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In adults, the Post-Anesthetic Discharge Scoring System (PADSS) was built to secure the discharge after outpatient surgery. We evaluate a pediatric adaptation: the Pediatric-PADSS (Ped-PADSS).

Study design

Prospective cohort.


This was a prospective, observational, monocentric study for ambulatory patients. Ped-PADSS is built on 5 items each quoted 0, 1, or 2: hemodynamics, state of awakening, nausea/vomiting, pain and bleeding. A result ≥ 9/10 validated discharge if the anesthetist did not wish to review the patient, if the parents did not wish to revisit the anesthetist or if there was no hoarseness or dyspnea. The discharge was validated by the anesthetist and the surgeon. Ped-PADSS was made without the knowledge of the nursing team, one hour after return in service and repeated hourly. Addition of patient demographic data, the collection included the hours of leave by the anesthetist, surgeon and Ped-PADSS, the duration of hospital stay post procedure.


On 150 patients, 148 patients were allowed to go out with the Ped-PADSS, one patient was released despite a Ped-PADSS < 9. One patient was hospitalized for a surgical bleeding in agreement with the anesthetist, surgeon and the Ped-PADSS. Ninety-five percent of patients had a Ped-PADSS ≥ 9 after 2 hours monitoring in the ambulatory unit.


The majority of the children have met the criteria for discharge at the end of 2 hours postoperative monitoring. The use of this score could reduce the hospitalization time in ambulatory unit.  相似文献   

The authors describe the way pediatric anesthesia is organized outside the operating theatre in their country. In Germany, children can be anesthetized outside the operating theater in the hospital but also outside the hospital according to the concept of office-based anesthesia. National recommendations have been published and their revision is currently underway. In Quebec, pediatric anesthesia outside the operating theatre are well organized in order to ensure quality of care, patient's safety and efficiency of the system.  相似文献   

Type II heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) has a low incidence in cardiac surgery, but its mortality once declared is high. Its clinical recognition can be difficult with these patients who usually have thrombocytopenia in postoperative period and who are predisposed to develop HIT prematurely. Thromboses in this context must be specific, and treatment, which is nowadays well codified, must be begun without waiting for biologic results. Besides, specificity of Elisa's test is weakened in this population since there is a high rate of serum conversion; yet, its preoperative realization associated with pre-test probability scoring for HIT, can turn out useful.  相似文献   



The equipment and practices in obstetric analgesia, anaesthesia and intensive care, as well as their evolution between 2003 and 2010 in metropolitan France, were described.

Population and methods

Data were derived from two representative samples of births in 2003 and 2010, based on all births in France during one week. The sample included 534 maternity units and 14,903 births in 2010 and 618 maternity units and 14,737 births in 2003.


The caesarean operating room was adjacent or inside the labour ward in 66% of maternity units in 2010 vs 56% in 2003. An anaesthetist was appointed permanently to the labour ward in 38.9% of maternity units in 2010 vs 21.5% in 2003. Locoregional analgesia or anaesthesia rate increased significantly: 81.5% in 2010 compared to 74.9% in 2003. Almost all operative vaginal deliveries were performed under epidural anesthesia in 2010. Patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) was available in 58% of the units in 2010 but only 34.2% of women had PCEA. Newborn's resuscitations were performed mainly by paediatricians in 2010, but 11.4% of children were resuscitated by an anaesthetist in level 1 maternity units.


The conditions required to ensure anaesthetic care safety in maternity units has improved since 2003. Improvements in quality of care are still possible.  相似文献   

The medico-legal risk specifically associated with the practice of ambulatory surgery is still not well studied. SHAM insurances are the biggest French provider of medical liability insurances. The study of the insurance claims provided by this insurer is therefore a relevant source of data on the complications related to ambulatory surgery.  相似文献   



Although most components of an enhanced recovery programme (ERP) can be applied to caesarean delivery, it is unknown if their implementation is large in France.

Type of study

Structured interview by telephone or e-mailing of an anaesthetist to describe usual perioperative practice in two French regions (Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur [PACA] and Île-de-France [IDF]).


Questionnaire related to scheduled caesarean delivery.


Response rate 74% (111/149 maternity units). Multimodal analgesia was almost universally applied and intrathecal/epidural morphine used by 86% of respondents. Oral administration of analgesic drugs was started before h24 in 50% of responding units and immediately after delivery in 7% of them. The urinary catheter was withdrawn after h24 in 71% of responding centres. Women were allowed to drink between h4 and h6 (60%), in an unlimited amount (79%). The first meal was authorised after h6 (89%) but before h24 (65%) or after recovery of bowel function (13%). Oxytocin was used in 69% of respondents and maintained postoperatively for 12 to 24 hours (70% of oxytocin users). Carbetocin was used in the remaining 31%, usually without any maintenance oxytocic drug. Attributing one point to each major component of the ERP protocol (0–6), the median value was 3 (2–4). An ERP protocol was available in 14% of responding units and was associated with a shorter duration of intravenous and urinary catheters use.


The study shows that the components of an ERP are insufficiently implemented in France after caesarean delivery. Moreover, significant heterogeneity exists between maternity units and among regions.  相似文献   



To review the current research and formulate a rational approach to the physiopathology, cause and treatment of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH).

Data sources

Articles published to December 2011 were obtained through a search of Medline for the MeSh terms “epidural blood-patch” and “post-dural puncture headache”.

Study selection

Six hundred and eighty-two pertinent studies were included and 200 were analysed.

