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王迺功  关慕贞  雷海鹏 《药学学报》1984,19(12):932-934
Racemic, (-) and (+) gossypol, provided by the Department of Organic Chemistry of our institute, was suspended in 2.5% tween 80 solution. Adult male Wistar rats 190~220 g in weight were allotted to 5 groups. Animals in group 1 received 2.5% tween 80 solution as control. Rats in group 2 were treated with racemic gossypol at the dosage of 30 mg/kg for 2 weeks. Animals in group 3 and 4 were given 15 mg/kg of (-) gossypol for 2 weeks and 30 mg/kg of (-) gossypol for 1 week respectively. Rats in group 5 were treated with (+) gossypol at the dosage of 30 mg/kg for 2 weeks.Four weeks from the beginning of gossypol treatment the rats were cohabited with adult females for 7 days. Then the motility of the sperms in the cauda epididymides was estimated The female rats were examined for pregnancy 7 days later.Treatment with (-) gossypol at 30 mg/kg caused significant decreases in body weight of the rats (P<0.05). One of the five rats died 7 days after the last administration, while (+) gossypol and racemic gossypol at the dosage employed had no effect on the body weight. (+) Gossypol at 30 mg/kg for 2 weeks had no effect on the motility of the sperms in the cauda epididymides and no effect on the fertility of the animals: nor was there any effect on the weights of the testis, epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicle. The sperms of the cauda epididymides were found to be dead in the groups treated with 15 and 30 mg/kg of (-)gossypol. Raccmic gossypol given for 2 weeks at 30 mg/kg caused loss of fertility of the male rats which confirmed our previous findings.(?)t may be postulated that (+) gossypol has no antifertility effect nor toxicity at the dosage employed. (-) Gossypol is the active stereoisomer of racemic gossypol.  相似文献   

棉酚有明显的抗雄性生育作用,但在理论上尚不清楚消旋棉酚的抗生育作用和毒性来自那一种光学异构体。已有报告指出(+)棉酚无毒无效。但对(-)棉酚的研究迄今尚未有报道。本文应用本所合成室制备之(+)和(-)棉酚,观察了他们的抗生育作用。实验用Wistar雄大鼠(190~220g)25只,分为对照,(+)棉酚30mg/kg,(-)棉酚15和30 mg/kg以及消旋棉酚30 mg/kg等5组。每天喂药1次,(+)棉酚和(-)棉酚  相似文献   

本文介绍以光学活性苏-1-(对硝基苯基)-1,3-二羟基丙胺-2为拆分剂,与消旋棉酚缩合,用常压柱色谱或溶剂结晶法分离得到两个光学纯的非对映体,然后分别水解得(+)和(-)-棉酚。  相似文献   

本文介绍以光学活性苏-1-(对硝基苯基)-1,3-二羟基丙胺-2为拆分剂,与消旋棉酚缩合,用常压柱色谱或溶剂结晶法分离得到两个光学纯的非对映体,然后分别水解得( )和(-)-棉酚。  相似文献   

本文报道用中压柱色谱快速分离S或R-α-甲基苯乙胺及S或R-α-甲基苄胺缩(±)-棉酚的方法,可得光学活性胺缩( )或(一)-棉酚非对映体,经水解分别得到( )或(一)-棉酚。并证明胺缩光学活性棉酚非对映体之间有互相转化的性质,此特性可利用于棉酚对映体的转化。  相似文献   

一苯胺棉酚—棉酚中的一种杂质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜德和  薛绣鸿 《药学学报》1982,17(2):126-130
本文介绍了棉酚中的一种杂质(苯胺法精制)一苯胺棉酚的研究。该化合物文献中未见报道。实验数据符合组成式C38H35O7N;质谱分子离子峰593,紫外光谱于439~440 nm有最大吸收(E1com1% 329±6 CHCl3);红外光谱在1610 cm-1有醛基和1590 cm-1碳氮吸收峰;核磁共振谱表明有—CHO和—HC=N质子峰,其峰面积比为1:1;熔点272~275℃(分解);硅胶薄层上Rf值界于二苯胺棉酚和棉酚之间。一苯胺棉酚的存在,干扰分光光度法测定棉酚含量的准确性。利用薄层层析法可检查棉酚中一苯胺棉酚的存在与否。本文还介绍了一苯胺棉酚的合成方法。  相似文献   

