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Changes in the firing probability of motor units belonging to leg and thigh muscles were used to describe the pattern of distribution of recurrent inhibition evoked by motor discharges from various motor nuclei in the human lower limb. Discharges of units in soleus, gastrocnemius medialis, peroneus brevis, tibialis anterior, quadriceps and biceps femoris were investigated following a conditioning stimulation which evoked either a monosynaptic reflex in quadriceps, triceps surae or peroneal motor neurones, or an antidromic motor volley in one of the following nerves: inferior soleus, gastrocnemius medialis, superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, or femoral nerve. In many motor unit-nerve combinations a trough in the post-stimulus time histogram, indicating an inhibition, appeared immediately after the heteronymous Ia excitation. This inhibition is thought to be Renshaw in origin, because it appeared and increased with the conditioning motor discharge, was independent of the conditioning stimulus intensity per se and had a long duration. These recurrent connections were widely distributed with a pattern very similar to that described for heteronymous monosynaptic Ia excitation. In particular Renshaw coupling between muscles operating at different joints seems to be the rule in the human lower limb.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of recurrent inhibition to motoneurones (MNs) innervating different lower limb muscles was investigated in ten healthy subjects. Three complementary experimental designs, all based on the electrophysiological method introduced by Bussel and Pierrot-Deseilligny in 1977, were used in Quadriceps (Qu), Pretibial (Pt), Soleus (Sol) and Abductor hallucis (Abh) motornuclei: 1) measurement of the relationship between the amplitude of conditioning H (H1) and test (H) reflexes; 2) measurement of the effect of the intravenous administration of L-Acetylcarnitine (L-Ac) on the amplitude of the test H reflex after a constant H1 conditioning reflex; 3) measurement of the modifications of the test H reflex in relation to a reference H (Ref H) reflex during a weak tonic voluntary contraction of the homonymous muscle. A complete agreement among results obtained with the different experimental paradigms was observed. Similarly to the Sol, both Pt and Qu MNs were found to be recurrently inhibited: a) the test H reflex exhibited a progressive and consistent depression with increasing amplitude of the H1 conditioning reflex beyond a specific value; b) an additional decrement of the test H reflex was obtained after intravenous administration of L-Ac; c) a decrease in the size of the test H reflex, with respect to its value at rest, was observed during a weak tonic voluntary contraction, in spite of the enhanced MN excitability (as shown by the increase in the Ref H). By contrast, no evidence of recurrent inhibition to the Abh MNs was found. The amplitude of the test H reflex showed no further depression with increasing conditioning reflex discharge, L-Ac administration or during weak voluntary contraction. It is concluded that in the lower limb, MNs acting on the knee and ankle muscles receive recurrent inhibition, but that this is lacking in motornuclei innervating the more distal muscles, such as the intrinsic foot muscles. Some methodological and physiological implications are discussed in relation to the present findings.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution of heteronymous Ia facilitation and of heteronymous recurrent inhibition in motoneurones innervating the anterior part of the deltoid muscle were investigated in normal human subjects following electrical stimulation of the nerves innervating the main muscles of the upper limb. Activation of group I afferents originating from deltoid, biceps, triceps and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) muscles resulted in an early increase in firing probability of voluntarily activated motor units belonging to the anterior part of the deltoid muscle whereas activation of motor axons supplying deltoid, triceps, ECR and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles resulted in an early and long-lasting decrease in firing probability. No effect was seen following activation of group I afferents and motor axons contained in the ulnar nerve. The characteristics of the early facilitation suggest that it is at least partly due to heteronymous Ia monosynaptic connections while these of the long-lasting inhibition suggest that it is at least partly due to heteronymous recurrent inhibition. Their patterns of distribution are discussed with regards to the functional role of the human deltoid.  相似文献   

Summary Recurrent inhibition of -motoneurons, via motor axon collaterals and Renshaw cells, obviously reduces the response (output) from a motor nucleus to a given synaptic input. It is proposed that the supraspinal convergence on Renshaw cells allows recurrent inhibition to serve as a variable gain regulator at motoneuronal level. This would allow for an optimal resolution in the force control during weak as well as strong contractions. Renshaw cells are not only inhibiting -motoneurons but also -motoneurons and Ia inhibitory interneurons. It is argued that this distribution is meaningful since all these receptive neurons act together as a functional unit, forming an output stage of the motor system.  相似文献   

