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Neuronal structures in the barrel region of the mouse primary somatosensory cortex containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were identified by an immunocytochemical method, using an antiserum to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of GABA. GAD-positive cell bodies were found in all layers of the barrel cortex, but were more concentrated in the upper portion of layer II/III, and in layers IV and VI. Puncta, presumably axon terminals, were also distributed throughout the cortical layers; a high density of puncta occurs in layer IV, whereas a somewhat lower density characterizes layer VI. Based on the shapes of their somata and the distribution of their dendrites it was determined that all GAD-positive cell bodies were of the non-pyramidal type.  相似文献   

Neurons in the monkey somatic sensory and motor cortex were labelled immunocytochemically for the GABA synthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), and examined with the electron microscope. The somata and dendrites of many large GAD-positive neurons of layers III-VI receive numerous asymmetric synapses from unlabelled terminals and symmetric synapses from GAD-positive terminals. Comparisons with light and electron microscopic studies of Golgi-impregnated neurons suggest that the large labelled neurons are basket cells. Small GAD-positive neurons generally receive few synapses on their somata and dendrites, and probably conform to several morphological types. GAD-positive axons from symmetric synapses on many neuronal elements including the somata, dendrites and initial segments of pyramidal cells, and the somata and dendrites of non-pyramidal cells. Synapses between GAD-positive terminals and GAD-positive cell bodies and dendrites are common in all layers. Many GAD-positive terminals in layers III-VI arise from myelinated axons. Some of the axons form pericellular terminal nests on pyramidal cell somata and are interpreted as originating from basket cells while other GAD-positive myelinated axons synapse with the somata and dendrites of non-pyramidal cells. These findings suggest either that the sites of basket cell terminations are more heterogeneous than previously believed or that there are other classes of GAD-positive neurons with myelinated axons. Unmyelinated GAD-positive axons synapse with the initial segments of pyramidal cell axons or form en passant synapses with dendritic spines and small dendritic shafts and are interpreted as arising from the population of small GAD-positive neurons which appears to include several morphological types.  相似文献   

