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Sylvia H. Paz Honghu Liu Marie N. Fongwa Leo S. Morales Ron D. Hays 《Quality of life research》2009,18(7):889-900
Purpose To estimate readability of seven commonly used health-related quality of life instruments: SF-36, HUI, EQ-5D, QWB-SA, HALex, Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ), and the NEI-VFQ-25. Methods The Flesch–Kincaid (F–K) and Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) formulae were used to estimate readability for every item in each measure. Results The percentage of items that require more than 5 years of formal schooling according to F–K was 50 for the EQ-5D, 53 for the SF-36, 80 for the VFQ-25, 85 for the QWB-SA, 100 for the HUI, HALex, and the MLHFQ. The percentage of items deemed harder than “easy” according to FRE was 50 for the SF-36, 67 for the EQ-5D, 79 for the QWB-SA, 80 for the VFQ-25, 100 for the HUI, HALex, and the MLHFQ. Conclusions All seven surveys have a substantial number of items with high readability levels that may not be appropriate for the general population. 相似文献
数学学习障碍儿童认知缺陷的初步分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
【目的】分析数学学习障碍儿童的认知缺陷。【方法】采用韦氏儿童智力量表、韦氏记忆量表、数字划消测验,对数学障碍组(n=62)和正常对照组(n=60)儿童的认知能力进行测评与对比分析。【结果】数学障碍组儿童的全量表智商、记忆商和数字划消得分均显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01);其中以注意力、视觉记忆、视觉组合、视觉-运动协调、图形认知、空间能力降低为明显。【结论】数学学习障碍儿童存在注意力、记忆力和视觉-空间认知能力缺陷。 相似文献
[目的 ] 对理化实验室质量进行综合评判。 [方法 ] 建立模糊数学模型 ,通过模糊变换进行综合评判。 [结果 ] 通过实例分析得出综合评判过程和结论。 [结论 ] 应用模糊数学对理化实验室质量进行综合评判是可行的 ,同时也为模糊数学对其他类似问题进行综合评判提供了理论和实践依据。 相似文献
邹玲 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》2004,3(6):78-79
目的:培养学生的创新意识.方法:向学生渗透数学思想;教学例习题时,引导学生一题多解,一题多变,并注意演 变、引申、拓广.结果:有助于培养学生大胆设想,效果良好.结论:能培养学生敢于探索的创新意识. 相似文献
Joyce I. Fields 《Early child development and care》1992,82(1):65-71
There is and has been much debate over the question of children's competency in mathematics, as well as the ways in which the acquisition of mathematical concepts and abilities are achieved. Through a comparative study of the mental calculations of street vendoningchildren in India and in Tunisia the need for meaningful mathematical structures to be built is expounded. Plus the need for much more emphasis to be placed on the wealth of learning experiences and abilities, which young children gain out of school and before attending school. The language and oral element of teaching mathematics is crucial to the acquisition of understanding. 相似文献
探讨模糊数学在胸部X线摄影影像评价中的应用 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
目的探讨模糊数学在胸部计算机X线摄影影像评价中的应用价值,进一步提高胸部计算机X线摄影照片质量。方法随机选取100例胸部计算机X线摄影照片(其中男44例,女56例,1岁以下2例,1岁至10岁24例,10岁至20岁15例,20岁至80岁59例)。采用传统主观评片法和模糊数学评片法分别进行评比影像质量。结果可片没有统计学意义上的差异,优片和良片之间均有统计学意义上的差异。结论模糊数学更客观、更科学的为数字化摄影影像评价提供了一种行之有效的评价方法。 相似文献
桂和存 《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》2004,3(2):81-83
在数学教学中,培养学生创新思维,增强学生的创新素质,既是新世纪人才培养的要求,又是当前数学教学的主旋律.该文从设计各种新颖性练习和知识转化方法的应用方面探讨了培养学生创新素质的途径.学生会在潜移默化中逐步养成思考问题的习惯,从而激发了学生的创新思维,提高创新素质. 相似文献
目的:了解孕妇和年轻母亲母乳喂养知识的知晓情况,以及对利用手机短信和因特网作为干预工具促进母乳喂养的干预意愿。方法:使用定量和定性结合的方法,对上海市徐汇区和闵行区657名孕早期孕妇进行问卷调查,了解孕妇母乳喂养知识知晓情况及手机短信和因特网的使用情况;对23名有12个月以内婴幼儿的母亲进行个人深入访谈,了解年轻母亲的母乳喂养知识和对利用手机短信和因特网作为干预工具促进母乳喂养的干预意愿。结果:61.5%的孕妇认为母乳可以满足4个月内婴儿的全部营养需要,而产后1 h开奶的知晓率只有9.1%;96.2%的孕妇可以在家或在单位使用电脑上网,83.9%的孕妇使用网络聊天软件,其中80.9%愿意加入因特网干预项目;94.7%的孕妇妊娠后继续使用手机,86.3%调查对象愿意接受手机短信干预。结论:利用手机短信和因特网进行母乳喂养干预,可能是开展母乳喂养健康教育和提供母乳喂养专业支持的新途径。 相似文献
Alan Kleinman 《Statistics in medicine》2014,33(29):5074-5080
