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背景:脊髓损伤最初往往会导致细胞和组织的不断丢失,组织工程支架可以模拟细胞外基质的生理状态,从而有利于细胞的黏附、迁移、扩增和分化。 目的:总结近年来组织工程支架材料联合细胞和/或细胞因子修复脊髓损伤的新进展。 方法:应用计算机检索PubMed、Ovid Medline及CBM数据库中2000-10/2010-10 与组织工程支架材料修复脊髓损伤相关的文章。 结果与结论:组织工程材料治疗脊髓损伤需要3 因素:种子细胞、组织工程支架、细胞因子。组织工程支架对于损伤脊髓断端起到桥接作用,而种植于材料的种子细胞和/或细胞因子可以促进神经轴突的生长和迁移。可用于组织工程支架的材料可分为天然材料和人工合成材料,包括胶原、壳聚糖、琼脂糖/藻酸盐、聚乳酸、纤连蛋白、聚羟基乙酸/聚乳酸、聚β羟丁酸等,动物实验已经取得一些成果,显示组织工程支架材料联合细胞移植修复效果更好,但临床上目前尚无开展组织工程支架材料修复脊髓损伤的研究。  相似文献   

Current management for spinal cord injury aims to reduce secondary damage and recover sensation and movement.Acute spinal cord injury is often accompanied by spinal cord compartment syndrome.Decompression by durotomy and/or myelotomy attempts to relieve secondary damage by completelyrelieving the compression of the spinal cord,removing the necrotic tissue,decreasing edema,reducing hemorrhage,and improving blood circulation in the spinal cord.However,it is controversial whether durotomy and/or myelotomy after spinal cord injury are beneficial to neurological recovery.This review compares the clinical effects of durotomy with those of myelotomy in the treatment of spinal cord injury.We found that durotomy has been performed more than myelotomy in the clinic,and that durotomy may be safer and more effective than myelotomy.Durotomy performed in humans had positive effects on neurological function in 92.3% of studies in this review,while durotomy in animals had positive effects on neurological function in 83.3% of studies.Myelotomy procedures were effective in 80% of animal studies,but only one clinical study of myelotomy has reported positive results,of motor and sensory improvement,in humans.However,a number of new animal studies have reported that durotomy and myelotomy are ineffective for spinal cord injury.More clinical data,in the form of a randomized controlled study,are needed to understand the effectiveness of durotomy and myelotomy.  相似文献   

During the past decade, significant advances have been made in refinements for regenerative therapies following human spinal cord injury (SCI). Positive results have been achieved with different types of cells in various clinical studies of SCI. In this review, we summarize recently-completed clinical trials using cell- mediated regenerative therapies for human SCI, together with ongoing trials using neural stem cells. Specifically, clinical studies published in Chinese journals are included. These studies show that current transplantation therapies are relatively safe, and have provided varying degrees of neurological recovery. However, many obstacles exist, hindering the introduction of a specific clinical therapy, including complications and their causes, selection of the target population, and optimization of transplantation material. Despite these and other challenges, with the collaboration of research groups and strong support from various organizations, cell-mediated regenerative therapies will open new perspectives for SCI treatment.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine has opened a window for functional recovery in acute-to-subacute phase spinal cord injury (SCI). By contrast, there are still only a few studies have focused on the treatment of the chron-ically injured spinal cord, in which cell-based regenerative medicine seems less effective. Since the majority of SCI patients are in the chronic phase, representing a major challenge for the clinical application of cell-based regenerative medicine. Although combined therapies for the treatment of chronic SCI have attracted attention of researchers and its potential importance is also widely recognized, there had been very few studies involving rehabilitative treatments to date. In a recent study, we have demonstrated for the ifrst time that treadmill training combined with cell transplantation signiifcantly promotes functional recovery even in chronic SCI, not only in additive but also in synergistic manner. Even though we have succeeded to out-line the proifles of recovery secondary to the combination therapy, the mechanism underlying the effects remain unsolved. In this review article, we summarize the present progress and consider the prospect of the cell-based regenerative medicine particularly combined with rehabilitative approaches for chronic SCI animal models.  相似文献   

