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心脏移植超急性排斥反应(hyperacute rejection,HAR)与补体系统激活有关,迅速导致移植心脏功能丧失.动物实验中使用眼睛蛇毒因子、可溶性补体受体1、补体调节蛋白以及C5单克隆抗体等补体抑制剂,可以从补体级联反应的不同水平抑制同种或异种心脏移植HAR的发生.抑制补体激活将在临床心脏移植HAR的预防及治疗中显示出重要的作用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In contrast to renal or cardiac xenografts, the inhibition of complement using cobra venom factor (CVF) accelerates pulmonary xenograft failure. By activating C3/C5 convertase, CVF depletes complement while additionally generating C5a and other anaphylatoxins, to which pulmonary xenografts may be uniquely susceptible. The current study investigates the role of C5a in pulmonary xenograft failure in baboons. METHODS: Left orthotopic pulmonary xenografts using swine lungs expressing human CD46 were performed in baboons receiving: I) no other treatment (n=4), II) immunodepletion (n=5), and III) immunodepletion plus a single dose of mouse anti-human C5a monoclonal antibody (anti-C5a, 0.6 mg/kg administered intravenously) (n=3). The extent to which anti-C5a inhibits baboon C5a was assessed in vitro using a hemolytic reaction involving baboon serum and porcine red blood cells and by ELISA. RESULTS: Baboons in Group III exhibited significantly prolonged xenograft survival (mean=722+/-121 min, P=0.02) compared to baboons in Group I (mean=202+/-24 min) and Group II (mean=276+/-79 min). Furthermore, baboons in Groups I and II experienced pronounced hemodynamic compromise requiring inotropic support whereas those in Group III remained hemodynamically stable throughout experimentation without the need for additional pharmacologic intervention. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that C5a exacerbates pulmonary xenograft injury and compromises recipient hemodynamic status. Moreover, blockade of anaphylatoxins, such as C5a, offers a promising approach for future investigations aimed at preventing pulmonary xenograft injury in baboons.  相似文献   

Immunopathology of hyperacute xenograft rejection in a swine-to-primate model   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Hyperacute rejection is the inevitable consequence of the transplantation of vascularized organs between phylogenetically distant species. The nature of the incompatibility and the pathogenetic mechanisms that lead to hyperacute xenograft rejection are incompletely understood. We investigated these issues by the immunopathological analysis of tissues from swine renal and cardiac xenografts placed in rhesus monkeys. Hyperacute rejection was associated with deposition of recipient IgM and classic but not alternative complement pathway components along endothelial surfaces, the formation of platelet and fibrin thrombi, and the infiltration of neutrophils. In animals from which natural antibody was temporarily depleted by organ perfusion, rejection was observed at 3 days to 5 days posttransplant. The immunopathology of rejection in these tissues revealed focal vascular changes similar to those observed in hyperacute rejection. A xenograft functioning for a prolonged period in a recipient temporarily depleted of circulating natural antibody contained recipient IgM along endothelial surfaces but no evidence for significant deposition of complement, formation of platelet and fibrin thrombi, or infiltration of neutrophils. These results suggest that rhesus IgM contributes significantly to the development of hyperacute rejection in the swine to Rhesus model and that the fixation of complement is a critical factor in the recruitment of the coagulation cascade and platelet aggregation--and possibly in the adherence and infiltration of PMN.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibition of the complement cascade at C5 prevents formation of pro-inflammatory molecules C5a and C5b-9, which play a key role in allograft rejection. The present study was undertaken to determine whether blocking terminal complement with anti-C5 monoclonal antibody (mAb) alone or combined with cyclosporine (CsA) would prevent acute vascular rejection (AVR) in a mouse cardiac allograft model. METHODS: C3H mouse hearts were transplanted into BALB/c mice and randomized into five groups with the following treatments: (1) no treatment; (2) CsA alone; (3) control mAb; (4) anti-C5 mAb alone; and (5) anti-C5 mAb and CsA. RESULTS: Allografts in untreated or control mAb-treated recipients were rapidly rejected at 8.0+/-0.6 and 8.2+/-0.8 days, respectively. These grafts exhibited typical AVR, characterized by vasculitis, hemorrhage, and thrombosis. A high level of complement activity was also demonstrated in these animals. High-dose CsA was not able to inhibit complement activation or AVR, and grafts were rejected in 15.5+/-1.1 days. Anti-C5 monotherapy completely inhibited complement activation and attenuated AVR, but grafts were rejected in 8.3+/-0.5 days by acute cellular rejection. In contrast, a combination of anti-C5 mAb and CsA successfully achieved indefinite graft survival (>100 days). This combined therapy completely inhibited terminal complement activation and prevented both humoral- and cellular-mediated rejection. CONCLUSIONS: Combination therapy of anti-C5 mAb and CsA achieves indefinite graft survival in a mouse cardiac allograft model. These data suggest that inhibition of terminal complement using anti-C5 mAb may be an effective therapeutic adjunct to prevent AVR in clinical transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 研究抗人C5单克隆抗体对补体介导的超急性排斥反应的抑制作用.方法 获取8例临床心脏移植供者的主动脉血20ml和主动脉血管,分别用于提取淋巴细胞和主动脉内皮细胞.同时,采集相应8例心脏移植受者移植前的中心静脉血20 ml和外周静脉血5 ml,分别用于提取淋巴细胞和制备补体.供者主动脉内皮细胞经培养后,依次加入供、受者淋巴细胞混合培养上清50μl和受者静脉血浆(含补体)20 μl,建立主动脉内皮细胞超急性排斥反应模型.模型建立后,将供者主动脉内皮细胞平均分为2组,C5组:加入20 mg/L的抗人C5单克隆抗体20μl;对照组:加入M200培养液20 μl.经台盼蓝染色,倒置显微镜下观察主动脉内皮细胞的染色情况及活性,并测定主动脉内皮细胞刺激指数(SI).结果 经观察,对照组大部分主动脉内皮细胞蓝染、肿胀死亡,而C5组大部分主动脉内皮细胞未见蓝染,存活良好;对照组和C5组吸光度值分别为1.528±0.046和1.644±0.058,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),SI为1.076±0.038.结论 在离体主动脉内皮细胞超急性排斥反应模型中,抗人C5单克隆抗体可以抑制补体介导的主动脉内皮细胞溶解.  相似文献   