The locus coeruleus's (LC's) effect on recurrent inhibition of gastrocnemius-soleus (GS) and common peroneal (CP) monosynaptic reflexes (MSRs) was demonstrated to exceed the concomitant facilitation, indicating the independency of LC's disinhibition and facilitation measures in this study. In contrast, the disinhibition effect correlated closely with the recurrently inhibited MSRs. The disinhibition phenomenon was also accompanied by progressive delay and diminution in the Renshaw cell field potential. Hence, the recovery of recurrently inhibited MSRs was probably due, in part at least, to the LC's inhibition of the related Renshaw cell activity. Furthermore, the site-specific, discordant changes in the disinhibition of GS, compared with CP MSRs, as revealed by tracking studies imply that representations of these antagonistic motonuclei may occupy different LC loci. Accordingly, the nonuniform disinhibition may be due to the activation of discrete aggregates of LC neurons which are responsible predominantly in controlling the recurrent inhibitory pathway belonging to one or the other of the antagonistic motonuclei. These findings support a differential LC inhibitory control of Renshaw cell activity, releasing the related motoneurons for the Ia synaptic transmission — a disinhibitory process that is crucial for the LC's independent control of the recurrent circuit of antagonistics extensor and flexor motoneurons.  相似文献   

Reciprocal inhibition between ankle flexors and extensors has been the subject of numerous studies in Man. They have demonstrated that this reciprocal inhibition is in all likelihood caused by a disynaptic pathway at least partly fed by Ia afferents. It is thus generally agreed that this reciprocally organized inhibition between ankle flexors and extensors in Man is similar to the reciprocal Ia inhibition described in the cat. This conclusion has, however, been challenged, when Jankowska and McCrea described in the cat a non-reciprocal group I inhibition involving interneurones co-excited by Ia and Ib afferents and mediating inhibition to both antagonistic and non-antagonistic motoneurones. The only way to distinguish between reciprocal Ia inhibition and non-reciprocal group I inhibition is to test if the inhibition is blocked by recurrent inhibition, since only Ia interneurones are inhibited by recurrent inhibition. In the present study, reciprocal inhibition from soleus to tibialis anterior was thus investigated following activation of soleus-coupled Renshaw cells in normal human subjects. It was found that reciprocal inhibition induced in tibialis anterior motoneurones by the activation of soleus group I afferents is deeply depressed by activation of soleus-coupled Renshaw cells. This finding provides the missing data to identify disynaptic inhibition between antagonistic ankle muscles as a reciprocal Ia inhibition.  相似文献   

In 16 human subjects, stimulation of the common peroneal nerve (CPN) was applied during walking and standing. The effect of the stimulation was evaluated from the rectified and averaged biceps femoris (BF) electromyographic (EMG) activity. In the swing phase of walking, the CPN stimulation evoked a suppression in the BF EMG in 12 of the subjects. In the early stance phase, the suppression was replaced by facilitation at a similar latency in 9 of the subjects. Of the other 3 subjects, in whom a suppression was observed during swing, a decrease in the suppression was observed in the stance phase in two of them. During a voluntary co-contraction of BF and tibialis anterior while standing, a suppression similar to that observed in the swing phase was observed. The thresholds of the suppression and facilitation were identical, suggesting that afferents of similar diameter were responsible. Cutaneous stimuli, which mimicked the sensation evoked by the CPN stimulation, but without activation of muscle afferents, did not produce similar effects in the BF EMG activity. It is suggested that the observed response and reflex reversal may reflect opening of an excitatory group I pathway in the early stance phase of walking with a concomitant shut-down of heteronymous group I inhibition.  相似文献   

