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颌面部内固定钛板取出原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王国庆  李岩 《口腔医学》2004,24(5):293-294
目的 探讨颌面部内固定钛板取出原因。方法 对41例颌面部内固定术后取钛板病例进行回顾性分析总结。结果 医生建议取出钛板者9例;患者要求取出者9例;钛板松动7例;钛板断裂1例;妨碍义齿修复8例;妨碍种植义齿2例;感染5例。结论 钛板是否取出应视患者病例,钛板是否松动、断裂,是否妨碍义齿修复等具体情况而定。  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿因具有磨牙少、适应范围较广等特点 ,故临床应用较为广泛。由于牙槽骨吸收及基托、卡环变形等原因 ,旧义齿易发生固位差 ,易脱落 ,甚至误吞。我院收治 1例下颌前牙可摘局部义齿误吞入食道 ,现报道如下。病例 :患者 ,男 ,5 2岁 ,1995年因左下颌中切牙、侧切牙及尖牙缺失行可摘局部义齿修复。 2 0 0 0 - 0 9- 0 9下午服药后 ,发现误吞义齿 ,腹部阵发性钝痛 ,遂到我院就诊。处理 :安排病员到内窥镜室会诊 ,发现义齿卡环固定在食管下段粘膜组织上 ,用异物钳将卡环脱离粘膜向胃腔内推进 ,30 min后用三爪钳缓慢取出。 1周后对旧义齿基…  相似文献   

操作程序一、取模:取模前将上下颌义齿基托组织面磨粗糙,调拌流动性较好的弹性印模料,放入义齿基托组织面,戴入患者口内,嘱患者作正中咬(牙合),印模料凝固后从口内取出义齿,用盐水灌模型.二、上(牙合)架:石膏模凝固后.将上下颌义齿对正咬(牙合),上(牙合)架.三、填胶:(牙合)架上的石膏凝固后,将上下颌义齿取下,去除印模料.模型的组织面涂分离剂.在上下颌义齿基托的组织面涂布调好的自凝塑胶,放  相似文献   

气管异物在耳鼻喉科较为常见,但行气管切开取出异物者报道较少。笔者曾遇到因误吸可摘局部义齿,而行气管切开取出1例,现报告如下:患者,男性,50岁,主因误吸可摘局部义齿后咳嗽、憋气3天就诊。患者3天前在半卧位睡眠时,上颌可摘局部义齿脱落至咽部,随即因吸气将义齿吸入气管。当时咳嗽剧烈,但无呼吸困难,无咯血,数分钟后上述症状缓解。以后几天,轻微活动即感呼吸困难。入院查体:一般情况良好,心脏检查无阳性体征,体温36.8℃,脉搏74次/分,呼吸24次/分,血压135/85mmHg,双肺哮鸣音,呼吸音减弱。口腔检查:缺失。X线胸部透…  相似文献   

在临床工作中常见义齿修复一年至几年后(牙合)面过度磨耗。我科从1987年采用白合金片锤造义齿(牙合)面修复23例,观察半年、1年,最长近3年,效果满意。现介绍如下。用义齿在油泥或弹性打样膏上翻制阴模,灌入易溶合金即得阳模。然后翻制合金(牙合)面阴模,即在钢圈内注入熔化的低熔合金,在合金凝固前将涂有油的合金阳模(牙合)面压入直至(牙合)面完全埋入为止,待冷却后取出阳模。用一合金片放在阴模的(牙合)面上,再将合金阳模放于其上  相似文献   

开盒,把经热处理固化后的义齿,从盒中的石膏内剥取出来,是一项较烦人的工作。由于石膏的硬度、厚度以及在其内的义齿位置不明确,开盒过程中,可能损坏义齿或损伤术者手指。现介绍一种简便而安全的开盒取牙方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

王× ,男 ,6 5岁 ,因 6 5 41| 145 6 7活动义齿磨损 ,影响咀嚼食物 ,而就诊行义齿修理。当时用自凝塑料于口内直接进行衬垫 ,15分钟后取出义齿。即感上颌粘膜灼痛。检查 :义齿基托区粘膜充血 ,触痛。用生理盐水冲洗含漱后 ,局部涂碘甘油 ,暂停戴义齿。次日复诊 ,诉上颌粘膜灼痛加剧 ,进食困难。检查见上颌义齿基托区粘膜苍白 ,右侧尤甚 ,硬腭区及双侧牙槽嵴区粘膜有数个面积不等的溃疡面。溃疡表面覆乳白色假膜。诊断 :自凝牙托水过敏反应。处理 :局部用双氧水清洗后 ,用生理盐水反复漱口 ,涂碘甘油 ;并口服甲硝唑 ,扑尔敏 ,地塞米松及维生…  相似文献   

