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母婴互动作为儿童早期生活中最重要的社会性活动,受到越来越多研究者的关注。精神分裂症患者母婴互动是指患有精神分裂症的母亲与其婴儿间的互动,与传统做法中强制分离不同,目前研究认为,患有精神分裂症的母亲与婴儿间的适当互动不仅能减少母婴分离的时间,而且还能降低母亲的情感压力,提高自我效能。但是,患有精神分裂症的母亲存在母亲敏感性和回应性低、母婴互动协调性和亲密性差等问题。基于此,有必要对精神分裂症患者的母婴互动进行系统的阐述,以了解目前的研究现状,提高公众和研究者们的关注度,为国内开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

目的 探讨母婴分离产妇母亲角色适应情况的相关因素.方法 采用母亲角色适应量表、简易应对方式量表调查符合入选标准180例母婴分离产妇母亲角色适应情况.结果 162例MS产妇MRA平均评分(51.00±8.02)分.其中适应良好0例,适应中等118例(72.8%),适应差44例(27.2%);年龄、家庭人均月收入及产次为母...  相似文献   

近年来,关于母婴分离的研究成为了国内外学者关注的热点.母婴分离会导致母亲产生焦虑、抑郁等负性心理,而这些负性心理的出现又与母亲的人格、职业状况和妊娠期状况等中介变量密切相关.母婴分离所导致母亲的心理问题有其特有的发展进程.目前,国外学者已编制出《母婴分离焦虑量表》、《爱丁堡产后抑郁量表》等测试工具用于评估母婴分离对母亲心理健康状况的影响,对临床和公共卫生有着指导作用.  相似文献   

目的 考察早期亲子互动中母亲言语输入特征及其影响因素。方法 对30名9.5~17个月婴幼儿与其母亲的自由互动录像进行分析, 从言语运用特征和言语社会互动特征两个角度进行编码;使用自编问卷调查影响因素。结果 从言语运用特征看, 母亲通常以指令性语言为主(42.4%), 多使用祈使句, 以简单的重复语句为主;从言语社会互动特征看, 中国母亲较多采用母亲中心式语句(77.2%);聚类分析结果显示, 母亲言语风格大致为:高语用高互动(13.3%)、低语用高互动(16.7%)、高语用低互动(13.3%)、低语用低互动(56.7%);月收入低的家庭母亲更加倾向于低言语低互动的言语风格, 而中高收入家庭的母亲倾向于低言语高互动风格类型。结论 中国母亲言语风格有其自身特点, 不同收入家庭母亲言语风格存在差异。  相似文献   

目的:探讨模仿婴儿吸吮乳头式护理干预对母婴分离初产妇乳汁分泌及母乳喂养的促进作用。方法:选取2013年11月~2014年3月在该院产科住院分娩的母婴分离产妇200例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组各100例,其中观察组采用模仿婴儿吸吮乳头式护理干预模式,对照组100例采用常规护理模式。观察两组母婴分离产妇乳汁分泌始动时间、首次泌乳量>5 ml时间、不同阶段泌乳量、乳房肿痛、母乳喂养和产后抑郁的情况。结果:观察组母婴分离产妇乳汁分泌始动时间较对照组提前,首次泌乳量、不同阶段泌乳量和母乳喂养情况均优于对照组,乳房肿痛和产后抑郁发生情况明显少于对照组,两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论:模仿婴儿吸吮乳头式护理干预能够促进母婴分离初产妇乳汁分泌,建立母乳喂养信心,促进产妇母亲角色转变,提高母乳喂养率。  相似文献   

目的:研究母亲逗引下3个月婴儿注视母亲的时间与母亲强迫喂养行为的关系。方法随机抽取2013年5月至8月在首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院儿科门诊常规随访的54名3个月健康婴儿,采集并录像母亲与婴儿交流时婴儿的注视行为;母亲本人填写是否存在强迫喂养的调查问卷。结果不存在强迫喂养的婴儿,母亲逗引时注视母亲的时间>5s,与存在强迫喂养的婴儿相比有显著性差异(t=-2.998,P<0.05);互动时间(s)和强迫喂养有非常强的相关性(R2=0.995,P<0.05)。结论违背婴儿意愿的喂养行为影响母婴间的互动,使婴儿对母亲持回避态度,甚至影响远期依恋关系的建立。  相似文献   

为了适应现代医学模式的需要,产科护理经历着"以疾病为中心"向"以病人为中心"的转变。本文围绕着护理干预对母婴分离产妇的影响,并就如何缓解产妇的精神压力进行阐述。作者对273例分离产妇实施护理干预的效果进行了综合评价。结果显示护理干预对分离产妇的影响是积极的,即改善了护患关系,又增强了母婴分离产妇的信心,缓解了产妇的精神压力,并协调了医护关系,提高了护理人员的业务素质。  相似文献   