Conditioned inhibition of classical conditioning was investigated with the startle reflex and the skin conductance response (SCR) in humans using a serial presentation of the conditioned inhibitor (X) and of the conditioned stimulus (CS). The unconditioned stimulus (US) was a shock. During conditioning, participants were presented with two different reinforced CS (A, B) and with X preceding A (noted X-->A). During X-->A, A was not reinforced with the US. During the summation test, B, X-->B, and Y-->B were presented (Y was a new stimulus that tested the specificity of the inhibitory properties of X). B was not reinforced during the summation test. A, B, X, and Y were lights of different colors. Participants were divided into a low and a high anxious group based on the TPQ (C.R. Cloninger, 1987). In the low anxious group, conditioned startle potentiation and SCR responses to A were inhibited when X preceded A (noted A(XA)). This differential responding to A and A(XA) emerged earlier with the SCR than with startle. During the summation test, the inhibitory properties of X did not transfer to B. In the high anxious group, there was only a differential SCR to A and A(XA). X did not inhibit startle potentiation to A.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the potential contribution of postsynaptic mechanisms to the depression of reflex excitability which occurs immediately after a voluntary release from tonic muscle contraction. The excitability of the Soleus (Sol) motor pool was tested at rest and after voluntary muscle relaxation. In both cases the Sol H-reflex was conditioned by 1. a single shock to the peroneal nerve, in order to activate the Ia interneurones (INs) mediating the reciprocal inhibition via a peripheral input, or by 2. a short-lasting voluntary contraction of the Tibialis Anterior (TA) muscle, to activate the Ia INs via a central command. Changes in excitability of Renshaw cells were also tested at rest and after release, to assess the role of recurrent inhibition in the release-induced inhibition of the Sol H-reflex. It was demonstrated that: 1. the excitability of the INs mediating the reciprocal inhibition was only slightly enhanced in comparison with resting conditions; 2. the H-reflex of the antagonist muscle (TA) evoked after Sol release was not consistently facilitated with respect to rest; 3. the command to contract the TA muscle reduced the H-reflex of the Sol muscle during rest but not after Sol release; 4. recurrent inhibition did not increase its effect in the post-release period. Such features suggest that recurrent and reciprocal post-synaptic inhibitions do not play a major role in reducing the reflex excitability of a relaxing muscle; rather, the command to release prevents the reciprocal inhibitory effect which accompanies the contraction of the antagonist muscle. The findings support the concept that release-induced reflex depression is mediated mainly by presynaptic inhibition of autogenetic spindle afferences (Schieppati and Crenna 1984).Supported by Italian M.P.I.  相似文献   

Summary Transmission in the Ia inhibitory pathway from wrist extensor muscles onto flexor MNs was studied at various times after the onset of voluntary wrist extension or flexion. At the very onset of wrist movements Ia inhibition was not changed, as compared to at rest, whereas later it progressively increased during wrist extension and decreased during wrist flexion. These results are discussed in relation to the different inputs converging onto Ia interneurones and it is suggested that their inhibition by Renshaw cells might be responsible for the results found at the onset of contraction  相似文献   

The distribution of monosynaptic and nonmonosynaptic excitation was investigated within flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis (ECR) motoneurone (MN) pools. FCR H reflexes of different size were conditioned by various conditioning stimuli eliciting different effects: (1) musculocutaneous-induced non-monosynaptic excitation of FCR MNs at the onset of biceps contraction, (2) heteronymous monosynaptic Ia facilitation, (3) reciprocal Ia inhibition, and (4) presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals. Musculocutaneous-induced non-monosynaptic excitation increased continuously with the size of the unconditioned reflex. In contrast, heteronymous monosynaptic Ia excitation first increased and then decreased, with increases in the unconditioned reflex size, reciprocal inhibition and presynaptic inhibition showing an approximately similar tendency. This suggests that the non-monosynaptic excitation is distributed more evenly to early and late recruited MNs than monosynaptic Ia excitation, reciprocal inhibition and presynaptic inhibition. A different pattern of homonymous radial-induced monosynaptic and non-monosynaptic excitation was also found for individual ECR MNs investigated with the poststimulus time histogram (PSTH) method. Whereas the monosynaptic Ia excitation tended to be most marked in lower threshold MUs, the nonmonosynaptic excitation was evenly distributed to lower and higher threshold MUs. We propose that the even distribution of the non-monosynaptic excitation in the motoneuronal pool may be of significance when it is necessary to activate a wide range of MNs more or less simultaneously.  相似文献   

