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1997年6-7月,运用定性研究方法,对在一年级学生中开展艾滋病/性病/安全性行为教育的需求和态度在北京某医大学生和教工中进行了调查并配合问卷调查进行了5个专题小组讨论和11人次的个人深入访谈。为制定教育计划收集了背景信息。对专题小组讨论和个人访谈的方法学作了简要的介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

This study presents preliminary findings of a brief friendship-based HIV/STI prevention intervention for urban African American youth. Using a no-control design, we found that the program is feasible, acceptable, and demonstrates promise with regard to changes in HIV/STI-related knowledge, beliefs, social norms, and behavior.  相似文献   

Prevention Science - Late adolescence is a time of increased drinking, and alcohol plays a predominant role in college social experiences. Colleges seeking to prevent students’ hazardous...  相似文献   

目的了解河南某职业院校大学生控烟课程干预效果,为探索合适的控烟课程教学内容及模式,降低职业院校学生吸烟率,做好职业院校控烟工作提供依据。方法用统一编制的调查问卷进行调查,比较干预前后学生的烟草相关知识的掌握情况、控烟态度、控烟行为变化和参加控烟活动情况。结果控烟干预课程后,学生烟草相关知识平均正确率由61.98%上升至76.23%,控烟措施的支持率和控烟行为的比例明显升高(P0.05),知晓率由20.74%上升至98.25%,控烟活动参与度由3.49%上升至90.37%。结论控烟干预课程,提高了烟草相关知识的知晓率,控烟态度有改善,控烟行为增加,参与度增加,控烟课程效果良好。  相似文献   

目的了解徐州某学院高职生的恋爱观和性观念现状,为对学生进行心理健康指导提供科学依据。方法2012年5月采用整群分层抽样的方法,抽取徐州技师学院782名五年制高职生为调查对象,用自行设计问卷进行调查。结果有59.82%的学生在读职校之前就已经有了谈恋爱的经历。在恋爱过、考虑恋爱、正在恋爱的学生中,女生作答的比例高于男生,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);有14.78%的学生表示与异性有过性行为,男生作答的高于女生,差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05)。结论学校应加强学生恋爱道德的教育,积极对学生进行性教育,这对于促进学生学习。稳定校园环境有积极作用。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine if a series of 4 15-minute, theory-driven (Social Cognitive Theory) cooking programs aimed at college students living off campus improved cooking self-efficacy, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding fruit and vegetable intake.DesignA randomized controlled trial with pre-, post- and follow-up tests.SettingUniversity campus.ParticipantsStudents (n = 101) from upper-level nonhealth courses (n = 37 male and n = 94 living off campus).InterventionThe intervention group (n = 50) watched 4 weekly episodes of the cooking show, Good Grubbin’. The control group (n = 51) watched 4 weekly episodes on sleep disorders.Main Outcome MeasuresDemographic information; knowledge, self-efficacy, motivations, barriers of eating fruits and vegetables; self-efficacy, motivations, barriers and behaviors of cooking; fruit and vegetable intake food frequency questionnaire.AnalysisRepeated-measure analysis of variance and chi-square analyses were used to compare outcome variables.ResultsThere were significant improvements in knowledge of fruit and vegetable recommendations in the intervention group compared to the control group postintervention and at 4-month follow-up (P < .05). There were no significant changes in fruit and vegetable motivators, barriers, self-efficacy or intake.Conclusions and ImplicationsA television show on nutrition and cooking may be influential in changing students’ knowledge, but it seems to have little impact on dietary behaviors. With a recent increase in popularity of cooking shows, future research should investigate the impact an extended cooking and nutrition show series might have on young adult viewers.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a 7-session (9 week) behavioral intervention aimed at increasing caloric intake on dietary calcium (Ca) intake in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). Diet diaries collected 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after treatment were reanalyzed for Ca intake in 44 children with CF ages 3 to 12 years of age. Paired t test analysis revealed a significant increase in mean daily dietary Ca pre- (1, 006 mg/Ca/day) to posttreatment (1, 467 mg/Ca/day), t(43) = 6.56, p < .001. Follow-up data on 15 participants demonstrated maintenance of these gains 12 months after treatment. Behavioral interventions appear promising for increasing dietary Ca intake in children with CF.  相似文献   

