardized regression coefficient, B = ?0.04; 95% confidence interval [CI] = (?0.07; 0.00); p = .03). The lower health literacy among older women was significantly modified by watching health-related television programs (from “rarely/not-at-all”, B = ?0.08 (?0.12, ?0.04), p < .001 to “often”; B = 0.10 (0.07, 0.12); p < .001) and community involvement (from “rarely/not-at-all”, B = ?0.06 (?0.10, ?0.03); p = .001 to “often”, B = 0.06 (0.03, 0.08); p < .001). Specific health behaviors were protective of older women’s health literacy and likely their health.  相似文献   

目的探讨工作场所社会资本与流动人口吸烟和自评健康的关系,为工作场所健康促进提供依据。方法采用多阶段抽样的方法,于2012年7月—2013年1月在上海市77家工作场所通过问卷调查流动人口的人口学特征、吸烟、问题饮酒、自评健康和工作场所社会资本等指标。运用多水平Logistic回归分析探讨个体工作场所社会资本和群组工作场所社会资本与吸烟和自评健康的关系。结果研究对象的吸烟率为25.2%。多水平分析结果显示:控制社会人口学特征后,以个体工作场所社会资本位于第4四分位数的研究对象作为参考,位于第3四分位数、第2四分位数和第1四分位数的研究对象吸烟的OR值分别为:1.15(95%CI:1.02-1.41),1.24(95%CI:1.13-1.57),1.51(95%CI:1.20-1.89)。22.3%的研究对象自评健康状况不佳。多水平分析结果显示:控制社会人口学特征后,以个体工作场所社会资本位于第4四分位数的研究对象作为参考,位于第3四分位数、第2四分位数和第1四分位数的研究对象自评健康自评不佳的OR值分别为:1.49(95%CI:1.21-1.83),2.85(95%CI:2.30-3.54),3.03(95%CI:2.43-3.76)。群体工作场所社会资本与吸烟和自评健康均无关联。结论个体工作场所社会资本是流动人口吸烟和自评健康的影响因素,在工作场所重建社会资本可以促进流动人口的健康水平。  相似文献   

姬玉  罗炯 《中国学校卫生》2017,38(6):835-839
探讨中国西南地区青少年社会资本与其健康行为间的关系,为推进学校健康促进工作提供参考.方法 在重庆市主城区及周边区县学校,根据年级及学校地理位置,采用分层随机抽样,共抽10所学校1 885名学生,采用“社会资本量表”和“健康行为量表”收集资料,并对获得的数据运用探索性及典型相关分析方法进行处理.结果 青少年的社会资本越多,则越能养成良好的健康行为(第1典型相关系数R=0.78,P<0.05),表现为家庭氛围越好、亲子关系越好、手足互动越好、亲友互动越好、社区参与越多、代间沟通越多、亲师关系越好、同伴关系越好、师生关系越好、社团参与越多的青少年,其健康行为越好(负荷量分别为-0.705,-0.687,-0.567,-0.705,-0.536,-0.521,-0.542,-0.711,-0.612,-0.688);社区参与越多、亲师关系越好、同伴关系越差、社团参与越多的青少年(负荷量分别为0.475,0.411,-0.504,0.426),则越能落实营养行为、健康责任行为及运动行为(第2典型相关系数R=0.45,P<0.05);家庭氛围越好、亲子关系越好、同伴关系越差、社团参与越少(负荷量分别为0.547,0.431,-0.415,-0.362),则越能履行营养行为(第3典型相关系数R=0.31,P<0.05).结论 青少年的社会资本与健康行为密切相关,家庭内、外社会资本及学校社会资本对其健康行为养成具有正向效应.  相似文献   

健康危险行为对武警军官自评健康状况影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
纪宇  李浴峰 《中国公共卫生》2008,24(11):1385-1387
目的 探讨吸烟、饮酒等健康危险行为对武警军官自我评价健康状况的影响。方法 采用横断面调查的方式,对2068名武警军官进行健康危险行为调查,分析具有不同健康危险行为军官的自评健康状况的差异。结果 自评健康为很好、好、一般、差的军官分别占调查人群的28.2%,43.1%,25.3%,3.4%。年龄、职别、文化程度、婚姻状况等影响军官的自评健康状况,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。在9类健康危险行为中,重度饮酒、体重异常、体力活动缺乏、睡眠不足和心理压力过大等5个危险因素明显降低军官的自评健康状况(P<0.01)。多分类Lo-gistic回归分析表明,具有1,2,3个和3个以上健康危险行为者的自评健康状况为差的风险分别是无危险行为者的1.12,1.25,1.32,1.39倍(P<0.01)。结论 特定危险因素和军官自评健康状况显著相关,且危险因素的聚集可明显降低军官的自评健康。  相似文献   