Data synthesis

Resulting of a dural tap after spinal anaesthesia or diagnostic lumbar puncture or as a complication of epidural anaesthesia, PDPH occurs when an excessive leak of cerebrospinal fluid leads to intracranial hypotension associated to a resultant cerebral vasodilatation. Reduction in cerebrospinal fluid volume in upright position may cause traction of the intracranial structure and stretching of vessels. Typically postural, headache may be associated to nausea, photophobia, tinnitus or arm pain and changes in hearing acuity. In severe cases, there may be cranial nerve dysfunction and nerve palsies secondary to traction on those nerves. The Epidural Blood-Patch (EBP) is considered as the “gold standard” in the treatment of PDHP because it induces a prolonged elevation of subarachnoid and epidural pressures, whereas such elevation is transient with saline or dextran. EBP should be performed within 24–48 hours of onset of headache; the optimum volume of epidural blood appears to be 15–20 mL. Severe complications following EBP are exceptional. The use of echography may be safety puncture. The optimum timing of epidural blood-patch, the resort of repeating procedure if the symptomatology does not disappear, the alternative to the conventional medical treatment need to be determined by future clinical trial.  相似文献   

Plastic surgery is more and more developing. Facial blocks are adapted to surgical procedures performed in this setting. They are easy to perform and may prolong postoperative analgesia. Facial blocks may be used in ambulatory surgery as a single technique or combined with general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation. After a reminding of facial nerve anatomy, facial and cervical blocks are described with their indications. Guidelines for performance and monitoring are also indicated.  相似文献   

To determine neuraxial anesthesia practices in obstetric departments in Languedoc-Roussillon in parturient with large lumbar tattoo covering the puncture area. “A prospective anonymous survey was sent to anaesthesiologists” including a clinical case scenario with a tattooed woman. Questionnaire included items on neuraxial anaesthesia in various circumstances, reasons for the decision process, and “consensus management” or not “within the unit”. Fifty-four anaesthesiologists answered (response rate: 57%). Fifty-seven percent would perform an epidural anaesthesia (EA) through the tattoo. Thirty-nine percent would not; among which two third only would propose an alternative for EA. Elective or emergency caesarean section would prompt most of the anaesthesiologists to perform a spinal anaesthesia, especially in parturients with Mallampati Class III (93%) versus Class I (70%) airway. Seventy percent of responders reported no consensual management in their unit. Our study illustrates this lack of consensus in obstetrical units and among anaesthesiologists along with a variable attitude linked with the obstetrical and anaesthesiological situation.  相似文献   



The variability of the medical information available on the Internet (MedInfoWeb) raises concern about its quality. There is no data about the quality of MedInfoWeb concerning epidural analgesia for labour (EAL). Our aims were to assess the quality of MedInfoWeb concerning EAL and to study the stability of MedInfoWeb and the ranking of website into search engine (SE) during 1 year.

Study design

Observational study.

Materials and methods

We created our own data form to analyse the firsts 40 Google®, Alta Vista® and Yahoo® websites. In 2009 and 2010, two independent assessors assessed the quality of the website structure (structure score noted out of 25) and the quality of medical information (medical score noted out of 30). The global score (noted on 55) was the addition of structure and medical scores. A HONcode labelling was noted.


Between 2009 and 2010, the average global (23 vs. 22), structure (11 vs. 11) and medical (12 vs. 12) Scores were stable. The SE's quality was comparable. A SE website's rank was not related to its global score. The labelling HONcode websites were the best (26 vs. 21, P = 0.048). The best website in 2009 and 2010 was doctissimo.fr. In 2010, only 58% of the websites were still presents.


The quality of MedInfoWeb concerning EAL is poor and did not improve between 2009 and 2010. The MedInfoWeb is unstable: 42% of the websites disappeared in 1 year. No website or SE is currently able to give reliable medical information concerning EAL.  相似文献   

Postoperative analgesia at home induces necessarily pain assessment by self-report or observational measure. A special scale has been validated for day-case surgery: the PPMP. Nevertheless, children's and parents’ information and education are essential.  相似文献   



To determine the evolution of French perioperative anaesthetic practices in liver transplantation between 2004 and 2008.

Study design

Phone survey.


In 2004 and 2008, a similar questionnaire has been administered by phone to a senior anaesthesiologist from each French centre performing adult liver transplantation (n = 21). Results were compared using Fisher test and p < 0.05 was considered significant.


Between 2004 and 2008, there was a trend towards an increase of centres performing transplantation for more than 40% of Child C patients (p = 0.1). Simultaneously, work force dedicated to liver transplantation cases has been reduced since in 2008, one anaesthesiologist was in charge in 90% of the centres (p = 0.06 vs 2004). Perioperative practices remained largely heterogeneous between centres with regard to hemodynamic monitoring, fluid and blood products management, antifibrinolytics use or postoperative analgesia.


This French survey has shown a reduction of work force dedicated to a liver transplantation from 2004 to 2008 simultaneously with a trend towards a greater severity of liver recipients. Practices heterogeneity reflect at least in part, unresolved questions about the best perioperative management for liver transplantation and the need for guidelines. Working for standardization of our practices and multicentric trials could allow gaining a better understanding of what should be the good practices in perioperative management of liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Hip fracture is a common condition associated with a poor outcome with 20-30% one-year mortality in the elderly. Autonomy and quality of life remains key considerations in this population. Emergency management should consider associated diseases and treatments, as well as fall and fracture. Management should target particular conditions such as pain, anemia and transfusion, time to surgery and occurrence of pressure sores, and should consider these as quality criteria. In this way, a new approach must be evaluated and requires an optimal cooperation between emergency physician, orthopaedic surgeon, anaesthetists and geriatrician. Place and interest of new models of care such as orthogeriatrics unit have to be determined.  相似文献   

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