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国内知名移动医疗App服务质量评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取10款在业界具有较大影响力的移动医疗App,根据其界面提供的信息对问诊服务质量和App整体质量进行数据评价,同时对人群下载App的倾向进行分析。  相似文献   

目的:了解国内外慢性病领域移动医疗App的效果评价研究,为规范App的评价提供借鉴。方法:在CNKI、万方、Pubmed等数据库全面检索国内外有关移动医疗App的研究,由研究人员按照纳入和排除标准筛选文献,运用Excel提取文献信息。结果:共纳入55篇文献,移动医疗App可用性评价14项研究,有用性评价41项,经济效益评价2项。结论:目前移动医疗App的评价主要侧重于有用性评价,可用性及经济效益评价还需要进一步加强,建立App的规范化评价很有必要。  相似文献   

目的:对我国移动医疗App的在线评论进行维度挖掘与情感分析,以便精准评价用户满意度。方法:基于App Store中国应用市场中医疗类App的在线评论数据,采用集成多策略的深度学习方法,首先应用TF-IDF算法、BERT模型和Canopy+K-means聚类分析方法提取移动医疗App在线评论的主要维度,然后通过计算各维度权重值,明确不同维度对用户整体评价意见的重要性,最后利用LSTM-CNN模型对各维度的用户评论进行细粒度情感分析。结果:用户关注的移动医疗App在线评论主要维度依次为专业性、可靠性、交互性、易用性和特色性;用户对移动医疗App的整体满意度不高,在可靠性、交互性、特色性维度上的评论积极情感倾向率较低;同时,移动医疗各细分领域的App在不同维度上也存在明显不同的优势和劣势,需要根据自身特色和发展目标进行优化与完善。结论:集成多策略的深度学习方法在移动医疗App在线评论维度挖掘和情感分类上具有很好的适用性、稳定性与可推广性,可为App在线评论文本分析和用户满意度评价提供重要的方法支撑。  相似文献   

介绍移动医疗App的定义,梳理移动医疗App分类、内容和质量、监管、标准、需求等方面的研究现状,阐述我国移动医疗App存在的问题,如质量不高、缺乏监管、数据不安全、定义不明确等,最后从开发者、用户、市场等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

基于“好大夫在线”网站先天性心脏病医疗服务数据和患者评价数据,采用数据分析和可视化方法, 阐述在线医疗网站先天性心脏病医疗服务现状,并针对平台机制完善提出建议。  相似文献   

本文结合国外与国内的移动医疗发展情况,从移动的具体医疗设备,移动医疗设备中的应用软件和传递医疗健康信息的平台或服务模式三方面综述了移动医疗的研究进展,以及由此产生的对中医移动医疗的启发。  相似文献   

通过文献研究,确定CHQIS指标筛选范围,包括6个大类,44个小类,730个单项指标(其中有210个传统指标、520个新增指标)。在520个新增指标中,筛选出219个有代表性的新增指标,组织北京、天津、上海、广州、西安等地61个单位103名与会专家,经过两轮名义群体法研究,统计出重要程度大于等于80%的指标54个,用于对北京市五家三甲综合医院2004年~2007年的病案首页数据进行监测分析和实证研究,通过纵向院内比较与横向院间比较,评价医疗结果质量,为医院持续改进医疗质量提供基础数据和技术支持。  相似文献   

应用多种统计学方法建立医院绩效评估指标体系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
从医院规模、资源配制、服务总量、工作效率、医疗质量、经济效益、医德医风和发展潜力共46项影响因素中设计出6大方面共32个基本指标,利用专家咨询法、离散趋势法、相关系数法、聚类分析法和因子分析法分别从6大方面中筛选指标,找出有实用性、灵敏性、代表性和独立性的指标14个,分别用此14个指标和32个指标对深圳市8家不同级别的综合医院进行样本聚类,两个聚类图完全一样,两图的分类一致符合率为100%,分类结果也与实际情况相符,反映筛选出的14个指标能很好用于医院绩效评估.  相似文献   

