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Confirmation of Acanthamoeba keratitis by laboratory diagnosis is the first step in the treatment of this vision-threatening disease. Two real-time PCR TaqMan protocols (the Rivière and Qvarnstrom assays) were developed for the detection of genus-specific Acanthamoeba DNA but lacked clinical validation. We have adapted these assays for the Cepheid SmartCycler II system (i) by determining their real-time PCR limits of detection and amplification efficiencies, (ii) by determining their ability to detect trophozoites and cysts, and (iii) by testing a battery of positive and negative samples. We also examined the inhibitory effects of a number of commonly used topical ophthalmic drugs on real-time PCR. The results of the real-time PCR limit of detection and amplification efficiency of the Rivière and Qvarnstrom assays were 11.3 DNA copies/10 μl and 94% and 43.8 DNA copies/10 μl and 92%, respectively. Our extraction protocol enabled us to detect 0.7 Acanthamoeba cysts/10 μl and 2.3 Acanthamoeba trophozoites/10 μl by both real-time PCR assays. The overall agreement between the assays was 97.0%. The clinical sensitivity and specificity of both real-time PCR assays based on culture were 100% (7 of 7) and 100% (37 of 37), respectively. Polyhexamethylene biguanide was the only topical drug that demonstrated PCR inhibition, with a minimal inhibitory dilution of 1/640 and an amplification efficiency of 72.7%. Four clinical samples were Acanthamoeba culture negative and real-time PCR positive. Our results indicate that both real-time PCR assays could be used to diagnose Acanthamoeba keratitis. Polyhexamethylene biguanide can inhibit PCR, and we suggest that specimen collection occur prior to topical treatment to avoid possible false-negative results.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to compare two stool antigen detection kits with PCR for the diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica infections by using fecal specimens submitted to the Department of Microbiology at St. Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, and the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, Adelaide, Australia. A total of 279 stool samples containing the E complex (E. histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, and Entamoeba moshkovskii) were included in this study. The stool specimens were tested by using two commercially produced enzyme immunoassays (the Entamoeba CELISA PATH and TechLab E. histolytica II kits) to detect antigens of E. histolytica. DNA was extracted from all of the samples with a Qiagen DNA stool mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), and a PCR targeting the small-subunit ribosomal DNA was performed on all of the samples. When PCR was used as a reference standard, the CELISA PATH kit showed 28% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The TechLab ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kit did not prove to be useful in detecting E. histolytica, as it failed to identify any of the E. histolytica samples which were positive by PCR. With the TechLab kit, cross-reactivity was observed for three specimens, one of which was positive for both E. dispar and E. moshkovskii while the other two samples contained E. moshkovskii. Quantitative assessment of the PCR and ELISA results obtained showed that the ELISA kits were 1,000 to 10,000 times less sensitive, and our results show that the CELISA PATH kit and the TechLab ELISA are not useful for the detection of E. histolytica in stool samples from patients in geographical regions where this parasite is not endemic.  相似文献   

An assessment of differing PCR protocols for the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum infection was performed on samples from an area of holoendemic malaria transmission in western Burkina Faso. The PCR protocols had generally high sensitivities (>92%) and specificities (>69%), but the negative predictive values (NPV) were moderate and differed widely among the PCR protocols tested. These PCR protocols that amplified either the P. falciparum pfcrt gene or the small subunit ribosomal DNA were the most reliable diagnostic tools. However, the moderate NPV imply that more than one PCR protocol should be used for diagnosis in holoendemic areas.N. Oster and I.Z. Abdel-Aziz have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on the LightCycler instrument (LC-PCR) was developed to measure the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) load in clinical samples. LC-PCR detected two copies of the EBV genome per 500 ng of DNA. Its specificity was confirmed by assays in EBV-negative cell lines, other human herpesviruses and EBV-seronegative individuals. Excellent inter-assay reproducibility of LC-PCR was obtained in 43 samples (r = 0.983). LC-PCR results were compared with a routinely used ELISA-PCR of 150 samples and a good correlation was found (r = 0.956). A total of 88 individuals were studied, including healthy EBV-seropositive adults (n = 32), patients with EBV-associated disease (n = 34), and HIV-infected patients (n = 22); 37.5% of PBMC samples from healthy individuals contained EBV DNA, while no serum sample was positive. The viral load was significantly higher in PBMCS and saliva specimens in patients recently infected with HIV (19 and 39,400 copies/microg DNA, respectively), as well as in AIDS patients (122 and 331,130 copies/microg DNA) than in the control population (0 and 35 copies/microg DNA). This study confirmed that EBV load measurement with LC-PCR is helpful in the management of EBV-related post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders and probably of EBV-associated primary central nervous system B-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