Summary The areal and laminar distribution of GABAA receptor immunoreactivity was examined in fetal, early postnatal and adult monkey sensory-motor cortex by using a monoclonal antibody to the purified GABAA receptor complex (Vitorica et al. 1988). GABAA receptor immunoreactivity was distributed throughout the neuropil, often outlining the unstained somata of pyramidal and non-pyramidal cells. In all areas of the adult sensory-motor cortex, layers I–IIIA exhibited the most intense immunostaining. In deeper layers of the four cytoarchitectonic fields of the first somatic sensory area (SI), layers IIIB and V were lightly stained and alternated with somewhat more intensely stained layers IV and VI. In deeper layers of area 4, the deeper half of layer IIIA through layer VA was lightly immunostained, but layers VB and VI were slightly more intensely immunoreactive. A variable number of nonpyramidal cell somata in the cortex and underlying white matter showed immunoreactive staining. GABAA receptor immunoreactivity was present throughout the sensory-motor cortex from the youngest fetal age examined (E121), but the pattern of immunostaining differed from that in the adult. In all areas, the densest immunoreactivity was found in a diffuse band in layers III and IV and in the subplate zone. Within the subplate zone, the presence of receptor immunoreactivity and some intensely stained neuronal somata at all fetal ages suggests the presence of a synaptic neuropil. With increasing age, gradual changes in the distribution of receptor immunoreactivity occurred, resulting in an adult-like pattern of immunostaining by postnatal day 1.5. These results show that the laminar pattern of GABAA receptor distribution closely follows the major concentrations of GABA immunoreactive neurons in adults and it is suggested that laminar changes seen in development are associated with the establishment of afferent connections and inhibitory circuits in the sensory-motor cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the enzyme that synthesizes the neurotransmitter -aminobutyric acid (GABA), has been localized in the rat visual cortex by immunocytochemical methods with both light and electron microscopy. In both colchicine-injected and non-injected preparations of the visual cortex, GAD-positive reaction product was observed in somata, proximal dendrites and axon terminals of non-pyramidal neurons. The GAD-positive terminals were observed to form symmetric synaptic junctions most commonly with dendritic shafts and somata of pyramidal and stellate neurons and less frequently with initial axon segments of pyramidal neurons and dendritic spines. In colchicine-injected preparations, GAD-positive somata were located in all cortical layers including the immediately subjacent white matter. In contrast, sections from non-injected rats displayed GAD-positive somata within a superficial and a deep cortical band. The GAD-positive somata observed in both types of preparations received both symmetric and asymmetric synaptic junctions, lacked apical dendrites, and had radially oriented dendrites of small diameter. These characteristics of GAD-positive neurons indicate that they are aspinous and sparsely-spinous stellate neurons. The localization of GAD within these neurons in combination with physiological and pharmacological data indicate that these local circuit neurons mediate GABA-ergic inhibition in the neocortex.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical results indicate that GAD-positive neurons are found in the molecular and granule cell layers of the dentate gyrus as well as in the hilar region. GAD-positive cells in the molecular and granule cell layers are identified as various types of local circuit neurons. Most of the GAD-positive puncta found throughout the molecular layer and within the granule cell layer are interpreted as axon terminals of these neurons, including five types of basket cells. This interpretation is based on data that indicate the axons of basket cells form synapses with the somata and proximal dendrites of granule cells. The results in the hilus show that 60% of the hilar neurons are GAD-positive. Since previous studies have indicated that 80% of hilar neurons give rise to both associational and commissural pathways, many GABAergic neurons in the hilus are probably projection neurons. This finding is consistent with recent physiological data which suggest that commissural pathway stimulation directly inhibits granule cells. Therefore, GABAergic cells in the dentate gyrus appear to be both projection and local circuit neurons.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) containing neurons was reported to contain cholecystokinin-immunoreactive material in the visual cortex of cat [Somogyi et al., J. Neurosci. (1984) 4, 2590-2603]. In the present study pre-embedding immunocytochemistry was used to identify which of the several types of presumed GABAergic nonpyramidal cells in areas 17 and 18 contain cholecystokinin immunoreactivity. Most of the cholecystokinin-immunoreactive somata were found in layers II-III, they were less frequent in layers I and VI, and relatively rare in layers IV and V. The distribution and density of the axon terminals resembled that of the cell bodies. Two well defined types of cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neuron were distinguished: (1) double bouquet cells in layers II-III with vertically projecting axons, and (2) small basket cells with local axons either restricted to layers II-III, or descending to layer V. Additional cholecystokinin-positive cells showed features of bitufted or multipolar neurons in layers II-VI and horizontal cells in layer I, but these cells could be defined less well due to partial staining. Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive dendrites were found to run horizontally in layer I for several hundred micrometers. Some of the cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells in layer VI had very long dendrites ascending radially up to layer III, as did their axons. A few cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells appeared to have two axons and this was confirmed by electron microscopy. All cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neurons and terminals were separated from the basal lamina of blood vessels by glial endfeet. Random samples of boutons from each layer as well as identified terminals traced to their origin from local neurons were examined in the electron microscope. All of the boutons established symmetrical (type II) synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts, spines or somata. Quantitative electron microscopy of the postsynaptic targets of double bouquet cells and small basket cells demonstrated clear differences between these two types of neuron; basket cells having a higher proportion of their terminals in synaptic contact with somata. The findings that several distinct types of cortical neurons, as defined by their synaptic connections, contain cholecystokinin-immunoreactive material and that identified axons of all examined neurons form type II synaptic contacts suggests that the majority, if not all cholecystokinin-positive boutons forming type II contacts originate from local cortical cells. The distribution of targets postsynaptic to cholecystokinin-positive neurons is compared to those of cells labelled by other methods.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological experiments in carnivores have revealed the existence of a large number of cortical regions and an organization of sensory systems quite similar to that found in primates. However, the cyto- and chemoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex is relatively poorly known in carnivores. We analyzed the distribution and typology of classes of neurons containing neurofilament protein or the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin, and calretinin in six neocortical regions of the dog. In all these areas, neurofilament protein was present in a subpopulation of medium-to-large size pyramidal neurons predominantly distributed in layers III and V. Parvalbumin was present in a large population of morphologically diverse interneurons. Small ovoid and multipolar neurons were observed throughout the cortical layers, but predominated in layers II and IV. Layers III and V–VI were characterized by the presence of larger and intensely immunoreactivity neurons with bitufted or multipolar morphology, and layers V–VI also contained large multipolar neurons. Calbindin was observed in small round and multipolar interneurons in layer II, and typical double bouquet cells in layer III. Layers IV–VI contained isolated double bouquet cells and large multipolar neurons. A few calbindin-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons were also observed in layer V. Calretinin was localized in bipolar and double bouquet cells in layers II and upper III. The lower part of layer III and layers IV–VI contained rare calretinin-immunoreactive neurons. In some areas, layer III displayed a few large isolated multipolar neurons and pyramidal neurons containing calretinin. In addition, the results show that there is a substantial degree of variability in the distribution of these proteins among cortical regions, and that although they are found in morphologically comparable neuronal types in dog, monkeys, and humans, many difference exist in their regional distribution patterns between carnivores and primates.  相似文献   