Glial scarring following severe tissue damage and inflammation after spinal cord injury (SCI) is due to an extreme, uncontrolled form of reactive astrogliosis that typically occurs around the injury site. The scarring process includes the misalignment of activated astrocytes and the deposition of inhibitory chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. Here, we first discuss recent developments in the molecular and cellular features of glial scar formation, with special focus on the potential cellular origin of scar-forming cells and the molecular mechanisms underlying glial scar formation after SCI. Second, we discuss the role of glial scar formation in the regulation of axonal regeneration and the cascades of neuro-inflammation. Last, we summarize the physical and pharmacological approaches targeting the modulation of glial scarring to better understand the role of glial scar formation in the repair of SCI.  相似文献   

Macro-sieve electrodes were implanted in the sciatic nerve of five adult male Lewis rats following spinal cord injury to assess the ability of the macro-sieve electrode to interface regenerated peripheral nerve fibers post-spinal cord injury. Each spinal cord injury was performed via right lateral hemisection of the cord at the T_(9–10) site. Five months post-implantation, the ability of the macro-sieve electrode to interface the regenerated nerve was assessed by stimulating through the macro-sieve electrode and recording both electromyography signals and evoked muscle force from distal musculature. Electromyography measurements were recorded from the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles, while evoked muscle force measurements were recorded from the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, and gastrocnemius muscles. The macro-sieve electrode and regenerated sciatic nerve were then explanted for histological evaluation. Successful sciatic nerve regeneration across the macro-sieve electrode interface following spinal cord injury was seen in all five animals. Recorded electromyography signals and muscle force recordings obtained through macro-sieve electrode stimulation confirm the ability of the macro-sieve electrode to successfully recruit distal musculature in this injury model. Taken together, these results demonstrate the macro-sieve electrode as a viable interface for peripheral nerve stimulation in the context of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol is a synthetic, biodegradable, and water-soluble polyether. Owing to its good biological and material properties, polyethylene glycol shows promise in spinal cord tissue engineering applications. Although studies have examined repairing spinal cord injury with polyethylene glycol, these compellingfindings have not been recently reviewed or evaluated as a whole. Thus, we herein review and summarize the findings of studies conducted both within and beyond China that have examined the repair of spinal cord injury using polyethylene glycol. The following summarizes the results of studies using polyethylene glycol alone as well as coupled with polymers or hydrogels: (1) polyethylene glycol as an adjustable bio-molecule carrier resists nerve fiber degeneration, reduces the inflammatory response, inhibits vacuole and scar formation, and protects nerve membranes in the acute stage of spinal cord injury. (2) Polyethylene glycol-coupled polymers not only promote angiogenesis but also carry drugs or bioactive molecules to the injury site. Because such polymers cross both the blood-spinal cord and blood-brain barriers, they have been widely used as drug carriers. (3) Polyethylene glycol hydrogels have been used as supporting sub-strates for the growth of stem cells after injury, inducing cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Simultaneously, polyethylene glycol hydrogels isolate or reduce local glial scar invasion, promote and guide axonal regeneration, cross the transplanted area, and re-establish synaptic connections with target tissue, thereby promoting spinal cord repair. On the basis of the reviewed studies, we conclude that polyethylene glycol is a promising synthetic material for use in the repair of spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

