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目的评价无牙颌患者对全口义齿恢复容貌满意度情况。方法分析近6年口腔门诊无牙颌病例19例,剩余牙槽嵴高度和宽度中度吸收。结果男性满意6例,占60%,基本满意4例,占40%;女性满意5例,占55.6%,基本满意3例,占33.3%,不满意1例,占11.1%。55~65岁满意6例,占54.5%,基本满意4例,占36.4%,不满意1例,占9%。65岁以上满意5例,占62.5%,基本满意3例,占37.5%。结论男性满意率高于女性,65岁以上满意率高于55~65岁。  相似文献   

采用军标 GJBI098-91《急性高原反应的诊断和处理原则》,对进驻高原训练基地的66名医务人员进行急性高原反应量化调查;发现高原反应发病率92.1%,其中基本无反应6.1%、轻度反应65.2%、中度反应24.2%、重度反应4.5%。男性发病率(95.8%)高于女性(72.2%)、30岁以上年龄组发病率(95.3%)高于30岁以下组(78.3%)。分析高原反应高发的原因并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

目的了解平阴县手足口病发病现状,为有效防控疫情提供科学数据。方法对2009~2012年平阴县报告的1123例手足口病病例进行分析。结果2009~2012年平阴县累计报告手足口病病例1223例,重症病例1例,发病率为81.73/10万。手足口病发病率,2009~2012年分别为71.88/10万、65.72/10万、113.86/10万、77.15/10万(P〈0.01);男性为108.14/10万,女性为55.25/10万(P〈CO.01)。1123例病例中,3月龄~1岁占8.10%,1岁占32.41%,2岁占25.82%,3岁占19.23%岁,4岁占7.93%,5--42岁占6.50%;散居儿童占77.56%,托幼儿童占20.93%,学生占1.25%。结论平阴县手足口病散居儿童和城乡结合部居住人群发病人数较多。  相似文献   

目的了解广西不同年龄段男男性行为者艾滋病防治知识、态度、行为和性病艾滋病感染情况。方法按照中国疾病预防控制中心《男男性行为人群艾滋病疫情调查和综合防治试点现场工作手册》收集资料,采集血样检测HIV抗体和梅毒螺旋体,使用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。结果共监测1146人,分15~24、25~49、50岁以上3个年龄段,3个年龄段中男男性行为人群艾滋病防治知识知晓率分别为86.6%、85.4%和73.2%,最近1年做过艾滋病检测并自己知道检测结果分别为26.49%、17.54%和14.63%,HIV抗体阳性率分别为3.10%、6.85%和12.2%,性病相关症状出现率分别为15%、13%和4.9%;预防艾滋病服务措施覆盖率分别为76.4%和71.3%和58.5%,商业性行为的比例分别为10.02%、5.25%和7.32%,与女性发生性行为的比例分别为12.65%、27.55%和19.51%,梅毒的感染率分别为1.67%、1.60%和4.88%。结论广西男男性行为人群艾滋病防治知识知晓率较高,最近1年做过艾滋病检测并自己知道检测结果则较低,商业性性行为低年龄组高于高年龄组,与女性发生性行为比例每年龄高于低年龄组,HIV抗体阳性率高于梅毒感染率。  相似文献   

冠心病是危害人类健康一大疾病,为了减少冠心病的发生,本文就我们科收治156例冠心病易患因素进行分析,探讨冠心病的预防。1资料分析156例冠心病患者中男性82例(52.6%),女性74例(47.4%)。干部104例(66.7%),工人15例(9.6%),职118例(11.5%),家属10例(6.4%)。农民9例(5.8%)。年龄最小46岁,最大85岁,55岁以上者143例(91.7%)。肥胖者98例(62.8%),吸烟者73例占男性患者89%,绝经妇女67例占女性患者90.5%。冬季发病者69例,春季sl例,冬春之季发病率76.9%。合并高血压者42例,糖尿病者29例,高…  相似文献   