目的了解不同性别的大学生对辐射基础知识及其防治的认知水平和应对态度差异。方法采用问卷调查形式对某校780名大学男女生进行有关辐射认知知识调查。结果不同性别大学生对辐射的认知水平都较低,但女生高于男生(P〈0.01);在应对核辐射的心理反应方面,女生优于男生(P〈0.01);80%的大学生愿意接受辐射知识的教育,女生多于男生(P〈0.01)。结论某高校大学生对辐射认知水平普遍较低,有性别差异,应有针对性地通过各种渠道提高大学生对辐射知识的认知水平。  相似文献   


Using data from an undergraduate probability sample, we aimed to: (1) describe the prevalence and demographic characteristics of students who reported having engaged in rough sex with their current partner; (2) assess which sexual behaviors students consider to be rough sex; (3) describe the frequency with which participants report engaging in rough sex as well as their reports of initiating and liking rough sex, in relation to gender and sexual identity; and (4) examine predictors of rough sex frequency. Participants were 4998 students randomly sampled from a large Midwestern university who completed a confidential Internet-based survey (2453 women, 2445 men, 41 gender non-binary, 36 transgender or other gender non-conforming identities). Within these, 1795 individuals who reported a romantic/sexual partner of at least 3 months responded to questions about engaging, liking, and initiating rough sex. The most common behaviors participants considered to be rough sex were choking, hair pulling, and spanking. Transgender and gender non-binary students more often endorsed behaviors as rough sex. Also, rough sex was conceptualized as multidimensional, with one cluster being more consistent with earlier conceptualizations of rough sex (e.g., hair pulling, spanking) and the second cluster including behaviors such as choking, slapping, punching, and making someone have sex. About 80% of those with a current sexual or romantic partner engaged in rough sex with them and most who engaged it liked it. Bisexual women reported greater rough sex frequency and enjoyment (54.1% indicated enjoying it “very much”). Implications for sexuality research and education are discussed.


目的:分析专题讲座对大学生避孕节育知、信、行的影响,为在高校开展适宜的避孕节育教育提供理论依据。方法:使用调查问卷,在开展避孕节育专题讲座前和讲座后半年共2次调查大学生避孕节育相关知识、态度和行为情况,对干预前后的数据做对比分析。结果:通过干预,大学生对女性最容易妊娠的时间、紧急避孕不能代替常规避孕和紧急避孕方法的认知率提高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);通过干预,选择避孕药具时最优先考虑避孕效果的比例升高,而反对西方流行的"性解放"观念、反对大学生未婚同居的比例下降,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);通过干预,大学生发生性交行为时每次都采取了避孕措施,性交中采用避孕套作为避孕措施的比例升高,半年内发生过意外妊娠的比例下降,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:专题讲座提高了大学生对避孕节育的认知,增强了其安全性行为的意识,同时也导致大学生性的态度更加开放,提示在大学生中采用自愿参与的专题讲座能在一定程度改善大学生的避孕节育知识和行为,但是性教育中应强化性道德和性节制的教育。  相似文献   

Preventing the transmission of HIV, especially among high-risk populations, is a U.S. public health priority. Interventions aimed at easing the burden of HIV disclosure to casual sexual partners among men who have sex with men (MSM) living with HIV are essential in this endeavor. This randomized controlled study evaluated differences in disclosure behavior between a disclosure intervention (DI) and attention control case management (ACCM) group for MSM living with HIV (N = 315) and determinants (self-efficacy, outcome expectancy) of disclosure. Mixed-effects models results showed no significant differences in disclosure behavior between the DI and ACCM groups. Further, disclosure behavior changed in a curvilinear manner over 12 months and benefited from a booster session. Both disclosure self-efficacy and outcome expectancy predicted disclosure behavior. Interventions targeting HIV disclosure among MSM living with HIV should focus on improving perceptions of disclosure self-efficacy and outcome expectancy and include a booster session to facilitate HIV disclosure.  相似文献   

