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The authors report the performance of a labour epidural analgesia in a 26-year-old parturient presenting a moderate factor XI (FXI) deficiency. If haemostasis disorders usually contraindicate an epidural analgesia (with a risk of epidural haematoma), a moderate FXI deficiency is not an absolute contraindication to perform such an epidural analgesia. Desmopressin, sometimes used in surgery to reduce the bleeding, was administered to withdraw the catheter in better haemostasis conditions. No neurological signs were observed.  相似文献   



To describe the current use of epidural anesthesia (EA) apart from obstetrics, and to explain the reasons of its low utilization.

Study design

Observational study.


A survey of practice with a self-questionnaire was sent by e-mail and available on Internet. Answers were compared between groups doing or not an epidural analgesia with exact Fisher tests (P < 0.05 statistically significant).


Among the 176 anesthesiologists who answered to the questionnaire, only 21.4% never used epidural analgesia. The main reasons were alternatives therapeutics such as PCA with opioids or TAP block (24/38 vs. 46/140). TAP block was the most common alternative used by more than 50% of anesthesiologists. Loss of competence (4/30 vs. 0/39) was rarely the reason to its low utilization. The low accessibility to specialized postoperative units was recognized in both groups as a limiting factor to do an epidural but not the fear of neurological complications. Those who never perform epidural analgesia were statistically more often physicians between 40 and 50 years (12/38 vs. 19/140). Heparin, aspirin and clopidogrel are no longer contraindications according to anesthesiologists less than 40 years old (50/68 vs. 31/68; 44/68 vs. 31/68; 37/68 vs. 23/68 respectively) but not for older.


Epidural analgesia is performed more often by younger anesthesiologists. This survey suggests the need of specific postoperative area to allow anesthesiologist to perform and supervise safely this technique. Recommendations of the French society of Anesthesiologists are also poorly applied.  相似文献   

To determine neuraxial anesthesia practices in obstetric departments in Languedoc-Roussillon in parturient with large lumbar tattoo covering the puncture area. “A prospective anonymous survey was sent to anaesthesiologists” including a clinical case scenario with a tattooed woman. Questionnaire included items on neuraxial anaesthesia in various circumstances, reasons for the decision process, and “consensus management” or not “within the unit”. Fifty-four anaesthesiologists answered (response rate: 57%). Fifty-seven percent would perform an epidural anaesthesia (EA) through the tattoo. Thirty-nine percent would not; among which two third only would propose an alternative for EA. Elective or emergency caesarean section would prompt most of the anaesthesiologists to perform a spinal anaesthesia, especially in parturients with Mallampati Class III (93%) versus Class I (70%) airway. Seventy percent of responders reported no consensual management in their unit. Our study illustrates this lack of consensus in obstetrical units and among anaesthesiologists along with a variable attitude linked with the obstetrical and anaesthesiological situation.  相似文献   

Cervical epidural anesthesia is an anesthetic technique that can be useful in patients with high perioperative risk undergoing to cervical surgery. We report the case of a patient of 49 years old with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, left hemiparesis sequelae of stroke and congestive left ventricular failure. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy under cervical epidural anesthesia. No difficulty breathing or decompensation of chronic underlying diseases were noted in the postoperative.  相似文献   



Intravenous opioids and/or continuous epidural block (CEB) are used for postoperative analgesia after hip and/or femoral shaft surgery but adverse effects limit their use in children. A continuous psoas compartment block (CPCB), effective technique in adults can be an alternative. In this randomized comparative study, we wanted to evaluate CEB and CPCB in children after major hip surgery in terms of adverse events, pain relief and ropivacaine plasma concentrations.


After ethical committee and parents’ approval, 40 children scheduled for hip surgery were included and randomly allocated to receive CPCB or CEB. After general anaesthesia induction, 0.5 mL/kg of 0.375% ropivacaine were injected via the epidural or lumbar plexus catheter. After surgery, 0.1 ml/kg per hour (group CPCB) or 0.2 ml/kg per hour (group CEB) of 0.2% ropivacaine was infused for 48 h. Post-operative pain was evaluated using VAS or CHIPPS scores values at h1, h6, h12, h18, h24, h36 and h48, as well as doses of first line (paracetamol 15 mg/kg/6 h) or second line rescue analgesia (0.2 mg/kg intravenous nalbuphine), if pain score remained high after 30 mm. niflumic acid was systematically used. Adverse events were noted as well as parents’ satisfaction at 48 h. Ropivacaine plasma concentrations were measured four times up to 48 h (h1, h6, h24 and h48) by high performance gas chromatography.