The question of whether Ia reciprocal inhibition might depend on the motor task and on the type of motor unit activated was investigated in the human extensor carpi radialis muscles. Ia reciprocal inhibition induced by stimulating the median nerve (conditioning stimulation) was estimated by measuring the changes in the firing probability of 37 extensor motor units in response to the radial nerve stimulation (100 test stimuli) delivered 1 ms after the conditioning stimulation. Six subjects were asked to perform a task consisting of either selectively contracting their wrist extensor muscles or co-activating their wrist and finger antagonist muscles by clenching their hand around a manipulandum. In the control recordings (test stimulation alone), the mean response probability of the 37 motor units was found to be greater during hand clenching. The motor units were identified on the basis of their force thresholds, their macro-potentials, and their twitch contraction times. The data obtained in the control recordings were consistent with the size principle. In the recordings where the responses were conditioned by applying median nerve stimulation, the response probability of the motor units with low force thresholds, small macro-potential areas, and long twitch contraction times tended to decrease, in line with the presence of Ia reciprocal inhibition, whereas the response probability of the motor units with higher force thresholds, larger macro-potential areas, and shorter twitch contraction times tended to increase. The median nerve stimulation may therefore have altered the efficiency with which the extensor Ia inputs recruited the homonymous motoneurones in the pool. The flexor group I afferents activated while the median nerve was stimulated had inhibitory effects on the slow contracting motor units, and facilitatory effects mainly on the fast contracting motor units. Both of these effects were stronger during hand clenching, in which the numerous cutaneous receptors of the palm and fingertips are liable to be activated. Besides their own effects on the excitability of the various types of motor units, cutaneous inputs are known to potentiate the Ib interneurones. In addition, the effects of the conditioning stimulation were superimposed on the tonic activity of the Ia and Ib afferents from the flexor wrist and finger muscles. This may explain why both the inhibitory and facilitatory effects of the median nerve stimulation were enhanced during hand clenching.  相似文献   

We attempted to demonstrate convergence onto human spinal Ia inhibitory interneurons from Ia afferents and from fast conducting corticospinal axons. Stimulation of the common peroneal nerve at or below the threshold of the alpha motoneuron axons resulted in inhibition of the soleus H-reflex, attributed to reciprocal inhibition. Magnetic stimulation over the contralateral motor cortex resulted in complex modulations of the soleus H-reflex, including a short latency-inhibition. To test for convergence, the two stimuli were given together so that the two inhibitions coincided.When each stimulus alone produced clear inhibition, the inhibition produced by both stimuli was less than expected, implying an interaction between the two volleys, for example, occlusion occurring in interneurons or motoneurons.When the H-reflex was relatively unaffected by one or other conditioning volley, the inhibition produced by the combined stimulation was greater than expected, as might be expected with convergence onto a common pool of interneurons.  相似文献   

The role of sensorimotor (S-M) areas in the specification of kinematic parameters for aiming movements was studied by comparing the performance of six subjects with unilateral stroke to that of matched control subjects. Rapid arm movements were made to one of four targets by rotating the forearm in a short (20 degrees) or long (45 degrees) arc of motion. Thus, the four targets represented two directions (flexion or extension) and two extents (short or long). Subjects with stroke used the arm ipsilateral to the side of the lesion. A timed-response paradigm was used to dissociate response initiation and specification. Subjects initiated movements in concert with the last of four regularly timed tones. A visual cue of the designated target was presented during the preparation interval (400-0 ms) before the last tone. Targets were presented in a fixed sequence (predictable condition) or a random sequence (unpredictable condition). No significant differences in performance were found between stroke and control groups in the predictable condition. In the unpredictable condition, subjects with stroke produced more direction errors and were less accurate in extent than the control subjects. As specification time increased to 400 ms, the frequency of direction errors attenuated less for stroke than for control groups, but the reduction in magnitude of extent errors was similar for the two groups. When specification was minimal (i.e., <100 ms), default responses were distributed equally between directions and clustered around the short extent. Further, wrong direction responses did not converge on the designated extent as specification time increased. This pattern of findings is consistent with a view of parameterization of planning and executing movements, in which direction and extent can be specified in parallel. Our results suggest that ipsilateral S-M areas contribute to the specification of an optimal motor program, particularly when imperative programming of unimanual goal-directed aiming movements is required.  相似文献   

