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目的了解医学生对医学统计学实验课教学的需求及满意度。方法选取某医科大学325名学生为调查对象,通过一个学期的医学统计学实验课程的学习,调查医学生对医学统计学实验教学的需求及满意度。结果对于带教老师,68.3%的学生希望学历在硕士及以上,80.0%的学生希望职称在副教授及以上,75.4%的学生希望年龄在30~50岁之间;对于教学方法,86.5%的学生要求采用多媒体与传统教学结合的方式,86.8%的学生希望多开展相互讨论,96.9%的学生希望采用案例教学;对于时间和内容,70.7%的学生认为每次安排三节课最合适,72.4%的学生对30~40 min的理论讲解时间最认可,89.8%的学生要求增加先进统计技术和知识,72.9%的学生希望增加软件操作;96.9%的学生认识到实验课的重要性,94.4%的学生认为实验课需要老师的指导;56.3%的学生对目前带教老师感到满意。结论医学统计学实验课教学水平有待进一步提高,需要不断提高带教老师的执教水平,完善实验课程设置,改革实验教学方法。  相似文献   

目的了解临床专业留学生对医学统计学课程内容的掌握情况、满意度及需求。方法选取刚刚结束医学统计学课程的本科和硕士留学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式收集留学生对医学统计学课程的掌握情况、满意度及需求。结果超过3/4的留学生能正确运用医学统计学基础知识,但统计软件的正确运用率只有30.9%,其中硕士留学生略高于本科留学生。有12.3%的留学生对教学效果不满意,85.2%的留学生希望老师年龄在40岁以下,60.5%的留学生希望老师学历在研究生及以上水平,61.7%的学生希望授课老师的职称为副教授及以上,75.3%的留学生希望授课老师数量不超过2个,半数以上的留学生认为课时数、课程中的实例分析及课堂互动较少。结论学校及授课老师应进一步完善课程设置,加强师资培养,探索适合临床专业留学生特点的教学模式和方法,提高留学生医学统计学教学质量。  相似文献   

目的了解临床专业留学生对医学统计学课程内容的掌握情况、满意度及需求。方法选取刚刚结束医学统计学课程的本科和硕士留学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式收集留学生对医学统计学课程的掌握情况、满意度及需求。结果超过3/4的留学生能正确运用医学统计学基础知识,但统计软件的正确运用率只有30.9%,其中硕士留学生略高于本科留学生。有12.3%的留学生对教学效果不满意,85.2%的留学生希望老师年龄在40岁以下,60.5%的留学生希望老师学历在研究生及以上水平,61.7%的学生希望授课老师的职称为副教授及以上,75.3%的留学生希望授课老师数量不超过2个,半数以上的留学生认为课时数、课程中的实例分析及课堂互动较少。结论学校及授课老师应进一步完善课程设置,加强师资培养,探索适合临床专业留学生特点的教学模式和方法,提高留学生医学统计学教学质量。  相似文献   

正医学统计学课程作为医学生的公共必修课,对于医学生科研思维的养成和循证能力的提高均具有重要的作用;但因其理论抽象、公式繁多、内容枯燥,一直以来被学生和教师公认为难学、难教。很多研究从不同层面对医学统计学的教学问题进行了分析,指出课程教学中应改革教学方法、增强学生的参与度与对课程的认知度~[1-3]。一项面向全国高校的教学现状调查也发现分别有54.9%和30.7%的学生认为课堂教学应  相似文献   

目的了解医学研究生对医学统计学课程的认知及应用需求,进一步促进教学效果、保证教学质量。方法以汕头大学医学院2016级全体在读硕士研究生为调查对象进行医学统计学教育满意度及需求调查。结果本研究共调查240名医学硕士研究生,年龄21~32岁,平均年龄为(23.99±1.45)岁,男、女分别为110人(占45.83%)和130人(占54.17%)。46.67%(112/240)的医学硕士研究生对医学统计学感兴趣。43.34%(104/240)的学生表示对学习医学统计学存在障碍。35.00%(84/240)认为当前课程设置合理,42.09%(101/240)认为当前教学形式合理。33.75%(81/240)的学生知道在实际中如何运用医学统计学知识。对医学统计课程的总体印象方面,65.83%(158/240)的学生表示满意。97.08%(233/240)学生希望在未来教学中更强调研究设计和科研思维的培养。结论汕头大学医学院大部分医学硕士研究生认为在学习过程中应更注重统计学的应用功能,希望在未来教学中进一步培养研究设计和科研思维,建议在医学统计学教学过程中根据专业需求结合学生特点设置课程。  相似文献   

