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The present paper describes some important physico-chemical characteristics of the NADPH dependent, 3α-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (3α-oxidoreductase) in the rat epididymis. This enzyme activity is stable in the presence of reducing agents (1–10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol), EDTA (1 mM), and glycerol (10% v/v). The pH optium is in the physiological range (pH 6.0–8.0).
Chromatography of epididymal cytosol fractions on calibrated G-200 columns indicated a molecular weight of 34 000, and sucrose gradient centrifugation a sedimentation coefficient of 3.3 S20,w. The enzyme has a Stokes radius of approximately 25 Å. Calculation of molecular weight using both the sedimentation rate and the Stokes radius indicated a molecular weight of 34 400 and a frictional ratio (f/f0) of 1.17. The enzyme migrated with an Rx of 0.37 (relative to bromophenol blue) in 6.5% polyacrylamide gels and the iso-electric point (pI) determined by iso-electric focussing in 3.5 % polyacrylamide gels was 5.9. Further indication that the enzyme is negatively charged at neutral pH was obtained by DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography, from which the enzyme activity was eluted between 0.05 and 0.08M KCl.
The epididymal 3α-oxidoreductase is temperature sensitive, showing a greatly reduced activity after preincubation at 50°C for 30 min. Preincubation at 60°C caused a complete loss of enzyme activity. Interestingly, preincubation at 25°C for 30 min seemed to cause a significant increase in enzyme activity. Whether this is due to "temperature activation", "cold inactivation" or to a temperature dependent disappearance of inhibitors is not known.  相似文献   

Prof.  S.S. GURAYA  S.K. GILL 《Andrologia》1978,10(4):278-284
Histochemische Veränderungen des Rattenhodens und -Nebenhodens nach einer Behandlung mit α-Chlorhydrin. Effekt einer kleinen Einzeldosis
In einer histochemischen Studie wurden die Lokalisation und die Veränderungen der Lipide, Kohlenhydrate, ATPase und 5'-Nukleotidase in frischen und fixierten Präparaten des Hodens und Nebenhodens bei normalen und α-chlorhydrinbehandelten Ratten untersucht. Nach Gabe einer niedrigeren Einzeldosis von α-Chlorhydrin zeigte sich ein Abfall der Phospholipide bei correspondierendem Anstieg der Triglyceride sowohl im Hoden als auch im Nebenhoden. Glykogen, ATPase und 5'-Nukleotidase zeig- ten ebenfalls einen Rückgang nach dieser Therapie. Die physiologische Bedeutung die-ser histochemischen Veränderungen werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

It has been shown that 17β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-3-one (dihydrotestosterone, DHT), an irreversible metabolite of testosterone, is capable of maintaining spermatogenesis and sex accessory organs of adult rats. The same property has been displayed by 5α-androstan-3α,17β-diol (3α-diol). We have studied the effects of 5α-androstan-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol) in hypophysectomized rats. This steroid is also capable of maintaining spermatogenesis as well as the accessory glands of hypophysectomized rats. These effects of 3β-diol are quantitatively better than with 3α-diol. Incubation of teased testicular tissue, prostate glands and seminal vesicles with tritiated 3β-diol showed that 3β-diol is preferentially converted to 3α-diol in the testis and DHT in the prostate glands but is not metabolized by the seminal vesicles. This would tend to indicate that the biological activity may be attributed to any one of the 5α-reduced metabolites since the testes and prostate glands can metabolize 3β-diol and the seminal vesicles could get the appropriate form of the steroid by conversion at a peripheral site with transport to the seminal vesicles. Incubation of testicular tissue with tritiated 3β-diol and a steroidal inhibitor of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase showed 90% inhibition of 3β-diol metabolism. In vivo studies with this inhibitor are underway to assess if 3β-diol is biologically active without being converted to other steroids.  相似文献   

