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OBJECTIVE: Patients affected by schizophrenia show deficits in both visual perception and working memory. The authors tested early-stage vision and working memory in subjects with schizotypal personality disorder, which has been biologically associated with schizophrenia. METHOD: Eleven subjects who met DSM-III-R criteria for schizotypal personality disorder and 12 normal comparison subjects were evaluated. Performance thresholds were obtained for tests of visual discrimination and working memory. Both form and trajectory processing were evaluated for each task. RESULTS: Subjects with schizotypal personality disorder showed intact discrimination of form and trajectory but were impaired on working memory tasks. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that subjects with schizotypal personality disorder, unlike patients affected by schizophrenia, have relatively intact visual perception. Subjects with schizotypal personality disorder do show specific deficits on tasks of comparable difficulty when working memory demands are imposed. Schizotypal personality disorder may be associated with a more specific visual processing deficit than schizophrenia, possibly reflecting disruption of frontal lobe systems subserving visual working memory operations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cognitive deficits consistently have been reported in schizophrenia patients and in patients with schizotypal personality disorder. For this study, the authors wanted to identify which of the domains of cognitive impairment represent "core" deficits of schizophrenia, comparing subjects with schizotypal personality disorder to two comparison groups: healthy volunteers and patients with personality disorders unrelated to schizophrenia. METHOD: Three groups completed a neuropsychological battery: patients with DSM-III-R schizotypal personality disorder (N=82); patients with DSM-III-R personality disorders unrelated to schizophrenia (i.e., a personality disorder other than schizotypal, schizoid, or paranoid [N=44]); and healthy volunteers (N=63). The battery included the California Verbal Learning Test, Trailmaking Test parts A and B, the Dot test of working memory, the Stroop Color and Word Test, the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, the WMS visual reproduction test, and the WAIS-R vocabulary and block design. RESULTS: Normative standards for performance that controlled for age, gender, and education were created from the scores of the healthy volunteers. Overall, schizotypal personality disorder patients performed significantly worse than the healthy volunteers and those with personality disorders unrelated to schizophrenia. Specifically, patients with schizotypal personality disorder demonstrated impaired performance on the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, WMS visual reproduction test, Dot test, and California Verbal Learning Test. In addition, in a regression analysis, performance on the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test demonstrated the largest effect size. Indeed, it accounted for unique variance above and beyond all other cognitive measures, since controlling for Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test performance abolished group differences across all other measures. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with schizotypal personality disorder demonstrated moderate cognitive impairment compared with healthy volunteers (significant for seven out of 11 measures). These differences reached statistical significance for tasks of working memory, episodic memory, and delayed recall. Working memory performance accounted for the group differences. This study supports the view that working memory represents a core deficit of schizophrenia spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) individuals and borderline personality disorder (BPD) individuals have been reported to show neuropsychological impairments and abnormalities in brain structure. However, relationships between neuropsychological function and brain structure in these groups are not well understood. This study compared visual-spatial working memory (SWM) and its associations with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) gray matter volume in 18 unmedicated SPD patients with no BPD traits, 18 unmedicated BPD patients with no SPD traits, and 16 healthy controls (HC). Results showed impaired SWM in SPD but not BPD, compared with HC. Moreover, among the HC group, but not SPD patients, better SWM performance was associated with larger VLPFC (BA44/45) gray matter volume (Fisher's Z p-values <0.05). Findings suggest spatial working memory impairments may be a core neuropsychological deficit specific to SPD patients and highlight the role of VLPFC subcomponents in normal and dysfunctional memory performance.  相似文献   

The establishment of the new diagnostic category, Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD), has stimulated biological studies of patients with this disorder. Such studies offer the potential of better understanding the diagnosis and treatment of SPD as well as more clearly defining the boundaries of the schizophrenic disorders. SPD has been studied in the clinical setting, in family studies of schizophrenia, and in the biological high-risk paradigm. In most cases, biological variables associated with schizophrenia have been evaluated. Decreased activities of plasma amine oxidase and platelet monoamine oxidase have been associated with SPD in the families of schizophrenics and in "biological high-risk" studies. Smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) impairment has also been associated with SPD in a "biological high-risk" study of college students. Inferior backward masking performance has been demonstrated in SPD patients in the clinical setting. Other studies using psychophysiological measures have been applied to subjects with psychological characteristics similar to DSM-III SPD and found biological abnormalities similar to those reported in schizophrenia. These studies are consistent with the possibility that some individuals with SPD may share common psychobiological abnormalities with schizophrenic individuals and may sharpen our understanding of SPD and its relationship to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The authors examined the symptoms of 35 patients with schizotypal personality disorder. In contrast to the suggestion, based on studies of nonclinical, familial samples, that patients with schizotypal disorder are best characterized by the negative symptoms of social isolation and impaired functioning, they found that the positive symptoms of odd communication, ideas of reference, magical thinking, and illusions were equally valid discriminators of their clinically based group of patients. The findings argue against the idea that schizotypal personality disorder be redefined in the revision of DSM-III (DSM-III-R) to emphasize negative symptoms and suggest that clinical samples of schizotypal patients may differ from familial samples.  相似文献   