Archives of Sexual Behavior - In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most U.S. colleges closed their campuses—including residence halls—causing significant disruption to students’...  相似文献   

Prevention Science - The bystander intervention approach to campus sexual violence has received increased attention as a promising prevention strategy. However, there lacks research on the...  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to depict sugar-sweetened food (SSF) consumption in medical college students stratified by sex from Shanghai, China, and to explore the association between the Mobile Phone Addiction Index (MPAI) and SSF intake. The data were obtained from 1121 medical college students from the Fudan University, Shanghai, China, who took an online questionnaire investigation in December 2020. Data included demographics, the MPAI, the Nutrition Literacy Assessment Questionnaire (NLAQ), total and food expenditure per month, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and a food frequency questionnaire (carbonated beverages (CB), other sugar-based beverages (OSBB), sugar/chocolate). We evaluated the association between the MPAI and three types of SSF intake according to multivariate logistic regression analysis stratified by sex. The mean CB, OSBB, and sugar/chocolate intakes were, respectively, 65.66 mL/d, 74.20 mL/d, and 4.96 g/d in men and 30.42 mL/d, 71.48 mL/d, and 4.99 g/d in women. The MPAI was positively associated with SSF intake, regardless of sex. In men, the CB and OSBB odds ratios (ORs) were, respectively, 1.023 (95% CI: 1.004–1.042), 1.019 (95% CI: 1.001–1.038); and in women, the CB, OSBB, and sugar/chocolate ORs were, respectively, 1.026 (95% CI: 1.013–1.039), 1.020 (95% CI: 1.007–1.033), and 1.019 (95% CI: 1.006–1.032). Age, NLAQ, total expenditure, food expenditure, and total physical activity also were related to SSF intake. Age and the application capacity of the NLAQ were negatively associated with SSF intake, whereas comprehension capacity of the NLAQ, total and food expenditure, and total physical activity were positively associated with SSF intake. This study confirmed that SSF intake is widespread among medical college students from Shanghai, China, even if they have relatively high nutrition health literacy. From a public health perspective, it is necessary to reduce SSF intake in medical college students by decreasing the MPAI, controlling the total and food expenditure per month in high-consumption areas, and improving the application ability of the NLAQ. Further studies are needed to explore the MPAI and other potential factors that may influence SSF intake of college students by expanding the sample size of college students throughout China, and the causal association between them.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a small-scale quasi-experiment that tested the efficacy of the Prevention Options for Positives intervention. The experiment tested for the outcomes of group sessions combined with individual-level counseling (ILC) versus ILC-only for men who have sex with men who are HIV positive. Both arms of the intervention were based on behavior change theory and dealt specifically with communication outcomes. The results indicate that the group- and individual-level interventions combined have a greater impact on risk communication behaviors with main partners than did the ILC-only sessions. group-session/ILC participants were more likely to decide not to have sex if they were drunk or high, and more likely to tell their partner and ask their partner about HIV status than were participants in the ILC groups. Knowledge about HIV was relatively high, and there was little change across groups. The Prevention Options for Positives intervention influenced the relative importance of various referent groups, but normative beliefs were not affected. The implications of these findings for communication practice and research with HIV-positive men who have sex with men are addressed.  相似文献   

This study examined whether a culturally adapted version of a previously evaluated efficacious HIV prevention program reduced sexual risk behaviors of youth living with HIV (YLH) in Uganda. YLH, 14 to 21 years, were randomized to intervention (N = 50) or control (N = 50) conditions. Significantly more YLH in the intervention used condoms consistently and decreased their number of sexual partners in comparison to the control condition. Western interventions can be culturally adapted to retain efficacy in reducing the sexual risk behavior of YLH. Source of Support: R01 DA-07903 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

