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The rationale behind the use of cells as therapeutic modalities for neurodegenerative diseases in general, and in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in particular, is that they will improve patient’s functioning by replacing the damaged cell population. It is reasoned that these cells will survive, grow neurites, establish functional synapses, integrate best and durably with the host tissue mainly in the striatum, renew the impaired wiring, and lead to meaningful clinical improvement. To increase the generation of dopamine, researchers have already transplanted non-neuronal cells, without any genetic manipulation or after introduction of genes such as tyrosine hydroxylase, in animal models of PD. Because these cells were not of neuronal origin, they developed without control, did not integrate well into the brain parenchyma, and their survival rates were low. Clinical experiments using cell transplantation as a therapy for PD have been conducted since the 1980s. Most of these experiments used fetal dopaminergic cells originating in the ventral mesencephalic tissue obtained from fetuses. Although it was shown that the transplanted cells survived and some patients benefited from this treatment, others suffered from severe dyskinesia, probably caused by the graft’s excessive and uncontrolled production and release of dopamine. It is now recognized that cell-replacement strategy will be effective in PD only if the transplanted cells have the same abilities, such as dopamine synthesis and control release, reuptake, and metabolizing dopamine, as the original dopaminergic neurons. Recent studies on embryonic and adult stem cells have demonstrated that cells are able to both self-renew and produce differentiated tissues, including dopaminergic neurons. These new methods offer real hope for tissue replacement in a wide range of diseases, especially PD. In this review we summarize the evidence of dopaminergic neuron generation from embryonic and adult stem cells, and discuss their application for cell therapy in PD.  相似文献   

Transplantation of human fetal dopamine (DA) neurons to patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) has given proof of the principle that new neurons can survive for at least a decade, and then functionally integrate and provide significant symptomatic relief. Unfortunately, the ethical, technical, and practical limitations of using fetal DA neurons as the source for cell transplantation in PD, in combination with the development of unwanted grafting-related side effects, have put a halt to the spread of this treatment into clinical practice. Hopefully, recent advances in the fields of stem cell biology and adult neurogenesis research will lead totamen in new exciting ways to better understand and control the biological parameters necessary for achieving safe and successful neuronal replacement in PD patients.  相似文献   

Lang AE  Obeso JA 《Annals of neurology》2012,71(2):283; author reply 284-283

The aim of stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease is to reconstruct nigro-striatal neuronal pathways using endogenous neural stem/precursor cells or grafted dopaminergic neurons. As an alternative, transplantation of stem cell-derived dopaminergic neurons into the striatum has been attempted, with the aim of stimulating local synapse formation and/or release of dopamine and cytokines from grafted cells. Candidate stem cells include neural stem/precursor cells, embryonic stem cells and other stem/precursor cells. Among these, embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that proliferate extensively, making them a good potential donor source for transplantation. However, tumor formation and ethical issues present major problems for embryonic stem cell therapy. This review describes the current status of stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease, as well as future research approaches from a clinical perspective.  相似文献   

Storch A  Schwarz J 《Journal of neurology》2002,249(Z3):III/30-III/32
The discovery that embryonic stem cells, neural stem cells and potentially mesenchymal stem cells bear the potential to differentiate into neurons and glia in vitro and in vivo has opened a rapidly growing scientific field. Current research is very likely to impose a major impact on diagnosis and treatment of a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. One of the paramount immediate goals of stem cell research is to develop tissue sources for restorative treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease. We have been able to develop predopaminergic cells derived from human embryonic or fetal midbrain that have been amplified in vitro for more than 2 years. These cells will hopefully enable restorative treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease in the near future.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, characterised by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, and typically treated by dopamine replacement. This treatment, although very effective in the early stages of the disease, is not curative and has side-effects. As such there has been a search for a more definitive treatment for this condition, which has mainly concentrated on replacing the lost neurons with neural grafts. Possible cell sources for replacement range from autologous grafts of dopamine secreting cells to allografts of fetal ventral mesencephalon and neural precursor cells derived from fetal tissue or embryonic stem cells. Some of these cells have been the subject of clinical trials, which to date have produced disparate outcomes. Therefore, whilst cell therapies remain a promising treatment for PD, there is need for further refinement of the techniques involved in this experimental procedure, before any new trials in patients are undertaken.  相似文献   