Forty children 1 to 12 years old (CPCB = 20, CEB = 20) were included. The demographic data were equivalent in both groups. Postoperative analgesia was excellent for both continuous block techniques during the whole studied period. Doses of rescue analgesics were comparable in both groups at the end of the 48 h. Number of children who had at least one side effect is significantly higher in CEB group. Furthermore, the number of local anaesthetic premature stops was significantly more frequent in this group. Median values of ropivacaine plasma level in CEB group were significantly higher than CPCB group at h6 and h24. Ten parents in the CEB group and 15 in CPCB group were satisfied.


Continuous psoas compartment block is an effective technique of postoperative analgesia after major hip or femoral surgery in children. It equally manages postoperative pain with significantly less adverse event and decreased ropivacaine doses and plasma concentration than CEB.  相似文献   

We report the breaking of an epidural catheter, which occurred during the procedure of insertion. If such a breaking is a rare event, it is due in this case to an aberrant trajectory of the catheter. By studying the literature, we also analyzed the mechanisms which can lead to the breaking of an epidural catheter. We recommend a precise radiological examination to localise the trapped catheter among the nervous structures.  相似文献   



The last French survey on alternatives to neuraxial anaesthesia for labour pain was published in 1997. However, intravenous remifentanil has become increasingly used as an option for labour analgesia. We evaluated the use of remifentanil as an alternative to epidural analgesia in level 2 and 3 French maternities in 2009.

Study design

This was an internet-based French survey performed in 2009 including all level 2 and 3 maternities. Data recorded were maternity unit characteristic, alternatives to neuraxial analgesia used, and remifentanil administration protocols.


Two hundred and forty maternity units received the survey and 103 responses were completed. A written institutional alternative analgesia protocol for labour pain was present in 78%. Alternative labour analgesia included intermittent nitrous oxide inhalation (58%), intravenous nalbuphine (52%), patient-controlled intravenous administration of remifentanil (52%) and sufentanil (46%). Pethidine administration was reported by one maternity unit (1%). The bolus dose of remifentanil scheduled, and background infusion varied widely between maternity units. The analgesic efficacy of remifentanil used for labour pain was evaluated as moderate (55%) or good (43%). Two serious adverse events were reported.


Intravenous administration of remifentanil was largely reported as an alternative to neuraxial anaesthesia for labour pain. Although remifentanil administration was most often based on a local written protocol, bolus dose and background infusion varied widely between maternity units.  相似文献   



Successful management of pain reduces morbidity and improves patient satisfaction of patient after a chest trauma. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the respiratory administration of nebulized morphine in such patients.

Patients and methods

Patients were included in this prospective and randomized study patients to receive either nebulized morphine in group M or a mixture of bupivacaine-fentanyl by epidural route. In group M, patients received nebulized morphine every 30 minutes until the second hour then every 4 hours during 48 hours. In the thoracic epidural analgesia group (group P) they received a mixture of 0.125% bupivacaine and 0.115% of fentanyl continuously infused at the rate of 7 ml/h during 48 hours. The main criterion of judgment was the analgesic effects of analgesic regimen with EVA < 4. Sedation, haemodynamic and respiratory parameters were continuously recorded, as adverse side effects were they occurred. Statistical comparisons were performed with Chi2, Fisher or Student t-test when appropriate (p < 0.05).


Forty patients were randomized in two groups. Groups were not different regarding the demographic parameters. Analgesia was effective in both groups (NS). Sedation, hemodynamic and respiratory parameters were not different between groups. No side effect was noted in groups.