PurposeWe used principles of community-based participatory research to develop and pilot test a 5-week intervention for middle school students, Students for Nutrition and eXercise (SNaX). SNaX aimed to translate school obesity-prevention policies into practice with peer advocacy of healthy eating and school cafeteria changes.MethodsA total 425 seventh graders (63% of all seventh graders) in the intervention school were surveyed at baseline regarding cafeteria attitudes and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption; of the 425 students, 399 (94%) were surveyed again at 1-month post-intervention. School cafeteria records were obtained from two schools: the intervention school and a nonrandomized selected comparison school with similar student socio-demographic characteristics.ResultsA total of 140 students in the intervention school were trained as peer advocates. In the intervention school, cafeteria attitudes among peer advocates significantly improved over time (approximately one-third of a standard deviation), whereas cafeteria attitudes of non-peer advocates remained stable; the improvement among peer advocates was significantly greater than the pre-post-change for non-peer advocates (b = .71, p < .001). Peer advocates significantly reduced their sugar-sweetened beverage intake (sports and fruit drinks), from 33% before intervention to 21% after intervention (p = .03). Cafeteria records indicated that servings of fruit and healthier entrées (salads, sandwiches, and yogurt parfaits) significantly decreased in the comparison school and significantly increased in the intervention school; the magnitude of changes differed significantly between the schools (p < .001).ConclusionsAs compared with the non-peer advocates, peer advocates appeared to benefit more from the intervention. Future research should consider engaging parents, students, and other key community stakeholders to determine acceptable and sustainable cafeteria changes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the effectiveness of implementing nutrition intervention using a general nutrition class to promote consumption of fruits and vegetables in college students.Design3-day food records were collected, verified, and analyzed before and after the intervention.SettingA midwestern university.Participants80 college students, ages 18 to 24, participated in the study.InterventionThe intervention focused on nutrition knowledge related to prevention of chronic diseases, healthful dietary choices increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, dietary feedback, and interactive hands-on activities.Main Outcome MeasuresConsumption of: total vegetable, fresh vegetable, starchy vegetable, french fries, vegetable juice, total fruit, fresh fruit, canned fruit, and fruit juice.AnalysisDependent t test was used to analyze the differences in pre- and posttest. Analysis of variance was used to determine differences in dietary changes between groups.ResultsParticipants significantly increased consumption of not only total fruits and vegetables (P < .005), but also fresh fruits and vegetables (P < .005). Intake of french fries decreased significantly (P < .05). Females responded better to the intervention than males in increasing vegetable consumption (P < .05).Conclusions and ImplicationsClass-based nutrition intervention focusing on prevention of chronic diseases is a cost-effective approach to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among college students.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the motivational effect of the Project WebHealth study procedures and intervention components on weight-related health behavior changes in male and female college students.DesignProcess evaluation.SettingEight universities in the United States.ParticipantsProject WebHealth participants (n = 653; 29% men).Main Outcome MeasuresParticipants rated motivational effects of study procedures and intervention components. Participants were grouped into outcome-based health behavior categories based on achievement of desired targets for fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity, and/or body weight.AnalysisDifferences in motivation from each procedure and component were analyzed by gender- and outcome-based health behavior category.ResultsWomen were generally more motivated than men. Compared to those who did not meet any target health behaviors, men with improved health outcomes (68%) were significantly more motivated by the skills to fuel the body lesson, goal setting, and research snippets. Their female counterparts (63%) were significantly more motivated by the lessons on body size and eating enjoyment, and by the suggested weekly activities.Conclusions and ImplicationsSpecific study procedures and components of Project WebHealth motivated study participants to improve their weight-related health behaviors, and they differed by gender. Findings support the need for gender-tailored interventions in this population.  相似文献   

泉州市大学生预防艾滋病知识、态度及性观念调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
魏新明 《中国健康教育》2003,19(12):933-933
福建省泉州市于2000年12月至2001年2月对泉州市6所高校随机抽取1651名大学生,进行预防艾滋病知识、态度及性观念的问卷调查,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

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