Self-renewing and multipotent neural stem cells are present in the adult human brain. We successfully harvested neural stem cells from mice and humans using misexpressed EGFP proteins under the control of the nestin second intron enhancer. High-level EGFP expressors derived from mouse embryos included a distinct subpopulation of cells that were self-renewable and multipotent. Further, we obtained that neural progenitor cells from rat fetal spinal cords using a neurosphere technique, and demonstrated their ability to divide and differentiate into neurons in vivo, where they were integrated into the host tissue in the injured rat spinal cord with resultant behavioral improvement of the recipient rat. We also harvested tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons from a transgenic mouse expressing GFP under the control of the tyrosine hydroxylase promoter, and successfully transplanted them into the striatum of rats with parkinsonism with marked improvement of the neurological symptoms. Since neural stem cells can adapt well in the host CNS, studies should focus on their application as a vector in gene therapy and on the introduction in vivo or ex vivo of genes to control their proliferation and differentiation. Neural stem cells are a potential, useful source for developing new therapy for CNS disorders.  相似文献   

Increasing enthusiasm in the field of stem cell research is raising the hope of novel cell replacement therapies for Parkinson's disease (PD), but it also raises both scientific and ethical concerns. In most cases, dopaminergic cells are transplanted ectopically into the striatum instead of the substantia nigra. If the main mechanism underlying any observed functional recovery with these cell replacement therapies is restoration of dopaminergic neurotransmission, then viral vector-mediated gene delivery of dopamine-synthesizing enzymes is a more straight forward approach. The development of a recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector is making gene therapy for PD a feasible therapeutic option in the clinical arena. Efficient and long-term expression of genes for dopamine-synthesizing enzymes in the striatum restored local dopamine production and allowed behavioral recovery in animal models of PD. A clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AAV vector-mediated gene transfer of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, an enzyme that converts L-dopa to dopamine, is underway. With this strategy patients would still need to take L-dopa to control their PD symptoms, however, dopamine production could be regulated by altering the dose of L-dopa. Another AAV vector-based clinical trial is also ongoing in which the subthalamic nucleus is transduced to produce inhibitory transmitters.  相似文献   

Nine neurodegenerative disorders are caused by CAG/polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat expansions. The underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for disease specific neurodegeneration remain elusive. In vivo and in vitro models utilizing rodent tissues, immortalized human cell lines, and human post mortem samples have provided insight into disease mechanisms. Concern that cellular and molecular processes observed in these models may not faithfully reproduce human diseases or be useful to identify compounds of therapeutic utility has driven development of new disease models. In addition to their therapeutic potential, stem cells represent a renewable source of tissue that can be directed into neurons and glia and can be used to study neurodegenerative cascades from their inception. Neuronally differentiated human stem cells containing CAG repeat expansions have the potential to accurately replicate human CAG repeat diseases and may be a faithful predictor of which compounds will be of human benefit. As a first step in development of this type of model, we developed murine embryonic stem cell models to study the mechanisms of polyQ tract induced neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease, characterized by a selective loss of midbrain Dopaminergic (DA) neurons. To address this problem, various types of stem cells that have potential to differentiate into DA neurons are being investigated as cellular therapies for PD, including cells derived from embryonic or adult donor tissue, and embryonic stem cells. These cell sources, however, have raised certain questions with regard to ethical and rejection issues. Recent progress in adult stems has further proved that the cells derived from adult tissue could be expanded and differentiated into DA precursor cells in vitro, and cell therapy with adult stem cells could produce a clear improvement for PD models. Using adult stem cells for clinic application may not only overcome the ethical problem inherent in using human fetal tissue or embryonic stem cells, but also open the possibility for autologous transplantation. The patient-specific adult stem cell is therefore a potential and prospective candidate for PD treatment.  相似文献   

Sun J  Gao Y  Yang L  Li Z  Lu G  Yew D 《Neuroreport》2007,18(6):543-547
To assess the feasibility of using neuroepithelial stem cells as a transplant source for Parkinson's disease, neuroepithelial cells were harvested from the neural tube, cultured and stereotactically transplanted into the striatum of a rat model of Parkinson's disease. In culture, neuroepithelial cells generated abundant neurospheres and differentiated into both neurons and glia. After transplantation, tyrosine-hydroxylase-positive cells were detected in the graft. Furthermore, an apomorphine-induced rotation test showed that the implanted cells successfully promoted functional recovery in animals that underwent this transplantation procedure. Our results demonstrate that neuroepithelial cells may be a new source of donor material for Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