Very late activation ( VLA, β1; α1; α5, α9) integrins were studied by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry in the testes of sexually mature rats. All integrin subunits were present in membrane fractions of homogenized testes. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the anti β1 antibody recognized peritubular cells and the basement membrane of blood vessels. Immunoreactivity was also demonstrated in the lamina propria, basement membrane, and the basal cytoplasm of Sertoli cells. In elongating spermatids, β1 integrin was localized to the acrosome. The α1 subunit was expressed in peritubular cells and in the lamina propria. In the adluminal compartment, round spermatids were stained diffusely for the α1 subunit. Immunoreactivity for α1 integrin was found additionally in the acrosomes of elongating spermatids shortly before their release into the seminiferous tubule lumen. The α5 subunit was expressed in the acrosomes of elongating spermatids as well as in their distal cytoplasm during stages III–VI; the cytoplasmic lobes of elongate spermatids and/or residual bodies also appeared to be immunostained in seminiferous tubules at stages VII–VIII. The α9 subunit was immunolocalized only in the basement membrane and in peritubular cells. These data suggest that integrins are involved in spermatogenesis, in particular in the process of spermatid maturation.  相似文献   

A single oral sterilizing dose of α-chlorohydrin (80 mg/kg) produced obstructive retention cysts in the caput epididymis and ductuli efferentes of the male rat with resultant destruction of the spermatogenic epithelium. The weights of androgen dependent organs other than the epididymidis were not changed by the treatment, suggesting that androgen secretion was not impaired. Serum prolactin was elevated for several weeks after α-chlorohydrin possibly correlated with a diuretic action. LH secretion was unchanged for 4 days, significantly elevated at 7 days, then slowly declined to normal, a result which could not be correlated with the other endocrine changes. Serum FSH was significantly elevated by day 4 and remained high for the period of the experiment. The results support the idea of separate controlling mechanisms for LH and FSH secretion. The rapid and persistent rise in FSH supports the view that a hormonal factor (inhibin) is normally produced by the seminiferous epithelium. The possibility that inhibin is normally absorbed via the epididymis and in these experiments fails to reach the systemic circulation because of the epididymal lesion is discussed.  相似文献   

Seminal alpha-glucosidase has been used clinically as a marker of epididymal function. In this study enzyme inhibitors were used to increase the specificity of the human seminal alpha-glucosidase assay and improve its diagnostic value as an indicator of distal epididymal occlusion in cases of azoospermia. Sodium dodecylsulphate was added to the sample to eliminate the interfering acid isoenzyme secreted by the prostate gland, and castanospermine was used with semen pools to provide a semen blank for the assay by eliminating non-glucosidase-regulated degradation of the substrate. With both inhibitors included in the assay, glucosidase activity in semen samples from 17 fathers was measured to provide reference values for the clinic (lower threshold 18 mU per ejaculate). With the improved assay glucosidase was non-detectable in 8 out of 11 cases of proven and 5 out of 8 cases of suspected ductal obstruction; other azoospermic patients with distal occlusion had values below 11 mU per ejaculate.  相似文献   

Hemmung der Spermatogenese bei der Hausratte (Rattus rattus Rufescens) nach Applikation von alpha-Chlorohydrin
Die Langzeitapplikation von alpha-Chlorohydrin (25 mg/kg Körpergewicht) verursachte Schäden der Testes der Hausratte. Es zeigten sich degenerative Veränderungen der Keimzellen. Der Durchmesser der Tubuli seminiferi und der Kerndurchmesser der Leydigschen Zellen waren verringert. Die Zellhöhe der Nebenhodenzellen war beträchtlich vermindert. Das Lumen war frei von Spermatozoen.
Gaben von alpha-Chlorohydrin hemmten die Synthese von RNS, Eiweiß, Sialinsäure in den Hoden und akzessorischen Geschlechtsorganen. Das Gesamtcholesterin in den Testes war erhöht. Auffällig war die Verarmung der Nebennieren an Ascorbinsäure. Alpha-Chlorhydrin wirkt antagonistisch auf die stimulierende Wirkung des Testosterons bei kastrierten Hausratten. Alpha-Chlorohydrin kann als eine biologisch wirksame Verbindung betrachtet werden, um die Zahl der Hausratten in menschlichen Behausungen zu kontrollieren. Seine dosisabhängige Wirksamkeit wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