PCR is now commonly applied to the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Although several methods are available, comparative studies are few, making it difficult to compare the performance of each technique. We compared the sensitivities of two real-time PCR assays through a prospective study on fetuses, neonates, and immunocompromised patients and on the ocular diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. The first system targeted the widely used B1 gene (GenBank accession number AF179871) while the second (RE) targeted a more recently described sequence repeated roughly 200 to 300 times (GenBank accession number AF146527). We demonstrated that molecular diagnosis requires the duplication of PCR assays, especially with the B1 system, as only one PCR was positive in 33.3% of cases. Our study showed that the RE target was more sensitive for all biological samples (amniotic fluid, placenta, aqueous humor, whole blood, and cerebrospinal and bronchoalveolar fluids) and significantly improved the performance of the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Taking into consideration all clinical samples, the mean gain in the crossing point value was 4.2 +/- 1.7 cycles and was even more significant for amniotic fluid (5.8 +/- 1.7 cycles).  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia and lower-respiratory-tract infections. Diagnosis has traditionally been obtained by serological diagnosis, but increasingly, molecular techniques have been applied. However, the number of studies actually comparing these assays is limited. The development of a novel duplex real-time PCR assay for detection of M. pneumoniae in the presence of an internal control real-time PCR is described. In addition, real-time nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) on an iCycler apparatus is evaluated. These assays were compared to serology and a conventional PCR assay for 106 clinical samples from patients with lower-respiratory-tract infection. Of the 106 samples, 12 (11.3%) were positive by all the molecular methods whereas serology with acute sample and convalescent samples detected 6 (5.6%) and 9 (8.5%), respectively. Clinical symptoms of the patients with Mycoplasma-positive results were compared to those of the other patients with lower-respiratory-tract infections, and it was found that the results for mean lower age numbers as well as the presence of chills, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and raised C-reactive protein levels showed significant differences. Molecular methods are superior for diagnosis of M. pneumoniae, providing more timely diagnosis. In addition, using real-time methods involves less hands-on time and affords the ability to monitor the reaction in the same tube.  相似文献   

Orientia tsutsugamushi is the causative agent of scrub typhus. For the diagnosis of scrub typhus, we investigated the performances of conventional PCR (C-PCR), nested PCR (N-PCR), and real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) targeting the O. tsutsugamushi-specific 47-kDa gene. To compare the detection sensitivities of the three techniques, we used two template systems that used plasmid DNA (plasmid detection sensitivity), including a partial region of the 47-kDa gene, and genomic DNA (genomic detection sensitivity) from a buffy coat sample of a single patient. The plasmid detection sensitivities of C-PCR, N-PCR, and Q-PCR were 5 × 10(4) copies/μl, 5 copies/μl, and 50 copies/μl, respectively. The results of C-PCR, N-PCR, and Q-PCR performed with undiluted genomic DNA were negative, positive, and positive, respectively. The genomic detection sensitivities of N-PCR and Q-PCR were 64-fold and 16-fold (crossing point [Cp], 37.7; 426 copies/μl), respectively. For relative quantification of O. tsutsugamushi bacteria per volume of whole blood, we performed real-time DNA PCR analysis of the human GAPDH gene, along with the O. tsutsugamushi 47-kDa gene. At a 16-fold dilution, the copy number and genomic equivalent (GE) of GAPDH were 1.1 × 10(5) copies/μl (Cp, 22.64) and 5.5 × 10(4) GEs/μl, respectively. Therefore, the relative concentration of O. tsutsugamushi at a 16-fold dilution was 0.0078 organism/one white blood cell (WBC) and 117 organisms/μl of whole blood, because the WBC count of the patient was 1.5 × 10(4) cells/μl of whole blood. The sensitivities of C-PCR, N-PCR, and Q-PCR performed with blood samples taken from patients within 4 weeks of onset of fever were 7.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6 to 19.9), 85.4% (95% CI, 70.8 to 94.4), and 82.9% (95% CI, 67.9 to 92.8), respectively. All evaluated assays were 100% specific for O. tsutsugamushi. In conclusion, given its combined sensitivity, specificity, and speed, Q-PCR is the preferred assay for the diagnosis of scrub typhus.  相似文献   