腭裂在口腔颌面部是一种常见的先天性畸形。本文收治82例,现就本组病例进行临床分析。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组82例,男性58例,占71%,女性24例,占29%,男女之比:2.4:1。年龄1岁~6岁53例,7岁~12岁25例,13岁~22岁4例。本组均为先天性。单侧完全性65例,双侧完全性12例,不安全性5例。合并单侧唇裂65例、双侧后裂12例、  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,老年人口不断地增加,而肺炎又是老年人中发病率和死亡率的一个重要因素。调查了医院22年间的出院记录,1972~1993年间因肺炎住院>1d,<150d的在65岁以上老年人中占10.5%,按性别、年龄分65~74岁、75~84岁和≥85岁3组统计分析。结果22年间65岁以上老人住院3826926d,因肺炎在院治疗时间为237330d。在院治疗时间,1972年为7092d,占15.5‰,1993年则达16918d,占23.9‰,上升1386%;男性高于女性,其治疗时间分别率均26.0±4.1d和13.4±1.7d,相差非常显著(P<0.001)。随着年龄的增加,治疗时间延长,其在…  相似文献   

宋奇思 《家庭医学》2007,(18):14-14
肺癌的全称叫原发性支气管肺癌.是当今最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。我国男性肺癌发病率占恶性肿瘤的第3位.女性占第4位。全国大中城市男性肺癌占第1位。肺癌多发生在中年以后.绝大多数好发在35~75岁之间.尤以57~65岁为发病高峰。有统计资料表明,肺癌病人40岁以上者.无论男女均占97%以上。因此.40岁以上的人应视为肺癌重点防治对象。  相似文献   

目的了解河北省成年居民被动吸烟状况,为制定河北省控烟措施提供资料。方法利用2004年河北省成年居民慢性病相关危险因素监测的数据,对18~69岁4200名成年居民的被动吸烟状况进行分析。结果河北省成年居民被动吸烟率58.8%,其中城市居民为61.6%,高于农村居民的57.6%(P〈0.05),男性为61.3%,明显高于女性的57.1%(P〈0.01);18~24岁组被动吸烟率较高,城市中男性被动吸烟率最高,为85.7%,每天均是被动吸烟者的比例高达50%。城市男性中每天被动吸烟2小时以上者占24.1%;男性被动吸烟场所在公共场所较多,而女性在家里较多;不吸烟者的被动吸烟率54.2%,其中女性为56.0%,高于男性的45.3%(P〈0.01);一直吸烟者的被动吸烟率为67.4%,城市为72.8%,高于农村的65.1%(P〈0.01)。结论河北省成年居民被动吸烟率较高,应重点在年轻人和男性中进行控烟的健康教育,有效降低这一人群的吸烟率意义重大。  相似文献   

目的研究社区体检人群的血糖水平。方法收集了2009年7~8月在闸北区宝山路街道社区卫生服务中心进行体检的对象1004例,对其空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2h血糖(2hPG)和糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)进行分析。结果①FPG、2hPG和HbAlc存在明显的年龄差异,且随年龄的增高而上升,65~75岁组达高峰(P〈0.05)。②FPG除45~54岁组男性大于女性外,各年龄组女性高于男性;HbAlC除65岁及以上组女性高于男性外,其他各年龄段男性均大于女性;2hPG除55~64岁组女性I大于男性外,其余各组男性也都高于女性。③体检中新发现糖尿病70人(7.98%),空腹血糖受损(IFG)47人(5.36%),糖耐量受损(IGT)157人(17.90%),同时有IFG和IGT19人(2.20%)。结论本次调查结果显示社区老年糖尿病患者血糖控制仍不理想,新发糖尿病及糖耐量受损者不断增加,社区糖尿病防治工作任重道远。  相似文献   