The mutation and natural selection phenomenon can and often does cause the failure of antimicrobial, herbicidal, pesticide and cancer treatments selection pressures. This phenomenon operates in a mathematically predictable behavior, which when understood leads to approaches to reduce and prevent the failure of the use of these selection pressures. The mathematical behavior of mutation and selection is derived using the principles given by probability theory. The derivation of the equations describing the mutation and selection phenomenon is carried out in the context of an empirical example. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Victoria M. Commins 《Early child development and care》1991,73(1):53-62
Curriculum planners in America are reexamining mathematical operations and symbols to discover teaching approaches that connect symbols to meaning, and computation to real-life problem-solving. Early childhood educators must reexa-mine the most basic mathematical symbol — the number — and the relationships it expresses. In response to a traditional mismatch between teaching strategies and desired conceptual development, an instructional approach was developed based upon the work of Jean Piaget. The instructional approach emphasizes the construction of one-to-one correspondence between sets of objects as a strategy for evaluating relative quantity and for experiencing quantity as an aspect of any set of objects. Instruction was given to ten subjects and its effectiveness evaluated with a pretest-posttest design. Implications for planning and implementing instruction are summarized 相似文献
Shawnee M. Hendershot Belinda Blevins-Knabe Carrie Ota 《Early child development and care》2016,186(7):1126-1141
Very little is known about children's discussion of mathematics topics during unstructured play. Ginsburg, Lin, Ness, and Seo [2003. Young American and Chinese children's everyday mathematical activity. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 5(4), 235–258. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=e2cc384a-0a86-471d-8c61-e61493d18ee6%40sessionmgr114&;vid=1&;hid=111&;bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=mth&;AN=10800300] have examined children's mathematics conversations in centre-based childcare, but to our knowledge no one has looked at children's mathematics conversations in home-based family childcare. On the other hand, it is often through children's spontaneous play themes that we have an indication of what is on a child's mind. This study examined the mathematics talk of children during unstructured play in non-parental, family childcare environments. Audio tapes of 50 children (20 girls) ranging in age from 3 to 5 years were transcribed and coded for different types of mathematical references including (a) classification, (b) magnitude, (c) enumeration, (d) patterns and shapes, (e) spatial relations, and (f) part/whole (Ginsburg et al., 2003). Out of all words spoken, 13% of children's words in unstructured play were mathematics-related words. Spatial relations were most frequently referenced. The data indicated a trend for children older than 40 months to reference mathematics more than children younger than 40 months. Children with providers who had child development associate certificates or two-year degrees were more likely to use mathematics words than children whose providers had less education or more education. These findings were also non-significant, but suggest that providers with applied certificates or degrees might have more practice-based experience in structuring the environment for mathematics inquiry. 相似文献