Nebulized morphine was an analgesic technique as effective as epidural bupivacaine-fentanyl in our series. This non-invasive route of administration of morphine appears to be useful to treat pain after a chest trauma.  相似文献   

This short review is aimed at describing the particularities of consent in paediatric patients. For routine procedures, the consent of one of the parents is required whereas both parents should sign the consent for research protocols. In case of difficulties such as Jehovah witnesses or parental opposite opinions, doctors should ask the question to the judge in charge of protection of children. Consent or at least assent of minors enrolled in research protocols should be obtained provided their maturity is sufficient to understand correctly the purpose of clinical research.  相似文献   

We reported an error of syringe rate programming during maintenance of obstetric epidural analgesia and its systemic analysis. The epidural solution included ropivacaine and sufentanil. Despite the 60 mg ropivacaine and the 9.6 μg sufentanil doses infused in 45 minutes, no maternal systemic effect was noted. The systemic analysis of this near-miss has revealed a health care system error.  相似文献   



The equipment and practices in obstetric analgesia, anaesthesia and intensive care, as well as their evolution between 2003 and 2010 in metropolitan France, were described.

Population and methods

Data were derived from two representative samples of births in 2003 and 2010, based on all births in France during one week. The sample included 534 maternity units and 14,903 births in 2010 and 618 maternity units and 14,737 births in 2003.


The caesarean operating room was adjacent or inside the labour ward in 66% of maternity units in 2010 vs 56% in 2003. An anaesthetist was appointed permanently to the labour ward in 38.9% of maternity units in 2010 vs 21.5% in 2003. Locoregional analgesia or anaesthesia rate increased significantly: 81.5% in 2010 compared to 74.9% in 2003. Almost all operative vaginal deliveries were performed under epidural anesthesia in 2010. Patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) was available in 58% of the units in 2010 but only 34.2% of women had PCEA. Newborn's resuscitations were performed mainly by paediatricians in 2010, but 11.4% of children were resuscitated by an anaesthetist in level 1 maternity units.


The conditions required to ensure anaesthetic care safety in maternity units has improved since 2003. Improvements in quality of care are still possible.  相似文献   

We report two deliveries in a patient with a Parkes-Weber syndrome. This parturient had a complex angiodysplasia including a soft tissue hypertrophy of a lower limb, a cutaneous angioma and arteriovenous malformations. The risk of perimedullar arteriovenous malformations was ruled out by angiographic magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord. We also describe other aspects of the management, including prepartum cardiovascular assessment, mode of delivery, the use of epidural analgesia and the prevention of haemorrhagia and thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Four milliliters of distilled water was accidentally injected during labor epidural analgesia in a 32-year-old woman. This epidural injection resulted in severe and instantaneous thoracolumbar pain, which disappeared after epidural administration of NaCl 0.9% 5 mL followed by 20 ml of an analgesic mixture (ropivacaïne 0.1% + sufentanil 0.25 μg/ml). There was no evidence of any neurologic deficit or residual pain until discharge 10 days later. Although no other cases of accidental epidural injection of distilled water have been described up to now, a literature survey showed that it had been used previously as an old method to find the epidural space. However, few experimental data suggest that distilled water can be neurotoxic, which strictly contraindicates its use by epidural route. We used the Reason's systemic analysis model to identify each step that contributed to this error. Corrective measures were then implemented to avoid the recurrence of this error.  相似文献   

An assessment of the patient must take place as early as possible in view of anaesthesia. It is recommended to perform a clotting screen as close as possible to the performing of an epidural anaesthesia.  相似文献   



The variability of the medical information available on the Internet (MedInfoWeb) raises concern about its quality. There is no data about the quality of MedInfoWeb concerning epidural analgesia for labour (EAL). Our aims were to assess the quality of MedInfoWeb concerning EAL and to study the stability of MedInfoWeb and the ranking of website into search engine (SE) during 1 year.

Study design

Observational study.

Materials and methods

We created our own data form to analyse the firsts 40 Google®, Alta Vista® and Yahoo® websites. In 2009 and 2010, two independent assessors assessed the quality of the website structure (structure score noted out of 25) and the quality of medical information (medical score noted out of 30). The global score (noted on 55) was the addition of structure and medical scores. A HONcode labelling was noted.


Between 2009 and 2010, the average global (23 vs. 22), structure (11 vs. 11) and medical (12 vs. 12) Scores were stable. The SE's quality was comparable. A SE website's rank was not related to its global score. The labelling HONcode websites were the best (26 vs. 21, P = 0.048). The best website in 2009 and 2010 was doctissimo.fr. In 2010, only 58% of the websites were still presents.


The quality of MedInfoWeb concerning EAL is poor and did not improve between 2009 and 2010. The MedInfoWeb is unstable: 42% of the websites disappeared in 1 year. No website or SE is currently able to give reliable medical information concerning EAL.  相似文献   

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