Male tree shrews (46 animals in all) were kept under distinct social conditions. Two kinds of controls were investigated: isolated animals as well as males out of female/male couples. Comparing these two groups only little isolation effect was observed. With the other individuals, initially isolated, dyads were formed which coexisted for 7 or 50 days. In a third group of dyads, after 50 days of coexistence social circumstances were aggravated for 5 more days by providing only half of the cage. All dyads established clear cut dominance relationship. Animals behaving dominantly developed no signs of gonadal regression rather that of stimulation concerning especially with the epididymis. In contrast, animals behaving as subordinates revealed profound regressive changes although differentiated with respect to any parameter, both morphological and conditional. In testis, chronical subordination (50 days, mainly 50 + 5 days) leads to a loss of organ weight, narrowing of seminiferous tubules and to enlarged spermatogonia nuclei. The case is similar in the epididymis: loss of organ weight, lowered epithelium and an enormously increased frequency of immature germ cells within tail segments. Whereas prostate weight drops continuously, striking histological regression occurs already after 7 days (extreme diminution of epithelial height and of epithelial cell nuclei).  相似文献   

目的:检查c-kit、HIWI和波形蛋白在不同月龄大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中的表达差异,研究睾丸和附睾在成熟和衰老过程中特征性分子表达的规律性改变,为研究男性生殖系统衰老提供实验依据。方法:运用免疫组织化学方法检查6、12、24月龄SD大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中c-kit、HIWI和波形蛋白抗体免疫反应强度,并对其进行比较分析。结果:c-kit特异性免疫反应阳性主要表达于精原细胞,其他细胞表达水平甚弱,不同月龄差异不显著。附睾上皮、附睾管腔内成分亦有c-kit阳性表达。HIWI在大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中表达也很丰富,6月龄和12月龄大鼠中各级生精细胞,尤其是精原细胞和初级精母细胞为免疫反应强阳性细胞;支持细胞、间质细胞、类肌细胞和血管内皮细胞亦为HIWI阳性细胞。附睾上皮有HIWI阳性表达。但是24月龄大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中HIWI表达下调。波形蛋白在睾丸和附睾组织中表达模式为6月龄大鼠睾丸和附睾组织中低表达,24月龄大鼠睾丸和附睾组织表达明显上调(P〈0.01)。结论:c-kit、HIWI在24月龄动物睾丸和附睾组织中表达下调,波形蛋白表达随增龄而明显增强。结果提示,睾丸和附睾组织的衰老与细胞和细胞信号转导异常密切相关。  相似文献   

The distribution of 5α-dihydrotestosterone to the blood following application of a solution of this androgen to the skin in a hydro-alcoholic gel was studied in order to evaluate the adequacy of the percutaneous route in correcting androgen deficiencies. In 14 adult men, daily percutaneous administration of 5α-dihydrotestosterone (125 mg in 5 g gel) increases, on the average, 4 to 5 times its initial concentration in plasma. On the 14th day of treatment, repeated evaluations of plasma 5α-dihydrotestosterone, between 2 and 21 h after final administration of gel, demonstrated the stability of diurnal 5α-dihydrotestosterone levels and showed the regular distribution of the steroid from a presumably cutaneous reservoir. Plasma 5α-androstane-3α, 17β-diol levels evolve parallel to those of 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Plasma testosterone and luteinizing hormone, on the contrary, decrease considerably. No variation of follicle-stimulating-hormone is observed during treatment. The percutaneous absorption represents an interesting method for administration of a natural androgen in men, particularly because one avoids the deleterious effects of supra-physiological levels in the liver achieved with oral administration.  相似文献   