The present study examined the directional relationship between choice-impulsivity and separate indices of phonological and visuospatial working memory performance in boys (aged 8–12 years) with (n = 16) and without ADHD (n = 19). Results indicated that high ratings of overall ADHD, inattention, and hyperactivity were significantly associated with increased impulsivity and poorer phonological and visuospatial working memory performance. Further, results from bias-corrected bootstrapped mediation analyses revealed a significant indirect effect of visuospatial working memory performance, through choice-impulsivity, on overall ADHD, inattention, and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Collectively, the findings suggest that deficits of visuospatial working memory underlie choice-impulsivity, which in turn contributes to the ADHD phenotype. Moreover, these findings are consistent with a growing body of literature that identifies working memory as a central neurocognitive deficit of ADHD.  相似文献   

Despite advances in the management of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, some remain refractory to treatment. The authors retrospectively examined characteristics of 43 treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive patients and found that those with concomitant schizotypal personality disorder had an extremely high rate of treatment failure. Of the 29 treated nonschizotypal patients, 26 (90%) improved at least moderately; only one of 14 (7%) schizotypal patients improved. In addition, the number of schizotypal features in each patient was strongly negatively correlated with treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Schizotypal personality disorder is the prototype of the schizophrenia-related personality disorders and has been demonstrated to have phenomenologic, biologic, treatment, and outcome characteristics similar to those of schizophrenic patients. These studies suggest that patients with schizotypal personality disorder, like schizophrenic patients, show cognitive impairment, but the impairment is more focal and involves primarily working memory, verbal learning, and sustained attention rather than generalized intellectual deficits. Schizotypal patients, like schizophrenic patients show reductions in temporal lobe volume, but seem to be spared the frontal volume reductions found in some studies of schizophrenic patients and in our laboratory. Better frontal “buffering” may prevent the more severe cognitive and social deterioration associated with schizophrenia. Furthermore, schizotypal patients appear to show less susceptibility to psychotic symptoms, in part perhaps because of better buffered subcortical dopaminergic activity as suggested by recent data from a SPECT/amphetamine paradigm, glucose metabolic study, and structural studies of basal ganglia. These findings are discussed in terms of a model of schizotypal personality disorder where schizotypal patients have better capacity for compensatory buffering in lateral and subcortical brain regions, protecting them from the more severe symptoms of chronic schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Plasma homovanillic acid in schizotypal personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schizotypal patients were found to have a significantly higher mean plasma HVA concentration than normal comparison subjects. Furthermore, plasma HVA concentration positively correlated with "psychotic-like" schizotypal symptoms. These results implicate dopaminergic mechanisms modulating the psychotic-like symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder.  相似文献   

There is evidence that reduced cholinergic activity may play a role in the pathophysiology of cognitive impairment in the schizophrenia spectrum. We tested the effects of physostigmine, an anticholinesterase inhibitor, on visuospatial working memory as evaluated by the Dot test, and on verbal learning and recall as measured by a serial learning task in patients with schizotypal personality disorder. Physostigmine tended to improve the Dot test, but not serial verbal learning performance in these patients.  相似文献   

