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The authors report the case of a 32-year-old woman who developed symptoms and signs possible manifestations of a familial motor neuron disease with left sided pyramidal signs and marked wasting and weakness in the ipsilateral upper girdle, progressively extended to the contralateral upper limb. The CT-scan showed only frontal cortical atrophy. MRI disclosed a restricted area of increased signal intensity in the centrum semiovale of the subcortical white matter of the right prefrontal cortex. This young woman did not disclose any risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases nor other disorders of the CNS; therefore the authors are of the opinion that the white matter changes observed on MRI are not occasional findings, but are related to the pathologic process occurring in consequence of her neurodegenerative disorder (possible ALS).  相似文献   

动力蛋白激活蛋白 dynactin 参与调控神经元内大分子、囊泡、细胞器的定位和转运,以及逆向轴突运输,对维持神经元的功能和存活至关重要。 p150glued 是 dynactin 最大的亚基,介导dynactin 与动力蛋白 dynein 、微管以及微管正端结合蛋白等的相互作用。 p150glued 的 G59S 错意突变导致家族性运动神经元病。现对近年来研究中发现的 p150glued 与运动神经元病的关系及相关分子机制进行综述。  相似文献   

运动神经元病血清特异抗原成分的检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的检测运动神经元病(MND)病人血清中是否存在运动神经元特异抗原成分,并探索MND潜在的诊断标志物。方法制备5株抗运动神经元单克隆抗体,并证明其对大鼠脊髓前角运动神经元具有高度特异的免疫组织化学反应。应用抗运动神经元单克隆抗体24B0-McAb,用ELISA法对25例运动神经元病病人血清中的特异抗原成分进行检测。根据临床表现将25例病人分为肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)、脊肌萎缩症(SMA)及进行性球麻痹(PBP)3组,再按年龄段分3个亚组(<20岁组、20~39岁组、>40岁组)。结果发现85%(22/25)临床确诊的MND病人存在较高浓度的特异抗原成分,MND病人与正常对照组对24B0-McAb的反应性差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),ALS、SMA及PBP亚型之间差异也有显著性意义(P<0.05),而年龄组之间差异虽有显著性意义,其临床意义尚需进一步研究。性别组之间的差异无显著性意义。结论MND病人血清中存在运动神经元特异抗原成分。用抗运动神经元单克隆抗体以ELISA法检测运动神经元特异抗原可以作为诊断MND的辅助检查。  相似文献   

A case of lower motor neuron disease after extended field irradiation for cervical stage IA nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease is reported. Recurrence of Hodgkin's disease is excluded and other diagnostic possibilities are discussed. We compared this case with twenty-four similar cases reported in the literature after irradiation of the spinal cord for Hodgkin's disease or other neoplasms. Special features included the relatively advanced age of the patient, the long latency period, a premonitory CK-rise and reversibility. The entity is considered to be a very rare and relatively benign complication of spinal cord irradiation important to recognize as an entity in order to avoid extensive reevaluation.  相似文献   

Chad DA 《Neurologic Clinics》2002,20(2):527-55, viii
The diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) per se may be challenging since there is no single diagnostic test for ALS (with the exception of finding a mutation in the SOD1 gene). Additionally, the disease may begin focally and resemble a variety of other neurologic disorders that share clinical features with ALS. This latter point emphasizes an important imperative for the clinician--the need to consider a broad range of peripheral and central nervous system disorders in the process of differential diagnosis of ALS, especially when the disease is in its early stages. The authors review the diagnostic criteria for ALS and discuss which features to consider in determining the degree of certainty or level of confidence in the diagnosis. The authors then enumerate the important differential diagnostic possibilities that emerge from a careful consideration of the clinical features and comment on neuroimaging studies and laboratory tests employed in the diagnostic process. Next, the authors turn their attention to the important role played by electrophysiologic studies in the diagnostic evaluation of the patient with suspected ALS. The authors then return to a focused consideration of selected disorders in the differential diagnosis of ALS and conclude with a summary of their diagnostic approach for this disease.  相似文献   