移动通信技术的发展和人们对健康服务需求的增加使移动数字化医疗成为一种趋势。分析了美国推行移动数字化医疗过程中政策法案保障、相关技术发展情况和主要的商业模式,并针对我国的现状,从加快医疗信息电子数据的采集工作、推动移动数字化医疗关键技术的发展和探索适应我国特点的移动数字化医疗推行模式几个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目的:为深入落实推进“互联网+医疗健康”便民惠民活动,不断优化就医流程、提高工作效率和服务品质,方便患者就医,提高患者就诊满意度。方法:通过微信公众号和支付宝服务窗等移动服务通道,建立并完善患者移动服务平台,提供贯穿诊前、诊中、诊后全流程的智能化、信息化便民惠民服务。结果:湖南中医药大学第一附属医院患者移动服务平台上线以来,预约挂号、线上支付、绑卡、就医反馈等指标呈明显上升趋势,缓解了就诊“三长一短”“看病难”等问题,优化了门诊、住院诊疗服务流程。结论:患者就医体验不断改善,患者满意度不断提高,对医院医疗服务质量提升起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

Family caregivers play an important role to care cancer patients since they exchange medical information with health care providers. However, relatively little is known about how family caregivers seek medical information using mobile apps and the Internet. We examined factors associated with medical information seeking by using mobile apps and the Internet among family caregivers and the general public using data from the 2014 Health Information National Trends Survey 4 Cycle 1. The study sample consisted of 2425 family caregivers and 1252 non-family caregivers (the general public). Guided by Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking (CMIS), we examined related factors’ impact on two outcome variables for medical information seeking: mobile apps use and Internet use with multivariate logistic regression analyses. We found that online medical information seeking is different between family caregivers and the general public. Overall, the use of the Internet for medical information seeking is more common among family caregivers, while the use of mobile apps is less common among family caregivers compared with the general public. Married family caregivers were less likely to use mobile apps, while family caregivers who would trust cancer information were more likely to use the Internet for medical information seeking as compared to the general public. Medical information seeking behavior among family caregivers can be an important predictor of both their health and the health of their cancer patients. Future research should explore the low usage of mobile health applications among family caregiver population.  相似文献   

2008至2009年在上海浦东新区采用政策分析法、问卷调查法和小组访谈法对国家、上海市、浦东新区以及11家社区卫生服务中心4个层面的中医药相关政策进行研究。共有18个国家或部级、5个上海市级、4个浦东新区级以及87个社区卫生服务中心内部的中医药相关政策文件,从中医目标定位、财力、人力和中医适宜技术4个角度进行政策制定,比较全面地保障和促进了社区中医药事业发展,但在社区卫生服务尤其是人才培养、医保政策倾斜和公共卫生领域中医药参与等方面还有待加强和提高,社区对中医药有关政策的落实还存在滞后。  相似文献   

安琪  李其  李瑞锋 《中华全科医学》2020,18(12):2112-2116
目的 调查县域中医药健康服务发展现状及问题,促进中医药健康服务业的发展。 方法 以2017年江西省A、B两县级市的中医养生保健服务机构和中医药健康服务支撑产业为研究对象,以A、B两县级市街道为单位,首先按照企业规模、企业类型进行分层,然后采用整群分层抽样法,以1∶15的比例抽取两市中医养生保健服务机构105家,中医药健康服务支撑产业38家,并对其服务人数、机构面积、收入成本、服务人员等数据进行描述性分析。运用SPSS 25.0软件进行描述性统计分析,分析各指标间的最大值、最小值、中位数和上下四分位数。 结果 A市和B市中医养生保健服务的发展状况较好,但A、B两市医疗与非医疗机构中的中医养生保健服务市场有差异性,中药材产业发展规模和中医诊疗设备产业具有较大的合作发展潜力;A、B两市分别有87.2%、92.0%的企业表示人才引进存在困难,主要原因为:A市为求职者对薪酬期望过高(88.24%)、中医类人才总量不足(70.59%)、职位发展空间受限(52.94%);B市为中医类人才总量不足(94.12%)、求职者薪酬期望过高(76.47%)、企业地理位置因素(52.94%)。 结论 中医养生保健服务机构优势互补,中医药健康服务支撑产业多元发展,但中医类服务人员增量不足,加快中医类人才培养是促进中医药健康服务业发展的重要举措。   相似文献   