目的:调查带教师资和专硕规培学员参与模拟教学的现状,分析总结师资和学员对模拟教学的认知和满意度、临床带教需求及存在问题,为管理者从发展角度提升住培质量,提出优化措施。方法:采用问卷调查方式,调研常州市153名规培带教师资和119名专硕学员参与模拟教学现状,剖析专硕规培中开展模拟教学存在问题并提出改进策略。结果:30.06%带教老师开展过教学方法、操作技能、改善医疗行为、多学科协作的模拟教学研究,67.97%带教老师准备开展模拟教学;开展过模拟教学的老师认为模拟教学在提升学员基本技能操作和沟通协调能力上教学效果明显;三个年级的学员接受过模拟教学,认为收获很大,并希望开展结合具体病例专科模拟教学。结论:专硕规培学员希望进行模拟教学的意愿较高,带教老师对专硕规培学员已开展一定的模拟教学研究,但需进一步结合专硕规培学员的特点和需求,开展相应的模拟教学,进一步提升专硕规培质量。  相似文献   

目的通过我院目前本科临床实习生的临床实习情况进行调查分析,发现临床实践教学中存在的缺陷及不足,以提高我院提高临床实践教学能力,培养合格的医学人才。方法对2011年7月。2012年7月份在我院各个科室实习的医学生进行问卷调查。结果医学生对教学医院总体比较满意,对带教老师的带教意识及带教能力比较满意,临床教学活动开展数量不足,学生动手操作机会不多。结论教学医院应加强带教师资队伍建设和教学投入,重视学生岗前培训及教学质量评估,提高临床教学质量。  相似文献   

目的 评价四川大学《医学统计学》研究生课程教学情况及其教学效果,针对教学结果提出进一步教学改革的建议。方法 采用自行设计的问卷,以《医学统计学》研究生课程选课学生为研究对象,在学期末最后一次课结束发放问卷,调查教学情况。结果 收到来自6个不同学院有效问卷258份,以临床医学院和公共卫生学院学生为主。不同学院的学生各章节课前课后掌握不同,学习需求不同。89.53%的学生认为自己本科阶段的医学统计学基础差,96.51%的学生能意识到本课程重要,82.56%的学生具有较高的学习兴趣;学生对教学态度和教学水平较为认可,实践教学水平满意度(76.74%)低于理论课(91.09%)。91.86%的学生对教学总体满意,在课程内容设置的前沿性(62.40%)和应用性(68.60%)上的满意度,比课程系统性(80.23%)的满意度低。结论 学生对本课程教学总体满意度较高,学生收获较多,但是在教学模式和教学内容上还有待进一步改革。  相似文献   

医学统计学实验教学方法的改革与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学统计学是医学研究生和本科生的一门公共必修课,该学科在学生今后从事实际工作中有着十分重要的作用,是科研工作中一个重要工具。实验课是医学统计学教学的重要组成部分,针对当前统计学实验教学中的问题,笔者结合实际教学工作的体会,对医学研究生和本科生统计学实验教学方法进行了初步的改革尝试和探索,以期提高统计学实验教学效果,切实加强医学生的统计应用能力。  相似文献   

目的了解高职高专临床学生预防医学教学现状。方法设计调查问卷,并对学过《预防医学》课程的学生进行无记名调查,对结果进行分析。结果对预防医学有兴趣的有50.20%,经常逃课的学生占20.00%,经常抄袭作业的有45.90%;理论课疾病预防与控制满意度最高为39.27%,调查研究基本方法满意度最低,为31.82%;实验课疾病预防与控制满意度最高为64.36%,调查研究基本方法最低,26.00%;平时成绩得分率较高的是疾病预防与控制,较低的是调查研究基本方法。结论通过增加学生预防医学社区实践活动,改变实训课教学方式,降低教材难度等方式提高学生对学科的认识,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