背景:温度敏感性磁性纳米颗粒即磁性纳米颗粒-Pluronic具有温度响应药物控制释放能力,并能穿透血脑屏障。 目的:实验检测其携带神经节苷脂(GM-1)能力及在活体组织中药物释放能力,以及对脊髓损伤修复再生的影响。 设计、时间及地点:随机对照动物实验,于2006-09/2007-02在首都医科大学北京神经科学研究所和中国科学院过程工程研究所完成。 材料:神经节苷脂由阿根廷Trb Pharma药厂生产。磁性纳米颗粒-Pluronic的制备及其负载神经节苷脂由中国科学院过程工程研究所制备。 方法:将20只SD大鼠制作急性完全横断脊髓损伤模型,随机分为4组:①治疗组:于脊髓断端间注射磁性纳米颗粒-Pluronic-GM-1 100 μL+纤维蛋白胶100 μL。②对照组1:于脊髓断端间注射磁性纳米颗粒-Pluronic 100 μL+纤维蛋白胶100 μL。③对照组2:于脊髓断端间注射纤维蛋白胶100 μL。④空白组:单纯横断不予以任何治疗。 主要观察指标:4周后,应用免疫组织化学方法结合图像分析方法,对脊髓横断处远端、近端进行神经纤维计数及胶质细胞网格框架结构定量分析,以了解神经再生情况。 结果:20只大鼠均进入结果分析。①脊髓横断区神经纤维数量:治疗组近端、远端均高于其他3组(P < 0.05),2个对照组高于空白组(P < 0.05),对照组2高于对照组1(P < 0.05)。②脊髓横断区胶质纤维面积比:治疗组近端、远端均高于其他3组(P < 0.05),2个对照组近端明显高于空白组(P < 0.05),对照组2远端高于空白组(P < 0.05)。 结论:磁性纳米颗粒-Pluronic具有药物携带及释放作用,其携带神经节苷脂对脊髓损伤具有一定程度的修复及促进神经再生的作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trauma can damage the spinal cord or cauda equina to different degrees. Previous studies have verified that traditional Chinese medicine has effects on spinal cord injury via a variety of pathways. OBJECTIVE: To observe changes in hemorheology and inflammatory factors in spinal cord injury rats following treatment with the Chinese medicine Jisuikang, to verify the dose-dependent effect of Jisuikang, and to compare its effects with the effects of prednisone. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A randomized study was performed at the Research Institute of Orthopedics, and Experimental Center of First Clinical Medical College, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China from September 2007 to March 2008. MATERIALS: Jisuikang powdered extract, composed of milkvetch root (30 g), Chinese angelica (12 g), red peony root (12 g), earthworm (10 g), szechwan lovage rhizome (10 g), peach seed (10 g) and safflower (10 g), was provided by the Experimental Center, First Clinical Medical College, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese medicine. Each gram of powdered extract was equivalent to 6.47 g crude drug. METHODS: A total of 72 Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned into 6 groups (n = 12). Rat models of spinal cord injury were established using the occlusion method. Rats in the model group were treated with distilled water. Rats in the 25 g/kg, 12.5 g/kg, and 6.25 g/kg Jisuikang groups were given 25 g/kg, 12.5 g/kg, or 6.25 g/kg Jisuikang by gavage, for 14 days. Rats in the prednisone group received 0.06 g/kg prednisone by gavage, for 7 days. Rats in the normal group were given the same volume of distilled water. The volume of administration was 15 mL/kg.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rat serum interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase levels, malondialdehyde content, superoxide dismutase activity and whole blood viscosity were measured in each group. Spinal cord around the site of the model was collected. Half the spinal cord was used for histopathologic examination. The other half was used for measurement of nitric oxide and NOS levels, malondialdehyde contents, and superoxide dismutase activity. RESULTS: Superoxide dismutase activity was higher in the 25 g/kg Jisuikang group than in the model group. Malondialdehyde contents, nitric oxide and NOS levels were lower in the 25 g/kg and 12.5 g/kg Jisuikang groups compared with the model group. Whole blood viscosity was lower in the 25 g/kg and 12.5 g/kg Jisuikang groups compared with the model group (P < 0.05-0.01). Serum TNF-α content was lower in each Jisuikang group compared with the model group (P < 0.05-0.01). Serum interleukin-10 levels were greater in the prednisone group and each Jisuikang group compared with the model group (P < 0.01). Mild hemorrhage and necrosis in the rat spinal cord, and unclear neural cell swelling were seen in the 25 g/kg Jisuikang group. Severe hemorrhage and necrosis in the rat spinal cord, and distinct neural cell swelling were seen in the 12.5 g/kg Jisuikang group. Edema in the white matter was found in the 6.25 g/kg Jisuikang group. Pathological changes in the prednisone group were identical to the 25 g/kg and 12.5 g/kg Jisuikang groups. CONCLUSION: Jisuikang inhibits nitric oxide synthase expression, reduces nitric oxide and TNF-α levels, decreases malondialdehyde content, increases interleukin-10 levels and superoxide dismutase activity, improves indices of hemorheology, and prevents secondary changes in spinal cord injury, resulting in relieving pathological changes in spinal cord tissue. The outcome was significant in the 25 g/kg Jisuikang group compared with the 12.5 g/kg Jisuikang group.  相似文献   