Although several studies have been undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of health screening in causing changes in health-related behavior, there are few findings with respect to the efficacy of annually repeated health screening.Using cross-sectional data drawn from a population consisting of white-collar workers in Osaka, Japan, the relation between the results of annually repeated health screening and individual health behavior was examined.Several diseases were related to diet and alcohol consumption, but not to physical exercise habits. High γ-GTP or alcoholic liver damage and hypertension were related to moderate alcohol consumption (p<0.001 and 0.05). A high cholesterol level was related to a nutritionally balanced diet (p<0.05). However, there were no diseases related to increased physical exercise.Findings in the present study, in combination with the literature indicate the possibility that annually repeated health screening intervention has been effective in promoting positive lifestyle changes in diet and alcohol consumption among participants. However, to conclusively evaluate the effucacy of the annually repeated health screening, further study is necessary.  相似文献   



This study aims to resolve two limitations of previous studies. First, as only a few studies examining social capital have been conducted in non-western countries, it is inconclusive that the concept, which has been developed in Western societies, applies similarly to an Asian context. Second, this study considers social capital at the individual-level, area-level and cross-levels of interaction and examines its associations with health while simultaneously controlling for various confounders at both the individual-level and area-level, whereas previous studies only considered one of the two levels. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the associations between social capital and health by using multilevel analysis after controlling for various confounders both at the individual and area-levels (i.e., concentrated disadvantage) in non-western countries.  相似文献   

Research on social capital and health has assumed that measures of trust, participation, and perceived cohesion capture aspects of people's neighborhood social connections. This study uses data on the personal networks of 2707 Montreal adults in 300 different neighborhoods to examine the association of socio-demographic and social capital variables with the likelihood of having core ties, core neighborhood ties, and high self-rated health (SRH). Persons with higher household income were more likely to have core ties, but less likely to have core neighborhood ties. Persons with greater diversity in extra-neighborhood network capital were more likely to have core ties, and persons with greater diversity in intra-neighborhood network capital were more likely to have core neighborhood ties. Generalized trust, perceived neighborhood cohesion, and extra-neighborhood network diversity were shown associated with high SRH. Conventional measures of social capital may not capture network mechanisms. Findings suggest a critical appraisal of the mechanisms linking social capital and health, and the further delineation of network and psychosocial mechanisms in understanding these links.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo determine the extent to which pain is associated with well-being indices among nursing home residents.DesignCross-sectional.SettingA total of 185 for-profit nursing homes from 19 states.ParticipantsParticipants were 9952 long-stay residents without cancer.MeasurementsMinimum Data Set assessments on pain; analgesics; and cognitive, functional, and emotional status. Logistic regression models provided estimates of the association between persistent/intensified pain and intermittent pain on increases in depressed or anxious mood, reduced time involved in activities, resisting care, as well as verbal and physical aggression.ResultsTwenty-five percent had pain documented on 2 consecutive assessments; these residents were more likely to have arthritis, an anxiety disorder, depression, or insomnia and less likely to have cognitive impairment than patients without pain. Residents with persistent pain were 79% as likely to experience mood impairments (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 1.79; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.61–1.99) and 90% as likely to have less than one-third of time involved with activities (AOR: 1.90; 95% CI: 1.32–2.75) relative to those without pain. Residents with intermittent pain were 30% as likely to experience mood impairments (AOR: 1.30; 95% CI: 1.18–1.45) and 55% as likely to have less than one-third of time involved with activities (AOR: 1.55; 95% CI: 1.08–2.23) relative to those without pain. No association was observed with resisting care or verbal or physical aggression.ConclusionIn nursing home residents, pain is highly prevalent and affects measures of well-being. Initiatives to recognize and appropriately treat pain may lead to increased measures of well-being.  相似文献   

