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We present a rare case of pancreatic panniculitis in a 59‐year‐old male simultaneous pancreas–kidney (SPK) recipient with failed allografts. The patient presented with fever and painful erythematous nodules on his leg 1 month after stopping all immunosuppression. A thorough infectious and rheumatological workup was negative. He had pancreas rejection 4 years after SKP transplant and was restarted on dialysis after 14 years when his renal allograft failed due to chronic allograft nephropathy. His chronic immunosuppression (tacrolimus, azathioprine) was stopped and prednisone was weaned over 3 months at that time. A skin biopsy revealed saponification of the subcutaneous fat with inflammation pathognomonic of pancreatic panniculitis. Concurrent allograft pancreatitis confirmed with elevated lipase and a computed tomography scan finding of peripancreatic graft stranding and atrophic native pancreas. He was started on pulse steroid therapy for 3 days followed by oral taper. This resulted in dramatic resolution of all skin lesions and normalization of lipase levels within 1 week, followed by resumption of low‐dose tacrolimus and azathioprine. This is an extremely rare occurrence of panniculitis in pancreas allograft after 10 years of pancreatic failure associated with stopping immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Pancreas transplantation is still the best option to achieve normoglycaemia and insulin independence in patients with type I diabetes. As a result of improvements in surgical techniques, immunosuppression and patient selection, one year survival rates of 95, 83, and 88% for patient, pancreas, and kidney survival, respectively, are reported for patients with simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation. The main goals for the future are to reduce postoperative morbidity, to identify the relevant indications for single pancreas transplantation, to adopt the best surgical technique for individual patients' needs (bladder versus enteric drainage with or without portal venous delivery of insulin), and to develop immunosuppressive strategies with low nephrotoxic and diabetogenic potential.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcome of simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) with focus on cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in relation to graft function. From January 1985 through 1999, 87 SPK were performed in the unit. Sixty recipients were males, median age at diabetes onset 13 yr (1-40) and age at transplantation 39 yr (29-54). No case was lost to follow-up. Morbidity and mortality during median 8 yr of follow-up (range 1-15 yr) were recorded. Major macrovascular disease (MVD) was defined as myocardial infarction or sudden death (AMI), stroke or peripheral gangrene requiring amputation of leg, foot or fingers. At the evaluation, 26 of 87 patients (30%) had died, 19 after loss of the pancreas graft and 20 after loss of the kidney. MVD was the dominant cause of death. Non-lethal MVD had previously been recorded in 62%. Of the 61 patients alive, 22 had lost their pancreas graft and 12 the concomitant kidney. MVD had occurred in 32%. Whereas 89% of the concomitant kidneys functioned when the pancreas graft did so, only 37% of the kidneys functioned if the pancreas had been lost, p < 0.0001. The mortality rate was significantly higher among patients who lost both grafts (16/26) than in those who lost only the pancreas graft (3/15), p = 0.01. Progressive MVD is a major clinical problem for SPK transplant patients, particularly if the kidney fails.  相似文献   

目的探讨胰肾一期联合移植(SPK)术后免疫抑制药物的合理应用。方法 2005年1月至2009年6月我中心完成9例SPK,其中男5例,女4例,均采用空肠引流方式。术后采用IL-2单克隆抗体诱导的四联免疫抑制方案:IL-2单克隆抗体(舒莱或赛尼哌)+他克莫司(FK506)+霉酚酸酯(MMF)+激素,并逐渐过渡至单用FK506维持治疗。回顾性分析以上9例患者围术期及长期随访情况。结果 9例手术均获得成功。除1例早期死亡外,其余8例患者术后1周内肌酐降至正常水平,术后停用胰岛素时间为(11.5±3.5)d,空腹血糖恢复至正常时间为(15.4±6.3)d。8例患者随访4~50个月,共发生移植肾急性排斥4例,1例患者在接受床边血液透析过程中并发心脑血管意外后家属放弃治疗,其余3例患者经抗胸腺细胞球蛋白(ATG)或激素冲击治疗后移植肾功能均逆转恢复,随访过程中未发现移植胰腺排斥。结论胰肾联合移植是治疗糖尿病合并终末期糖尿病肾病的有效方法,术后早期采用IL-2单克隆抗体诱导的四联免疫抑制方案并逐渐过渡至单用FK506维持治疗是安全的。  相似文献   

It has been shown that lipid profiles do not differ between pancreas recipients with systemic and portal venous anastomosis. However, it is unclear whether venous drainage from the transplanted pancreas has an impact on recipient atherogenesis and if other factors should be considered. Increased concentration of proinsulin correlates with tachycardia and other risk factors for ischemic heart disease. The aim of this study was to compare proinsulin levels in different types of pancreatic graft venous drainage. Twenty-four simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPK) recipients with systemic venous drainage (group S, n = 12) and portal venous drainage (group P, n = 12) under identical immunosuppressive treatment were prospectively observed during 24 months. Following transplantation, only recipients with normoglycemia, normal HbA1c, and normal serum creatine were evaluated. Proinsulin was assessed in fasting state; after glucagon stimulation (Delta-proinsulin), and during oral 75-g glucose tolerance test twice: between 3 and 6 months and 12 to 24 months posttransplantation. All SPK patients had higher proinsulin concentration in fasting state compared with age-matched healthy controls. After stimulation, proinsulin level did not significantly differ between groups; the type of the pancreas venous anastomosis did not change the release of proinsulin and should not have impact on cardiovascular risk factors.  相似文献   