目的 观察用钛合金铸造金属支架进行可摘局部义齿修复的临床疗效.方法 2003~2006年制作45件钛合金铸造支架可摘局部义齿,戴入后追踪观察2年,了解义齿使用情况及基牙健康状况. 1年后将其与48件钴铬合金支架及塑料基托义齿的修复效果对比.结果 1年后钛合金支架义齿功能良好率为93.3%,基牙健康状况良好;不良症状明显低于钴铬合金支架及塑料基托义齿.结论 钛合金铸造支架可摘局部义齿具有良好的功能,适合于治疗义齿的临床应用.  相似文献   

目的介绍薄膜隔离技术改良套筒冠内冠粘结的护理配合方法,探讨其效果。方法椅旁护理配合口腔修复医师完成38例牙列缺损患者的套筒冠义齿修复。粘接时利用保鲜膜分隔内冠和外冠支架,修复1个月后复诊检查。结果 38例患者套筒冠义齿内冠粘接固位良好,内冠粘接后无移位,无义齿支架无法就位和取出等情况。结论薄膜隔离技术改良套筒冠内冠粘接方法临床操作简便、准确,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的 肜隐形义齿代替Hawley氏保持器维护先天性恒牙缺失矫治的效果。方法 先用固定矫治器矫治错He;并将散在间隙集中到合适的牙位上,再用隐型义齿保持器维护其疗效。结果 23名患者用隐形义齿保持器1-2年,无一例复发。结论 隐形义齿保持器能有效防止矫治后的复发,又因其小巧舒适,有助于患者坚持长期佩带。  相似文献   

Wearing of removable partial dentures in relation to periodontal pockets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a representative sample of 5028 dentulous Finnish adults the occurrence of periodontal pockets was studied separately for the maxillae and the mandibles among removable partial denture (RPD) wearers and non-wearers. RPD(s) were worn in 11.2% of the 3444 maxillae with at least four natural teeth remaining, and in 7.7% of the 4706 corresponding mandibles (P less than 0.001). Periodontal pockets were more frequently observed in maxillae than mandibles. Wearing of RPDs highly significantly (P less than 0.0001) increased the odds of having periodontal pockets in general (4 mm or more) as well as the odds of having deeper periodontal pockets (exceeding 6 mm). This phenomenon was observed both in the maxillae and in the mandibles. These results suggest that wearing of RPD is a threat to periodontal tissues and that dentists should take care to frequently recall their patients fitted with RPD(s). During the recall visits more attention should be paid to the periodontal conditions of patients wearing RPD(s).  相似文献   

Thirty-five patients treated at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University of Ume?, who had received removable partial dentures (RPD) during the period July 1st 1981 to December 31st 1982, were interviewed regarding the use and experiences of their dentures. None of the patients had previously used an RPD. The treatment had been carried out by dentists and dental students. At the time of the interview, 1-2 1/2 years after receiving the prosthesis, 34 subjects (97%) declared that they used their RPDs during various parts of the day.  相似文献   

六味地黄丸在牙周炎维护治疗中的作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
目的 观察六味地黄丸治疗慢性成人牙周炎的临床疗效。方法 选择120例曾接受过牙周治疗的慢性成人牙周炎患者,随机分为2组,对照组仅做洁治刮治根面平整(SRP),试验组在行SRP治疗后连续口服六味地黄丸5 个月,复诊检查患者牙周情况。结果 试验组用药5个月后,牙周探诊牙周袋减少0·43 mm,牙周附着增加 0·22 mm,与对照组相比差异有显著性(P<0·01)。结论 SRP加六味地黄丸治疗在减少牙周袋深度和增加牙周附着方面优于单纯的SRP,六味地黄丸是一种安全有效持久的牙周炎维护治疗的全身药物。  相似文献   

Replacement of the conventional heat-cured acrylic resin with a soft durable liner in the retromylohyoid eminence areas allows the patient to manipulate the distal extension-base mandibular RPD into place without traumatizing the soft tissue. With maximum coverage of the edentulous ridges, the semiflexible flange minimizes food entrapment and improves the retention and stability of the RPD. The procedure can be accomplished during the initial processing of the RPD or when relining the prosthesis. We have also used the technique for overdentures and for improving retention in the maxillary anterior extension-base RPD where anterior clasping was not esthetic or was insufficient.  相似文献   