按照爱婴医院标准实行早吸吮,母婴同室,家庭化分娩,按需哺乳等方法后,为了进一步提高对母乳喂养意义的认识,我们选择了77对母婴进行随访,着重从喂养方式,婴儿期体格发育及患病率,母亲产后子宫复旧等方面进行观察,现分析总结如下:  相似文献   

目的:探讨母亲因素对婴儿体能、智能、情能潜在能力全面、整体、和谐发展的影响。方法:定期对实验组96例婴儿的母亲进行早期教养的知识的指导,并对实验组96例和对照组93例婴儿定期体检、跟踪随访、1岁婴儿素质测评及家庭情况调查。结果:定性分析结果显示,两组婴儿1岁时体重、身高比较,差异有显著性(P<0.001)。卡方检验:两组婴儿营养不良、运动、认知、语言、独立能力、生活习惯、情绪等相比,差异有显著性。多因素回归分析显示,婴儿气质、独立能力、胎教、早期教育、亲子关系与母亲情绪呈正相关,影响有显著性;而婴儿健康、情绪、睡眠、饮食习惯、母亲职业、抚养人类型、亲子态度及丈夫对妻子的态度、对早教的态度、在家的时间与母亲情绪相关,影响有显著性。结论:以母亲为中心,妇幼保健参与培训、指导的早期教养模式最能帮助母亲提高自身素质,以积极的情绪促进婴儿潜能开发、身心健康、愉快地成长。  相似文献   

母婴分离对高危孕产妇心理状态的影响及护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:对高危孕产妇产前、产后母婴分离焦虑、抑郁情绪进行分析,为实施护理措施提供理论依据。方法:采用Zung编制的SAS、SDS自评量表,调查分析120例高危孕产妇产前、产后母婴分离的心理状况。结果:高危孕产妇产后母婴分离焦虑阳性率68.3%、抑郁阳性率45.0%,明显高于产前焦虑阳性率51.6%、抑郁阳性率22.5%,统计分析差异有显著性(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论:高危孕产妇产后母婴分离焦虑和抑郁发生率较产前有明显升高。应采取多种护理干预增强高危孕产妇战胜疾病和照顾新生儿的信心,以降低高危孕产妇焦虑、抑郁情绪,安全地度过产褥期。  相似文献   

AIMS: The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that mothers of premature infants compared with mothers of term infants differ in the structure which they impose on the vocal exchanges with their infants. METHODS: Thirteen mothers and their premature and term babies, were observed at discharge and 2 months later in three situations: free play, changing nappy, and feeding. Maternal child-directed speech was coded as well as the timing of their utterances in respect to the infants' vocalizations. The mean relative frequency of infant vocalizations following maternal child-directed speech was computed. RESULTS: It was found that mothers of premature babies in comparison with mothers of term babies, followed significantly more often their infants' vocalizations with an utterance directed at the child. In contrast, term infants compared with preterm infants followed significantly more often their mother's utterances with a vocalization. CONCLUSION: Mothers of premature and of term babies differ in their timing of child-directed speech. This might have implications for the language development of premature and term infants.  相似文献   

目的 分析产后母婴皮肤接触时间对出院时、产后1月、产后3月母乳喂养情况的影响.方法 选择2018年12月—2019年12月贵州省人民医院符合标准的产妇368例,按实际母婴皮肤接触时间分为<30 min(n = 49)、30~<60 min(n = 59)、60~<90 min(n = 54)、≥90 min(n = 2...  相似文献   

METHOD: We studied mother-infant, father-infant and mother-father interaction in 32 families with an excessively crying infant and in 30 control families. The group with excessive criers was divided further into subgroups of severe colic (n=13) and moderate colic (n=19). The three dyads of the family were video-recorded when the infants were an average of 5 weeks old. The assessment was carried out during the infant's feeding, nappy change and discussion between the parents. During the assessment, only four infants were crying. The Parent Child Early Relational Assessment Scale and the Beavers Scale were used. RESULTS: The main findings suggest that both parents of colicky infants had less optimal parent-child interaction compared with the control parents. The problems in the interaction were most pronounced between the fathers and infants in the severe colic group. The father-infant interaction was less optimal in 13 items of 65 (20%) in the severe colic group, in one item of 65 (2%) in the moderate colic group and in none of the items in the control group. The mother-infant interaction was less optimal in six items out of 65 (9%) in the severe colic group, in three items out of 65 (5%) in the moderate colic, and in none of the items in the control group. Severely colicky infants were also less competent in interacting with their parents. In addition, interaction between the parents was more often dysfunctional in the severe colic group. CONCLUSIONS: The problems in early family interaction may threaten the well-being of families with excessively crying infants and they therefore deserve special attention from the health care professionals.  相似文献   