Recent basic experiments have strongly suggested that cell transplantation therapy may promote functional recovery in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). However, a safe and efficient transplantation technique still remains undetermined. This study, therefore, was aimed to clarify whether fibrin matrix could be a useful scaffold in bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) transplantation for the injured spinal cord. To clarify the issue, three‐dimensional structure of fibrin matrix was assessed and the green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐expressing BMSC were cultured in fibrin matrix. The rats were subjected to spinal cord hemisection at T8 level, and the vehicle, BMSC or BMSC‐fibrin matrix construct was implanted into the cavity. Neurologic function was serially evaluated. Using immunohistochemistry, we evaluated the survival, migration and differentiation of the transplanted cells at 4 weeks after transplantation. In the initial in vitro study, the BMSC could survive in fibrin matrix for 2 weeks. The animals treated with the BMSC‐fibrin matrix construct showed significantly more pronounced recovery of neurologic function than vehicle‐ or BMSC‐treated animals. Fibrin scaffold markedly improved the survival and migration of the transplanted cells. There was no significant difference in the percentage of cells doubly positive for GFP and microtubule‐associated protein 2 between the animals treated with BMSC‐fibrin matrix construct and those treated with BMSC, but a certain subpopulation of GFP‐positive cells morphologically simulated the neurons in the animals treated with BMSC‐fibrin matrix construct. These findings strongly suggest that fibrin matrix may be one of the promising candidates for a potential, minimally invasive scaffold for injured spinal cord, and that such strategy of tissue engineering could be a hopeful option in regeneration therapy for patients with SCI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trauma can damage the spinal cord or cauda equina to different degrees. Previous studies have verified that traditional Chinese medicine has effects on spinal cord injury via a variety of pathways. OBJECTIVE: To observe changes in hemorheology and inflammatory factors in spinal cord injury rats following treatment with the Chinese medicine Jisuikang, to verify the dose-dependent effect of Jisuikang, and to compare its effects with the effects of prednisone. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A randomized study was performed at the Research Institute of Orthopedics, and Experimental Center of First Clinical Medical College, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China from September 2007 to March 2008. MATERIALS: Jisuikang powdered extract, composed of milkvetch root (30 g), Chinese angelica (12 g), red peony root (12 g), earthworm (10 g), szechwan lovage rhizome (10 g), peach seed (10 g) and safflower (10 g) was provided by the Experimental Center, First Clinical Medical College, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese medicine. Each gram of powdered extract was equivalent to 6.47 g crude drug. METHODS: A total of 72 Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned into 6 groups (n = 12). Rat models of spinal cord injury were established using the occlusion method. Rats in the model group were treated with distilled water. Rats in the 25 g/kg, 12.5 g/kg, and 6.25 g/kg Jisuikang groups were given 25 g&g, 12.5 g/kg, or 6.25 g/kg Jisuikang by gavage, for 14 days. Rats in the prednisone group received 0.06 g/kg prednisone by gavage, for 7 days. Rats in the normal group were given the same volume of distilled water. The volume of administration was 15 mL/kg. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rat serum interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor- α (TNF-α ), nitric oxide, nitric oxide synthase levels, malondialdehyde content, superoxide dismutase activity and whole blood viscosity were measured in each group. Spinal cord around the site of the model was collected. Half the  相似文献   