Histochemical studies of testicular delta5-3beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and 17beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in sexually immature rats treated chronically with simultaneous Indomethacin and Clomiphene revealed greater inhibition in the enzyme activities when compared to Clomiphene treated animals alone. This suggests prostaglandin-inhibitors may be directly inhibitory to NAD-requiring enzymes involved in testicular steroid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary: Seven lectins (PNA, RCA I, SBA, Con A, WGA, UEA I, DBA) conjugated with rhodamine were employed to analyse the staining pattern of glycoproteins with varying sugar residues in the testis and epididymis of adult Wistar rats. Some lectins (UEA I, SBA, DBA) gave rather specific staining of the mature acrosome, while others (PNA, RCA I) showed affinity for the early stages of acrosome formation or had a wide affinity for germinal and non-germinal cells and structures (Con A, WGA). In the epididymis the sperm mass had a homogenous staining reaction with some lectins (PNA, RCA I, Con A, WGA, DBA) which also showed a rather strong reaction on the epithelial surface. It was concluded that this reaction is at least partially due to the secretory products synthetized by principal, apical, narrow and light cells of the epididymal epithelium. Some differences in the staining pattern of these cells were recorded indicating specialization of the cells for the production of distinct glycoproteins. The staining pattern of the interstitial and intertubular compartment of the testis and epididymis was also recorded. Zusammenfassung: Die Verteilung der Lektin-Bindung im Hoden und Nebenhoden der Ratte Sieben Lektine (PNA, RCA I, SBA, Con A, WGA, UEA I, DBA) wurden verbunden mit Rhodamin verwendet, um das Darstellungsmuster von Glykoproteinen mit verschiedenen Zuckerresten im Hoden und Nebenhoden erwachsener Wistar-Ratten zu analysieren. Einige Lektine (UEA I, SBA, DBA) gaben eine recht spezifische Darstellung des reifen Akrosoms, wohingegen andere (PNA, RCA I) eine Affinität zu den frühen Stadien der Akrosomformation zeigten oder eine breite Affinität zu Germinal- und Nichtgerminalzellen und -strukturen aufwiesen (Con A, WGA). Im Nebenhoden zeigte die Spermatozoenmasse ein homogenes Darstellungsmuster mit einigen Lektinen (PNA, RCA I, Con A, WGA, DBA), welche auf der epithelialen Oberfläche auch eine recht starke Reaktion aufwiesen. Es wurde daraus geschlossen, daβ diese Reaktion zumindest teilweise auf die sekretorischen Produkte, die in den Haupt-, Apikal-, Schmal- und Hellzellen des Nebenhodens synthetisiert werden, zurückzuführen ist. Einige Unterschiede im Darstellungsmuster dieser Zellen wurden aufgezeichnet, die die Spezialisierung der Zellen für die Produktion bestimmter Glykoproteine anzeigen. Das Darstellungsmuster des interstitiellen und intertubulären Anteils des Hodens und Nebenhodens wurde ebenfalls aufgezeichnet.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that α-mannosidase from rat epididymal fluid is a ligand for phosphomannosyl receptors on the sperm surface. This enzyme was bound to intact epididymal spermatozoa with high affinity and in saturable form, and the binding was inhibited by mannose-6-phosphate but not by phosphorylated derivatives of fructose. Treatment of the enzyme with sodium periodate inhibited the binding of α-mannosidase, confirming that a carbohydrate residue is involved in the interaction with spermatozoa. Evidence is also presented that the cation-independent phosphomannosyl receptors are responsible for the interaction with α-mannosidase. These findings suggest a new role for extracellular transport mediated by the mannose-6-phosphate receptor.  相似文献   