Neighborhood social capital is increasingly considered to be an important determinant of an individual's health. Using data from the Netherlands we investigate the influence of neighborhood social capital on an individual's self-reported health, while accounting for other conditions of health on both the level of the neighborhood and the individual. We use national representative data ('The Housing and Living Survey', 2006) on the Netherlands with 61,235 respondents in 3273 neighborhoods. The cross-sectional data were combined with information provided by Statistics Netherlands on neighborhoods, i.e., the percentage of residents in the highest income quintile per neighborhood and the municipality's degree of urbanity. The association of neighborhood social capital with individual health was assessed by multilevel logistic regression analysis. Our results show that neighborhood social capital is positively associated with health. Interestingly, residents in urban neighborhoods benefit particularly from their neighborhood social capital.  相似文献   

了解杭州市本专科新生社会资本现状及其与健康之间关系,为改善本专科新生健康状况提供参考.方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,共调查杭州市3所大学的1 105名新生.利用社会资本调查问卷、自尊量表、生活满意度量表进行调查,采用结构方程模型分析本科和专科新生社会资本对健康的影响.结果 本科新生的社会支持、社会信任、社会归属感、社会网络、社会参与均分(47.95±8.09,17.09±2.47,24.21 ±4.22,10.80±2.55,5.21±14.22)均高于专科新生(46.61±7.71,16.04±2.48,23.28±3.96,7.62± 1.95,4.66± 1.40)(f值分别为6.50,2.56,3.40,22.62,1.14,P值均<0.05).结构方程模型分析显示,本科和专科新生社会资本潜自变量对健康潜因变量的标准化路径系数分别为0.76和0.82,其中社会归属感对本科学生健康的影响最大(r=0.62),社会支持对专科学生健康的影响最大(r=0.70).结论 本科和专科新生社会资本对健康有积极影响.增强本科学生的社会归属感和提高专科学生的社会支持有利于改善身心健康状况.  相似文献   

IntroductionMany factors contribute to sleep disturbance among young adults. Social media (SM) use is increasing rapidly, and little is known regarding its association with sleep disturbance.MethodsIn 2014 we assessed a nationally representative sample of 1788 U.S. young adults ages 19–32. SM volume and frequency were assessed by self-reported minutes per day spent on SM (volume) and visits per week (frequency) using items adapted from the Pew Internet Research Questionnaire. We assessed sleep disturbance using the brief Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) sleep disturbance measure. Analyses performed in Pittsburgh utilized chi-square tests and ordered logistic regression using sample weights in order to estimate effects for the total U.S. population.ResultsIn models that adjusted for all sociodemographic covariates, participants with higher SM use volume and frequency had significantly greater odds of having sleep disturbance. For example, compared with those in the lowest quartile of SM use per day, those in the highest quartile had an AOR of 1.95 (95% CI = 1.37–2.79) for sleep disturbance. Similarly, compared with those in the lowest quartile of SM use frequency per week, those in the highest quartile had an AOR of 2.92 (95% CI = 1.97–4.32) for sleep disturbance. All associations demonstrated a significant linear trend.DiscussionThe strong association between SM use and sleep disturbance has important clinical implications for the health and well-being of young adults. Future work should aim to assess directionality and to better understand the influence of contextual factors associated with SM use.  相似文献   

The impact of a health campaign on health social capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Referring to literature in sociology, mass communication, and public health, we conceptualize and operationally define "health social capital" and "individual health social capital" and then posit and test a model for its development in response to a public health media campaign. The campaign evaluated here was designed to stimulate behaviors that would provide a more supportive social environment for children and youth, an environment which we consider to be richer in aggregate health social capital. The association model of advertising was employed to explain the development of individual health social capital measures of awareness, attitude, and behavior. With cross-sectional data (1998, n = 614; 1999, n = 1087; 2000, n = 1388), we examine the results for changes in awareness, attitude, and behavior over time and the significant links between these dependent variables and media campaign exposure. The results show significant increases in awareness and attitude, but not in behavior. Structural equation modeling revealed different patterns of influence for newspaper and TV campaign exposure.  相似文献   

社会资本在健康领域的应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉霞  曲江斌  赵娜 《卫生软科学》2006,20(6):562-564,577
在解释收入不平等对健康差异的影响作用时,流行病学家引入了社会资本的概念,尽管社会资本理论自身还存在很多争议,但其与健康关系的研究引起了众多学者的兴趣。本文从各种社会资本的概念,社会资本在健康领域研究中的应用,社会资本影响健康的可能机制,各种测量方法和存在的不足以及在中国目前的应用现状等方面进行了浅析。  相似文献   