Summary Somatostatin immunoreactive neurons in rat visual cortex were examined in the light and electron microscopes using an antibody to the tetradecapeptide form of somatostatin. Somatostatin immunoreactive neurons were found to belong only to non-pyramidal classes. They are of five main types: multipolar neurons with either thin or thick dendrites; small and large bipolar neurons; bitufted neurons; horizontal neurons; and neurons in the subcortical white matter. Of the immunoreactive neurons, multipolar neurons are the most common and account for 30% of the population, while bipolar and bitufted neurons make up 25% and 15% of the immunoreactive population, respectively; the least common somatostatin immunoreactive neurons are the horizontal and subcortical white matter neurons. Occasional multipolar neurons with thick dendrites have a prominent ascending dendrite so that they resemble pyramidal cells in the light microscope, but electron microscopic examination confirms that, like all other somatostatin-positive cells, they are non-pyramidal neurons, for they have both symmetric and asymmetric synapses on their cell bodies.Somatostatin-positive neurons are distributed among all the cortical layers and the subcortical white matter but they are more common in two laminae, one coinciding with layer II/III and the other with layers V and VI. The multipolar and bipolar neurons are distributed in similar proportions in these upper and lower cortical laminae, while bitufted neurons are more common in upper laminae and horizontal neurons are predominantly located in layer VI.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of single neurons in area 3b of cat primary somatosensory (SI) cortex was examined after horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections. Neurons were labeled either by intracellular injection of HRP following intracellular recording or by small extracellular iontophoretic HRP injections. Both pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons were labeled and reconstructed from serial sections. Their axons had local, interlaminar and interareal patterns of termination. Most neurons formed local axonal fields around their cell bodies and dendrites. Pyramidal neurons in cortical layer IV sent axons up into layers II and III, neurons in layers II and III sent axons down to layer V, and layer V neurons sent axons to layer VI as well as back to the upper layers. Layer VI neurons sent axons back to the upper cortical layers in a unique bowl-shaped pattern. The horizontal distribution of axons of pyramidal cells in layer III was extremely widespread. Axons of layer III neurons in area 3b terminated within 3b and area 1, but not in other areas of SI. Layer III neurons in area 1 distributed axon collaterals to all fields of SI as well as projecting a main axon to motor cortex. In general, the axon collaterals of area 3b pyramidal cells outside layer III remained confined to area 3b. Most of the nonpyramidal neurons labeled were basket cells in layers III and VI. These neurons formed dense axonal fields around their cell bodies, and none of their axons could be followed into the underlying white matter. The results of the present study demonstrate that area 3b somatosensory cortical neurons and their axons are vertically organized in a manner similar to that reported for other sensory cortical areas. They also show that widespread horizontal connections are formed by pyramidal neurons of layer III, and that these horizontal axons can travel for great distances in the cortical grey matter.  相似文献   