A D Clayden 《Statistics in medicine》1990,9(9):1031-7; discussion 1039-44
As far as we can tell, there is no single answer to any of these questions. This paper describes some of the approaches adopted in the teaching of medical statistics in the U.K. medical schools. It is suggested that collaboration between non-statistically qualified teachers and medical statisticians is beneficial, with an emphasis in the application of statistical principles to interesting and 'relevant' medical topics. A block of 'laboratory based' teaching in the early years may be followed by occasional, clinically focused sessions later in the undergraduate course. Research oriented courses, made available when postgraduates have a real and pressing need for information, are thought likely to be most valuable and rewarding for students and statisticians. It is thought that the use of information technology to improve the communication of concepts and 'facts' during lectures, and for ad hoc enquiries by students, is likely to make the most of the limited teaching resources. The future is thought to be in the greater use of small group or individualized teaching which confirms or tests the knowledge gained from students use of I.T. supported activities. Unless lecturers collaborate in evaluative studies which compare different teaching methods, it will never be possible to provide valid generalizable advice to teachers of medical statistics.  相似文献   

目的 了解形成性评价的教学效果,探讨其影响因素,以便进一步改进《卫生统计学》教学,提高教学质量。 方法 选取2014年下半年开课的4个本科专业的学生,随机抽取两个班作为形成性评价实验班,另两个沿用传统考核方式作为对照班,学期末采用自编调查问卷进行调查,调查内容包括对本课程以及考核方式的认知与态度、学习过程的评价与建议。并采用多元线性回归模型对教学效果的影响因素进行探讨。 结果 本次调查有效回收率89.7%,结果显示实验组与对照组期末理论考评没有统计学差异(t=1.16,P=0.24),两组的上机实践考评(t=2.56,P=0.01)与模拟科研设计考评(t=2.78,P<0.01)有显著的统计学差异。实验组的教学效果与考试目标、考评方式倾向和对平时成绩比例的态度有关,对照组的教学效果与性别、家庭所在地和考试目标有关。 结论 因材施教,师生共同参与学习任务的完成,并在学习过程中关注学生的思考,是提高《卫生统计学》的教学质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

Athens University teachers' and students' views and opinions on general issues in medical education were recorded by the method of written questionnaires. This was undertaken in an attempt to have basic material necessary for possible reform of the present system. Eleven professors, fifty associate professors, eighty-three lecturers, 107 assistants, sixty final-year students and eighteen teachers, who had just finished a course in educational techniques, responded to the thirty-six items of a Greek-oriented questionnaire especially prepared for this purpose. Results were analysed and presented in topics such as evaluation, students' characteristics, ways of training, and characteristics of the effective university teacher. Commonly accepted issues were: frequent examinations; repeated orientation and guidance of students; examination to evaluate both students and teachers; smaller group tutorial teaching; student participation in curriculum planning; lesser factual details; teaching how to search into the sources of knowledge; inspiration of life learning. It is concluded that there are several key issues shared in common among both senior and junior teachers and students. Reform which is desirable can thus be widely accepted.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In line with recent General Medical Council recommendations a new, 8-week integrated course in clinical methods has been introduced into the undergraduate curriculum at Leicester University. OBJECTIVES: To describe student perceptions of the course and to identify areas for improvement. DESIGN: A questionnaire survey. SETTINGS: These were 50 general practices, three teaching hospitals and the academic Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care. SUBJECTS: A total of 180 third- and fourth-year medical students. RESULTS: The questionnaires were completed by 93% of students. The latter expressed higher satisfaction with practice teaching compared with hospital teaching, on a 5-point scale, with regard to questions on 'teaching content' (4.0 vs. 2.7, P < 0.0001) and 'teaching process' (4.1 vs. 2.7 P < 0.0001), which was reinforced by free text comments. Of the respondents, 92% agreed that their teaching practice had satisfied the required teaching timetable and 87% of students found their departmental tutor enthusiastic and stimulating. CONCLUSION: It is possible to deliver an integrated course in clinical methods, teaching generic clinical skills, in a mix of hospital and practice settings. Nevertheless there were substantial differences in student perceptions of the relative quality and impact of teaching in the two settings. This may be related to the more detailed programme of preparation of practice teachers and the greater extent to which practice teachers were required, and able, to create protected time for the teaching task. These differences should be minimized if hospital teachers undergo similar preparation for the teaching task and have similar levels of protected teaching time.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted, experiential course of instruction on early diagnosis of substance abuse was developed and compared to three existing substance abuse curricula for third-year medical students on family medicine clerkships. The experimental course, requiring 2 hours of teacher contact, consisted of three computer-assisted instruction modules, active discussion, role play, opportunities for applying new knowledge and clinical skills, and modelling of clinical interest by a family doctor. The three comparison educational programmes were a one-week immersion experience on a substance abuse in-patient unit, 1-4 hours of lecture, and no formal teaching. For 6 months, all third-year medical students at Jefferson Medical College were exposed to one of these courses, and to the same required readings on substance abuse, on their required family medicine rotations at different clerkship sites. They completed end-of-rotation questionnaires assessing their knowledge, satisfaction with substance abuse teaching, and motivation for continued learning. Groups were similar with regard to demographic variables, academic performance, and previous curricular and extra-curricular exposure to substance abuse. Despite a possible selection bias favouring the immersion experience, the computer-assisted course resulted in higher levels of knowledge on early diagnosis, but similar attitudes and satisfaction. The computer-assisted and immersion courses produced more favourable outcomes than lecture-based teaching and no formal teaching. Compared to no formal teaching, lecture did not produce measurable effect. The results suggest that a computer-assisted, experiential substance abuse course, based on relevant and practical goals, can efficiently augment knowledge and motivation for further learning of third-year medical students.  相似文献   