肿瘤患者肝炎病毒感染分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的以2070例肿瘤患者为研究对象,分析其乙型肝炎(HBV)及丙型肝炎(HCV)感染率,研究HBV及HCV感染与恶性肿瘤的关系。方法采用回顾性分析方法,按肿瘤类别、年龄和性别进行分组,对检测结果进行统计分析。结果肝癌的HBV、HCV及混合感染的感染率最高,分别为82.87%、6.71%和4.86%;45~55岁年龄段HBV及HCV单项感染率最高,为22.26%、3.71%;而55~65岁年龄段HBV及HCV混合感染率最高,为2.91%;肝癌及胃癌HBV和HCV单项感染率男性高于女性,而肺癌及结肠癌HBV及HCV单项感染率男性低于女性,肝癌及结肠癌的HBV及HCV混合感染率男性高于女性,肺癌及胃癌则男性低于女性。结论肝癌的HBV、HCV及混合感染的感染率最高;在HBV及HCV单项感染情况下,45~55岁年龄段感染率最高并且男性高于女性。  相似文献   

Little is known about how patients in developing countries, such as Vietnam, are satisfied with eye care services. The purpose of this study was to assess the satisfaction with health services and its associated factors among patients attending a national institute of ophthalmology in Vietnam. In a cross‐sectional study utilizing quantitative methods, 500 inpatients and their relatives attending a national institute of ophthalmology in Vietnam were approached for data collection. The results indicated that under 50% of the patients were satisfied with eye care services. However, when classified by level of satisfaction, only 6.8% were very satisfied with all domains of care. There was no significant difference in satisfaction by gender and income, while significant differences by department, residence, and education were found. Patients who were from rural areas, were better educated, and used the services of the glaucoma department, were more satisfied with eye care than those from urban areas, were less educated, and used the services of treatment‐on‐demand department. Multivariable regression detected 2 main factors, gender and location, associated with patient satisfaction. Patients who were female and came from rural and remote areas were more likely to be satisfied than patients who were male and living in urban areas. The study suggests that to continue to improve health care quality, it is important to eliminate differences in providing eye care services regardless of whether patients are male or female, and whether they come from a rural or urban area.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Systems for providing primary care outside normal hours have changed significantly in Europe over the last 20 years. The impetus for this change has come almost entirely from the medical profession, and it is important to consider the patients' perspective. Although patient's satisfaction with out-of-hours care has been studied extensively, the effect of patient's health status on satisfaction level has not been examined previously. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to investigate whether health status has an influence on patient satisfaction with out-of-hours care provided by a family doctor co-operative. The secondary objective of this study was to investigate the impact of age, gender, socio-economic status and call outcome on patients' satisfaction with out-of-hours care. METHODS: All patients contacting the service over a designated 24 day period were forwarded a postal questionnaire. Health status was recorded using the Short Form-12 (SF-12) health survey. Patients' satisfaction was measured by using a version of the McKinley questionnaire. RESULTS: The response rate was 55% (531 out of 966). Overall satisfaction levels were high, with 88% of patients rating the service as either excellent or good. Logistic regression, modelling for the simultaneous effects of age, gender, socio-economic status, call outcome and health status on overall satisfaction, found that patients with lower physical and mental health status scores were significantly less likely to be satisfied with their out-of-hours care [odds ratio (OR) 1.04, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-1.07, P = 0.017; and 1.03, 95% CI 1.00-1.06, P = 0.046, respectively]. Patients with higher socio-economic status were also significantly less likely to be satisfied (OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.11-0.55, P = 0.001). Patient's age and gender, and call outcome did not significantly affect overall satisfaction levels. CONCLUSION: Family doctor co-operatives have significantly altered the way out-of-hours care is delivered. Patients with lower health status are significantly less likely to be satisfied with this new form of out-of-hours care. This finding has important implications for the future planning of out-of-hours primary care services.  相似文献   