基于我国目前医疗卫生事业面临的困难和挑战,以及中医药的特色和优势,国务院新闻办发布了《中国的中医药》白皮书,随后第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十五次会议通过《中华人民共和国中医药法》.《中国的中医药》白皮书及《中华人民共和国中医药法》进一步确立了中医药在我国医疗卫生事业中的地位和作用.本文介绍了我国医疗卫生事业面临的挑战、中医理论的特点,阐述了中西医并重在维护和增进民众健康方面的作用.  相似文献   

背景 中医药作为独特的卫生资源,在基本医疗和卫生保健中发挥着不可替代的作用。因此,在为居民健康保驾护航的家庭医生服务中,中医药的融入是不可或缺的。但是,在现有的家庭医生服务模式中几乎未提及或很少涉及中医药服务,中医药的融入程度还不够。因此,推动中医药融入家庭医生服务迫在眉睫。目的 了解我国家庭医生服务的现状,找出中医药服务与家庭医生服务的契合点,为中医药融入家庭医生服务提供对策与建议。方法 2018年10月,在中国知网高级检索中,以“家庭医生服务”和“全科医生服务”为主题词,检索时间为“2010-01-01至2018-09-15”,来源为“SCI来源期刊、EI来源期刊、核心期刊、CSSCI、CSCD”,检索家庭医生服务相关期刊论文,最后纳入分析的文献83篇。以系统论为理论基础,分别从家庭医生服务系统的内外部出发,构建中医药融入家庭医生服务模式研究的分析框架。系统内部主要包括人力资源、经济负担、服务内容、服务方式四个维度,系统外部主要包括政治、经济、技术、社会四个维度。结果 纳入分析的83篇文献中:提及系统内部人力资源、经济负担、服务内容、服务方式四个维度存在问题的占比分别为62.7%、12.0%、18.1%、6.0%;提及系统外部政治、经济、技术、社会四个维度存在问题的占比分别为43.4%、12.0%、33.7%、41.0%。结论 中医药融入家庭医生服务,需要从系统内外部八个方面展开:系统内部,需鼓励中医药人才加入家庭医生队伍;加入中医医疗服务项目;中西医签约合作提供服务;适宜合理运用中医药;系统外部,需加大资金支持力度;完善相关配套政策;信息技术支撑;加强宣传引导。  相似文献   

本文在调研健康管理与健康信息服务发展现状的基础上,分析了目前我国健康信息服务需求;通过对当前国内常用的4种移动技术优缺点进行分析,提出应用WebApp技术搭建符合新时期用户使用习惯的健康管理信息服务系统.以黑龙江中医药大学健康管理主题图书馆为例,并分析该系统的优势与特点,以期为医学图书馆健康管理信息服务提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

全科医生队伍是我国基层医疗服务体系建设的核心与基石,是基本医疗和公共卫生服务的中坚力量,加强全科医生队伍建设是提升基层医疗服务水平,进而推进落实分级诊疗政策的关键。中医药是我国传统文化的瑰宝, 其诊疗理念与全科医学有诸多相通之处,发展中医全科医学,加强中医全科医学人才队伍建设,对于丰富全科医生以及家庭医生签约服务形式、降低医疗费用、提升基层医疗服务效率以及推进分级诊疗制度落实具有重要意义。本文概述了加强中医全科医生队伍建设的必要性与可行性,分析了中医全科医学在基层医疗服务中的优势及中医全科医生队伍建设存在的问题与障碍,然后分别从中医全科医学人才培养系统的内部和外部2个角度提出对策建议。建议在系统内部通过加强中医全科医学的学科建设与师资队伍建设,完善中医类别全科医师规范化培养体系和继续教育体系的方式健全中医全科医学人才培养体系;在系统外部通过完善保障政策、加强信息化建设、构建激励机制以及加强宣传教育等方面,给中医全科医学人才队伍建设提供良好的支撑环境,提升中医全科医生的岗位吸引力,推动构建中西医结合的中国特色全科医生队伍,为提升基层医疗服务能力、缓和医患供需矛盾、构建高效的医疗服务体系提供建议。   相似文献   