Summary Vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive influences on muscle activity correcting for backwards body tilt were investigated in normals and patients with bilateral peripheral vestibular deficits. Body tilt was induced by a dorsi-flexion rotation of the feet about the ankle joints while the subject stood on a force measuring platform. Ankle muscle activity and torque were monitored as upright stance was reestablished, and correlated with head angular accelerations and neck muscle activity. In normals with eyes closed, soleus stretch reflex activity at 50–80 ms was followed by two bursts of tibialis anterior (TA) EMG activity at ca 80 and 125 ms from the onset of 36 deg/s, 3 deg amplitude platform rotations. Neck muscle activity rotated the head backwards at the same time as TA activity rotated the body forwards about the ankle joints. Under the influence of vision, i.e. eyes open, slight increases in the second burst of TA activity, and ankle torque were observed. When the subjects sat, and were instructed to activate TA rapidly on onset of the platform movement, TA EMG activity increased gradually at ca. 150 ms and not as a burst. In patients with long-lasting bilateral vestibular deficits, both bursts of TA activity were significantly less than normal with eyes closed. Consequently sway correcting torques were abnormally low and all but one of the patients fell over backwards. With eyes open, TA activity was slightly less than, and ankle torques were approximately equal to normal values. In contrast to normals, TA responses obtained in standing and sitting positions were not significantly different. Neck EMG activity varied from normal, consisting of a long burst 100 ms in duration. The present data indicate that a coordinated pattern of ankle, and neck muscle activity occurs during the first 150 ms following induced backward tilt. Ankle muscle activity corrects for the body sway, and neck muscle activity attempts to stabilise the head with respect to earth fixed coordinates. It is proposed that the vestibulo-spinal reflex system predominantly underlies the genesis and coordination of this muscle activity.  相似文献   

Summary Adjustment of arm posture associated with rapid wrist movements was studied by EMG analysis. Seven healthy adults, seated and holding their right arm with the shoulder in a neutral position with the elbow in 90° flexion and the wrist position neutral, were instructted to flex or extend the wrist as fast as possible. To examine whether the activity patterns of the upper arm muscles were related to the prime mover or the direction of the movement in space, the forearm was in two postures, supinate and pronate. The surface EMGs of biceps brachii, brachialis, triceps brachii and the prime movers were recorded along with the angular displacement of the wrist. The sequences of the upper arm muscle activities changed in relation to the direction of the movement. The earliest activities of the upper arm muscles were considered to counteract the dynamic perturbation induced by the rapid wrist movement. The onsets of the earliest activity of the upper arm muscles preceded the movement onset by 50–60 ms. These results revealed that the activity patterns of the arm muscles associated with the rapid wrist movements were functionally compatible with the anticipatory postural adjustment and were controlled according to the direction of the movement in space.  相似文献   