Calretinin-containing cells were visualized with immunocytochemistry in the rat dorsal hippocampal formation. Calretinin immunoreactivity was present exclusively in non-pyramidal cells in all layers of the dentate gyrus and the CA1-3 areas. Calretinin-positive neurons and processes were most abundant in the hilus of the dentate gyrus and in the stratum lucidum of the CA3 region. Several calretinin-immunoreactive cells were located within the hippocampal fissure. A distinct band of calretinin-immunoreactive fibres occupied the superficial part of the granule cell layer and the lowest part of the molecular layer. Closer examination of the calretinin-positive cells revealed that they formed two distinct cell groups. One group of cells, found exclusively in the stratum lucidum of the CA3 area and in the hilus of the dentate gyrus, was covered with numerous spines. Their somata and dendrites were restricted to stratum lucidum and to the hilus. Cells of the other group had smooth, often varicose, radially running dendrites, and were present in all areas and layers of the hippocampal formation. Two to three thick primary dendrites arose from the irregularly shaped cell body of spiny cells and emitted fine secondary branches only distally (70-100 microns) from the soma, where they formed a profuse network. The extensive dendritic tree of the cells spread horizontally within stratum lucidum and span a distance of 400-600 microns both in the septotemporal and in the transverse directions. The layer-specific location of these cells and their processes suggested that the majority of their input may derive from mossy fibres. This presumption has been confirmed by electron microscopic examination. A large number of asymmetrical synapses were found to cover the soma, the dendritic shafts and the spines (four to six synapses/spine) of the cells. A large proportion of the synapses were formed by boutons, which showed the distinctive features of mossy fibre terminals. Three to six primary dendrites arose from the multipolar, bipolar or pyramidal-shaped somata of spine-free cells, which were smaller than the somata of spiny cells. The smooth and frequently varicose dendrites branched proximally and ran primarily radially. Dendrites ascended or descended through several layers and received both asymmetrical and symmetrical synapses. In the CA1 subfield, the vertically running dendrites frequently contacted other calretinin-immunoreactive spine-free dendrites or cell bodies. Two or three calretinin-immunoreactive dendrites were often seen to be attached for over 100 or, occasionally, 200 microns and several puncta adherentia were observed between them using the electron microscope.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Infusion of sodium selenite to the occipital cortex of the rat was used for the specific tracing of zinc-rich pathways. Large numbers of labeled somata were found ipsilaterally in the visual, orbital and frontal cortices, and contralaterally in homotopic and heterotopic visual areas. Labeled neurons were also found ipsilaterally in the retrosplenial, parietal, sensory-motor, temporal and perirhinal cortex. In contrast to the cortico-cortical connections, ascending afferents to the visual cortex were not zinc-rich except for a few labeled neurons in the claustrum. Additional injections showed reciprocal zinc-rich connections between the visual cortex and the orbital and frontal cortices. The latter cortices also received ascending zinc-rich afferents from the claustrum. Selenite injections revealed the layered distribution and the morphology of these labeled neurons in the neocortex. Zinc-rich neurons were found in layers II–III, V and VI. However, none was found in layer IV. Zinc-rich somata appeared as pyramidal and inverted neurons. The contrasting chemical properties of cortical and subcortical visual afferents may account for the functional differences between these systems.  相似文献   

Summary The structural features of PV-immunoreactive (PV-I) neurons, a particular subpopulation of GABAergic neurons, in the hippocampus were studied by immunocytochemistry. The PV-I cell bodies were concentrated within the stratum pyramidale (SP) and stratum oriens (SO) in the hippocampus. PV-I puncta were frequent in SP, while they were rarely seen in other layers. The dendritic arborization of PV-I neurons resembled that of some of the nonpyramidal cells observed after Golgi-impregnation. The most commonly observed PV-I neurons had their perikarya located in SP with dendrites extending into SO and the stratum radiatum (SR). Most of the dendrites in SR had typical beaded or varicose segments. The dendrites extending into SO had few beaded parts. There were many bipolar and multipolar neurons with smooth dendrites in SO, but only a small number of such multipolar neurons in SR. An electron microscopic analysis revealed that PV-I products were located to perikarya, dendrites, myelinated axons and synaptic boutons. The perikarya of PV-I neurons exhibited several ultrastructural features of nonpyramidal cells, e.g., abundant cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and other perikaryal organelles, an infolded nuclear envelope and intranuclear inclusions. They received many asymmetric synapses with round presynaptic vesicles. There were numerous PV-I boutons, presumably axonal endings, covering the pyramidal cell bodies. The PV-I boutons also contacted the axon initial segments and proximal dendrites of the pyramidal cells. In addition PV-I terminals were found on somata and dendrites of both PV-I or PV-negative nonpyramidal cells. The results suggest that PV-containing neurons include basket and axo-axonic cells.  相似文献   

A. Peters  C. Proskauer 《Neuroscience》1980,5(12):2079-2092
Golgi impregnated multipolar and bitufted neurons with smooth or sparsely spined dendrites and myelinated axons from rat visual cortex have been examined by light microscopy and by a combined light- and electron-microscopic technique. There is a morphological continuum between the multipolar and bitufted varieties of neurons and such cells occur throughout layers III through VI. In general the neurons with the smallest cell bodies have the least complex dendritic trees. In the electron microscope the bitufted and multipolar cells have a similar morphology. Their nuclei have some folding of the nuclear envelope and the rough endoplasmic reticulum is well developed. The many ribosomes, both lying free and attached to cisternae, make the perikaryal cytoplasm quite dark. Symmetric and asymmetric synapses are present over the surfaces of the cell body and dendrites and the origins of some of the axon terminals forming these synapses is considered. The axons of all the neurons examined by the combined light- and electron-microscopic techniques stop being impregnated where the axons enter their myelin sheaths.Reasons are given for considering that these neurons, like the similar neurons with unmyelinated axons, use γ-aminobutyrate as transmitter and so are inhibitory in function.  相似文献   