Being the third fastest-growing app category behind games and utilities, mHealth apps are changing the healthcare model, as medicine today involves the data they compile and analyse, information known as Big Data. However, the majority of apps are lacking in security when gathering and dealing with the information, which becomes a serious problem. This article presents a guide regarding security solution, intended to be of great use for developers of mHealth apps. In August 2015 current mobile health apps were sought out in virtual stores such as Android Google Play, Apple iTunes App Store etc., in order to classify them in terms of usefulness. After this search, the most widespread weaknesses in the field of security in the development of these mobile apps were examined, based on sources such as the “OWASP Mobile Security Project, the initiative recently launched by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and other articles of scientific interest. An informative, elemental guide has been created for the development of mHealth apps. It includes information about elements of security and its implementation on different levels for all types of mobile health apps based on the data that each app manipulates, the associated calculated risk as a result of the likelihood of occurrence and the threat level resulting from its vulnerabilities - high level (apps for monitoring, diagnosis, treatment and care) from 6?≤?9, medium level (calculator, localizer and alarm) from 3?≤?6 and low level (informative and educational apps) from 0?≤?3. The guide aims to guarantee and facilitate security measures in the development of mobile health applications by programmers unconnected to the ITC and professional health areas.  相似文献   

研究中医体质辨识方法,中医四诊客观化方法,基于深度学习研究健康状态辨识和智能推荐的算法模型,参考中医养生知识库构建方案库,利用互联网实现多终端的健康服务,研发智能化中医健康管理云平台,通过微信小程序、移动平板和Web服务3种模式,提供具有中医特色的健康管理。  相似文献   

This study explores the use of mobile health applications (mHealth apps) on smartphones or tablets for health-seeking behavior among US adults. Data was obtained from cycle 4 of the 4th edition of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS 4). Weighted multivariate logistic regression models examined predictors of 1) having mHealth apps, 2) usefulness of mHealth apps in achieving health behavior goals, 3) helpfulness in medical care decision-making, and 4) asking a physician new questions or seeking a second opinion. Using the Andersen Model of health services utilization, independent variables of interest were grouped under predisposing factors (age, gender, race, ethnicity, and marital status), enabling factors (education, employment, income, regular provider, health insurance, and rural/urban location of residence), and need factors (general health, confidence in their ability to take care of health, Body Mass Index, smoking status, and number of comorbidities). In a national sample of adults who had smartphones or tablets, 36 % had mHealth apps on their devices. Among those with apps, 60 % reported the usefulness of mHealth apps in achieving health behavior goals, 35 % reported their helpfulness for medical care decision-making, and 38 % reported their usefulness in asking their physicians new questions or seeking a second opinion. The multivariate models revealed that respondents were more likely to have mHealth apps if they had more education, health insurance, were confident in their ability to take good care of themselves, or had comorbidities, and were less likely to have them if they were older, had higher income, or lived in rural areas. In terms of usefulness of mHealth apps, those who were older and had higher income were less likely to report their usefulness in achieving health behavior goals. Those who were older, African American, and had confidence in their ability to take care of their health were more likely to respond that the mHealth apps were helpful in making a medical care decision and asking their physicians new questions or for a second opinion. Potentially, mHealth apps may reduce the burden on primary care, reduce costs, and improve the quality of care. However, several personal-level factors were associated with having mHealth apps and their perceived helpfulness among their users, indicating a multidimensional digital divide in the population of US adults.  相似文献   

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