Fetal tissues are generally considered to express weaker antigenic cell-surface molecules than adult tissues. We have reported that transplantation of porcine fetal liver tissue (fragments) is useful for acute and chronic hepatic failure in rats. We further investigated, in the present study, whether transplantation of a porcine fetal liver has the advantage of delayed hyperacute xenograft rejection (HAR) in comparison with that of an adult liver. Porcine fetal liver heterotopically transplanted into dogs was compared. Haematoxylin-eosin (HE) and immunohistochemical studies using IgM, C3, IgG antibodies were performed in serial biopsies of the liver grafts. Lectin binding to target antigen epitopes on pig and dog tissues was studied by flow cytometry. Carbohydrate expression on the liver was also studied by immunohistochemistry. The macroscopic and HE section findings indicate that HAR started 15 min postgraft in fetal and adult liver grafts. Thereafter, vascular changes and parenchymal damage progressed more rapidly in the adult grafts. The final HAR time in adult liver transplantation was determined to be 60 min, while it was determined to be 180 min in fetal liver transplantation. IgM, C3 and IgG were deposited more strongly in the adult grafts than in the fetal grafts up until 60 min after xenografting. Phaseolus vulgaris erythroagglutinin lectin competitively blocked dog sera binding to porcine PBLs. The fetal liver expressed oligosaccharide at a significantly lower level than the adult liver. We conclude that porcine fetal liver xenografts had a significantly delayed HAR.  相似文献   

Abstract In xenotransplantation long ischemic time of grafts is supposed to have a marked influence on hyperacute rejection (HXR). We investigated the influence of different cold ischemic times on HXR of ex vivo “working pig hearts” perfused with human blood. Xenoreactive natural antibodies (XNAb) as a trigger of HXR were eliminated by Ig‐Therasorb immunoadsorption (IA). Explanted Landrace pig hearts of group Gl and group G3 (with additional IA) underwent 4 h of cold ischemia prior to xenoperfusion. Control groups G2 and G4 (with IA) were kept ischemic for only 46.6 ± 15.8 and 51.2 ± 4.2 min, respectively. Ischemic time prolonged the perfusion time in our working heart model (G1: 356 ± 46.1 min; G2: 125 ± 31 min; P < 0.05). IA had no additional impact on perfusion time but was effective by itself. The heart weight increased fourfold more in G2 as compared to the other groups. IA without ischemia significantly improved cardiac output in G4 (G3: 198.8 ± 15.4 mL/min; G4: 338.5 ± 16.0 mL/min). Coronary flow in G2 was significantly lower than in Gl (Gl: 157.9 ± 9.15 mL/min; G2: 59.4 ± 20.1 mL/min). Histological signs of HXR (light and electron microscopy) could be found in G2 in contrast to the other groups. Parameters of serological damage showed a minimum in G4 and the maximum in G2. In G1 1XNAb were nearly equally eliminated immediately after the start of xenoperfusion as in IA groups G4 and G3. Four hours of ischemic time showed beneficial effects in preventing HXR, possibly caused by changes of the endothelial cell surface (for example, glycosylation or loss of α1‐3Gal epitopes with a hapten effect).  相似文献   