Summary Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine synthesizing enzyme, was localized immunocytochemically in neurons and fibres in the rat visual cortex using a monoclonal antibody. ChAT-labelled cells were non-pyramidal neurons, primarily of the bipolar form, distributed in layers II through VI but concentrated in layers II & III. Their perikarya contained a large nucleus and a small amount of perinuclear cytoplasm. The somata and dendrites of all labelled cells received Gray's type I and type II synapses.ChAT-stained axons formed a dense and diffuse network throughout the visual cortex and particularly in layer V. Electron microscopy revealed that the great majority formed type II synaptic contacts with dendrites of various sizes, unlabelled non-pyramidal somata and, on a few occasions, with ChAT-labelled cells. However, a very small number of terminals appeared to form type I synaptic contacts. This study describes the morphological organization of the cholinergic system in the visual cortex, the function of which has been under extensive investigation.  相似文献   

The laminar distribution of several distinct populations of neurofilament protein containing neurons has been used as a criterion for the delineation of cortical areas in hamsters. SMI-32 is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a non-phosphorylated epitope on the medium- and high-molecular weight subunits of neurofilament proteins. As in carnivores and primates, SMI-32 immunoreactivity in the hamster neocortex was present in cell bodies, proximal dendrites and axons of some medium and large pyramidal neurons located in cortical layers III, V and VI. A small population of labeled multipolar cells was also found in layer IV. Neurofilament protein immunoreactive neurons were found throughout isocortical areas. Very few labeled cells were encountered in supplemental motor area, insular cortex, medial portion of associative visual cortex and in parietal association cortex. Our data indicate that SMI-32 immunoreactive cells can be efficiently used to trace boundaries between neocortical areas in the hamster's brain. The regional distribution SMI-32 immunoreactivity in the hamster cortex corresponds quite closely with cortical areas as defined by their cytoarchitecture and myeloarchitecture. The primary sensory cortical areas contain the most intense of SMI-32 immunoreactivity and are also those with the highest density of myelinated axons. Very low SMI-32 immunoreactivity was found in orbital, insular, perirhinal, cingulate and infralimbic cortices, which are also poor in myelinated axons. This supports the association between SMI-32 immunoreactivity and myelin contents.  相似文献   

Neurons whose cell bodies had been stained by a lectin, Vicia villosa, which recognizes terminal N-acetylgalactosamine residue, were intracellularly injected with Lucifer yellow (LY), in aldehyde-fixed slices of the parietal cortex of rats. LY was subsequently visualized immunocytochemically. All injected neurons had smooth or only sparsely spiny dendrites and resembled the various forms of gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic neurons previously described in rat neocortex. In layers II/III, IV and V, most injected neurons were multipolar. In layer VI, most had vertically elongated dendritic fields. Some injected neurons in layer IV had an oval or vertically elongated soma and a bitufted dendritic arborization pattern. There was a gradual increase in the overall dendritic extent in deeper layers of the cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and zinc-containing boutons and their cells of origin in the visual cortex of the house mouse (Mus museulus domestieus) are described. The primary visual area is defined by both acetylcholinesterase and zinc staining. The AChE staining pattern is dark in upper layer I and layers IV and VI. It is light in layers II/III and V. The lack of a densely stained layer IV in the secondary visual cortices defines the borders between primary and secondary areas. Large, multipolar AChE-positive neurons are located throughout the cortical layers, but preferentially in layer VI. Dense zinc-positive neuropil in the primary visual cortex is apparent in layer lb, upper layer II/III, and layers V and VI. Neurons that give rise to zinc-containing boutons are situated in layers II/111 and VI. The medial and lateral borders can be distinguished by a bold contrast of staining in lower layer II/III; the secondary areas have more zinc-positive neurons, and the neuropil stains darker. A surprising observation of this study is the disparity between the mouse and rat visual cortex of the AChE staining pattern. Layer V is very light in the mouse, whereas a dark stain has been described in layer V of the rat. Layer VI stains heavily in the mouse while less AChE activity has been observed in layer VI of the rat.  相似文献   