Conventional fluorescent-antibody (FA) methods were compared to real-time PCR assays for detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus type A (FluA), parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3 (PIV1, PIV2, and PIV3), human metapneumovirus (MPV), and adenovirus (AdV) in 1,138 specimens from children with respiratory illnesses collected over a 1-year period. At least one virus was detected in 436 (38.3%) specimens by FA and in 608 (53.4%) specimens by PCR (P<0.001). Specimen quality was inadequate for FA in 52 (4.6%) specimens; 13 of these (25%) were positive by PCR. In contrast, 18 (1.6%) specimens could not be analyzed by PCR; 1 of these was positive by FA. The number of specimens positive only by PCR among specimens positive by PCR and/or FA was 18 (7.0%) of 257 for RSV, 18 (13.4%) of 134 for FluA, 25 (64.1%) of 39 for PIV1, 8 (88.9%) of 9 for PIV2, 17 (30.1%) of 55 for PIV3, and 101 (76.5%) of 132 for AdV. MPV was detected in 6.6% of all specimens and in 9.5% of the 702 specimens negative by FA. The mean number of virus copies per milliliter in specimens positive by both PCR and FA was significantly higher, at 6.7x10(7), than that in specimens positive only by PCR, at 4.1x10(4) (P<0.001). The PCR assays were significantly more sensitive than FA assays for detecting respiratory viruses, especially parainfluenza virus and adenovirus. Use of real-time PCR to identify viral respiratory pathogens in children will lead to improved diagnosis of respiratory illness.  相似文献   

PCR as a confirmatory technique for laboratory diagnosis of malaria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We compared a nested PCR assay and microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood films for detection and identification of Plasmodium spp. in blood specimens. PCR was more sensitive than microscopy and capable of identifying malaria parasites at the species level when microscopy was equivocal.  相似文献   

The reporting of accurate Streptococcus agalactiae screening results in a short time frame is of tremendous clinical benefit. A total of 203 consecutive primary vaginal/anorectal specimens were cultured in selective Todd-Hewitt broth (LIM broth) and with the StrepB carrot broth kit (carrot broth). One-day broth cultures were subjected to both centrifugation and clarification of a 500-μl aliquot prior to sample lysis (protocol A) and direct lysis of a 50-μl aliquot (protocol B). The lysates were subsequently analyzed by the BD GeneOhm StrepB assay. The results were compared to the carrot broth culture results derived from visualization of pigment on day 1 or from a subculture of carrot broth. Thirty-four carrot broth cultures (16.7%) generated diagnostic pigment following overnight incubation; an additional 26 (12.8%) were positive for S. agalactiae upon subculture. Carrot broth-enhanced PCR by the use of either protocol A or protocol B trended toward a higher rate of positive results (33.0%) than the rate observed by either the LIM broth-enhanced PCR (30.5%) or full carrot broth culture analysis (29.6%). In the context of the result on day 1, both carrot broth- and LIM broth-enhanced PCRs generated more true-positive results (P < 0.001) than carrot broth culture visualization. The predictive values for both protocols of carrot broth- or LIM broth-enhanced PCR were ≥95.4%. Whereas protocol A resolved the results for 99.8% of the specimens in the evaluation upon initial testing, a 5.7% initial unresolved rate and a 1.5% final unresolved rate were determined by the use of protocol B. The use of carrot broth within a rapid and highly accurate molecular reflex testing algorithm can limit follow-up testing to cultures without evidence of pigmentation.  相似文献   