The present studies are designed to further characterise the interneuronal pathway mediating the disynaptic reciprocal group I inhibition between flexors and extensors at the wrist and the elbow levels in humans. In the first series of experiments, we compared the electrical threshold of the reciprocal group I inhibition at the wrist and the elbow level after a prolonged vibration aimed at raising the electrical threshold of the antagonistic activated Ia afferents. Prolonged vibration to the ‘conditioning’ tendon, which raised significantly the electrical threshold of the inhibition at the elbow level, did not alter it at the wrist level. These results suggest that the dominant input to the relevant interneurones is Ia in origin at the elbow level but Ib in origin at the wrist level. In the second series of experiments, using the spatial facilitation method, we compared the effects on the post-stimulus time histograms of single voluntarily activated motor units of two volleys delivered both separately and together to group I afferents in the nerves supplying the homonymous and antagonistic muscles. At the wrist, but not at the elbow level, the peak of homonymous monosynaptic group I excitation was reduced on combined stimulation, although the antagonistic IPSP was just at the threshold. Because the suppression did not involve the initial bins of the peak, it is argued that the suppression is not due to presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals, but probably reflects convergence between the homonymous and antagonistic volleys onto the interneurones mediating the disynaptic inhibition. Taken together with the previously reported effects of recurrent inhibition on reciprocal inhibition, these results suggest that inhibition between flexors and extensors is differently organised at the elbow (reciprocal Ia inhibition) and the wrist (non-reciprocal group I inhibition) levels. It is argued that the particular connectivity at the wrist level might correspond to some functional requirements at this ball joint.  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal inhibition from the anterior tibial muscle onto antagonist motoneurones of the soleus muscle was studied in normal man under control conditions and after low intensity stimulation of cutaneous afferent fibres from the sole and dorsal region of the ipsilateral and contralateral foot. Ipsilateral cutaneous stimulation increased the reciprocal inhibition to the soleus motoneurones, without qualitative differences between the effect from the sole and that from the dorsal region of the foot. Stimulation of cutaneous afferent fibres from the contralateral foot produced the reverse effect, i.e., depression of the Ia reciprocal inhibition from the tibialis anterior to the soleus motoneurones. No effects could be observed when cutaneous areas other than those of the foot were stimulated. The effects of cutaneous stimulation on the reciprocal inhibition became evident only when this inhibition approached its maximum and, thus, they most strongly influenced its recovery phase. Since cutaneous stimulation does not modify the test reflex when given alone, it is likely that there must be convergence on common premotoneuronal interneurones. Indirect evaluation of central delay suggests that the cutaneous afferent fibres from the foot have oligosynaptic spinal connections with interneurones belonging to the group I pathways to the antagonists. Our findings furnish additional evidence that short-latency inhibition of soleus motoneurones after a single conditioning stimulation of group I afferents from the tibialis anterior muscle constitutes a true example of disynaptic Ia reciprocal inhibition in man.  相似文献   

In humans, studies of back muscle activity have mainly addressed the functioning of lumbar muscles during postural adjustments or rhythmic activity, including locomotor tasks. The present study investigated how back muscles are activated along the spine during rhythmical activities in order to gain insights into spinal neuronal organization. Electromyographic recordings of back muscles were performed at various trunk levels, and changes occurring in burst amplitudes and phase relationships were analyzed. Subjects performed several rhythmic behaviors: forward walking (FW), backward walking (BW), amble walking (where the subjects moved their arms in phase with the ipsilateral leg), walking on hands and knees (HK) and walking on hands with the knees on the edge of a treadmill (Hand). In a final task, the subjects were standing and were asked to swing (Swing) only their arms as if they were walking. It was found that axial trunk muscles are sequentially activated by a motor command running along the spinal cord (which we term “motor waves”) during various types of locomotion or other rhythmic motor tasks. The bursting pattern recorded under these conditions can be classified into three categories: (1) double-burst rhythmic activity in a descending (i.e., with a rostro-caudal propagation) motor wave during FW, BW and HK conditions; (2) double-burst rhythmic activity with a stationary motor wave (i.e., occurring in a single phase along the trunk) during the ‘amble’ walk condition; (3) monophasic rhythmic activity with an ascending (i.e., with a caudo-rostral propagation) motor wave during the Swing and Hands conditions. Our results suggest that the networks responsible for the axial propagation of motor activity during locomotion may correspond to those observed in invertebrates or lower vertebrates, and thus may have been partly phylogenetically conserved. Such an organization could support the dynamic control of posture by ensuring fluent movement during locomotion.  相似文献   

Motor impairment represents the main clinical feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). Cognitive deficits are also frequently observed in patients with PD, with a prominent involvement of executive functions and visuo-spatial abilities. We used event-related functional MRI (fMRI) and a paradigm based on visual attention and motor inhibition (Go/NoGO-task) to investigate brain activations in 13 patients with early PD in comparison with 11 healthy controls. The two groups did not report behavioural differences in task performance. During motor inhibition (NoGO-effect), PD patients compared to controls showed an increased activation in the prefrontal cortex and in the basal ganglia. They also showed a reduced and less coherent hemodynamic response in the occipital cortex. These results indicate that specific cortico-subcortical functional changes, involving not only the fronto-striatal network but also the temporal-occipital cortex, are already present in patients with early PD and no clinical evidence of cognitive impairment. We discuss our findings in terms of compensatory mechanisms (fronto-striatal changes) and preclinical signs of visuo-perceptual deficits and visual hallucinations.  相似文献   

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