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小儿肠套叠术后小肠套叠八例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小儿肠套叠术后小肠套叠非常少见 ,目前未见专门报道。其临床表现不典型 ,诊断困难 ,如延误诊治 ,死亡率非常高。本文报道近 10年来收治的小儿肠套叠术后小肠套叠 8例 ,并对其诊断方法进行探讨。临床资料本组 8例 ,男 3例 ,女 5例 ;年龄 3~11个月 ,平均 5 .5个月。原肠套叠类型 :回 结型 5例 ,回 回 结型 3例 ,发病时间 12~ 5 0h ,均经空气灌肠复位不成功后再行手术探查复位 ,无肠坏死或肠占位。本组患儿有 6例第一次术后 1~ 3d有肛门排气、排便、肠鸣音恢复正常 ,已恢复进食 ;另 2例无排气、排便 ,腹胀 ,肠鸣音弱。再次出现症状距…  相似文献   

目的总结空气灌肠整复小儿肠套叠的经验。方法回顾性分析44例小儿肠套叠病例,从诊断、治疗、术前准备、术后护理、诊断治疗标准等方面进行分析总结。结果44例全部一次性成功整复,没有发生穿孔、粘连等并发症。结论空气灌肠整复小儿肠套叠安全有效,简单方便。是外科手术前必须施行的首选保守治疗方法。  相似文献   

小儿急性肠套叠肠切肠吻合术42例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的总结行肠切除肠吻合术的小儿急性肠套叠的诊断和治疗经验。方法对42例行肠切肠吻合术的肠套叠患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果肠套叠78.57%为复套叠,多为回回结型。大多数术后愈合良好。结论小儿急性肠套叠关键是早期诊断、及时治疗。术中发现肠坏死应尽量减少切除范围,保留回盲部。  相似文献   

小儿术后肠套叠的临床特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结术后肠套叠的临床特点,提高其诊治水平。方法复习46例术后肠套叠患儿的临床资料及有相关文献.分析其年龄特点、临床特征、早期诊断要点。结果46例患儿中2岁以下36例(78.26%),69.56%继发于腹腔内手术后。手术证实45例为小肠套叠(97.83%),另1例为回回结型复套。42例小肠套叠经手法复位成功脱套;3例回回回型复套及1例于首次术后18d再行2次探查的患儿.因绞窄严重、复位困难,而行肠切除肠吻合术。46例均痊愈出院。结论术后肠套叠其临床表现不同于原发性肠套叠,与术后早期连性肠黏梗阻在发病时间上也有明显差别。对手术后2周内尤其是1周内发生的机械性肠梗阻.特别是2岁以下的小儿.应考虑到术后肠套叠的诊断。术后肠套叠由于黏连及肠运动功能的改变,罕有自行脱套的机会,确诊后应尽早手术探查。  相似文献   

小儿术后肠套叠26例   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
总结术后肠套叠的临床特点及诊断方法。方法复习26例小儿术后肠套叠患者的临床资料及有关文献,分析其年龄特点、临床表现、诊断方法及预后。结果26例患儿2a以下20例(76.92%)。继发于腹膜后手术9例,腹腔内手术17例。术后出现胃管胆汁性胃液量增多或呕吐及腹胀症状的时间,术后1wk以内24例(92.31%)。血便、阵发性腹痛、腹部包块少见。腹部X线检查均提示肠梗阻;19例口服钡剂动态观察可确定其梗阻部位。手术证实术后肠套叠多为小肠套叠,占96.15%。本组除1例肠套叠时间较长,2例回肠复套,术中复位困难而行肠切除肠吻合外,其余23例均手法复位。26例均痊愈出院。结论术后肠套叠其临床表现不同于原发性肠套餐,与术后早期粘连性肠梗阻在发病时间上也有明显差别。对术后2wk内发生的肠梗阻,要考虑到肠套叠的诊断,尽早手术探查。  相似文献   

小儿腹部手术后小肠套叠较为少见,其临床症状、体征不典型,难以及时诊断,而延误治疗。本院2000~2009年共收治腹部手术后并发小肠套叠的患儿7例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

腹部手术后小肠套叠12例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小儿手术后肠套叠[‘’占腹部手术的4%。,多数术前得不到正确诊断[‘·”,以致延误治疗时机。本作者近年收治12例腹部手术后肠套叠,重点讨论病因及早期诊断问题。临床资料本组男9例,女3例,年龄60d~14a,12例均为小肠套叠。回一回套8例,空一空套4例,其中;1例3处套叠,套人Zcrn~10cm。1例术前确诊,其他病例因切口裂开和诊断机械性肠梗阻再次手术时确诊为小肠套叠,11例手法复位.1例行肠切除肠吻合未,12例均痊愈出院。原发疾病首次手术名称为先天性巨结肠(巨结肠根治术)4例,急性肠套叠(肠套叠复位术)、肾母细胞瘤(左肾…  相似文献   