棉酚的高效液相色谱测定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍在离子交换键合相柱上,以柠檬酸盐缓冲液—甲醇系统分离测定棉酚中一些难于用其它系统分离的微量杂质的高效液相色谱法,并用此方法测定了棉花植物及各种棉酚样品中棉酚的含量。  相似文献   

棉酚及其衍生物药理作用研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校鑫  王晓娟  顾宜 《中国药师》2011,14(7):1041-1043
棉酚(gossyp01)又称棉籽醇,是一种天然存在于锦葵科的黄色酚类化合物,化学名为2,2'-双-8-甲酸基1,6,7-三羟基-5-异丙基-3-甲基萘,相对分子质量518(分子式:C30H30),它是以1,1’,3,3’取代的2,2’联萘为骨架的化合物,棉酚结构中连接两个萘环的化学键不能自由旋转^[1],具有旋光性。人口服棉酚后胃肠道吸收缓慢,主要经小肠与胃上皮吸收,大部份分泌至胆汁,有明显的肝肠循环。  相似文献   

部分纯化的大鼠肝脏蛋白激酶C和蛋白激酶A,在体外与棉酚的旋光异构体分别温育,结果(--)棉酚和(+)棉酚对蛋白激酶C活力均有剂量依赖性的抑制作用;(-)棉酚对Ⅰ型蛋白激酶A活力的抑制作用明显比(+)棉酚强,而(-)棉酚和(+)棉酚在高浓度时对Ⅱ型蛋白激酶A才显示抑制作用。结果提示棉酚在体内可能干扰细胞信息的传递过程。  相似文献   

仙鹤草根芽中化学成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
裴月湖  李铣  朱廷儒 《药学学报》1989,24(6):431-437
从仙鹤草根芽的石油醚提取物中分得五个化合物。通过理化常数,光谱分析和化学合成将其中的一个新化合物确定为(R)-(-)-仙鹤草酚B(Ⅲ),其余四个已知化合物分别被鉴定为:鹤草酚(Ⅰ),正(?)九烷(Ⅱ),β-谷甾醇(Ⅳ)和伪绵马素(Ⅴ)。其中Ⅴ系首次从植物中得到。  相似文献   

Purpose. Evaluate the ability of (-)-6-aminocarbovir ((-)-6AC) to improve the CNS exposure to (-)-carbovir ((-)-CBV). Methods. Activation of (-)-6AC in vitro was assessed by incubations of rat brain tissue homogenates. The in vivo brain exposure to (-)-CBV was then examined in rats after iv infusions of either (-)-CBV (n = 4) or (-)-6AC (n = 5). The drugs were infused to steady-state via the jugular vein. At the end of the infusion, a bolus of [3H]inulin was injected via the femoral vein in order to obtain an estimate of the brain vascular space. Results. (-)-6AC was converted to (-)-CBV by incubations of rat brain tissue homogenates. After iv infusion of (-)-CBV, the brain/ blood concentration ratio of (-)-CBV was 0.032 ± 0.009. The brain/ blood concentration ratio of (-)-CBV after iv infusion of (-)-6AC was 0.080 ± 0.020. Conclusions. (-)-6AC improved the brain delivery of (-)-CBV, although the absolute exposure of the brain tissue to (-)-CBV was still quite low.  相似文献   

