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胃大部切除术后食管癌的外科治疗 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
自1989年6月至1996年6月对30例胃大部切除术后食管癌采用经左胸切除,皇充分游离残胃脾胰体尾并将其移入左胸内行残胃食管弓下,弓上或颈部吻合,取得良好效果。术后并发症5例(16.6%),其中吻合口瘘1例,非手术治愈,脓胸2例,心律失常频发室早,房早各1例,无手术死亡,作者认为本手术操作方便,手术时间短,除颈部吻合外通常一个切口一个吻合口即能完成手术,通过对残胃充分游离一般能上提20-25cm, 相似文献
胃大部切除术后食管癌的外科治疗——一种新方法的临床应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
胃大部切除术后食管癌的外科治疗──一种新方法的临床应用吴心愿,张祥福,官国先福建医学院附属协和医院肿瘤科(福州市350001)作者对胃大部切除术后食管中段癌1例应用残胃脾胰体尾移植至左胸内行食管中段癌切除、食管残胃弓上吻合、空肠Roux-Y重建消化道... 相似文献
胃大部切除术后食管癌外科治疗的临床研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
胃大部切除术后食管癌外科治疗的临床研究吴心愿张祥福殷凤峙卢辉山官国先关键词食管肿瘤/外科手术胃切除术作者单位:福建医科大学附属协和医院肿瘤科(福州350001)我科1972~1996年共收治食管癌307例,17例为胃大部切除术后食管癌,占同期病人的5... 相似文献
胃大部切除术后食管癌的手术治疗 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
目的:探讨胃切除术后食管癌(Eca)的手术治疗方式和效果。方法:对1987年~1996年间手术治疗815例Eca中41例胃切除后Eca的手术治疗进行分析。1例胸下段Eca行切除并残胃食管弓下吻合术,40例右胸入路行右半结肠代食管术合并颈、胸、腹淋巴结清除术。结果:41例胃切除术后Eca颈、上纵隔、中下纵隔和腹部淋巴转移率分别为34.1%、21.9%和19.6%。并发症发生率48.7%。颈部吻合口瘘发生率34.1%,无手术死亡。全组3、5年生存率41.6%和15.4%。根治性手术3、5年生存率46.6%和22.2%。姑息手术无1例生存超过5年。3年生存率14.3%。结论:对胃切除术后Eca颈、上纵隔和腹部淋巴结清扫很重要。结肠代食管术为安全有效办法。右半结肠经胸骨前、后径路代食管术是胃切除后Eca手术的最好方法之一 相似文献
外科治疗胃大部切除术后食管癌12例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨胃大部切除术后食管癌的手术方式。方法:对10例单纯胃大部切除术后食管癌和2例胃大部切除 脾切除术后食管癌采用两种不同术式。结果:两种术式均取得成功,无吻合口瘘及切缘癌残留发生。结论:残胃与脾胰体尾联合移入胸腔与食管吻合治疗单纯胃大部切除术后食管癌是一种可靠、实用的手术方法;以回结肠动脉为供血管,末段回肠 右半结肠代食管术,治疗胃大部切除 脾切除术后食管癌有其临床可行性。 相似文献
食管癌根治量放疗后的外科治疗 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨食管癌根治量放疗后需外科治疗患者的手术适应证、手术方法及并发症防治。方法:对食管癌根治量放疗后行外科治疗95例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:全组手术切除率91.6%(87/95),并发症发生率40.0%(38/95).主要并发症为吻合口痿、心律失常和呼吸衰竭。手术死亡率7.4%(7/95)。随访82例,1、3、5年生存率分别为62.1%(54/87)、33.3%(23/69)、26.1%(12/46)。结论:食管癌根治量放疗后需再次治疗的患者包括狭窄、溃疡、未控和复发,外科治疗效果较好。但要严格掌握手术适应证.选择合理的术式.围手术期处理和并发症的防治非常重要。 相似文献
The clinicopathologic factors in 50 gastrectomized and 831 nongastrectomized patients with thoracic esophageal carcinoma were compared. The differences in various factors were not statistically significant except for the average duration of operation, which suggests that the association of esophageal carcinoma and previous gastrectomy is a chance finding. Thirty-four gastrectomized patients underwent abdominal lymphadenectomy and 16 did not. The postoperative survival curves for the two groups did not differ. In comparing the clinicopathologic factors between the two groups, only the tumor location differed significantly (P < .05). Nine patients (26.5%) with lesions in the mid- or lower thoracic esophagus in the gastrectomized group had positive nodes in the abdomen; the 5-year survival rate was 39.4%. Among them, 8 had gastrectomy for peptic ulcer. Abdominal lymphadenectomy is recommended for those patients with mid- or lower thoracic esophageal carcinoma who have had previous gastrectomy without lymphadenectomy. 相似文献