The 3-dimensional forces exerted on an abutment tooth of a removable partial denture (RPD) were measured in vivo during clenching using a force-measuring device with a piezoelectric transducer. The device was mounted on the mandibular right second premolar of a subject with an edentulous maxilla. The magnitude of the forces was higher and the direction was more posterior without the RPD in place. The direction was most posterior with an RPD with a distal rest only and most anterior with an RPD with a mesial rest only. The 3-dimensional forces exerted on an abutment tooth thus depend on both the presence of a denture and the rest location.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey was carried out in 1995 amongst university trained general dental practitioners in the city state of Singapore to assess the use of removable partial dentures (RPD). 37% of the original sample of 469 completed and returned the questionnaire. The results of this survey indicate that RPDs are a common treatment modality in Singapore. Acrylic partial dentures appear to be the preferred choice for RPD treatment. The work profile of those who had a postgraduate qualification in removable prosthodontics did not differ from that of the general dental practitioner.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of Computer-Aided Removable Partial Denture Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purpose Computer programs have been developed for removable partial denture (RPD) design, but their educational impact has never been investigated. This study measured the effectiveness of computer-based RPD design simulations in a traditional RPD design course for second-year dental students. Materials and Methods Thirty-six students were randomly assigned to four groups, two simulation and two control groups, at the beginning of the RPD design module. A cross-over design compared the two strategies during laboratory exercises. First, the simulation group worked with the simulation, while the control group met in small-group seminars with faculty. Post-test 1 was given, and then students switched teaching methods and post-test 2 was given. Each post-test had two parts. Part 1 involved designing an RPD based on specific patient criteria. Part 2 involved choosing the more correct of the two designs. Results Results showed a significant difference (p= .0072) in two of four test groups. Although it was an initial evaluation, the computer simulation was shown to be equivalent to faculty-led small-group seminars. Students also responded positively to a questionnaire on their perceived effectiveness of the simulations. Conclusions The results suggest that RPD design can be taught as effectively with computer-based simulations as with faculty-led seminars.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) between older Korean adults with complete and partial removable dentures using oral health impact profile (OHIP). A pool of 4250 Korean older adults was identified by random stratification by area from the sample cohort of Korean National Survey of Oral Health in the year of 2000. Out of the potential pool, 445 subjects with removable partial dentures (RPDs) or complete dentures (CDs) agreed to be interviewed by telephone. Each question in the survey was about how frequently each event was experienced during the past 12 months. To analyse the association between OHIP scores and removable denture status, bivariable analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used. RPD users showed higher scores on eight items than CD users. They were 'breath stale', 'food catching', 'sensitive teeth', 'toothache', 'tense', 'unable to brush teeth', 'less tolerant to family members' and 'irritable with others'. RPD users might be associated with higher scores of functional limitation, physical pain and psychological discomfort than CD users. RPD users had slight tendency to be associated with higher OHIP-49 score than CD users, but it was not statistically significant. The findings of the present study confirm that there is no general OHRQoL difference between RPD and CD users. But in the items and subscales of OHIP, RPD users might experience more impaired OHRQoL than CD users.  相似文献   

Oral comfort in shortened dental arches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, the oral comfort was compared between subjects with shortened dental arches (SDA, n = 74), subjects with SDA and free-end removable partial dentures (SDA + RPD, n = 25) and subjects with complete dental arches (CDA, n = 72). Oral comfort was measured by (i) absence of pain or distress; (ii) chewing ability; (iii) appreciation of the appearance of the dentition. Additionally, the history of free-end RPD over a period of nearly 7 years was taken into consideration. On the whole, the results did not reveal any significant differences between the three groups with respect to pain or distress. Only 8% of the subjects with SDA reported impairment of chewing ability, and 11% had aesthetic complaints, due to missing posterior teeth in the upper jaw. Of the subjects with SDA + RPD, 20% had complaints about the RPD. In addition, the repeated necessity for repair or replacement of free-end RPD and the fact that some subjects (20%) stopped wearing the RPD during the observation period, confirm the poor performance of this dental provision. It is concluded that the oral comfort of subjects with SDA in this study is compromised to a small extent but remains on an acceptable level. Free-end RPDs do not appear to help oral comfort in these cases.  相似文献   

目的探讨计算机辅助设计与制作(CAD/CAM)切削技术在可摘局部义齿(RPD)支架制作中的临床应用效果。 方法选取2017年9月至2018年6月南京市口腔医院修复科就诊的Kennedy Ⅰ类牙列缺损患者共26例,采用随机数字表法分为传统方法组和CAD/CAM组,每组13例。常规制取精细印模,其中CAD/CAM组通过扫描石膏模型获取三维数据,CAD RPD支架形态,CAM切削生成支架树脂铸型,常规包埋铸造完成RPD金属支架。传统方法组以常规方法制作支架蜡型,包埋铸造完成RPD支架。临床试戴,比较两种金属支架就位情况,与口内软硬组织的密合度。采用秩和检验的独立样本Mann-Whitney检验进行统计分析。 结果传统方法组制作的RPD支架9例就位顺利,4例经少量调磨就位,而CAD/CAM组制作的RPD支架10例顺利就位,3例经少量调磨就位。两组RPD支架均无大量调磨仍无法就位的现象发生,就位情况间差异无统计学意义(U = 78.0,P = 0.5)。2组患者中均有12例支架密合,1例支架存在≤3处不密合部位的现象,密合情况之间差异无统计学意义(U = 84.5,P = 0.760)。 结论CAD/CAM切削支架蜡型制作的RPD金属支架修复效果可以达到临床要求。  相似文献   

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