Apoptosis-modulating therapeutics using active-site mimetic peptide ketones (z-VAD-fluoromethylketone (fmk)) have been reported to be efficacious in delaying the apoptotic response in central nervous system lesions. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the caspase inhibitor z-VAD fmk prevents apoptosis and improves neurological deficit and tissue damage. One-hundred twenty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized into groups that were administered 25 microg of z-VAD-fmk or vehicle 30 min and 24 h after moderate spinal cord contusion (NYU impactor, 12.5 mm at T10). Several routes of administration were tested: (1) via Gelfoam placed on the spinal cord, (2) into the cisterna magna via a subarachnoidal catheter, (3) intravenously via the external jugular vein, or (4) intraperitoneally. Another group was injected with 50 microg of zVAD-fmk or vehicle intraperitoneally 30 min, 24, 48, and 72 h after injury. Animals were evaluated for locomotor function (BBB score) at weekly intervals for 6 weeks after injury and treatment. Spinal cords were then processed for histological analysis to determine whether zVAD-fmk treatment decreased contusion volume. Other spinal cord samples were harvested 24 h after injury and examined for cleavage of XIAP by immunoblot analysis. There were no significant differences in the BBB scores, contusion volumes, and XIAP cleavage between animals receiving the broad specific caspase inhibitor by the various routes and animals receiving vehicle alone. These findings raise critical questions about the use of peptide ketone apoptotic inhibitors in improving functional and histopathological outcomes following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury results in significant loss of motor, sensory, and autonomic functions. Although a wide range of therapeutic agents have been shown to attenuate secondary injury or promote regeneration/repair in animal models of spinal cord injury, clinical translation of these strategies has been limited, in part due to difficulty in safely and effectively achieving therapeutic concentrations in the injured spinal cord tissue. Hydrogelbased drug delivery systems offer unique opportunities to locally deliver drugs to the injured spinal cord with sufficient dose and duration, while avoiding deleterious side effects associated with systemic drug administration. Such local drug delivery systems can be readily fabricated from biocompatible and biodegradable materials. In this review, hydrogel-based strategies for local drug delivery to the injured spinal cord are extensively reviewed, and recommendations are made for implementation.  相似文献   

A neuroprotective factor is shown to be present in mammalian serum. This factor is identified by Western blotting to be serum albumin. The serum factor and albumin both protected cultured spinal cord neurons against the toxicity of glutamate. The inability of K252a, a blocker of the high affinity tyrosine kinase receptor for members of the nerve growth factor family, to block the neuroprotective effect of the serum factor established that the serum factor is not a member of the nerve growth factor family. Post-injury injection of albumin intravenously or into the site of injury immediately after injury both improved significantly locomotor function according to Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan assessment and spontaneous locomotor activity recorded with a photobeam activity system. Albumin has multiple mechanisms whereby it may be neuroprotective, and it is a potentially useful agent for treating neurotraumas.  相似文献   

The morphological and contractile changes of muscles below the level of the lesion after spinal cord injury (SCI) are dramatic. In humans with SCI, a fiber‐type transformation away from type I begins 4–7 months post‐SCI and reaches a new steady state with predominantly fast glycolytic IIX fibers years after the injury. There is a progressive drop in the proportion of slow myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform fibers and a rise in the proportion of fibers that coexpress both the fast and slow MHC isoforms. The oxidative enzymatic activity starts to decline after the first few months post‐SCI. Muscles from individuals with chronic SCI show less resistance to fatigue, and the speed‐related contractile properties change, becoming faster. These findings are also present in animals. Future studies should longitudinally examine changes in muscles from early SCI until steady state is reached in order to determine optimal training protocols for maintaining skeletal muscle after paralysis. Muscle Nerve, 2009  相似文献   