目的 为了探讨食管癌贲门癌合并哮喘的最佳治疗方法以提高生存率及生活质量。方法 我院于 1994年 3月~ 1998年 12月共收治此类病人 15例 ,均采用左后外侧开胸 ,食管贲门癌切除 ,胃代食管 ,食管 胃吻合术并附以左肺减容术 ,食管胃颈部吻合 4例 ,弓上吻合 2例 ,弓下吻合 9例 ;减容术 15例 ,左上叶切除 7例 ,肺段切除术 5例 ,楔形切除 3例。分别在术前、术后 ,一周、四周、三月分别测试肺功能、血气、6分钟走。结果 术后出现并发症 6例 (4 0 % )其中肺部感染 1例 ,心律失常 3例 ,支气管胸膜瘘 2例 ,死亡 2例为心肺功能衰竭。术后四周测定 13例病人肺功能、6分钟走、血气等各项指标均比术前不同程度地改善 ,3个月最为明显。FEV1术前 1.15± 0 .0 6 (L) ,术后为 1.43± 0 .12 (L) ;FVC术前 2 .6 5± 0 .2 5 (L) ,术后 3 .0 6± 0 .2 0 (L) ,PaO2 术前 6 9.4± 4(mmHg) ,术后 75± 4(mmHg) ;6分钟走术前 12 0 0±10m ,术后 14 75± 15m。呼吸困难指数术后平均下降 1.5分。结论 早中期食管贲门癌合并哮喘采用一次性肿瘤切除及肺减容术。术后病人生活质量及生存率有不同程度提高 ,是一种有效的治疗方法。 相似文献
70岁以上高龄食管贲门癌的外科治疗 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的:为总结高龄食管贲门癌病人外科治疗经验,进一步降低手术死亡率,提高外科治疗效果。方法:回顾性分析33例70岁以上高龄食管贲门癌手术治疗资料(食管癌9例,贲门癌24例)。结果:高龄患者术前多伴发心肺系统疾病,术后并发症发生率较高(27.3%),以肺部感染为主;五年生存率:食管癌25%,贲门癌27.3%。结论:对高龄食管贲门癌的手术治疗应持积极态度,手术适应证应全面衡量患者的生理年龄及病灶情况;降低手术死亡率的关键在于做好充分的术前准备,加强术中管理和积极处理术后并发症。 相似文献
Wada H Doki Y Nishioka K Ishikawa O Kabuto T Yano M Monden M Imaoka S 《Journal of surgical oncology》2005,89(2):67-74
BACKGROUND: Surgery for thoracic esophageal cancer after gastrectomy involves a complicated reconstruction procedure. A surgeon's hesitation is further increased because the clinical outcome of surgical treatment of these patients has not been elucidated. OBJECTIVES: Among 948 thoracic esophageal cancer patients who underwent curative operation, 72 (7.6%) had a history of gastrectomy. Their clinico-pathological features and survival (follow-up average 881 days) were compared with those without gastrectomy. RESULTS: Esophagectomy for patients after gastrectomy was performed via right thoracotomy (66), left thoracotomy (4), and transhiatal resection (2), and reconstruction was done using the right-side colon (57) or jejunum (15). Compared to non-gastrectomized patients, gastrectomized patients were exposed to longer operation time (523 min vs. 460 min), but no significant difference was observed in operative mortality (4.2% vs. 2.5%) or blood loss (1,189 ml vs. 990 ml). Pathological examination showed no significant difference in depth of tumor invasion, lymph node metastasis, and TNM staging between gastrectomized and non-gastrectomized patients, while tumors were located at lower position in the gastrectomized patients (P = 0.046). The overall and cause-specific 5-year survival rates were 56% and 65% for gastrectomized esophageal cancer patients, which were significantly better than for non-gastrectomized patients (36% and 44%, P = 0.0235 and 0.024, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed gastrectomy as a marginally independent factor for a favorable prognosis (hazard ratio 1.832, P = 0.0324). With respect to tumor recurrence, hematogenic metastasis tended to be less frequent in gastrectomized patients than in non-gastrectomized patients. In gastrectomized patients, neither disease (peptic ulcer or gastric cancer) nor reconstruction (Billroth-I, Billroth-II, and Roux-Y) for gastrectomy affected the clinicopathological findings or post-operable survival. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical treatment of esophageal cancer patients after gastrectomy was complicated but tolerable, and should be considered as a reliable therapeutic modality because of favorable patient prognosis. 相似文献
T Kouzu M Arima H Yamada E Hishikawa Y Koide K Isono 《Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy》1992,19(9):1255-1260
With the advance of endoscopic equipment the number of superficial cases of esophageal cancer has been increasing dramatically. It has been clarified as to which cancer can be treated as an early cancer with desirable results as in gastric cases. Endoscopic treatment for early cancer already established in gastric or colorectal cases have been applied to esophageal cases with nationwide popularity. Especially endoscopic mucosal resection, which can assure accurate pathological findings, can be the treatment of choice for endoscopic procedures for early cancer. In this paper, our methodology of endoscopic treatment of early esophageal cancer is introduced and our endoscopic approach to advanced cases which is still to be established is reported. 相似文献
In operation for esophageal cancer the authors distinguish amputation and rehabilitation stages. Analysis of survival rate has shown that extended esophageal resections are preferable to typical resections. The differences are significant both in locally limited cancer and cancer with lymphogenous metastases. One-stage esophagoplasty is advisable, since after Dobromyslov-Torek's operation multistage esophagoplasty could be completed only in one-third of the patients due to recurrence of the disease and their general weakness. In Lewis' and Garlock's one-stage operations it is preferable to perform an "end-to-side" anastomosis with immersion of the first line of anastomotic sutures and the adjacent esophageal part into the anterior gastric wall. Postoperative mortality for Lewis' and Garlock's operations was 14.7% and 8.3%, respectively. Combined operations are justified only when one-stage esophagoplasty is performed. 相似文献
食管癌外科治疗近期疗效的影响因素分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的探讨食管癌患者年龄、吻合位置与术后并发症发生率和死亡率的关系,以及新辅助化疗对食管癌手术切除率的影响。方法回顾性分析西安交通大学医学院第一医院肿瘤外科自1997年~2003年首诊收治、资料完整587例食管癌患者资料。结果不同年龄组手术切除率分别为91.2%、95.9%和97.7%(P>0.05);>70岁年龄组术后吻合口瘘发生率和术后死亡率均较其它组高(P<0.05)。胸膜顶部吻合口瘘发生率为16.67%,较其它位置吻合口瘘发生率明显高(颈部2.17%、弓上1.09%、弓后2.60%、弓下0),具有显著性差异(P=0.019)。III期食管癌患者行术前新辅助化疗组与未化疗组的手术切除率分别为96.92%和78.85%,具有显著差异(P<0.05),而术后吻合口瘘发生率和术后死亡率无明显差异(P=1.000)。结论术前新辅助化疗可提高食管癌手术的切除率并不增加术后并发症。年龄大并不完全是手术禁忌,高龄患者的手术应充分考虑患者的生理年龄。 相似文献