BackgroundReactivation of latent polyomavirus BK is associated with nephropathy (PVAN) after renal transplantation. BK viral load determinations are a highly sensitive and specific method for predicting risk for PVAN.Objectives and study designThe performance of three real-time PCR for BKV DNA quantification (MultiCode®-RTx BK virus ASR [MC-RTx], MGB-Alert BKV ASR [MGB] and a laboratory developed assay [LDA]) were evaluated against a conventional PCR (test of record, TOR) in terms of linearity, dynamic range, and accuracy.ResultsThe LOD (log10 copies/ml) were 2.0, 2.0 and 3.0 for MC-RTx, MGB and LDA, respectively with a commercial plasma panel and 2.0, 2.6 and 3.5 with a urine panel. These assays demonstrated excellent linearity (r2 = 1.0) and reproducibility (CV range = 0.7–20.4%, 0.9–13.2%, and 0.5–13%, respectively). In an analysis of 100 clinical specimens, all 76 samples defined as true positive for BKV DNA (positive by two or more methods or a recent history of positivity) were detected with MC-RTx, while only 64 were detected with MGB and 55 were detected with LDA. BKV DNA was not detected by any method in the true negative specimens. Based on these results, the sensitivities were 100% for MC-RTx, 84% for MGB and 72% for LDA. The greatest linear correlation with the mean concentration was observed with MC-RTx (r2 = 0.96) with two samples (3%) with greater than 0.5 log10 variance in quantification versus seven (11%) with MGB and ten (18%) with LDA.ConclusionsThese real-time assays for BKV load demonstrated excellent performance characteristics, with the MC-RTx demonstrating the greatest sensitivity.  相似文献   

Laboratory diagnosis of amebiasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The detection of Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent of amebiasis, is an important goal of the clinical microbiology laboratory. To assess the scope of E. histolytica infection, it is necessary to utilize accurate diagnostic tools. As more is discovered about the molecular and cell biology of E. histolytica, there is great potential for further understanding the pathogenesis of amebiasis. Molecular biology-based diagnosis may become the technique of choice in the future because establishment of these protozoa in culture is still not a routine clinical laboratory process. In all cases, combination of serologic tests with detection of the parasite (by antigen detection or PCR) offers the best approach to diagnosis, while PCR techniques remain impractical in many developing country settings. The detection of amebic markers in serum in patients with amebic colitis and liver abscess appears promising but is still only a research tool. On the other hand, stool antigen detection tests offer a practical, sensitive, and specific way for the clinical laboratory to detect intestinal E. histolytica. All the current tests suffer from the fact that the antigens detected are denatured by fixation of the stool specimen, limiting testing to fresh or frozen samples.  相似文献   

Three PCR assays for diagnosing leishmaniasis were compared and validated against parasite cultures and microscopic evaluation of stained tissue smears using 92 specimens from suspected cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Israel and the West Bank. Samples from imported and locally acquired disease were examined. The kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) PCR showed the highest sensitivity (98.7%) of any assay, correctly diagnosing 77/78 of the confirmed positive samples, followed by the rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) PCR (71/78 positive, 91.0% sensitivity) and then the spliced leader mini-exon PCR (42/78 positive, 53.8% sensitivity). Either parasite culture or microscopy alone detected 62.8% (49/78) or 74.4% (58/78) of the positive specimens, respectively, while culture and microscopy together improved overall sensitivity to 83.3% (65/78). Except for the kDNA PCR that had six false positives, all other assays were 100% specific. Further, restriction enzyme analysis of the ITS1 PCR product enabled identification of 74.6% of the positive samples, which included strains of Leishmania major (50.9%), Leishmania tropica (47.2%), and the Leishmania braziliensis complex (1.9%). This suggests that a PCR using kDNA should be used for the diagnosis of CL and that an ITS1 PCR can be reliably used for the diagnosis of CL when rapid species identification is needed.  相似文献   

Clinical research suggests a role for viral load measurement in predicting and monitoring Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of the recently commercially available quantitative assays for EBV based on real-time PCR: the RealArt EBV LC PCR kit and the LightCycler EBV quantification kit. A total of 87 samples were analyzed: 67 samples were obtained from transplant recipients and patients with EBV-associated diseases, 8 samples were obtained from the Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics 2002 EBV Proficiency Program, and 12 negative qualitative nested PCR samples were used as negative controls. Inter- and intra-assay variabilities were determined by running replicates of two samples. All samples were run in a LightCycler instrument. The differences between positive and negative results were not considered statistically significant (P = 0.5355). There were no false-positive results using either method for nested PCR negative-control samples. The difference in viral load values using the two different methods was considered statistically significant (P < 0.01). The logarithmic linear correlation for both assays was low (r = 0.449) but significant (P < 0.01). The LightCycler EBV quantification kit showed a wider dispersal in results but produced substantially more-accurate melting temperature profile curves. The bias towards lower measurements was considerable in comparison with higher viral load. The differences in PCR efficiency and the presence of mutations could explain the disparity between the two methods. It was concluded that confidence intervals would be required to report the results rather than plain absolute values of viral load for patient monitoring.  相似文献   

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