Studies of the five-factor model of personality in schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) have produced inconsistent results, particularly with respect to openness. In the present study, the NEO-FFI was used to measure five-factor personality dimensions in 28 community volunteers with SPD and 24 psychiatrically healthy individuals. Standard multivariate statistical analyses were used to evaluate personality differences as a function of diagnosis and gender. Individuals with SPD had significantly higher levels of neuroticism and significantly lower levels of extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness than those without SPD. Female, but not male, SPD subjects had significantly higher openness levels than their healthy counterparts, and this gender-specific group difference persisted when SPD symptom severity was statistically controlled. These findings suggest that gender-associated differences in openness may account for prior inconsistent findings regarding this dimension, and they further underscore the importance of examining gender effects in future studies of SPD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia spectrum subjects have cognitive deficits in a variety of domains. Schizotypal personality disordered (SPD) subjects do not have many of the confounds seen in schizophrenic patients, but may have the same pattern of cognitive deficits in attention and executive functioning. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that SPD subjects would have impairments on measures of attention, abstract reasoning, cognitive inhibition, working memory and verbal recognition memory when compared to normal subjects, and that these deficits would be intermediate to those observed in schizophrenic patients. METHOD: SPD subjects (N=20) were compared to age-, gender- and education-matched schizophrenic patients (N=20) and normal comparison subjects (N=20) on a battery of cognitive measures. RESULTS: The data were analyzed using standard statistical methods, including effect sizes. Using a conservative alpha level of 0.01, schizophrenic patients had deficits on many of these measures compared to normal subjects. Although the SPD subjects did not significantly differ from normal comparison subjects at the p < 0.01 level, there were trends (p < 0.019-0.028) toward impairment on measures of working memory and general intellectual functioning. On further effect size analyses, SPD subjects performed intermediate to normals and schizophrenic patients on measures of attention, abstract reasoning, cognitive inhibition, verbal working memory, recognition memory, and general intellectual functioning, with moderate to large effect sizes separating groups. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that SPD subjects have possible widespread cognitive deficits that are of lesser magnitude than those observed in schizophrenic patients.  相似文献   

Past research has revealed that schizophrenia is associated with voluntary movement abnormalities, as well as higher rates of involuntary movements. On instrumental motor tasks, patients manifest reduced motor stability, excessive force and more contralateral motor overflow (movement in the non-responding hand). In the present study, an instrumental motor task (manual response forced-choice task) was administered to a group of adults with schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) in order to determine whether they show motor deficits similar to those observed in schizophrenia. As predicted, the schizotypal subjects were excessive and more variable in motor force, compared to healthy controls and other personality-disordered subjects. Additionally, the force and variability of the motor responses were positively correlated with ratings of both positive and negative SPD symptoms. Finally, motor overflow and negative symptoms were associated with higher salivary cortisol levels. The pattern of findings is consistent with previous reports linking motor abnormalities and heightened cortisol with schizotypal personality disorder.  相似文献   

Evidence of long-standing social difficulties has been well documented in persons with schizophrenia. These deficits are often so rudimentary that a person with schizophrenia may never have developed the skills necessary to present as socially competent. Given the cognitive, biological, and neuroanatomical links between schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), a study of social skills in persons with SPD may reveal a behavioral link. This study examined persons with SPD and their ability to label emotions in a recognition task, to display socially competent behaviors in a social role-play task, and to select appropriate behaviors from a multiple choice measure of social behavior. Results indicated that the performance of persons with SPD was similar to previously published findings in persons with schizophrenia. In terms of emotion recognition, the SPD group's ability to label positive emotions was significantly worse than their ability to label other emotions. Persons with SPD performed significantly worse than matched control participants on a social role-play task. However, the groups were equivalent in their ability to select socially appropriate behavior from a multiple choice measure. These results suggest that persons with SPD display social skills which mirror those previously reported in persons with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Visuospatial working memory in Parkinson''s disease.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Visuospatial impairment is frequently reported in Parkinson's disease but the psychological mechanisms which subserve the impaired abilities and the way in which breakdown of the mechanisms leads to performance deficits have not been precisely delineated. This paper reports experimental investigations designed to test the hypothesis that the locus of the impairment is the visuospatial subsystem of working memory. Subjects were a group of sixteen patients with Parkinson's disease of mild to moderate severity and a matched control group. They performed complex visuospatial and verbal memory tasks. The Parkinsonian group were significantly slower than the control group when performing the visuospatial task. They were not significantly slower and made no more errors than the control group on the verbal task. The findings are compatible with the hypothesis that the visuospatial subsystem of working memory is impaired in Parkinson's disease. It is demonstrated that the impairment is not the result of a reduction in the capacity of this subsystem but is due to difficulty in utilising information stored in the subsystem to perform complex visuospatial tasks.  相似文献   