Background :
We evaluated possible effects of α-interferon (α-IFN) on testicular spermatogenesis and epididymal sperm quality in the nude rat.
Methods :
Nude male rats were administered subcutaneous injections of human α-IFN daily for 3 months. The luminal content of the cauda epididymidis was collected by micropuncture. Daily sperm production was determined by Amann's method and sperm concentrations were determined by microassay. Progressive motility was judged by evaluating the linear distance traveled by the sperm in a diluent. Serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were also measured at the end of the experiment.
Results :
Daily sperm production and epididymal sperm concentrations were significantly increased after administration of α-IFN, while progressive motility of the spermatozoa was not altered. α-IFN significantly increased serum testosterone levels, while it decreased serum LH levels and left serum FSH levels unchanged.
Conclusion :
α-IFN may improve testicular spermatogenesis and increase the epididymal sperm concentration in the rat. These promising results with α-IFN may pave the way for a new approach to treating male infertility.  相似文献   

Effekt einer low-dose Behandlung mit α-Chlorohydrin auf die Dehydrogenase und Oxidasen im Rattenhoden — Eine histochemische Untersuchung
In dieser histochemischen Untersuchung wurden folgende Enzyme nach low-dose Behandlung mit α-Chlorohydrin (6,5 mg/kg/9 Tage) in den verschiedenen Zellarten des Rattenhodens untersucht: Isocitratdehydrogenase, Succinatdehydrogenase, Malatdehydrogenase, Glutamatdehydrogenase, Δ5- 3α-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase, NAD- und NADP-Diaphorase und Monoaminoxidase. Die Anwendung von α-Chlorohydrin führt zu einer Verminderung oder dem Verschwinden all dieser Enzyme bis auf NADP-Diaphorase und Δ5 -3α-HSD. Diese Veränderungen der Enzymaktivitäten im Rattenhoden zeigen deutlich, daß nach einer low-dose Behandlung mit α-Chlorohydrin lange bevor histologische Defekte auftreten, der Zitronensäurezyklus und Aminosäurestoffwechsel im Hoden geschädigt werden. Die Steroidbiosynthese bleibt jedoch unbeeinträchtigt, wie die gleichbleibenden Aktivitäten der Δ5 -3α-HSD und NADP-Diaphorase bewiesen.  相似文献   

Numerous investigators demonstrated increased 5 alpha-reductase activity in testes of developing rats. The rapid in vitro metabolism of progesterone to 5 alpha-reduced androgens occurs at certain stages of testicular development. This was considered evidence for the conclusion that testosterone is primarily an intermediate rather than the final product in testes of immature rats. However, a discrepancy is noted when developmental patterns of circulating or intratesticular levels of androgens are compared with the patterns of accumulation of metabolites of progesterone in vitro. In blood and testicular tissue of 17-20 day old rats a testosterone peak has been reported, while in the in vitro studies such peak was not observed. In this study radiolabelled pregnenolone was utilized in vitro as a substrate, and a pattern of androgen formation similar to that observed in the in vivo studies was noted. A peak of androgen formation (testosterone and 5 alpha-androstanediol) was observed used prior to completion of the meiotic prophase. However, when testosterone was utilized as the substrate, no correlation between 5 alpha-reduction and completion of the meiotic prophase was detected. This suggests that the rise in testosterone may be associated with completion of the meiotic prophase. Investigation of the androgen metabolic pathways revealed the following age-related patterns: no change in 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, activation of 5 alpha-reductase at 12 days of age, and activation of 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase between 14 and 18 days of age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from the cauda epididymidis of rats treated with RS -α-chlorohydrin (10 mg/kg/day p. o. × 7) had the same ATP content as control spermatozoa immediately after collection, but were unable to metabolize glucose in vitro and so their ATP content declined more rapidly than that of control spermatozoa.
The in vitro metabolism of glucose by spermatozoa from rat, hamster, rhesus monkey and human was inhibited by 80% or more after 15–30 min preincubation in the presence of RS-α-chlorohydrin concentrations of < 1, > 10, 5–10 and > 50 mM, respectively. Inhibition of glucose oxidation was correlated with a reduction in ATP concentration in the spermatozoa.
These data support the hypothesis that α-chlorohydrin acts as an antifer-tility agent by inhibition of sperm glycolysis but suggest that RS -α-chlorohydrin would not be an effective contraceptive in man. However, the glucose metabolism of human spermatozoa was significantly inhibited by < 10 mM of the S -enantiomer of α-chlorohydrin.  相似文献   