Aberrant accumulation of neurofilaments is a feature of human motor neuron diseases. Experimentally motor neuron disease can be induced in transgenic mice by overexpressing the mouse neurofilament light subunit (NF-L), the human heavy subunit (NF-H), or mouse peripherin. Here we describe that mice harboring a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgene containing the human midsized neurofilament subunit (NF-M) gene develop a progressive hind limb paralysis associated with neurofilamentous accumulations in ventral horn motor neurons and axonal loss in ventral motor roots. Biochemical studies revealed that all three mouse neurofilament subunits along with the human NF-M contributed to filament formation, although filaments contained less peripherin. In addition the endogenous mouse NF-M became less phosphorylated in the presence of the human protein and accumulated in the cell bodies of affected neurons even though phosphorylated human NF-M did not. Remaining motor axons contained an increased density of neurofilaments and morphometric studies showed that principally small myelinated axons were lost in the transgenic animals. Removing half of the mouse NF-M by breeding the transgene onto the mouse NF-M heterozygous null background offered no protection against the development of disease, arguing that the effect is not simply due to elevation of total NF-M. Collectively these studies argue that the human and mouse NF-M proteins exhibit distinct biochemical properties and within mouse neurons are not interchangeable and that indeed the human protein may be toxic to some mouse neurons. These studies have implications for the use of human neurofilament transgenic mice as models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

Dementia with motor neuron disease has been described as a new clinicopathologic entity and more than 100 cases have been reported in Japan since 1964. The clinicopathologic criteria in the diagnosis of dementia with motor neuron disease are: (i) frontotemporal lobe‐type dementia with insidious onset, mostly in the presenile period; (ii) neurogenic muscular wasting during the course of the illness (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis‐ or SPMA‐like symptoms); (iii) duration from the onset of illness to death of 2–5 years (average, 30.6 months); (iv) both extrapyramidal symptoms and definite sensory deficits are present less commonly; (v) no characteristic abnormalities in the cerebrospinal fluid or electroencephalogram on screening; (vi) no known parental consanguinity or familial occurrence; and (vii) non‐specific, mild to slight degenerative changes in the frontotemporal cortex, hypoglossal nuclei and spinal cord, and frequently in the substantia nigra. Dementia with motor neuron disease is characterized by ubiquitin‐immunoreactive intraneuronal inclusions in cortical layer II and hypocampal dentate granule cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal lobar degeneration with motor neuron disease (FTLD-MND) is a pathological entity characterized by motor neuron degeneration and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. The ability to detect the clinical signs of dementia and motor neuron disease in pathologically confirmed FTLD-MND has not been assessed. OBJECTIVES: To determine if all cases of pathologically confirmed FTLD-MND have clinical evidence of frontotemporal dementia and motor neuron disease, and to determine the possible reasons for misdiagnosis. METHOD: Review of historical records and semiquantitative analysis of the motor and extramotor pathological findings of all cases of pathologically confirmed FTLD-MND. RESULTS: From a total of 17 cases of pathologically confirmed FTLD-MND, all had clinical evidence of frontotemporal dementia, while only 10 (59%) had clinical evidence of motor neuron disease. Semiquantitative analysis of motor and extramotor pathological findings revealed a spectrum of pathological changes underlying FTLD-MND. Hippocampal sclerosis, predominantly of the subiculum, was a significantly more frequent occurrence in the cases without clinical evidence of motor neuron disease (P<.01). In addition, neuronal loss, gliosis, and corticospinal tract degeneration were less severe in the other 3 cases without clinical evidence of motor neuron disease. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical diagnostic sensitivity for the elements of FTLD-MND is modest and may be affected by the fact that FTLD-MND represents a spectrum of pathological findings, rather than a single homogeneous entity. Detection of signs of clinical motor neuron disease is also difficult when motor neuron degeneration is mild and in patients with hippocampal sclerosis.  相似文献   

A 50-year-old woman lost about 10 kg of body weight within two months. Thereafter, she developed dysphagia and dysphonia. She visited our hospital and presented with a weak elevation of the soft palate, fasciculation of the tongue, hoarseness of voice, muscle weakness of the neck and extremities, and a decrement in vital capacity. She was admitted with a provisional diagnosis of motor neuron disease. The results of laboratory examinations showed an elevation in serum lysozyme and liquor protein levels, and pleocytosis in the liquor. Needle electromyography showed neurogenic changes, and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy was revealed by computerized tomography. A biopsy specimen was excised from lymph nodes near the right anterior scalene muscle, which showed noncaseating granulomas consistent with sarcoidosis. All her symptoms improved after steroid administration. Such patients can be treatable with steroids. Moreover, the differential diagnosis from motor neuron disease is important.  相似文献   

A patient with motor neuron disease and tonic pupil who had an antinuclear antibody (Ab) in the serum and oligoclonal pattern in IgG in the CSF is described. Sera and CSF from this patient and controls (37 sera and 30 CSF) were screened for an antineuronal Ab using immunoblotting. Only the serum and CSF from this patient contained an Ab to a 70-kD protein in the human spinal cord but not in the human muscle or cerebellar cortex. This patient's serum immunohistochemically stained human and Japanese monkey anterior horn cells but not Japanese monkey dorsal root ganglion.  相似文献   

