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Penetrating traumas are rare in France and mainly due to stabbing. Knives are less lethal than firearms. The initial clinical assessment is the cornerstone of hospital care. It remains a priority and can quickly lead to a surgical treatment first. Urgent surgical indications are hemorrhagic shock, evisceration and peritonitis. Dying patients should be immediately taken to the operating room for rescue laparotomy or thoracotomy. Ultrasonography and chest radiography are performed before damage control surgery for hemodynamic unstable critical patients. Stable patients are scanned by CT and in some cases may benefit from non-operative strategy. Mortality remains high, initially due to bleeding complications and secondarily to infectious complications. Early and appropriate surgery can reduce morbidity and mortality. Non-operative strategy is only possible in selected patients in trained trauma centers and with intensive supervision by experienced staff.  相似文献   

Traumatic neurogenic shock is a rare but serious complication of spinal cord injury. It associates bradycardia and hypotension caused by a medullary trauma. It is life-threatening for the patient and it aggravates the neurological deficit. Strict immobilization and a quick assessment of the gravity of cord injury are necessary as soon as prehospital care has begun. Initial treatment requires vasopressors associated with fluid resuscitation. Steroids are not recommended. Early decompression is recommended for incomplete deficit seen in the first 6 hours. We relate the case of secondary spinal shock to a luxation C6/C7 treated in prehospital care.  相似文献   

Haemorrhagic shock remains a leading cause of death in trauma patients. The concept of haematologic damage control is gradually taking place in the management of traumatic haemorrhagic shock. It is based primarily on the early implementation of a quality blood transfusion involving erythrocytes, plasmas and platelets transfusion. Red blood cell transfusion is mainly supported by the oxygen carrier properties of erythrocytes. However, it appears that erythrocytes ability to modulate the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) plays a major role in capillary opening and perfusion. Erythrocytes are also actively involved in the processes of hemostasis and coagulation. In this context, it seems difficult to define a threshold of hemoglobin concentration to determine the implementation of a blood transfusion in traumatic haemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

penetrating ulcer of the aorta is a rare ulcerating atherosclerotic lesion of the aortic wall. two new cases are reported.
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Traumatisme de l’aorte thoracique par broche
Traumatism of the thoracic aorta by pin  相似文献   

Traitement des hypertrophies mammaires très importantes et des gigantomasties par la technique de réduction dite à pédicule postéro-inférieur. À propos de 20 cas     
P. Letertre  G. Lasserre  B. Ricbourg 《Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthétique》2009

À propos d’un choc sévère après injection de protamine chez un nouveau-né durant une chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extracorporelle     
C. Ponvert 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2014

Une tumeur rare du nerf médian chez le jeune enfant : le périneuriome intraneural. À propos d’un cas clinique     
P. Ridel  P. Perrot  A. Moreau  F. Duteille 《Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthétique》2014

Organisation des soins en analgésie,anesthésie et réanimation en maternité en France métropolitaine : résultats comparés des enquêtes nationales périnatales 2003 et 2010     
A.-S. Ducloy-Bouthors  C. Prunet  J. Tourrès  D. Chassard  D. Benhamou  B. Blondel 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2013


The equipment and practices in obstetric analgesia, anaesthesia and intensive care, as well as their evolution between 2003 and 2010 in metropolitan France, were described.

Population and methods

Data were derived from two representative samples of births in 2003 and 2010, based on all births in France during one week. The sample included 534 maternity units and 14,903 births in 2010 and 618 maternity units and 14,737 births in 2003.


The caesarean operating room was adjacent or inside the labour ward in 66% of maternity units in 2010 vs 56% in 2003. An anaesthetist was appointed permanently to the labour ward in 38.9% of maternity units in 2010 vs 21.5% in 2003. Locoregional analgesia or anaesthesia rate increased significantly: 81.5% in 2010 compared to 74.9% in 2003. Almost all operative vaginal deliveries were performed under epidural anesthesia in 2010. Patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) was available in 58% of the units in 2010 but only 34.2% of women had PCEA. Newborn's resuscitations were performed mainly by paediatricians in 2010, but 11.4% of children were resuscitated by an anaesthetist in level 1 maternity units.


The conditions required to ensure anaesthetic care safety in maternity units has improved since 2003. Improvements in quality of care are still possible.  相似文献   

État de choc sévère après injection de protamine chez un nouveau-né durant une chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extracorporelle     
N. Joram  N. Benbrik  A. De Windt  H. Colas  J.M. Liet 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2013
Shock after protamine infusion are rare. We report here the case of a 6-day-old boy having presented severe and recurring hypotensions after protamine infusions during cardiac surgery under cardio pulmonary bypass. The physiopathology of these reactions is complex and, in the presented case, involved mechanism may not be anaphylactic.  相似文献   

Prise en charge initiale en réanimation des traumatisés graves du bassin     
F. Vardon  A. Harrois  J. Duranteau  T. Geeraerts 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2014
Pelvic trauma care is complex since it is frequently associated with multiple injuries and may lead to dramatic and uncontrollable haemorrhage. After pelvic trauma, the mortality, around 8 to 10%, is mainly related to severe pelvic hemorrhage but also to extrapelvic injuries (thoracic, abdominal or brain injuries). It is therefore crucial to manage pelvic trauma in specialized trauma center. The initial trauma assessment aims to determine the role of the pelvic injury in hemorrhage to define the therapeutic strategy of pelvic trauma care (arterial embolisation/pelvic ring stabilisation). This review was performed with a systematic review of the literature; it describes the pelvic fracture pathophysiology, and the efficacy and safety of haemostatic procedures and with their respective indications. A decision making algorithm is proposed for the treatment of trauma patients with pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

Syndrome du QT long acquis et arrêt cardiorespiratoire post-anesthésie générale. À propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature     
T. Leclercq  S. Parrel  S. Mierdl  Y. Cottin  C. Girard 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2014
A 30-year-old woman, with no medical history, is operated on for breast implants. In recovery room, an episode of torsade de pointes occurs, progressing to ventricular fibrillation. The ECG after cardiopulmonary resuscitation and conversion to a normal sinus rhythm shows a corrected QT interval prolongation, whereas it is normalized after 48 hours. We hypothesize that a ventricular fibrillation occurred after a torsade de pointes, due to drug-induced long QT syndrome during general anesthesia, with probably drug interaction.  相似文献   

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