AIMS OF THE STUDY: Isolated perfused heart (IPH) system and heart transplantation in the guinea-pig/rat combination represent a good model for the study of hyperacute xenograft rejection (HAR) in which the component plays a central role. Hypodermin A (HA), a protease cleaving the component, could be used to delay the HAR. METHODS: Creation of an original IPH working with rat serum (30 mL) and ex vivo study of HAR and I'HA. RESULTS: Study of HAR is possible with this IPH system. The mean guinea-pig heart survival after perfusion by normal rat serum was 38 +/- 7 min and was lower than survival observed after perfusion by guinea-pig serum (210 +/- 34 min) (p < 0.001), by decomplemented rat serum (177 +/- 45 min) (p < 0.001), and by rat serum with 20 micrograms/mL of HA (154 +/- 71 min) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: We developed an original system of isolated perfused heart allowing ex vivo study of HAR. HA delayed the occurrence of the HAR and confirmed the central role of the component in the HAR.  相似文献   

Preventing hyperacute rejection (HAR) is a difficult and unsolved problem in xenotransplantation. This may be due, in part, to a lack of therapies that can suppress production of natural antibodies (NA), which are thought to be critical mediators of HAR. This study examined the effect of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSPG) and splenectomy (Spx) on NA production and return of NA after plasma exchange (PE) in a discordant species combination (strain 2 guinea pig to Lewis rat). A dose of 5 mg/kg/day DSPG + Spx significantly reduced Lewis rat anti-guinea pig NA titer after one week of therapy. Antibody titer was not significantly reduced in rats treated with splenectomy alone. PE alone acutely depleted NA titers; however, complete rebound was seen in 48 hr. When PE was performed in rats treated with DSPG + Spx, an additional significant NA reduction occurred; no rebound 24-48 hr after PE was seen. Except for a 20% reduction in body weight, no serious complications occurred in DSPG + Spx recipients. Despite a profound NA titer reduction, treatment with DSPG, Spx, and PE did not prolong guinea pig cardiac xenograft survival in a clinically significant fashion. Immunopathological study of rejected cardiac xenografts revealed no antibody deposition but persistent complement deposition on vascular endothelium. We conclude that DSPG + Spx effectively inhibits synthesis of rat anti-guinea pig NA, that further NA titer reduction can be achieved with the addition of PE, and that DSPG + Spx prevents post-PE antibody rebound. We also conclude that the limited prolongation in cardiac xenograft survival achieved, despite marked suppression of NA, supports a complement-mediated mechanism of HAR in our animal model.  相似文献   