α1‐Adrenoceptors are involved in physiological functions such as urinary excretion and ejaculation in the lower urinary tract (LUT). Several α1 antagonists are clinically used for the treatment of urinary obstruction in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. At present, three classical α1‐adrenoceptor subtypes (α1A, α1B, and α1D) have been identified, among which the α1A and α1D‐adrenoceptor subtypes have been regarded as the main targets of α1 antagonist therapy for LUT symptoms. Prazosin has been used as a prototypic, classical antagonist, to characterize α1‐adrenoceptors pharmacologically, (i.e. all classical α1‐adrenoceptor subtypes show high‐affinity for the drug). However, we found that α1‐adrenoceptors in the LUT show atypical low‐affinity for prazosin. Therefore, the concept α1L‐receptor, which indicates α1‐adrenoceptor(s) showing low‐affinity for prazosin has been introduced. A recent study demonstrated that the α1L‐adrenoceptor is a specific phenotype present in the many intact tissues including human LUT, and that it originates from the ADRA1A gene. Therefore, the α1L‐adrenoceptor in the LUT is now re‐defined as α1A(L)‐adrenoceptor. The physiological and pharmacological difference between classical α1A(H), and α1A(L) which is the native receptor expressed in the LUT is of special interest as it provides fundamental bases for urological α1A‐adrenoceptor blocking pharmacotherapy. Here, we briefly review the α1‐adrenoceptors in the LUT with special reference to phenotype‐based (pharmacome) analysis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨L-肉碱(LC)在奥硝唑(ORN)所致大鼠附睾和睾丸损伤中的的保护作用。方法:40只雄性SD大鼠(200~230g)随机均分为5组:①A组:给予0.5%的羧甲基纤维素钠(溶剂)灌胃;②B组:每天给予400mg/kgORN灌胃;③C组:每天给予800mg/kgORN灌胃;④D组:每天给予[ORN(400mg/kg)+LC(100mg/kg)]灌胃;⑤E组:每天给予[ORN(800mg/kg)+LC(100mg/kg)]灌胃。上述各组均连续灌胃20d,末次给药24h后,所有大鼠麻醉后处死,分别取睾丸、附睾,进行称重和HE染色,计算睾丸、附睾系数并观察睾丸和附睾病理组织学改变。结果:①与A组相比,B组睾丸、附睾系数明显降低(P<0.05);而C组睾丸、附睾系数为极显著性降低(P<0.01);D组与A组相比无差异,E组与A组相比有极显著性差异(P<0.01);②HE染色显示,与A组相比,B组睾丸生精小管内各级生精细胞排列基本整齐,部分生精小管管腔内有脱落的生精细胞,附睾管腔中精子数目下降,有时可见散在的生精细胞;C组大鼠睾丸生精小管管腔内均可见坏死脱落的生精细胞,附睾管腔中精子数目明显减少,且有较多的非精子细胞成分。D组睾丸生精小管无明显改变,附睾管腔中精子数目也未见明显下降;E组睾丸生精小管管腔内精子数目减少,可见坏死脱落的生精细胞,附睾腔中精子数目明显减少,并伴有较多的非精子细胞成分。结论:奥硝唑(ORN)可导致雄性大鼠附睾和睾丸病理组织学改变,LC对ORN引起大鼠附睾和睾丸损伤具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

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