目的 利用自评量表综合评价学生在《卫生统计学》翻转课堂、传统课堂教学模式下的学习情况,从学生角度为教学改进提供建议。方法 在2017年春开展传统课堂教学(148人),2018年春开展翻转课堂教学(107人)。量表涵盖教学满意度、学习态度、学习能力、知识掌握情况4方面,等级变量进行构成比描述、秩和检验,成绩采用独立样本t检验。结果 翻转课堂组成绩较传统课堂组提高19.87%。46.53%的学生认为翻转课堂进度较快,传统课堂组仅有20.83%。对于课堂回答问题的频率,翻转课堂组仅25.74%的学生选择从不,而传统课堂组有45.14%。结论 在翻转课堂教学中应及时解决学生学习疑问,引导学生做好课前预习,合理把控课程进度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the course experiences of medical students in a new problem-based (PBL) undergraduate medical course with those of their peers in a conventional curriculum. DESIGN: Whole class questionnaire survey using a pre-validated research instrument. SETTING: University of Liverpool, UK. SUBJECTS: First and second year medical students RESULTS: New curriculum students were more satisfied with their course when compared to their conventional course peers. Problem solving, team working and motivation scores were significantly higher amongst new course (PBL) students. New course students were more anxious about clarity of objectives and standard of work required. CONCLUSIONS: Early evidence suggests that curriculum reform from conventional teaching to a small group problem analysis programme results in improvement in student satisfaction with teaching and the development of appropriate learning skills.  相似文献   

Summary. British medical school teachers of medical statistics aspire to teach statistical concepts without requiring medical students to undertake every statistical technique in the book. In the typical course of 20–30 hours, about 50 topics are taught, usually requiring the student to perform a technique. In a survey of current practice in 20 courses it is shown that a core syllabus of 36 topics, including 14 techniques to be performed, is feasible for almost all existing courses. Clear student learning objectives now need to be agreed to encapsulate this syllabus.  相似文献   

目的了解某肿瘤医院多重耐药菌(MDRO)的分布情况,为医院感染防控提供依据。方法回顾性分析贵州省肿瘤医院2011-2013年临床送检标本中分离的MDRO监测资料。结果2011-2013年共检出1 165株MDRO,产超广谱β 内酰胺酶(ESBLs)大肠埃希菌检出最多(626株,占53.73%),其次为耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(MRCNS)(209株,占17.94%);各年检出MDRO数量呈递增趋势。MDRO标本来源以痰/咽拭子(346株,占29.70%)、分泌物(322株,27.64%)及尿(227株,19.48%)为主;检出科室主要为重症监护病房(ICU)(210株,占18.03%),其次为泌尿外科(173株,占14.85%)。结论该肿瘤医院患者分离的MDRO主要来源于呼吸道、伤口分泌物及泌尿系统,应加强对高危科室及易感人群的监控,制定有针对性预防控制措施,遏制MDRO的感染和传播。  相似文献   

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