Complement levels in septic primates treated with anti-C5a antibodies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During gram-negative sepsis it is known that endotoxin activates complement by the alternate pathway. The complement anaphylatoxin C5a, a result of this activation, is thought to play a key role in attracting and activating neutrophils in the lungs, leading to the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Complement levels were measured in primates made septic by Escherichia coli infusions. Anti-human C5a antibodies were administered to study their effect on neutrophil-mediated lung injury. Control (I), septic (II) and septic + anti-C5a antibody (III) groups (n = 4) were studied. The antibody-treated group (III) demonstrated a significant attenuation of septic shock and pulmonary edema as has been previously reported. All complement profiles were corrected for varying hemoglobin concentrations. C3, C4, and C5 levels were measured by radial immunodiffusion and were depleted in both septic groups. Once the levels were depleted from the plasma, they did not recover. The depletion of C4 indicates that classical pathway activation also occurred. C3a, C4a, and C5a levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Significantly increased peak levels were reached in the septic groups 15 min after initiation of the E. coli infusion. There were no significant differences in early peak C3a and C4a levels between groups II and III. However, the mean peak C5a level in group III (anti-C5a antibodies) was 42% lower than that in group II, and after this early peak, C5a levels were not elevated above control levels in group III. The antibody to human C5a was thus shown to be cross-reactive with primate C5a and was specific since C3a and C4a levels were not decreased in group III.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effects of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSG), tacrolimus (FK 506) and cyclosporin A (CyA), alone or in combination, on delayed xenograft rejection (DXR). We used the guinea-pig-to-C6-deficient (C6)-PVG-rat heart transplantation model, since in this strain combination, hyperacute rejection is avoided. In C6- control rats, the guinea pig xenografts survived for 39.2 ± 6.3 h (mean ± SD). Splenectomy alone resulted in a xenograft survival of 71.8 ± 7.8 h, but the addition of CyA or FK 506 did not further improve graft survival (73.6 ± 3.0 h and 72.0 ± 17.6 h, respectively). In contrast, DSG treatment increased graft survival to a mean of 99.8 ± 9.2 h. When CyA or FK 506 was combined with DSG, no additional effects were observed (105 ± 24.3 h and 95.1 ± 5.6 h, respectively). DSG alone or in combination with FK 506 or CyA resulted in a significant reduction in the serum IgM levels and reduced the deposits of IgM and IgG in rejected grafts. However, all xenografts were still heavily infiltrated by ED1 + macrophages, regardless of the treatment used. Thus, DSG treatment resulted in moderate prolongation of xenograft survival in C6 rats. The effect seems to be related to suppression of xenoreactive antibody production. To prolong xenograft survival further, strategies that inhibit macrophage infiltration seem required. Received: 3 November 1998 Received after revision: 23 March 1999 Accepted: 14 July 1999  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We previously reported that Lewis rat hearts transplanted into BALB/c mice developed typical acute vascular rejection (AVR). The present study was undertaken to determine the efficacy of LF15-0195, a new analogue of 15-deoxyspergualin, in the prevention of AVR and to determine whether a combination of LF15-0195 and CD45RB monoclonal antibody (mAb) would have a synergistic effect in prolonging xenograft survival. METHODS: We transplanted 2-week-old Lewis rat hearts into BALB/c mice, followed by experimental immunosuppressive regimens. Control groups were either untreated or treated with mAb monotherapy (100 microg/mouse, days -1 to 7, intravenously). Experimental groups were either treated with LF15-0195 (2 mg/kg, days -1 to 14, subcutaneously) or with LF15-0195 combined with mAb at monotherapeutic doses. RESULTS: Heart xenografts in both untreated and mAb-treated BALB/c recipients were rejected at 6.0+/-0.7 days and 8.5+/-1.3 days, respectively, with typical features of AVR, characterized by hemorrhage, fibrin deposition, thrombosis, and massive accumulations of anti-rat IgG and IgM. Serum xenoreactive antibodies (xAbs) were also markedly elevated in these animals. In contrast, LF15-0195 monotherapy significantly prolonged graft survival to 19.3+/-0.7 days. Notably, xAbs were significantly decreased and graft rejection was of a cell-mediated nature instead of AVR. When mAb was combined with LF15-0195, graft survival was further increased to 65.2+/-9.1 days. Antibody production and T-cell infiltration were significantly inhibited at terminal stages of graft survival. Sequential studies on days 6 and 14 demonstrated that LF15-0195, either alone or combined with mAb, completely inhibited antibody production. However, intragraft infiltration by Mac-1+ cells in LF15-0195-treated recipients was similar to that of untreated recipients. CONCLUSIONS: LF15-0195 effectively attenuated AVR by markedly inhibiting antidonor xAb production. Treatment with a combination of LF15-0195 and CD45RB mAb also significantly reduced T-cell infiltration and should be studied further to evaluate its efficacy in nonhuman primate subjects.  相似文献   

OKT3 monoclonal antibody (OKT3) has already proved to be a valuable edition to the immunosuppression armamentarium available in cardiac transplantation. It is highly effective in treating refractory rejection, where approximately 90% of subjects may be salvaged. It may be even more valuable in prophylaxis, where in combination with an antibody suppression strategy and low-dose, "delayed" cyclosporine it appears to afford near complete protection against rejection. Moreover, OKT3-based prophylaxis seems to impact favorably on the rejection rate after the prophylaxis course has been completed. Adverse reactions are common and generally manageable, although occasional serious clinical events do occur.  相似文献   

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