The transentorhinal cortex (TEC) is a primate-specific transition zone between the entorhinal allocortex and the temporal isocortex. Neurons in the lamina pre-alpha of TEC are known to be the first to develop intraneuronal changes in the course of Alzheimer's disease. In order to shed light on this important feature, we studied as yet unknown morphological and neurochemical characteristics of the TEC of the African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). Using light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry, the distribution and morphology of neurons containing calcium-binding proteins were described and compared with those in the adjacent cortices. Light-microscopic analysis revealed that parvalbumin-containing neurons were distributed in all cortical layers. Calbindin-containing cells were fewer but also present in each layer. Calretinin-containing neurons were largely confined to the upper layers of the TEC. All three types of neuron showed pyramidal-like, multipolar and bipolar shapes; their dendrites were smooth or beaded. Ultrastructural studies revealed immunopositive somata with infolded nuclei and large amounts of cytoplasm. The somata were only sparsely innervated by symmetric synapses. Immunopositive dendrites were almost exclusively covered with immunonegative axon terminals establishing symmetric and asymmetric synapses. Immunopositive terminals established symmetric contacts with immunonegative dendrites and somata. Only occasionally, could synaptic contacts between immunopositive pre- and postsynaptic structures be observed. The comparison of neurons in the TEC and adjacent cortices revealed no striking differences. In summary, the morphological and neurochemical characteristics of TEC neurons as analyzed in our study do not provide an explanation for the early onset of neurodegenerative changes in the TEC.  相似文献   

The present study deals with a light- and electron microscopic morphometric analysis of Golgi-impregnated neurons in the superior colliculus of rats with the purpose to unravel inter- and intralaminar differences in their dendritic and synaptic organization. In particular, layer IV was studied and compared with its boundary layers III and V. The results show that collicular cells in layer IV basically form a homogeneous population with respect to the number of primary dendrites, the total length of impregnated dendrites, and the diameter, ellipticity, and orientation of dendritic fields and somata of Golgi-impregnated neurons. Somata of reconstructed small cells in layer III and IV as well as V have all a similar density of about 40 synaptic contacts per 100 microns2 surface. However, the cell bodies of large multipolar cells in layer V have a slightly but significantly larger synaptic density (about 50 per 100 microns2). Dendrites of large and small collicular cells had no significantly different synaptic densities (43 and 48 per 100 microns2, respectively). In conclusion, the present results show only minor dendritic and synaptic differences between individual cells in the same layer, as well as in neighboring layers, which implies a low degree of cellular and synaptic intra- and interlaminar differentiation. It is discussed that this organization differs markedly from that in other visual centers, including the collicular homologue, the tectum of lower vertebrates, and the mammalian visual cortex, where pronounced inter- and intralaminar differentiations exist. Such an organization may provide a framework of laminar specificity by which distinct cell types may select a restricted set of input out of all information available. The present quantitative investigation suggests that a similar framework is not present in the superior colliculus.  相似文献   

The transentorhinal cortex (TEC) is a primate-specific transition zone between the entorhinal allocortex and the temporal isocortex. Neurons in the lamina pre-alpha of TEC are known to be the first to develop intraneuronal changes in the course of Alzheimer’s disease. In order to shed light on this important feature, we studied as yet unknown morphological and neurochemical characteristics of the TEC of the African green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus). Using light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry, the distribution and morphology of neurons containing calcium-binding proteins were described and compared with those in the adjacent cortices. Light-microscopic analysis revealed that parvalbumin-containing neurons were distributed in all cortical layers. Calbindin-containing cells were fewer but also present in each layer. Calretinin-containing neurons were largely confined to the upper layers of the TEC. All three types of neuron showed pyramidal-like, multipolar and bipolar shapes; their dendrites were smooth or beaded. Ultrastructural studies revealed immunopositive somata with infolded nuclei and large amounts of cytoplasm. The somata were only sparsely innervated by symmetric synapses. Immunopositive dendrites were almost exclusively covered with immunonegative axon terminals establishing symmetric and asymmetric synapses. Immunopositive terminals established symmetric contacts with immunonegative dendrites and somata. Only occasionally, could synaptic contacts between immunopositive pre- and postsynaptic structures be observed. The comparison of neurons in the TEC and adjacent cortices revealed no striking differences. In summary, the morphological and neurochemical characteristics of TEC neurons as analyzed in our study do not provide an explanation for the early onset of neurodegenerative changes in the TEC. Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

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