模糊数学法综合评价化工企业职业危害的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的用模糊数学法对职业危害作出更客观,更全面的评价。方法选择3家同类化工企业并确定其主要职业危害因素,进行5个月跟踪调查,对毒物浓度、粉尘、浓度、噪声进行测量并记录检测结果,同时记录工作场所内接触危害因素的人员数。对数据进行整理,采用模糊数学法进行评估。结果两家私营企业危害程度明显高于国有企业,究其原因,社会对职业危害的认识不足,投资者为降低成本,设厂时没有设置相应防护措施;同时乡镇企业的无序发展促进了职业危害的扩散。结论本文将模糊数学引入职业危害评价,通过对某市化工企业的调查采样,既可对单一企业有害因素作出全面,切合实际的评价,又可进行企业间横向对比,找出合理措施和漏洞,为促进整个行业的职业安全提供参照。 相似文献
目的应用模糊数学的方法,建立一种适于描述乌鲁木齐市生态系统饮用水水质的逻辑模式,对乌鲁木齐市生态系统饮用水水质的安全状况进行更加科学、全面的分析。方法于2013年6月按照随机原则选取乌鲁木齐市9个采样点,将采集的水样并进行实验室检测后应用模糊数学方法,利用隶属度描述水质分类界限,经模糊矩阵复合运算。结果 9个采样点中,属于Ⅰ类水质的有2个(22.2%),属于Ⅱ类水质的有4个(44.4%),属于Ⅲ类水质的有3个(33.3%),乌鲁木齐市生态系统饮用水水质总体良好,但部分水样有安全隐患。结论应用模糊数学方法综合评价乌鲁木齐市生态系统中饮用水水质的安全状况,较常用的单因子水质评价方法能更全面地反映水环境质量受各监测指标的综合影响。 相似文献
Psychosocial problems presented by patients with somatic reasons for encounter: tip of the iceberg? 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
BACKGROUND: Health-affecting psychosocial problems are inherent in general
practice, present among one-third of the patients and constituting between
3 and 13% of reasons for encounter. Such problems are not always presented,
and often overlooked by the doctors. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to describe the
frequency of psychosocial problems presented to the doctor by patients with
somatic reasons for encounter, as a proportion of the patients' existing
health-affecting problems, and to explore whether characteristics of the
doctor, the patient, their relationship or reason for encounter influence
the presentation of problems. METHODS: A questionnaire survey of 1401
consecutive patients visiting 89 Norwegian GPs mapped the prevalence of
nine commonly occurring psychosocial problems and the frequency by which
they were disclosed during the consultation. RESULTS: From 21% (loneliness)
to 59% (occupational stress) of problems were disclosed to the doctors.
Reason for encounter was the only factor to influence the disclosure from
male patients, while reason for encounter, educational level and income
source of the patient, gender of the doctor, and the doctor's previous
general knowledge of the patient influenced the disclosure from female
patients. CONCLUSIONS: Less than half of health- affecting psychosocial
problems are disclosed to GPs by patients with somatic reasons for
encounter. Occupational stress is disclosed more often than other
psychosocial problems. Female patients disclose non- occupational problems
more often than male patients, especially if they know the doctor or if the
doctor is a woman. Symptoms from the musculoskeletal system are the reasons
for encounter most often preceding the disclosure of psychosocial problems.
随着数字化影像技术不断应用于临床,影像诊断报告计算机化、标准化、规范化,已逐步成为医学影像检查科室的必然发展趋势。医学影像图文报告系统简洁易用、实用、性价比高,真正实现了各级医院影像诊断报告的计算机化、标准化、规范化,具有良好的社会效益和很高的推广价值。 相似文献
《Early child development and care》2012,182(4):313-319
As Papua New Guinea undergoes a period of major education reform that includes the establishment of an elementary education programme, the development of an elementary teacher education curriculum is proving to be a challenging task. As a background this paper provides contextual information about the elementary education programme and highlights some of the challenges facing those who are developing and implementing elementary mathematics curricula, including teacher trainers and trainee teachers. 相似文献