正Parkinson's disease(PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, affecting 1% of the population over 55 years of age and up to 4% of the population over 80 years of age(Blesa et al., 2012). This progressive and neurodegenerative condition results from an excessive loss of dopaminergic neurons(50–70%) of the  相似文献   

For decades,clinicians have developed medications and therapies to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,but no treatment currently can slow or even stop the progression of this localized neurodegeneration.Fortunately,sparked by the genetic revolution,stem cell reprogramming research and the advancing capabilities of personalization in medicine enable forward-thinking to unprecedented patient-specific modeling and cell therapies for Parkinson’s disease using induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs).In addition to modeling Parkinson’s disease more accurately than chemically-induced animal models,patient-specific stem cell lines can be created,elucidating the effects of genetic susceptibility and sub-populations’differing responses to in vitro treatments.Sourcing cell therapy with iPSC lines provides ethical advantages because these stem cell lines do not require the sacrifice of human zygotes and genetically-specific drug trails can be tested in vitro without lasting damage to patients.In hopes of finally slowing the progression of Parkinson’s disease or re-establishing function,iPSC lines can ultimately be corrected with gene therapy and used as cell sources for neural transplantation for Parkinson’s disease.With relatively localized neural degeneration,similar to spinal column injury,Parkinson’s disease presents a better candidacy for cell therapy when compared to other diffuse degeneration found in Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s Disease.Neurosurgical implantation of pluripotent cells poses the risk of an innate immune response and tumorigenesis.Precautions,therefore,must be taken to ensure cell line quality before transplantation.While cell quality can be quantified using a number of assays,a yielding a high percentage of therapeutically relevant dopaminergic neurons,minimal de novo genetic mutations,and standard chromosomal structure is of the utmost importance.Current techniques focus on iPSCs because they can be matched with donors using human leukocyte antigens,thereby reducing the severity and risk of immune rejection.In August of 2018,researchers in Kyoto,Japan embarked on the first human clinical trial using iPSC cell therapy transplantation for patients with moderate Parkinson’s disease.Transplantation of many cell sources has already proven to reduce Parkinson’s disease symptoms in mouse and primate models.Here we discuss the history and implications for cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease,as well as the necessary safety standards needed for using iPSC transplantation to slow or halt the progression of Parkinson’s disease.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the potential of marrow stromal cells (MSCs) to deliver therapeutic genes to the brain and result in biologically significant functional recovery. The tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene was transfected to MSCs with an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector. MSCs expressing TH gene were transplanted into the striatum of Parkinson's disease (PD) rat. The asymmetric rotation of these models after apomorphine administration was detected every week after transplantation. Six weeks after grafting, animals were sacrificed. Some brains were sectioned to do TH immunohistochemistry. The others were used to detect the dopamine levels by high-performance liquid chromatograph and electrochemical detection (HPLC-ECD). The results showed that MSCs multiply rapidly and formed fibroblast colony-forming units in primary culture. The gene expression efficiency was about 75%. The rounds of asymmetric rotation after apomorphine administration decreased after TH-engineered MSCs were grafted. Histological examination showed that TH gene was expressed around the transplantation points. The dopamine level in the lesioned striatum of rats injected with TH-MSCs was significantly greater than that in rats treated with LacZ-MSCs (P < 0.05). All the data demonstrated that MSCs could readily be genetically engineered. Therefore, MSCs could be useful gene delivery vehicles of gene therapy for Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Fetal cell transplantation can improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients for more than a decade. In some patients, alpha-synuclein aggregates and Lewy bodies have been observed in the transplanted neurons without functional significance. Recently stem cells have emerged as an ethically acceptable source of cells for transplantation but, importantly, the type of stem cell matters. While the lineage restriction of adult neural stem cells limits their clinical applicability for patients with PD, human pluripotent stem cells provide an opportunity to replace specific types of degenerating neurons. Now, cellular reprogramming technology can provide patient-specific neurons for neural transplantation and problems with cell fate specification and safety are resolving. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neurons are also a unique tool for interpreting the genetic basis for an individual's risk of developing PD into clinically meaningful information. For example, clinical trials for neuroprotective molecules need to be tested in presymptomatic individuals when the neurons can still be protected. Patient-specific neural cells can also be used to identify an individual's responsiveness to drugs and to understand the mechanisms of the disease. Along these avenues of investigation, stem cells are enabling research for new treatments in PD.  相似文献   

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