Background A significant proportion of children with cerebral palsy have some degree of feeding impairment, which not only affects their ability to obtain adequate nourishment, but may also impinge on their ability to interact with their mothers during mealtimes. The quality of the maternal–child interaction may also be affected by the mealtime being prolonged and/or stressful. Patterns of interaction between mothers and their children with cerebral palsy have typically been described in play situations. There is limited information about interaction during mealtimes. The purpose of this study therefore, was to observe and describe the characteristics of mealtime interaction between mothers and their young children with cerebral palsy, and to determine whether feeding impairment and other sample characteristics were related to interaction patterns. Methods The participants were 20 mothers and their children with cerebral palsy. Physical, cognitive, and feeding abilities varied. Video recordings of each mother–child dyad interacting during a typical mealtime were analysed in order to describe the structure of the interaction, the communicative functions used, and what method the children used to communicate. The characteristics of the interaction were summarized and compared and the relationship between feeding ability and other child factors and interaction patterns were explored. Results Results revealed that interactions were maternally dominated. Mothers produced most of the communicative behaviour during the mealtime and used more directive functions than their children. The severity of feeding impairment was related to child patterns of interaction, but not to maternal interaction patterns. Language delay was also related to interaction patterns. Conclusions The results of this study highlight the importance for professionals to consider mealtime interactions for children with cerebral palsy and their mothers as an integral part of feeding investigations and ongoing interventions, as feeding impairment does seem to have a bearing on aspects of interaction.  相似文献   

Neglecting and non-neglecting mothers and their oneto three-year-old children were observed during unstructured play interaction in the family home. Neglecting mothers were less positive in their responsiveness to their children than non-neglecting mothers. They were also less competent in the developmental appropriateness of their play interactions. Connections between mother-child interactions and secure attachment in infancy are drawn. Implications for designing interventions with neglecting mothers are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the association between the mother‐infant relationship, defined as maternal‐infant emotional attachment, maternal separation anxiety and breastfeeding, and maternal employment status at 10 months following first childbirth. Method: Samples of employed, pregnant women, over 18 years of age and with sufficient English literacy were recruited systematically from one public and one private maternity hospital in Victoria. Data were collected by structured interview and self‐report questionnaire in the third trimester, and at 3 and 10 months postpartum. Socio‐demographic, employment, and breastfeeding information was collected. Participants completed standardised assessments of maternal separation anxiety and mother‐to‐infant emotional attachment. Results: Of 205 eligible women, 165 (81%) agreed to participate and 129 (78%) provided complete data. A reduced odds of employment participation was independently associated with continuing to breastfeed at 10 months (OR=0.22, p=0.004) and reporting higher maternal separation anxiety (OR=0.23, p=0.01) when maternal age, education, occupational status and use of paid maternity leave and occupational status were adjusted for in analyses. Conclusion: Employment participation in the first 10 months postpartum is associated with lower maternal separation anxiety, and shorter breastfeeding duration. Implications: Paid parental leave has public health implications for mothers and infants. These include permitting sufficient time to protect sustained breastfeeding, and the development of optimal maternal infant attachment, reflected in confidence about separation from her infant.  相似文献   

目的 了解沧州市早产儿血清维生素D水平及母亲对其影响因素,为防治早产儿佝偻病提供依据。 方法 选取沧州市人民医院158例早产儿进行血清25-(OH)D测定,对其母亲进行相关营养知识问卷调查。结果 早产儿普遍存在维生素D缺乏,维生素D缺乏比例为97.4%,与母亲维生素D认知水平、摄入水平低下密切相关,仅有6.9%的人补充了含维生素D的钙剂,而且服用不规律,未达到中国营养学会对妊娠期孕妇的推荐摄入量要求。 结论临床工作者加强对孕产妇的健康教育,使其认识到合理补充维生素D的重要性。  相似文献   

近年来小于胎龄儿(SGA)在活产婴儿中所占的比例不断增加,作为新生儿中的特殊群体,SGA对儿童生长发育的近期及远期健康影响均较大。通过对新生儿出生队列的统计学分析,得出了较为完善的SGA的流行病学资料。同时,关于SGA的病因学研究也日渐深入,主要涉及母体、胎盘、胎儿三方面。因此,本文主要从SGA的流行病学特点及病因学机制等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

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