Schwann cells are glial cells of peripheral nervous system, responsible for axonal myelination and ensheathing, as well as tissue repair following a peripheral nervous system injury. They are one of several cell types that are widely studied and most commonly used for cell transplantation to treat spinal cord injury, due to their intrinsic characteristics including the ability to secrete a variety of neurotrophic factors. This mini review summarizes the recent findings of endogenous Schwann cells after spinal cord injury and discusses their role in tissue repair and axonal regeneration. After spinal cord injury, numerous endogenous Schwann cells migrate into the lesion site from the nerve roots, involving in the construction of newly formed repaired tissue and axonal myelination. These invading Schwann cells also can move a long distance away from the injury site both rostrally and caudally. In addition, Schwann cells can be induced to migrate by minimal insults (such as scar ablation) within the spinal cord and integrate with astrocytes under certain circumstances. More importantly, the host Schwann cells can be induced to migrate into spinal cord by transplantation of different cell types, such as exogenous Schwann cells, olfactory ensheathing cells, and bone marrow-derived stromal stem cells. Migration of endogenous Schwann cells following spinal cord injury is a common natural phenomenon found both in animal and human, and the myelination by Schwann cells has been examined effective in signal conduction electrophysiologically. Therefore, if the inherent properties of endogenous Schwann cells could be developed and utilized, it would offer a new avenue for the restoration of injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

The activation of a delayed secondary cascade of unsatisfactory cellular and molecular responses after a primary mechanical insult to the spinal cord causes the progressive degeneration of this structure. Disturbance of ionic homeostasis is part of the secondary injury process and plays an integral role in the early stage of spinal cord injury (SCI). The secondary pathology of SCI is complex and involves disturbance of the homeostasis of K(+) , Na(+) , and Ca(2+) . The effect of ion channel blockers on chronic SCI has also been proved. In this Mini-Review, we provide a comprehensive summary of the effects of ion channel blockers on the natural responses after SCI. Combination therapy is based on the roles of ions and disturbance of their homeostasis in SCI. The effects of ion channel blockers suggest that they have potential in the treatment of SCI, although the complexity of their effects shows that further knowledge is needed before they can be applied clinically.  相似文献   

人参皂甙对损伤脊髓诱发电位的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究猫急性脊髓损伤 (SCI)后脊髓诱发电位 (SCEP)的变化规律及人参皂甙 (GS)对其的影响 ,探讨 GS对 SCI的作用 ,旨在寻求治疗 SCI的新方法。方法 采用改良 Allen氏重量打击法制作猫急性脊髓损伤模型 ,动物随机分组 ,通过电生理及病理学方法 ,研究 SCEP的变化规律及 GS对其的影响 ,脊髓形态学的改变作为进一步的佐证。结果  (1)损伤组伤后 SCEP辐值随时间延长逐渐变小 ,潜伏期逐渐延长 ;治疗组波形则逐渐恢复 ,6 h全部恢复 ,差异显著。(2 )光镜下两组均有水肿、中心性出血 ,神经元空泡变性 ,核溶解或固缩 ,尼氏小体消失 ,部分神经纤维脱髓鞘或断裂 ,损伤组最重 ,治疗组均有不同程度的恢复。结论  GS对 SCI有治疗作用。  相似文献   

Many therapeutic interventions using neurotrophic factors or pharmacological agents have focused on secondary degeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) to reduce damaged areas and promote axonal regeneration and functional recovery. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which was identified as a potent mitogen for mature hepatocytes and a mediator of inflammatory responses to tissue injury, has recently been highlighted as a potent neurotrophic and angiogenic factor in the central nervous system (CNS). In the present study, we revealed that the extent of endogenous HGF up-regulation was less than that of c-Met, an HGF receptor, during the acute phase of SCI and administered exogenous HGF into injured spinal cord using a replication-incompetent herpes simplex virous-1 (HSV-1) vector to determine whether HGF exerts beneficial effects and promotes functional recovery after SCI. This treatment resulted in the significant promotion of neuron and oligodendrocyte survival, angiogenesis, axonal regrowth, and functional recovery after SCI. These results suggest that HGF gene delivery to the injured spinal cord exerts multiple beneficial effects and enhances endogenous repair after SCI. This is the first study to demonstrate the efficacy of HGF for SCI.  相似文献   

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