目的采用HPLC法测定(S)-4-苯基-2-噁唑烷酮(SPO)的纯度。方法采用Welchrom C18色谱柱,流动相为0.02 mol·L-1磷酸二氢钾(KOH调p H5)-乙腈(60∶40),检测波长210 nm,流速1.0 m L·min-1,柱温35℃。结果 SPO0.3036~6.072μg·m L-1与峰面积的线性关系良好(r=0.9999),检测限和定量限分别为0.9099、3.033 ng。结论所用方法准确、灵敏、快速,适用于检测SPO中的微量杂质。  相似文献   

The group of Prof. Yanxing Jia have realized the first total synthesis of natural product (-)-glaucocalyxin A.  相似文献   

酞丁安对映体合成及其抗单纯疱疹病毒活性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酞丁安(3-酞酰亚胺-2-氧-正丁醛双缩氨硫脲,TDA)是药物研究所创制的抗病毒新药。为了研究其对映异构体(R),(S)-TDA对病毒活性及毒性是否有差异,并与消旋酞丁安(RS)-TDA的抗病毒活性及毒性进行比较,本文分别用已知构型的(R)-与(S)-丙氨酸为原料,通过缩合等6步反应,得到光学活性的(R)-,(S)-TDA,并与外消旋酞丁安比较其抗病毒活性及毒性。三者的抗单纯疱疹病毒活性与对细胞的毒性差别不大,说明消旋酞丁安临床使用是安全有效的。  相似文献   

甘草中三萜皂甙元的分离和结构鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自乌拉尔甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch)根茎中提取出粗皂甙。经盐酸甲醇水解反应,柱层分离,共分离出七个皂甙元,其中四个化合物经化学方法和光谱解析,分别鉴定为甘草次酸甲酯(A),甘草内酯(c),3β,24-二羟基齐墩果-11,13(18)-二烯-30羧酸甲酯(D),24-羟基甘草次酸甲酯(F),化合物C系首次得自乌拉尔甘草中。化合物G的结构经测定为24-羟基甘草内酯,尚未见文献报道。本文报道新成分24-羟基甘草内酯的结构测定工作以及四个已知化合物的鉴定。  相似文献   

左旋氧氟沙星类似物的合成及其抗菌抗肿瘤活性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:设计合成有抗菌抗肿瘤活性的喹诺酮药物。方法和结果:根据推理药物设计原理,设计并合成了16个新型抗菌抗肿瘤喹诺酮类化合物,并研究其构效关系。结论:用9株细菌及4株肿瘤细胞评价了它们的体外抗菌活性(MIC值)及抗肿瘤活性(抑瘤率%)。其中,化合物16~20有较好的抗肿瘤及抗菌活性。  相似文献   

盐酸帕罗西汀的合成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:合成盐酸帕罗西汀。方法:以(±)-trans-4-(4-氟苯基)-3-羟甲基-1-甲基哌啶为原料经手性拆分、酯化、醚化、甲酰化、水解5步反应合成(-)-盐酸帕罗西汀。结果:合成了帕罗西汀,总收率41.2%。结论:本方法可以方便地合成帕罗西汀,操作简便,提高了收率,缩短了反应时间。  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) in tumor cells can reduce the efficacy of chemotherapy. Overexpression of transporters is an important mechanism for MDR. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP-binding cassette transporter frequently expressed in multidrugresistant tumor cells, inducing MDR. To reverse P-gp dependent MDR, anticancer drugs can be administered with P-gp inhibitors. Piperine and (R)-(+)-citronellal both are P-gp inhibitors from dietary sources. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the MDR reversal effects of piperine and (R)-(+)-citronellal in multidrug resistant MCF-7/DOX cells. The results of cytotoxicity studies indicated that piperine and (R)-(+)-citronellal both could abate the resistance of MCF-7/DOX after 72-h incubation. After 72-h incubation, piperine could dose-dependently down-regulate the MDR1 expression at the mRNA level, while (R)-(+)-citronellal had no effect on the MDR1 expression. Therefore, piperine and (R)-(+)-citronellal both could reverse MDR in MCF-7/DOX cells, and the reversal effect of piperine was related to dose-dependent down-regulation of the MDR1 expression at the mRNA level.  相似文献   

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