We report the case of a simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant recipient who presented with vague neurologic symptoms 21 months following the surgery. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and fundoscopy findings were normal. Serology titers for antitoxoplasmic antibodies were increased. This was an atypical presentation of toxoplasmosis in a simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplant patient.  相似文献   

目的: 总结胰肾联合移植的临床经验,分析I型糖尿病合并终末期肾衰的治疗效果.方法: 回顾分析一例胰肾联合移植的治疗过程,移植胰采用肠道引流,术后采用四联序贯免疫抑制方案:抗淋巴细胞球蛋白诱导免疫,用环孢素A、泼尼松、霉酚酸酯维持治疗.结果: 术后胰肾功能恢复良好,停用外源性胰岛素,血糖水平正常.第22天出现轻度移植肾排斥,激素冲击治疗后逆转.随访12个月,移植胰、肾功能正常,血电解质、酸碱平衡无紊乱,生活工作与常人无异.结论: 胰肾联合移植是I型糖尿病合并终末期肾衰的有效治疗手段.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although technical success rate of simultaneous pancreas kidney (SPK) transplantation in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients with diabetic nephropathy has improved, morbidity remains high due to infection and rejection. The purpose of this study was to analyse infections encountered in our series of SPK transplants, using a restrictive antibiotic prophylaxis policy. METHODS: We reviewed all infectious diseases after 66 consecutive bladder-drained SPK transplantations in 64 IDDM patients with end-stage renal disease due to diabetic nephropathy. During follow-up, the perioperative antibiotic regimen was altered (from 5 days preemptive therapy with multiple drugs to 1 day prophylaxis with cefamandole), and long-term viral prophylaxis (high-dose aciclovir) was introduced. For post-operative urinary tract or opportunistic infection, no prophylaxis was given. RESULTS: Overall mean infection rate was 2.9 infections/ patient/year after a mean follow-up of 2.3 years. Surgical site infections (SSI) were seen in 30% of the patients, with Enterococci present in 47%. Logistic regression showed one day cefamandole prophylaxis to be associated with SSI, but there was no significant influence of SSI on either graft or patient survival. Forty-eight percent of all infections were lower urinary tract infections (UTI). There were 59 first UTIs (89%), probably related to long-term Foley catheter use, and 47 second UTIs (71%). Subsequent UTIs were not microbiologically related to first UTIs. Cytomegalovirus (10 patients) and other opportunistic agents did not cause mortality or graft loss. Five grafts were lost due to infection (SSI three times, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease twice). Only one patient died because of infection (2%). CONCLUSIONS: Infectious diseases after SPK transplantation caused significant morbidity but did not influence either patient or graft survival. A change in prophylactic policy for both SSI as well as recurrent UTI, combined with earlier Foley removal, may lower incidences of these infections.   相似文献   

Isolated failure of the renal graft after simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation (SPK) is a rare but potential outcome. Many of these patients are candidates for kidney retransplantation. This paper describes a series of 3 patients who underwent successful kidney retransplantation after SPK. The operation was completed through an extraperitoneal incision without disruption of the pancreas graft or need for a transplant nephrectomy.  相似文献   

Dissection of the external iliac artery is a rare but serious complication after transplantation, leading to graft loss. Stent angioplasty has been accepted for iliac artery dissection, but the safety and benefits of this procedure in transplantation are unclear. We report a case of right external iliac artery dissection with simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation, which was noticed during the operation. A self-expandable metallic stent was inserted from the right femoral artery to the dissected area and arterial blood flow was immediately restored. The postoperative clinical course was uneventful and soon after transplantation both the kidney and pancreas graft functioned well. Together with a previously reported six cases of stent replacement with transplantation and our case, no complication related to this procedure was reported, and in six cases the arterial flow was restored and graft function was improved. Endovascular stent replacement may be a safe and effective procedure for iliac artery dissection in transplantation.  相似文献   

胰腺、肾脏在单独和联合移植中排斥反应的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 比较胰腺、肾脏在单独和联合移植中排斥反应的差异。方法 在大鼠同种异体单独胰腺移植、单独肾脏移植和肺肾联合移植基础上,对胰腺、肾脏在单独和联合移植中的排斥瓜反应分别进行了比较。结果 (1)胰腺在联合肾脏移植中受到肾脏保护,与单独上比,功能与形态不者到显著改观;(2)肾脏在联合胰腺移植时未受到胰腺保护,与单独移植比较,各项指标未得到显著改善。结论 胰腺与肾脏联合移植的结局优于单独胰腺移植,而肾脏  相似文献   

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