急性肠套叠是小儿最常见的疾病之一,也是容易误诊而延误治疗的小儿肠梗阻第一位的疾病。不少肠套叠都是先在儿内科住院、治疗,病情无缓解,继而出现肠套叠的典型症状,请外科会诊才转科治疗。如何早期诊断并及时治疗,不但需要儿科临床医生熟悉小儿肠套叠的临床症状和体征,还需要儿科临床医生了解肠套叠的病因,如此才能做到早期诊断、早期治疗。现将资料总结如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨需要手术治疗的小儿肠套叠的诊断与治疗方法。方法对本院自2001年10月至2014年7月经手术治疗的53例肠套叠患儿临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果48例患儿术前行Χ线空气灌肠复位术,4例因就诊时间超过72 h,而直接予手术治疗,1例巨结肠根治术后出现肠梗阻,经剖腹探查证实为回回型肠套叠。53例患儿中,原发性肠套叠46例,继发性肠套叠7例;继发于过敏性紫癜2例,美克尔憩室2例,肠息肉1例,淋巴瘤1例,异位胰腺1例。手法复位37例,行肠切除肠吻合术13例,肠穿孔肠修补术3例。结论手术是治疗小儿肠套叠的必要手段。当出现肠穿孔、腹膜炎及空气灌肠失败时应积极进行手术治疗。继发性肠套叠临床表现复杂多变,术前确诊困难,反复复发的肠套叠患儿疑有继发性肠套叠时应及时行剖腹探查术。  相似文献   

845例小儿急性肠套叠诊治体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的总结小儿急性肠套叠的诊治经验。方法回顾性分析845例小儿急性肠套叠患儿的病例资料。结果本组空气灌肠复位845例,成功843例,复位成功率为97%,全部患儿无1例出现肠破裂及因此造成气腹者。2例复位不成功者术中证实为多发型肠套叠。全部患儿均痊愈出院。结论早期诊断是治疗小儿急性肠套叠的关键,随着医疗卫生条件的改善和科学知识的普及,大多数患儿能够得到早期诊断和空气灌肠整复治疗,需行手术治疗的病例越来越少。  相似文献   


Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in infancy and early childhood. It occurs when one segment of bowel (the intussusceptum) invaginates into an adjacent distal segment of bowel (the intussuscepien). The classical presentation is with intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting and redcurrant jelly-like stool. Diagnosis can be accurately confirmed with an ultrasound scan. Initial management is with fluid resuscitation and antibiotics. Following adequate resuscitation, treatment is usually with a non-operative air enema reduction under fluoroscopic guidance. If this fails to completely reduce the intussusception, the air enema may be repeated in patients that are clinically stable. The main risks associated with an air enema are bowel perforation, failed reduction and recurrence. Surgical intervention is indicated in patients presenting with perforation, those that are clinically unstable or where multiple air enemas have failed to reduce the intussusception. Surgery can be performed open or laparoscopic and involves attempted manual reduction of the intussusception and may require bowel resection and anastomosis.  相似文献   

The vast majority of symptomatic intussusceptions in children arise in the ileum and are either ileocolic or ileoileocolic. The clinical diagnosis of these "idiopathic" intussusceptions may be difficult to make. Failure to make a prompt diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment may lead to bowel ischemia, perforation, peritonitis, shock and even death. The clinician, therefore, may have to rely on imaging procedures to diagnose or exclude the presence of intussusception promptly and accurately. The imaging diagnosis of intussusception can be made with sonography or plain abdominal radiographs or by contrast (including air) enema examinations of the colon. This article highlights the current concepts and some controversial issues related to the imaging diagnosis of intussusception.  相似文献   

Intussusception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intussusception is the invagination of one portion of the intestine into another and is the most common form of intestinal obstruction in infants. This report reviews the clinical presentation and diagnostic and treatment options available for intussusception. The etiologies of childhood intussusception are discussed. Details and literature review are provided on the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonography, barium enema, air contrast enema, and surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception.  相似文献   

Children with symptomatic ileocolic or ileo-ileocolic intussusceptions can be successfully managed in one of a number of different ways. The nonoperative enema reduction technique has major advantages over surgical reduction and high success rates can be achieved using pneumatic or hydrostatic reduction techniques under fluoroscopic or sonographic guidance. This article highlights current concepts and some controversial issues related to management of intussusception, including patient selection for attempted enema reduction, the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, complications, the value of delayed, repeated reduction attempts, the role of imaging after attempted enema reduction, and recurrence of intussusception.  相似文献   

In the previous two parts of this review on intussusception, the diagnosis and management of symptomatic, idiopathic ileocolic and ileoileocolic intussusceptions, which are considered to result from hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue in the distal ileum, were discussed. In this third part, those intussusceptions with an identifiable cause including pathologic lead point, those due to gastrojejunostomy or other feeding tubes, and those that are seen in the postoperative period as well as those that may be asymptomatic or may reduce spontaneously (usually limited to the small bowel) are discussed.  相似文献   

An unusual case of intussusception is reported in which two parallel loops of small intestine had intussuscepted into a third distal loop. The similarity to Maydl's hernia led to the term intussusception en W. Review of the available literature failed to reveal any previous report of such a case.  相似文献   

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