The study involved 983 adolescents attending the first 2 years at high school (14–15 years) in Bra (Northern Italy). The research was aimed at studying the essentials of food habits of adolescents while in school, at home or away from home, their conditions and opinions about body weight, about sport practice and the satisfaction with their physical appearance. The involved students were given a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements were taken (weight and height). The percentage of underweight students was higher among female students than males (8.45 vs. 3.93 %), while boys tended to be overweight more than girls (8.05 vs. 4.02 %). The only obesity cases (n = 3) were found among boys. Female students attending the Professional Institute have a higher BMI than those at the Lyceum (21.97 vs. 21.03; P < 0.05). No significant differences in the BMI value have been found among male students attending different schools. The questionnaire results showed that almost half of the students do not have breakfast at home while they prefer coffee shops or vending machines. The BMI value of the students, who have breakfast at home is lower than that of the students, who almost never have breakfast (21.71 vs. 22.52; P < 0.05). 42 % of meals are not eaten together with the family, even if at home there is a person responsible for the preparation of meals. Sport is practiced by 58.5 % of males and 42.6 % of females in a competitive way and on a regular basis. 35 % of students are occasionally satisfied with their physical appearance; 13.3 % are never satisfied. A significant relationship can be found between the satisfying ratio and gender: 66.2 % of males are always or often satisfied, while 63.9 % of females are unsatisfied or poorly satisfied.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We investigated the association between leisure time exercise participation and well-being (i.e., life satisfaction and happiness) and examined the causality underlying this association. METHOD: The association between exercise participation and well-being was assessed in around 8000 subjects, (age range 18-65 years) from The Netherlands Twin Registry (NTR). Causality was tested with the co-twin control method in 162 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs, 174 dizygotic (DZ) twin and sibling pairs, and 2842 unrelated individuals. RESULTS: Exercisers were more satisfied with their life and happier than non-exercisers at all ages. The odds ratio for life satisfaction given exercise participation was significantly higher than unity in unrelated pairs, and a trend was visible in DZ pairs. In MZ pairs, the odds ratio was close to unity. The pattern of odds ratios for happiness given exercise participation was similar. CONCLUSION: Exercise participation is associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and happiness. This association is non-causal and appears to be mediated by genetic factors that influence both exercise behavior and well-being.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 探讨浙江省中老年人骨质疏松症患病率与骨密度SOS值参考范围,为骨质疏松症的三级预防提供相关的依据。方法 采用超声骨强度仪于2013年10月-2014年6月对浙江省4 297名中老年人进行桡骨远端的骨密度测量,并运用SPSS19.0分析该人群骨质疏松症患病率与骨密度SOS值参考范围。结果 (1)中老年女性、男性骨质疏松症的患病率分别为46.27%、17.35%;55岁以上同年龄女性高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且随着年龄的增长,女性骨质疏松症的患病率逐渐增高(P<0.05);(2)骨密度正常的中老年男性、女性的SOS值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且女性的SOS值、T值分别与年龄具有相关关系(P<0.05);(3)中老年女性、男性SOS值95%的参考值分别为(3 940.38,4 522.22)m/s、(3 905.27,4 474.15)m/s。结论 中老年女性的骨质疏松症患病率高于男性;且中老年女性的SOS值、T值随着年龄的增长,逐渐下降。  相似文献   

绍兴市老年患者住院期间意外伤害调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解绍兴市老年患者住院期间意外伤害的发生现状及相关因素,为开展住院老年患者意外伤害的预防和控制提供科学依据。方法 采用便利取样方法 ,对绍兴市5家市级直属三级医院的65岁以上老年患者850例,以面对面询问方式进行回顾性调查,调查老年患者过去1a中住院期间意外伤害的情况及后果。结果 850例老年住院患者中,过去1a住院期间发生意外伤害54例,意外伤害发生率为6.35%,其中女性为9.27%,男性为4.25%,女性高于男性(χ^27.57,P〈0.01)。65岁~、71岁~、81岁~、91岁~年龄组意外伤害率分别为1.52%,6.06%,10.76%和18.18%,意外伤害的发生率随年龄的增长而增加(χ^220.70,P〈0.001)。意外伤害的发生时间主要在下午及晚间,尤以下午14∶00-18∶00发生率最高(占33.33%)。意外伤害的原因可分为环境因素和生理病理因素。结论 老年患者住院意外伤害发生率较高,其发生受环境因素、自身疾病及照护不到位等因素影响,是内因和外因作用的结果 ,应采取综合性干预。  相似文献   

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