One of the characteristic pathologic changes in classic motor neuron disease (MND) is the presence of ubiquitin-immunoreactive (ub-ir) inclusions in the cytoplasm of lower motor neurons. In addition, cases of MND with dementia (MND-d) also have ub-ir neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions and dystrophic neurites in extramotor neocortex and hippocampus. Although this extramotor pathology is a highly sensitive marker for dementia in MND, similar changes are found in a subset of patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) with no motor symptoms (FTD-MND type). The purpose of this study is to more fully describe and compare the pattern of ub-ir pathology in these 3 conditions. We performed ubiquitin immunohistochemistry on postmortem tissue, representing a wide range of neuroanatomic structures, in cases of classic MND (n = 20), MND-d (n = 15), and FTD-MND type (n = 15). We found the variety of morphologies and the anatomic distribution of ub-ir pathology to be greater than previously documented. Moreover, the degree of overlap suggests that MND, MND-d, and FTD-MND type represent a spectrum of clinical disease with a common pathologic substrate. The only finding restricted to a specific subgroup of patients was the presence of ub-ir neuronal intranuclear inclusions in some cases of familial FTD.  相似文献   

Central motor conduction in motor neuron disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Central motor conduction was assessed in 13 patients with motor neuron disease and in 15 control subjects. All patients with motor neuron disease, even those without clinical pyramidal signs, had slowed central motor conduction, and in some the delays were asymmetrical. Evoked motor potentials represent a new and reliable method to detect physiological abnormalities of central motor pathways early in the course of motor neuron disease.  相似文献   

Sporadic motor neuron disease (MND) causes a progressive loss of motor neurons. West Nile virus can attack motor neurons, so we examined whether flavivirus infection could be detected in MND cases. Spinal cord sections from 22 MND cases were stained immunohistochemically with a flavivirus-specific antibody. No staining for flavivirus was seen in any case. Sporadic MND does not appear to arise from a recent infection with a flavivirus.  相似文献   

We report a 38-year-old man with a pure motor syndrome and IgM gammopathy leading to flaccid quadriplegia. Improvement followed treatment with dexamethasone, cyclophosphamide, and plasmapheresis, but he died of pulmonary embolism. At autopsy, he had a proximal motor axonopathy with lymphocytic infiltration of ventral roots. Proximal motor neuropathy may masquerade as motor neuron disease. The association with gammopathy and response to treatment suggest that patients with motor neuron disease should be routinely screened for serum protein abnormalities.  相似文献   

Patients with motor neuron disease with thyroid disorders have been described, although the relationship between the two conditions is unclear. We treated a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who also had a follicular adenoma of the thyroid gland. Because thyroid gland plasma membranes contain high concentrations of complex gangliosides, such as GD1b, and some patients with motor neuron disease have IgM antibodies to GD1b, we decided to assay serum from this patient for the presence of antiganglioside antibodies. IgM antibodies to GD1b were detectable at serum dilutions of 1:500 and 1:1000 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. While these titers are less than those usually described in patients with plasma cell dyscrasia, they are well in excess of normal values. Antibody to GM1 was also detectable at a lower (1:100) dilution. We do not know the importance of the anti-GD1b antibodies in this patient, but it is possible that antibodies to GD1b are involved in this and other cases of motor neuron disease associated with thyroid disease.  相似文献   

We present a patient who has signs pointing to the involvement of lower motor neurons and myelofibrosis. To our knowledge, unlike lymphoproliferative disorders, co-occurrence of myelofibrosis and lower motor neuron disease (MND) has not been reported so far. A 64-year-old male patient was admitted to our hospital with the complaint of painful cramps in his neck and forearms. On physical examination marked hepatomegaly and splenomegaly were found. On neurologic examination nasal quality of the voice and slight palatal weakness were detected. There were generalised slight weakness and atrophy in both proximal and distal muscle groups. Fasciculations were observed especially in forearm muscles and it was observed that he had been avoiding head movements because of painful muscle cramps. Deep tendon reflexes were hypoactive. Nerve conduction studies were normal. By needle electromyography, giant motor unit action potentials (amplitudes up to 8 mV), fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves and fasciculation potentials were detected in all muscles which were investigated. A hypercellular bone marrow (100%) was determined by bone marrow biopsy. In addition to increased production of the myeloid and megakaryocytic lines, abnormal aggregation and grouping of megakaryocytes were seen. Reticular fibers were increased. He had some benefit of dyphenilhydantoin treatment given for the painful cramps in his neck and forearm muscles. Hydroxyurea treatment was started for myelofibrosis. Six months later, his general condition was better, and the painful cramps were completely resolved. No marked deterioration has been detected in neurologic examination and electromyography for 1 year.  相似文献   

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