Eye tracking accuracy, which has been found to be impaired in schizophrenic patients and their relatives, was assessed in 26 patients with schizotypal personality disorder, 17 control subjects with other non-schizophrenia-related personality disorders, 29 normal control subjects, and 44 schizophrenic patients. Both schizotypal and schizophrenic patients, but not control subjects with other personality disorders, demonstrated significantly more impaired tracking than the normal control subjects. These results suggest that patients with clinically defined schizotypal personality disorder may be biologically related to schizophrenic patients as part of a spectrum of schizophrenia-related disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders evince similar genetic, neurotransmitter, neuropsychological, electrophysiological, and structural abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have shown smaller gray matter volume in patients with schizotypal personality disorder than in matched comparison subjects in the left superior temporal gyrus, an area important for language processing. In a further exploration, the authors studied two components of the superior temporal gyrus: Heschl's gyrus and the planum temporale. METHOD: MRI scans were acquired from 21 male, neuroleptic-naive subjects recruited from the community who met DSM-IV criteria for schizotypal personality disorder and 22 male comparison subjects similar in age. Eighteen of the 21 subjects with schizotypal personality disorder had additional comorbid, nonpsychotic diagnoses. The superior temporal gyrus was manually delineated on coronal images with subsequent identification of Heschl's gyrus and the planum temporale. Exploratory correlations between region of interest volumes and neuropsychological measures were also performed. RESULTS: Left Heschl's gyrus gray matter volume was 21% smaller in the schizotypal personality disorder subjects than in the comparison subjects, a difference that was not associated with the presence of comorbid axis I disorders. There were no between-group volume differences in right Heschl's gyrus or in the right or left planum temporale. Exploratory analyses also showed a correlation between poor logical memory and smaller left Heschl's gyrus volume. CONCLUSIONS: Smaller left Heschl's gyrus gray matter volume in subjects with schizotypal personality disorder may help to explain the previously reported abnormality in the left superior temporal gyrus and may be a vulnerability marker for schizophrenia spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Semantic dysfunction in women with schizotypal personality disorder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: This study examined whether early or late processes in semantic networks were abnormal in women with a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder. The N400 component of the EEG event-related potentials was used as a probe of semantic processes. METHOD: Word pairs were presented with short and long stimulus-onset asynchronies to investigate, respectively, early and late semantic processes in 16 women with schizotypal personality disorder and 15 normal female comparison subjects. Event-related potentials were recorded in response to the last words in a pair. RESULTS: With the short stimulus-onset asynchrony, the N400 amplitude was less negative in the schizotypal personality disorder group than in the normal comparison group. No group differences were found with the long stimulus-onset asynchrony. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of a less negative than normal N400 amplitude with the short stimulus-onset asynchrony in women with schizotypal personality disorder supports the hypothesis that persons with this disorder evince an overactivation of semantic networks. The absence of group differences with the long stimulus-onset asynchrony, which is primarily sensitive to processes involved in context integration, suggests that in this group of schizotypal personality disorder subjects, additional demands on working memory may be necessary to bring out the semantic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Interpersonal dysfunction contributes to significant disability in the schizophrenia spectrum. Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD) is a schizophrenia-related personality demonstrating social cognitive impairment in the absence of frank psychosis. Past research indicates that cognitive dysfunction or schizotypy may account for social cognitive dysfunction in this population. We tested SPD subjects and healthy controls on the Empathic Accuracy (EA) paradigm and the Reading of the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET), assessing the impact of EA on social support. We also explored whether EA differences could be explained by intelligence, working memory, trait empathy, or attachment avoidance. SPD subjects did not differ from controls in RMET, but demonstrated lower EA during negative valence videos, associated with lower social support. Dynamic, multimodal EA paradigms may be more effective at capturing interpersonal dysfunction than static image tasks such as RMET. Schizotypal severity, trait empathy, and cognitive dysfunction did not account for empathic dysfunction in SPD, although attachment avoidance is related to empathic differences. Empathic dysfunction for negative affect contributes to decreased social support in the schizophrenia spectrum. Future research may shed further light on potential links between attachment avoidance, empathic dysfunction, and social support.  相似文献   

It has recently been proposed that reduced stimulation of prefrontal cortex DI receptors secondary to hypoactivity of mesocortical dopamine (DA) projections may explain the cognitive impairments experienced by patients with schizophrenia and the schizophrenia spectrum. Findings from studies done during the past two decades suggest that schizotypal personality disorder (SPD), the prototypic disorder of the schizophrenia spectrum, is associated with cognitive deficits and social deterioration that are qualitatively similar, although less severe, to those observed in schizophrenia. It generally is acknowledged that the psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with hyperactivity of mesolimbic DA projections resulting in excessive stimulation of striatal D2 receptors. In contrast with schizophrenia, dopaminergic interventions improved cognitive function in SPD without worsening psychotic-like symptoms, raising the possibility that patients with SPD are protected against increases in subcortical dopaminergic activity associated with psychosis. However, mounting evidence suggests that alterations in other neurotransmitter systems (eg, glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid, opioid, serotonergic) may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. This over view focuses on common DA-related neurobiological vulnerabilities shared by schizophrenia and the schizophrenia spectrum, in addition to factors that protect SPD from the overt psychotic symptoms and more severe social and cognitive deficits experienced by patients with chronic schizophrenia.  相似文献   

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