Growing research finds that reports of discrimination are associated with mental health. However, many US studies are focused on regional samples and do not control for important confounders such as other stressors and response factors. The present study examines the association between self-reported racial discrimination and DSM-IV defined mental disorders among Asian respondents to the 2002-2003 US National Latino and Asian American Study (n=2047). Logistic regression analyses indicated that self-reported racial discrimination was associated with greater odds of having any DSM-IV disorder, depressive disorder, or anxiety disorder within the past 12 months-controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, acculturative stress, family cohesion, poverty, self-rated health, chronic physical conditions, and social desirability. Further, multinomial logistic regression found that individuals who reported discrimination were at a twofold greater risk of having one disorder within the past 12 months, and a threefold greater risk of having two or more disorders. Thus, self-reported discrimination was associated with increased risk of mental disorders among Asian Americans across the United States and this relationship was not explained by social desirability, physical health, other stressors, and sociodemographic factors. Should these associations ultimately be shown enduring and causal, they suggest that policies designed to reduce discrimination may help improve mental health.  相似文献   



Social inequalities in health have been widely demonstrated. However, the mechanisms underlying these inequalities are not completely understood. The objective of the study was to examine the contribution of various types of occupational exposures to social inequalities in self-reported health (SRH).


The study population was based on a random sample of 3,463 men and 2,593 women of the population of employees in west central France (response rate: 85–90 %). Data were collected through a voluntary network of 110 occupational physicians in 2006–2007. Occupational factors included biomechanical, physical, chemical and psychosocial exposures. All occupational factors were collected by occupational physicians, except psychosocial work factors, which were measured using a self-administered questionnaire. Social position was measured using occupational groups.


Strong social gradients were observed for a large number of occupational factors. Marked social gradients were also observed for SRH, manual workers and clerks/service workers being more likely to report poor health. After adjustment for occupational factors, social inequalities in SRH were substantially reduced by 76–134 % according to gender and occupational groups. The strongest impacts in reducing these inequalities were observed for biomechanical exposures and decision latitude. Differences in the contributing occupational factors were observed according to gender and occupational groups.


This study showed that poor working conditions contributed to explain social inequalities in SRH. It also provided elements for developing specific preventive actions for manual workers and clerks/service workers. Prevention towards reducing all occupational exposures may be useful to improve occupational health and also to reduce social inequalities in health.  相似文献   



Social inequalities in health are large in Norway. In part, these inequalities may stem from differences in access to supportive social networks - since occupying disadvantaged positions in affluent societies has been associated with disposing poor network resources. Research has demonstrated that social networks are fundamental resources in the prevention of mental and physical illness. However, to determine potentials for public health action one needs to explore the health impact of different types of network resources and analyze if the association between socioeconomic position and self-rated health is partially explained by social network factors. That is the aim of this paper.  相似文献   

Growing research on social capital and health has fuelled the debate on whether there is a place effect on health. A central question is whether health inequality between places is due to differences in the composition of people living in these places (compositional effect) or differences in the local social and physical environments (contextual effects). Despite extensive use of multilevel approaches that allows controlling for whether the effects of collective social capital are confounded by access to social capital at the individual level, the picture remains unclear. Recent studies indicate that contextual effects on health may vary for different population subgroups and measuring "average" contextual effects on health for a whole population might therefore be inappropriate. In this study from northern Sweden, we investigated the associations between collective social capital and self-rated health for men and women separately, to understand if health effects of collective social capital are gendered. Two measures of collective social capital were used: one conventional measure (aggregated measures of trust, participation and voting) and one specific place-related (neighbourhood) measure. The results show a positive association between collective social capital and self-rated health for women but not for men. Regardless of the measure used, women who live in very high social capital neighbourhoods are more likely to rate their health as good-fair, compared to women who live in very low social capital neighbourhoods. The health effects of collective social capital might thus be gendered in favour for women. However, a more equal involvement of men and women in the domestic sphere would potentially benefit men in this matter. When controlling for socioeconomic, sociodemographic and social capital attributes at the individual level, the relationship between women's health and collective social capital remained statistically significant when using the neighbourhood-related measure but not when using the conventional measure. Our results support the view that a neighbourhood-related measure provides a clearer picture of the health effects of collective social capital, at least for women.  相似文献   

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